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Spring Fever {Glee, Klaine!}


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Blaine and Kurt were relatively healthy people. Kurt rarely got sick, and even then it was minor colds. While Blaine was also rarely sick, he tended to come down with whatever ha managed to catch hard and fast. Kurt had an ongoing, 10 year streak of not having thrown up. Blaine hadn't ever had a surgery.

But that wasn't to say either of them didn't have allergies. If you walked into their apartment in New York City during a spring day, you'd find tissues in their trashcans and allergy meds on the bedside table.

Kurt had a strong aversion to flowers. Isabelle knew never to put any near him or in the offices at all, especially during spring. She could recall the massive sneezing fits and itchy eyes Kurt had tried to hide before he had told her.

Blaine couldn't get within five feet of a cat or any freshly cut grass with out launching into a miserable sneezing fit that would leave him breathless and his chest tight.

So it was reasonable to freak out when both boys woke up on a sunny May morning to find their allergy medication was out. Blaine had used the last one yesterday morning. Even with the windows sealed shut, Kurt's nose was itching like crazy and he quickly grabbed a tissue, sniffling thickly to help move the process along.


Groaning, the man pressed his face into his boyfriends chest, Blaine rubbing the taller mans back.

"I didn't even realize that was the last one, I'm so sorry!" Blaine murmured, wiping at Kurt's nose before throwing the tissue away. Kurt just groaned, rubbing his eyes till they were red.

"I....nehhh....ne'ISHH'EW!....need mbedicide..." Kurt whined, rubbing his face against Blaine's shoulder.

Nodding, Blaine stood up. "I'll go and get some love. You try and take a shower, that might help."

Quickly throwing on some shorts and a polo, Blaine slipped out of their apartment, thankful to be close to a drug store. Walking in, Blaine went to Isle 4 and went to their usual spot where the Claritin was. They had tried many different ones, none ever giving any relief until they tried the little white pill.

Blaine's eyes widened, sighing. They were out. Biting at his lip, Blaine grabbed a few boxes of tissues before heading back to the apartment. "K....bad news..." he called out, chuckling when he heard Kurt in mid sneeze.


"Bless. They were out, so we'll have to wait.." Blaine murmured, pressing a kiss to Kurt's forehead. The counter tenors hair was wet, indicating he had taken a shower. His eyes looked a little less red, but his nose had now taken on a pink hue.

"Blaiiiidde....I'b mbiserable." Kurt pouted, letting a few stifled sneezes go onto Blaine's shirt.

"H'kgSH!! uh...huh...h'ISSH"

"Mm, well maybe I can make it better.." Blaine grinned, dropping a small kiss to Kurt's mouth. It was no secret both of them were attracted to the others sneezing. Kurt smiled a little. "I was hobig you'd say thad.."


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