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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Graham Cracked

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(God, that's perhaps the worst title I've ever come up with. So, since I've been on a bit of a writing spree since getting use of my laptop back, I've also been getting into catching up with a lot of what I've left off on. I'm not 100% sure if I'm gonna be going back to my OHSHC story, because I'll need to rewatch the series once again in order to gain the motivation. Same with my WIR story.

But with this one, probably one of my shorter stories, I had this idea since one of my favorite YouTube Let's Players, ChilledChaos, needed to take a hiatus for a week. I know now why he had to do that, but I thought of this little scenario in my head since I know New York is awful in February. This is a new concept for me, since it's based off of real people, not OCs or characters from TV or film.

All you need to know about him [if you don't already watch his videos], is that he tends to commentate over Minecraft sessions with friends, as well as several other games with other LPers. I'll try my best to keep the names as simple first names instead of their usernames to avoid confusion.

ChilledChaos: Anthony

EatMyDiction: Nick

Seananners: Adam

GassyMexican: Max

Utorak: Jamie

Sorry for a really long intro to this, once again, I'm new to writing stories like this about real people. Also, not really much sneezing in the first chapter [which seems to be a trend for me], but there will be more in later ones.)

The alarm was painful in his head as it rang him awake. It took him a moment to find the clock in his haze, turning it off with a firm smack, then turning over in his bed with a groan. Already, he could hear his Skype beeping. He was going to do another recording of MissionCraft since he was allowed back in, even after stealing everyone's stuff. But he was having none of it today. He didn't even want to move.

After sleeping for what he thought was only a few seconds, his phone buzzed on the table next to him. Mistakenly hitting the alarm clock again, he struggled to sit up and grab his phone, rubbing his head with his free hand. The message simply read 'Where the fuck are you?' from Max. Of all his online friends, he wasn't expecting him to be the first one who was concerned. So, with a deep, raspy groan, he struggled out of his bed and threw on some old sweatpants and a sweater from the floor by his bed. He was too tired the night before to change into anything else for sleep, and tired still to find anything else to wear now.

In a groggy moment of setting up his microphone, headset and software, he finally saw his Skype on screen. He accepted the call from the same, 'GassyMexican', or Max. He saw that, several times before, his other friends tried calling him as well. And upon seeing the others' icons, he knew it was going to be a busy day for recording.

"Hey, guys..." he croaked out in the middle of a conversation between Max and his other close friend, Jamie. However, it was Nick, the second picture on screen of a large bear, that spoke out.

"Whoa, you ok, Chilled?" he asked Anthony, calling him by his more commonly used username.

"I dunno...I just woke up." he responded, pulling away from the microphone to cough into his fist briefly. As he did, the lighter voice of his last friend, Adam, spoke out.

"You sound like shit, dude."

"I feel like shit...you guys aren't recording, are you?"

"No, we were waiting for you," Nick spoke out again. "We were gonna play some Hidden, you up for it?"

"Eh, I'm probably not gonna talk for the most part...but sure, I don't mind," he agreed after trying to convince himself he would be alright.

"You don't have to, man, just go back to bed," the British Jamie said, genuine concern on his voice.

"Nah, I'll be alright..." he said with a sniffle, going silent for a moment. "Just lemme get some medicine first, ok?"

"Alright," Adam replied. "I'll get the game started, you come in when you can."

Anthony pulled off his headset and started for his bathroom, hoping he had something to help him. He had no idea when he last went shopping for medicine, and it showed once he opened the cabinet. All that was in there was a bottle of aspirin. He decided, with nothing else, at least it would help his headache.

He took the bottle and was about to turn to make his way out, when he was forced to stop with a sudden, hitched breath. His free hand hovered by his face as he shut his eyes slowly, waiting impatiently with his mouth agape.

"Haah-..." his brow twitched briefly, and with a sudden gasp, he buckled forward into his hand. "Haahg-KchUUU!!!"

