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Cedar (SPN Fic)


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Just a really quick thing before next week's meme. Okay, here you go!



Sam draws in a wheezy breath as he leans back into the impala’s cushioned seats, scrubbing at his eyes and frowning at the windshield.

“You doin’ okay?” Dean asks from behind the wheel. Sam’s been doing that for at least an hour now, not to mention that he keeps pressing his palm against the side of his nose and clearing his throat uncomfortably.

Sam snuffles, and it really sounds like he’s not, but he’s been like this more or less since allergy season started earlier that week. Really nothing too severe, just a lot more sniffly and sneezing about ten times more than you’d consider average with dark, puffy circles under his eyes from where his sinuses had decided to swell up.

Still, he nods an affirmative. “Yeah. It’s ndormbal.”

“Just a couple more hours until San Antonio,” Dean assures him.

“Right. The cedar pollend capital of the endtire coundtry.”

“So they’re bound to have the industrial-strength antihistamines, and you ran out this morning. Look on the bright side, Sammy.”

Sam bites back a comment about how looking on the bright side would probably make him sneeze, like everything else has these past few days. He’s been avoiding the glare of the mid-morning sun coming from the passenger side mirror for just that reason.

“Why don’t you try taking a nap for the rest of the way?” Dean suggests, reaching to turn the volume knob to the left and dull the sound of Zeppelin filling the car. “I’ve got directions covered from here.”

Sam tries to hum something noncommittal, but no air gets through. “Ugh. I can’d breathe through mby ndose at all.”

“Well, maybe if you used your mouth for breathing instead of bitching…”

Sam pulls a bitchface then, which Dean actually thinks is extra hilarious in this case due to his pink nose and eyes.

“Okay, okay,” Dean says. “Next exit we’ll stop and grab you some meds – oh. Gesundheit.”

“HHhh’itschhUH! Hih! NmmPTSHHew!

Consecutively, the first couple weeks of spring are always the worst for Sam. Sure, the pollen count fluctuates throughout the season (and doesn’t really get better during the Summer), but because he’s spent the entire winter pollen-free, the sudden increase in allergen-heavy air shocks his immune system and puts his symptoms into overdrive.


“Bless you. Just hang tight, Sammy.”


They stop at a drug store somewhere outside of Fort Worth, and Dean orders Sam to stay in the car because they both know that the fresh air isn’t going to do him any good – and besides, Dean’s been studying Sam’s allergy symptoms for twenty-whatever years now and shouldn’t have trouble figuring out which meds to get.

When he comes back out to the car, shopping bags in hand, there’s a yellow sheet of sticky pollen covering the hood and windshield of his car, which is gross to begin with and definitely isn’t going to help his brother’s allergies.

Sam is curled up and in the middle of a sneezing fit when Dean opens the door.

“Here,” Dean says, ripping open the plastic covering of a tissue box and tossing the box into his brother’s lap. “Don’t drip on the seats.”

“Shut up.” Sam rolls his eyes, but accepts the offering anyway. “Hiht’ITSHCHHUH! God!”

Sam’s normally pretty nonchalant about being allergic, just letting it happen to him and going about his day without really noticing much, apart from the occasional frustration after a particularly bad fit or a nose that won’t stop running. On days like these, though, he’s both sheepish and irritated because the itch is all he can focus on since it’s so constant, with true “fresh air” being unavailable wherever he went.

“These too,” Dean continues, passing over a box of Benadryl. It might not help much, since the attack has already started, but anything would probably be better than Sam’s current state. “You have a headache?”

NGHTttt! Uh. Ndot yet.”

“Alright, well. There’s Tylenol in the bag.”

Sam clears his throat. “Thangks, Deand.”

Dean hums and drives on, and speaks only after a few moments. “I’m going to run through a car wash. She’s coated in, like, freaking tree sperm or whatever.”


Why did it have to be Texas?

Edited by Sen Beret
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Hehehe looooove this X3 “I’m going to run through a car wash. She’s coated in, like, freaking tree-sperm or whatever.” That made me laugh so hard!

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Tree sperm, hehehe. Oh, and I loved that line about how looking on the bright side makes him sneeze. This is one of the best puns I've heard in a whilelaugh.png

Um, and... what meme? Now I'm really curious. bounce.gif

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You are so awesome. I LOVED this. I think it's list o'clock.

1. Allergic Sam! Just that.

2. In an extension of point 1. Allllll those little details of allergy evidence - the rubbing of the eyes, pressing his palm against his nose, the throat clearing. Mmmmmm....

3. PHOTIC. And Sam having to be really careful to avoid looking into the light.

4. EVERYTHING has been making him sneeze lately. Yum.

5. Him moaning about not being able to breathe through his nose is just ADORABLE.

6. The lovely awesome teasing banter! I love that SO much.

7. Never gonna get tired of Dean anticipating Sam's sneezes before they happen. Or of Dean blessing Sam.

8. Your spellings are my favourite ever, ever of anyone's.

9. The idea that Sam has always been allergic and Dean knows how to handle it. I LOVE siblings and all that shared history.

10. Sneeeeeezing fits. I even just like the words.

11. That one really powerful sneeze after Sam takes the tissues. *Melt*

12. Sam is so frustrated and it's just so, SO cute.

13. The little description of how Sam usually is with his allergies. You just set up like a million other little scenarios in my head of other times when he's going about his business and just handling being allergic.

