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8-bit Angel (Wreck-it Ralph fic) + Part 4!


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I noticed something in the Wreck-it Ralph movie which excited me a lot! Near the beginning of the film, there is some graffiti on the wall of the game station, which will excite some Final Fantasy VII fans. It said, 'Aerith lives', go and look it up, cause I thought I was just seeing things but I wasn't, and then this little beauty was born!

It's a little different since it's a cross-over of two fandoms, something I've never done before since it's something I don't like, I figured Wreck-it Ralph is basically one giant crossover, so I guess it's okay!

Note: This is an alternative to if Calhoun actually rejected Felix's affections (Poor thing!). And I'm going to use 'Aeris' instead of 'Aerith' because I have always called her Aeris, so sorry if that bugs you. *blows raspberry*



Fix-it Felix had heard about The Lady of the Code --as she had been dubbed. The woman who appeared in the time of need of game characters, when lost, in trouble or their game was almost to be unplugged. They said she came from the above and materialised from the pixelated particles. Not many had seen her and when they did, that was all they could ever talk about. The funniest thing about it all, they couldn't remember what she even looked like. 

All they could say that her eyes were the greenest of green, and that she literally pulled them out of whatever horror they had been caught in. Those emerald eyes had become the stuff of fantasy-- a beautiful myth; but real? Who knows.

So she was called The Lady of the Code, since no one knew who she was, titling as if she were a legendary prophecy. In all his 30 years of living in his game, Felix had not once seen this fair lady, even during the whole Turbo situation. But would she have even come? Would she have saved Vanellope and Sugar Rush? Or did she know they were all going to survive? Felix didn't want to dwell on such things; they made him nervous and worried.

Now, however, things had suddenly changed. When the dear handyman came to give the hot-headed Calhoun an innocence kiss on the cheek, he did not receive a kiss himself nor a sharp slap across the face; but only a pained exp<b></b>ression and a low 'No, Felix.' was uttered.

Which was why Felix's eyes were now clouded with warm, stinging tears; and instead of making his way back to his game, he bumped into something unexpected, literally.


Feedback is most appreciated! :D

Edited by AppleBlossom
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I'm very interested right now. Very, very interested. Please continue soon!

BYE! :bleh:

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Sorry about this, but my computer just randomly decided to delete all of the stuff I had wrote for this fic. I rewrote it and it deleted it again! Hopefully I have fixed the problem, but it will take a while for me, one; to rewrite it and two; to remember what I actually wrote!

Sorry for the inconvenience! :P x

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Sorry for the long, long, long wait, but it's here!


He wandered aimlessly around the game station, keeping his eyes fixed to the door; until his tiny body hit the back of two long legs, almost knocking the air out of him.

When Felix looked up to apologise to the figure, he was met with a bell. The kind of bell that someone would only meet once in their lifetime; making their heart to sink at the amount of affection filling inside of the vessel. 

But there she stood.

Her chestnut-coloured hair fell down her back in an intricate braid, with a feminine pink bow peeking out from behind her head. Her clothing was welcoming in the strangest of ways; a red jacket covering her small delicate shoulders, and her rose-hued dress drifted towards the floor, ending just above a pair of well-worn boots. Her hands held a wicker-basket brimming with saffron-coloured lilies. Her soft eyes were shining with a slight hint of concern. "Oh! I'm sorry, are you alright?"

The fact that she apologised for Felix's embarrassing clumsiness caught him a little off-guard. "I-I'm fine, are you hurt Ma'am?" He stuttered, his voice breaking ever so slightly.

"I'm alright, thank you." Her head bobbed in gratitude, and her ribbon followed suit. "I'm Aeris, what's your name?"

"My name is Fix-it Felix Jr. from the game..." He didn't even have the heart to finish his sentence, his voice going quiet, "I'm so sorry about this, I w-wasn't watching where I was going!"

Seeing how flustered the small handyman had become, she tried to humour him, "No wonder, with that little hat of yours down to your chin, I'm surprised you saw your way at all!" She teased, pivoting on the heel of her raggedy boot and her basket swinging behind her back.

His eyes started to water, so he tried to keep his eyes down, but they were too bright to not be noticed. He tried to blink away the emotions that blurred his vision, a loose hiccup caught in his throat and his bottom lip began to tremble.

"Oh no, I'm sorry! Please don't cry, I didn't mean to upset you!"

"I'm not crying, I...I just got somethin' in my eye, Ma'am." His words were littered with hiccups and sniffles, he covered his mouth with the back of his hand, muffling any more sobs trying to escape.

The girl tried to cheer him up, the only way she knew how, "Would you like a flower? They're only a Gil." She kneeled down to his level, placing the colourful basket onto her knees.

Gil? Felix assumed that that was the currency in her own game. Still, he couldn't buy them anyway even if he wanted to, because one; he didn't have a Gil to his name and two; those flowers were too... too--

"Hh... heh'kscht!"

