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Grain (SPN Fic)


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Guys! There's a meme here at Tarotgal's journal!!


Prompt from SexualOddity: I met someone a few weeks back who is allergic to those wheat bags you use if you have like a back injury or a neck injury, to heat up the area and ease the pain and I immediately thought that that's an allergy that needs to be supernaturallified. So... yeah that's my prompt. Supernaturalify that allergy!


“Sam, wake up.” Dean pats his drowsing brother’s chest once, twice, three times before he finally wakes. “Finally found us a motel.”

Sam murmurs something incomprehensible, eyes half-lidded and droopy, then sits up and turns to face Dean. A hiss of pain follows directly after, his eyes tightly squeezing shut.

“What’s wrong?” Dean asks.

“My neck,” Sam complains, rubbing it gingerly. “Hurts when I move it.”

“Probably got a crick from sleeping in the car for, what, five hours?”

“We were out all night,” Sam shoots back defensively.

Dean parks the car before giving his brother a once-over, then reaching for their kit in the back.

“Out of Tylenol,” he announces, noiselessly shaking the empty bottle. “You gonna be okay here while I pick up some more?”

Still staring straight ahead, Sam raises his eyebrows, and then winces. “Yeah. I’m fine. Just can’t move my head at all.”

Dean hands his brother the room key and says he’ll be back soon.


When Dean returns, bags in tow, Sam is sitting in the bed furthest from the door, propped up on a bunch of pillows and staring straight ahead, laptop closed and on the floor next to him.

“Hey,” he greets.

“Hey,” Dean says and sets their duffels on the floor, then walks over to Sam and hands him a bottle of painkillers. “Got you a coupla things.”

Sam swallows the pills and rubs his neck. “What’s that?”

Dean’s placing a long, patterned cloth into the tiny motel microwave and setting the timer to 30 seconds. “Wheat bag,” he answers. “Lady at the store said it was good for stuff like this.”

Sam huffs out a short laugh. “You actually asked someone for help?”

“Shut up,” is Dean’s rebuttal, right before the microwave dings and he tosses the pack into Sam’s lap.

Sam’s still smiling a little, but it fades when he places the wheat bag around his neck and then immediately brings his sleeve up to his face.

MmkkTSSCHew! Ugh.”

“Whoa, you okay?”

“Yeah I – uht’STCHCHuh! HUH-ktssSHHEW!

“Jeez, bless you.” Dean finishes unpacking the rest of their supplies, then turns to look at his brother who’s yet to move his arm away from his face.

“Thanks,” Sam says finally, sniffling and pressing the knuckle of his index finger against the side of his nose, eyes watering a little. He sniffles again and says, “I think the wheat bag’s helping.”

Dean brightens. “Really?”

“Think I can move my head a little now… HHhhTHCHHuh! Ow. God. Mbaybe ndot.” He stands up, one hand on the wheat bag and the other underneath his nose, and walks into the bathroom to pull a handful of tissues from the box that’s wedged into the wall next to the sink.

NmmpTSCHH! Huh’IHSschhew!” They sound like he’s holding them back – at least, as held back as Sam can manage – because of his injury, but still wet and urgent and aggressive to get out. “Hihh’mptschhUH!

“Are you getting sick? Like you said, we were out in the rain pretty late last night.”

Sam sits back on his bed. “Ndo. Sniff! Jusdt – huh! – jusdt sndeezindg, I thindk.”

“You don’t usually sneeze like that seven times for nothing,” Dean points out.


“Eight,” Dean corrects with a grin. “Eight and a half…”


“…and boom goes the dynamite. Bless you. Seriously, dude, you alright?”

Sniff! Itd’s finde,” Sam insists. “At least mby ndeck feels better.” He presses against the wheat bag, and they both watch as little puffs of the dried grain float free from its seams and into the atmosphere.


“Ooookay,” Dean says, sounding decided and enlightened. He removes the bag from around Sam’s neck. “Maybe we should just use ice from now on…”

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Gotta love ALL of Sam and Dean fictions!! :heart:

Allergic to grain!! That's a nice find hehee poor Sam :D I just can't read enough!! Thank you!!!

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Dawww he's so cute all allergic, sniffily, and sneezy. So awesome! Love.

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Thank you guys so much!! I hadn't heard of wheatbags until Oddity mentioned them, and wow, it makes sense right? Grass allergies, wheat allergies...

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Another meme?? I actually have decided to participate in this one, not just lurk and hope my favorite prompts get filled, and mourn over not having enough time to actively participate. Because I feel bad that I haven't had the time, but I still leach off of everyone else's creativity by reading everything and not saying thank you!!

Also. Awwww, hurt neck?? I'm dying. It's too cuuuute. I love the idea of Sam being allergic to something random like a grain pouch, especially because it's so fitting that SAM THE HUNTER would be allergic to something that relieves injury pain.

AAHHH, this was soooo good! I loved Dean thinking Sam was getting sick, and knowing the exact number of sneezes.

I'm dying. Did I say that already? It's true. Dead.

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You're so sweet! I'm so happy you decided to participate!! But no pressure, of course, just as long as you are comfortable and enjoying yourself and having sooo much fun!

Oh my god, I never thought of it as being ironic that way, but you're right! You're so right! Another reason to love all over that prompt!!!

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Can u please continue I beg of you? I love ur writing

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