The force of his sneeze caused him to waver and hold onto the side of the sink. After waiting a moment to make sure that was the only one, he sniffled and grabbed some toilet paper, blowing his nose briefly with a soft honk. Feeling slightly better, he decided to just bring the whole roll with him back to his room, knowing he'd more than likely need it.

Staggering back to the computer, he sat down with a plop into his chair, put the headset back on, took two aspirin with a water bottle on his desk, and set the toilet paper aside.

"Alright, I'm back..." he said, joining into the game they had set up. The Skype call remained silent for a moment, before Adam spoke up.

"We heard you, Chilled," he said, laughing a bit.

"Wait, what?"

"Yeah," Nick continued. "We got your sneeze on the Skype call."

"Oh, fuck..." he groaned, feeling his face warm up with a blush. "Did anyone record it?"

"I did," Jamie said. "You want me to cut it out of the video?"

"I would appreciate that, yeah..." he said, sniffling briefly, though knowing most of what they record stays in the final video. "I'll try to maintain from here on out, too."

"Are you recording, Chilled?" Max asked him as the game started.

"Not right now, it'll sound the worst on my end..." he coughed for a moment before the game booted up on his end, causing him to groan. "Great, why am I the Hidden right now?!"

"Well, this ought to be easy to kill you then~" Adam said with another laugh.

Anthony whined slightly as his invisible character began to run into a building, where the rest of his friends were there to hunt him down. But with his condition, and how he knew how badly he usually plays as the Hidden, he knew this was going to end in horrible embarrassment, if he could even make it through the day.

(...man, this is probably the nerdiest concept I've done so far xD Sorry for anyone confused about any references, I'll clear up any questions asked. Also, if you want to know more about these LPers, or want to picture their voices/faces to the story, look them up on YouTube with their respective names. Shameless plug was shameless)

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I came into this not expecting to either enjoy it or understand it...

But I did!! :D

I dont know who these people are (:P) but I liked this! I think I get the concept too, you've written it well, so I dont have any questions!

I'd like to see more though :blush:

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I am surprisingly interested in this. Like, super interested. And I also find this incredibly adorable. :wub:

Please continue! :heart:

BYE! :bleh:

Edited by VividBubbles!
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Haha I didn't really expect to get this but a lot of my friends play Minecraft so I sort of understood and actually really enjoyed this :D Its really original, if you're gonna do more that would be wonderful :)

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(Thanks a lot for the support so far~!! :D I honestly had no idea anyone would like this, since it's such an awkward concept for me to be depicting real people this time >///< But I'm glad people are giving this story a shot and I hope you'll like this next chapter just as much! <3)

The game was a simple one they had always played. One person is an almost invisible being called the 'Hidden', who has a knife and grenades at his disposal. The rest of the players are a special SWAT team called I.R.I.S., the Infinitum Research Intercept Squad, who has to hunt down the Hidden before it gets them. A cat and mouse game Anthony enjoyed playing...as a member of the Squad. He was always shot down within a minute of gameplay whenever he was the Hidden. And with how he was feeling, he figured he would be lucky enough to reach that long.

He ran his character into the building and, with the Hidden's ability to jump extremely high, he hid in the rafters to wait for his friends to show up. All while sniffling away from his microphone to avoid a budding fit. Adam, one of the better players of the group, showed up first down a hallway.

"Alright, the Hidden usually spawns down here on this map..." he spoke to the others over their Skype conversation. Following after him were the three others, Nick, Max and Jamie.

"Where are you, Chilled~?" Nick said mockingly, walking up towards the lower level beneath him.

"Nowhere..." Anthony replied with a sniffle, readying a grenade to throw to them and run.

"Adam, you watch out over there," Jamie said, pointing his gun's laser sight over to a fork in the hallway. "I'll watch out down here," he finished, facing his character up the hallway, directly under Anthony.

As they each got into their positions, Anthony threw the grenade down behind Adam's character and started to run. Once he hit the ground, however, he stopped and pulled away quickly from the computer, bringing his hand to his mouth.

