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A (Very Late!) BBC Sherlock Fic for VOos


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Sorry it's so late, hope you enjoy it! :) Here it is:

“Sherlock, is it really necessary to investigate this place? The body was found outside.”

“It was practically on the doorstep.” the detective replied distantly, dismissing his companion’s words and striding impatiently through the gilded doorway of the theatre. John gave an exasperated sigh and followed with obvious reluctance.

Closing the worn doors, he found himself in a stifling space of faded velvets, peeling gold paint and strikingly empty seats. Sherlock was positioned directly in the centre of the forlorn auditorium, glancing around him with sharp eyes, picking out every tiny detail of their surroundings.

After several minutes of watching his calculating glance roam the once splendid room, John was forced to point out the obvious.

“There’s nothing here.” he informed Sherlock, earning a look of disbelief at his apparent idiocy.

“Look, John. Really look.” He inspected the interior of the theatre once again then turned back in confusion.

“Surely you can’t be that stupid? Look! That door. Over there.” Sherlock replied as if it was obvious, pointing a slender finger towards a door to their immediate right. John directed his gaze to it, examining the intricately embossed wood closely.

When he gave no exclamation of understanding, Sherlock sighed heavily. He gave a light sniffle, then started talking at speed.

“Someone’s used this door recently. The dust-”

“The dust?”

“Yes John, the dust. The dust’s been smeared. Nothing else shows any sign of having been touched. Someone must have used the door recently: it hasn’t resettled.” The detective explained rapidly, and was off through the door before John could reply.

He followed Sherlock into the passage, coughing slightly as he attempted to match his fast pace. The dust was thicker in there than in the auditorium, blanketing everything in sight and rising into the air in puffs with each step they took. It muffled any and all noise they made, and it’s presence was choking.

“Oof!” John, lost in thought, had collided with Sherlock, who had stopped dead in front of him. “Sherlock?” He asked, when he remained still. His shoulders gave a small spasm, rising and falling quickly. Then several more times, rising slightly higher with each. A breathy gasp escaped him. His head tilted back. And then –

H’Aktshh! Ap’Ktschhuh! A’Tskshh! Ha’Gkshhtchh! A’HkTSHH!” John looked at Sherlock in surprise, taken aback by the sudden outburst.

“Bless y-

“Hap’Ksshhh! Ak’Tkshhuh! H-hah-Ha’Ktsshchh! H’AkSHH! H’AtKSHUH!” He carefully guided Sherlock towards the door they entered through, feeling his body jerk against him as the relentless torrent of expulsions continued.

“H-Ha’Ksshhh! H’Atkshchhh! A’Kshthhh! J-Ha’Ktshhh! J-Johdn- Ap’Tshkhhh! G-hah-got t-to-H’Akttshhh!”

John ignored Sherlock’s pathetic attempts at speech, instead leading him back out into the auditorium. The detective leant against one of the murky scarlet seats, sniffling liquidly before launching into another round of violent sneezes.

“A’Kttshhh! Ha’Tshkkshh! Ha’KtsHHH! H’Apkshthh! Ha’TshKSHH! Ap’Ktshchhh! H-h-hah!” He teetered on the edge for a moment, then snapped forward with a loud “H’AKSHTCHH!”

“Bless you?” John offered bemusedly, caught between concern and amusement. Sherlock glared at him over his sleeve, but it wasn’t quite as effective when his eyes were streaming from the fit. He snatched a tissue from John’s hesitant hand and gave a long, gurgling blow into it.

“Thadks.” He replied reluctantly, sounding more accusatory than grateful. Then he turned and approached the door again, clearly intending to investigate fully.

“Don’t go back in there, Sherlock!”

“Why d-dot? H’Akshtchh!”

“You’ll just start sneezing agai-”

“But Johd, we did’t get to the-”

“We can come back tomorrow, Sherlock, when you’ve taken some allergy meds.”

“I dod’t deed ady-Ha’Ktshhh! Gkshhtchh! I dod’t deed allergy bedicide, Johd.”

“Sherlock.” John warned, crossing his arms and frowning at his stubbornness.

“Fide.” Sherlock consented reluctantly, scowling and huffing as he flounced towards the doors.

John sighed exasperatedly and followed, thinking about how much fun it would be to get Sherlock to take the damn pills once they were back at the flat.

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Ehehehe! Such a delish little ficclet. :wub: I'm grinning from ear to ear. Pouty Sherlock is best Sherlock. x)

Thank you so much, MaiMai. :hug: *still cannot stop smiling*

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Thanks everyone! :)

You're welcome VoOs, glad you like it! I was so worried it wouldn't be good enough heh.gif

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