14. The itch is all he can think about. ALL HE CAN THINK ABOUT.

15. No fresh air for Sam. The air itself is making him allergic. This is why I love hayfever. Poor Sammy!

16. He has medication, which I'm glad about, but it's not going to help much, which I'm also glad about.

17. Dean is the BEST caretaker.

This is just absolute love. I love Sam and I love allergies and I LOVE LOVE LOVE your writing, and this is just like a perfect storm :D :D :D

Also this...

“Just a couple more hours until San Antonio,” Dean assures him.

“Right. The cedar pollend capital of the endtire coundtry.”

Is this for real? Because... um... there's a whole stack of potential daydream material right there!

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Shoot. YOU GUYS. Thank you SO much, oh man, I'm so happy and flattered and bouncy!!

Hehehe looooove this X3 “I’m going to run through a car wash. She’s coated in, like, freaking tree-sperm or whatever.” That made me laugh so hard!

Hehe thank you!! That's what it is, though, right? Trees getting sexy and making more pollen (which is also sexy, yeah yeah yeahhhhh)

Haha I giggled at tree sperm. tonguesmiley.gif

Yay! I'm not usually very funny (my sense of humor is WEIRD) so it is really really neat that you liked it!!

Tree sperm, hehehe. Oh, and I loved that line about how looking on the bright side makes him sneeze. This is one of the best puns I've heard in a whilelaugh.png

Um, and... what meme? Now I'm really curious. bounce.gif

Yes! The bright side! Because light! Because photic sneezing! Get it? Get it?? Ohhhh man. I'm just too good. (Not really.) Hehe thaaaank you!

There's a meme on Tarotgal's journal starting Monday!! I've been ridiculously inexplicably excited for it!

A wonderful start to my day. Your stuff is fantabulous smile.png

YOU ARE SO SWEET, thank you!

You are so awesome. I LOVED this. I think it's list o'clock.

1. Allergic Sam! Just that.

2. In an extension of point 1. Allllll those little details of allergy evidence - the rubbing of the eyes, pressing his palm against his nose, the throat clearing. Mmmmmm....

3. PHOTIC. And Sam having to be really careful to avoid looking into the light.

4. EVERYTHING has been making him sneeze lately. Yum.

5. Him moaning about not being able to breathe through his nose is just ADORABLE.

6. The lovely awesome teasing banter! I love that SO much.

7. Never gonna get tired of Dean anticipating Sam's sneezes before they happen. Or of Dean blessing Sam.

8. Your spellings are my favourite ever, ever of anyone's.

9. The idea that Sam has always been allergic and Dean knows how to handle it. I LOVE siblings and all that shared history.

10. Sneeeeeezing fits. I even just like the words.

11. That one really powerful sneeze after Sam takes the tissues. *Melt*

12. Sam is so frustrated and it's just so, SO cute.

13. The little description of how Sam usually is with his allergies. You just set up like a million other little scenarios in my head of other times when he's going about his business and just handling being allergic.

14. The itch is all he can think about. ALL HE CAN THINK ABOUT.

15. No fresh air for Sam. The air itself is making him allergic. This is why I love hayfever. Poor Sammy!

16. He has medication, which I'm glad about, but it's not going to help much, which I'm also glad about.

17. Dean is the BEST caretaker.

This is just absolute love. I love Sam and I love allergies and I LOVE LOVE LOVE your writing, and this is just like a perfect storm biggrin.pngbiggrin.pngbiggrin.png

Also this...

“Just a couple more hours until San Antonio,” Dean assures him.

“Right. The cedar pollend capital of the endtire coundtry.”

Is this for real? Because... um... there's a whole stack of potential daydream material right there!

OH MY GOD. Oh man you are SO nice to me! I DON'T EVEN KNOW WHAT TO DO WITH MYSELF, you are just the coolest and wow wow wow. Thank you! Your stuff was actually what got me into Supernatural (I think I might have told you this before!) so you're sort of like, a celebrity in my head!!

I just love allergic!Sam so, soooo much hehe. MAN I just keep going back to your list and reading it over and over...

And yes! San Antonio is like, KNOWN for its cedar pollen! And guess what else. Jared is from San Antonio! And he's also allergic to cedar! Can you believe it?! Like, he lived (lives?!?!!? sometimes?!?!) there! And his family lives there! He GOES THERE and like, just, wow WOW so awesome and lovely, right? Just imagine it!!

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Wow. I knew he was from San Antonio and that he was allergic to cedar, but I never knew how those two facts were connected. Wow. That's really hot.

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Ughhh I knooooww! I think about it ALL THE TIME. Someone should... write something about that... remember how they were filming near an active cedar mill for Yellow Fever? Yeah... yessss...

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27_jj wrote a really good one about filming for 'Yellow Fever' and I was gonna link you but I can't find it :(

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And THIS!! Sen Beret you are truly awesome! I like "Cedar" so much I keep on reading it :D

There's something about allergic Sam and Dean taking care of him that just...agghh I don't have words!! :heart:

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  • 2 weeks later...

Smiled when I read this as the green haze has overtaken my state. Poor Sam. There is truly no escaping it.

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And THIS!! Sen Beret you are truly awesome! I like "Cedar" so much I keep on reading it biggrin.png

There's something about allergic Sam and Dean taking care of him that just...agghh I don't have words!! heart.gif

You are really too too sweet! Thank you! That's really my favorite trope... allergic/sick Sam and protective/caretaking Dean!

Smiled when I read this as the green haze has overtaken my state. Poor Sam. There is truly no escaping it.

Aww, really? It hasn't hit us here yet! The trees are all still naked! Hehe. Glad you liked it!

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  • 3 weeks later...

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