"Haaahg-KchIEW!!! IshEW!!! TchIUU!!!" he sneezed harshly, each one feeling like an explosion through his body. He heard several things happening from his fit. One was the grenade exploding, another was Adam laughing and Jamie shouting 'I see him!', followed by gunfire. He tried to get back to the keyboard to run away, but after a second, his character was dead.

"Ahh, c'mon, guys!" he shouted, leaning back in his chair with frustration. "I couldn't see anything, I was sneezing!"

"That was funny, though," Adam said, a smile able to be heard on his voice. "You sneezed and the grenade went off."

The rest of his friends laughed briefly as Anthony groaned, grabbing a bundle of toilet paper.

"It's not funny, guys~..." he said before giving his nose a blow, the honking noise causing them to laugh once again. "C'mon, you're all a bunch of children..."

"It's just not funny to you because you're the sick one," Max said as another round started. This time, Adam was the Hidden, as Anthony and the others started as the squad outside of the building.

"Alright, now this'll get interesting," he chuckled in a soft voice that put the squad on edge. They all knew how well Adam was at the game, how he would mess with them with throwing barrels to add a further scare factor. And in this state, Anthony knew he was going to be a target.

They each took a different section of the building, and the first one Adam picked off was Jamie, who tried to turn and walk down a hallway Adam was standing in. Once a squad leader is down, they can watch over the rest of the players and warn them about where the Hidden is, or mess with their heads as well. Jamie immediately began to spectate where Anthony was, which was in a small computer room at the edge of the building. He chuckled and whispered to him.

"You on Myspace, Chilled? Who uses that anymore?" he said, loud enough for Adam to hear.

"Shut up, Utorak, don't tell him where I am," he said, running out of the room and looking back and forth.

"I see him!!" Nick shouted suddenly, followed by a series of gunfire before a loud 'GOD dammit!!'

"He get you, Diction?" Anthony asked with building nerves, only getting an answer from Adam laughing. "Oh, God, I am so dead..."

"Where are you, Chilled~?" Adam said in a soft but demonic voice. "I'm coming for you~"

"Please don't...that's na- OH GOD I SEE YOU!!" he shouted in a panic, shooting wildly at a cloud of clear steam that indicated the Hidden was there. Adam jumped up and into the rafters, laughing in a high pitch.

"Where are you guys?" Max asked, being the last one alive aside from Anthony.

"By the computers..." Anthony said, his voice trailing off as he felt another building fit start in his sinuses. "Oh God, hurry, Gassy...I'm gonna go blind in a second..."

"Wait, what?" Jamie asked while still spectating him, unsure of what he meant.

"D-Don't kill me, Adam, please--" he managed to gasp out before pulling away from the computer once again. He pinched his nose shut and tried to stifle one sneeze to stop the rest of them. "Heek-KchNX!!" Pausing briefly, he looked back to the screen and saw the steam was right in front of his face. In a panic, he pulled his character back and shot wildly. "NO, DON'T!!"

Within a few seconds, his character was down. Anthony whined and pulled away from the computer again, his fit still active in his nose.

"Ihhh-KchEW!! Haah...Haaht-ChUU!! TchIUU!!" he sniffled harshly, rendered unable to breath through his nose anymore. He rubbed at it and looked back to the screen, spotting his friend, Max, falling to Adam's knife as well.

"Are you gonna be alright, Chilled?" Jamie asked once he fell quiet.

"I dunno...hey, guys, I'b out for today..." he said with mild congestion, closing out of his game.

"Alright, get better, dude," Max said with a sigh as another round started for the rest of them.

Anthony closed out of his Skype conversation with them, grabbed the bottle of aspirin, water and the toilet paper, removed his headset and staggered back to his bed. With a plop back on his mattress, he just wanted to sleep the rest of the day. However, with a sudden text message, he remembered that, of all days, this was the worst to get sick on.

"Oh, shit!" he shouted, sitting up quickly. "Kara!"

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Oooooohhhhh! Kara?

Hehe, this is so adorable! :heart: Definitely continue. :)

BYE! :bleh:

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