Ugh, tickly.

Felix still kept his back turned away from Aeris, as his breath shuddered both with embarrassment, leftover tears and an itchy nose. "Eh'ikstchh!" His hand was clasped around his nose, hearing the girl speak behind him. 

"Bless you," She cried, concern coating her voice; Felix moved back to face her, blinking away the sudden itchiness in his eyes. "Here you go." Felix blinked to find a white handkerchief thrust in front of his runny nose. "T-Thank you." Felix sheepishly took the handkerchief from her and pressed it under his nose. His eyebrows drew up to his fringe, feeling the softness of the fabric beneath his reddening nose. 

"Your eyes are a little puffy," The shaky handyman blushed at the flower girl's statement. "Are you sure it's just something in your eye?" Mimicking the fixer, ever so slightly.

"It's.... nothing." He whispered, weaving his fingers around her handkerchief.

"Nothing?" Eyes gleaming, cheekily teasing him, "Oh, nothing. I see." Her face shifted and the corners of her lips lifted into a smile, as though she had a secret that she could barely contain.

"Well when, we can talk about something else." Aeris stood up, grinning down at him, "Say, I feel like walking. Do you feel up to it?" Felix was unsure, but looking in the corner of his eye, he saw the platoon emerging from Hero's Duty, his stomach sickeningly dropped. A quick nod came from him, "That would be swell Ma'am."

"Come along, let's go somewhere quiet."

Gently beckoning him along, a hand placed on the back of his head guided him across the game station. Felix tried to speak up but when her delicate fingertips grazed the skin of his neck, he trembled and whatever he wanted to say quickly died on his lips.

Edited by AppleBlossom
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Awwwww! Felix started to cry? :( Poor Felix! He's so cute and sad! :heart:

Update soon!

BYE! :bleh:

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A few more sneezes are coming from our dear handyman! I hope you enjoy! smile.png


Through bright blue and puffed up eyes, Felix faintly saw the bold red font of Tappers; he was surprised that such a elegant lady would pick a root-beer bar, let alone a bar where the bad guys of the game station get together and hang out.

"Let's sit and talk!" She took her place sitting on the top of a bar stool, Felix's usually high-pitched hop was now a pitch lower, as he followed her and sat beside her.

"Would... Would you like anything to drink?"

"Some milk, please."


"Yes, Ma'am." His eyes widened in surprise when a soft giggle was heard to the side of him, his cheeks flushed as he caught her eyes glittering from behind her bangs. "What's wrong with m-milk?" Felix sputtered bashfully, "Nothing, it's just..." Shifting toward him, she was sat so close to him, he caught her delicate scent; she smelt of fresh linen and her garden lilies. Her bright eyes held him, "It's endearing."

He could feel himself blushing but he quickly focused on the floor below him, Felix was embarrassed because of her kind words and also the approaching sneeze building inside his nose. It seemed as if her scent decided to linger there and tease his sensitive nose. Felix pressed the handkerchief he had been given to his nose and exhales shakily, his lashes fluttering against watering eyes.

"hh'ngtsch!" Letting a groan of disgust escape him, he wiped away the mess developing under his nose.

Aeris set down Felix's glass of milk, and took a sip of her water. "Rough day?" The girl tilted her head, as if doing so would confirm her suspicions.

"What makes you think that, Miss?" Realising his clipped tone, he felt awful sorry for coming off a bit harsh. Her taller frame towered over his own timid figure. She didn't seen to notice however, as she intimidatingly looked down at him.

"Your eyes look sad." A silent moment fell over them, only for them to gaze at one another. Her large eyes began to gawk, uncomfortably digging away at Felix. "It's a girl, isn't it?"

Felix felt the honey glows spread across his cheeks and over the bridge of his nose, "H-How did you know?!"

"No man would ever look that upset, unless it was because of a certain lady." She nodded for her own confirmation, almost agreeing with herself. Yet, her tone quickly changed to a more quieter and dispirited one, "And I've seen that look too many times before..."

"She doesn't care, so it doesn't matter."

"Yes, it does. If it didn't you wouldn't be upset."

"Well, it doesn't matter anymore. She rebuffed my affections." His face slumped lower into the palm of his hand, keeping his eyes fixed on his glass.

"I see."

"I've been so nice to people, everyday I have been kind and helpful, and this is w-what-- hih…ht'kschhh! 'Scuse me." Felix sniffled and eyed the blossoming flowers by Aeris' feet.

"Are my flowers bothering you?" Her voice spoke up, Felix realised she had caught him looking at them.

"I don't know. They could be..." The back of his hand rubbed at an increasingly itchy eye.

"I would get rid of them for you, but... I'm sort of programmed to have them, I'm sorry." She pouted, feeling bad at his discomfort. "Let me try something."

Aeris took his bright blue cap off of his head and begin to fan Felix to cool him down. He blinked at the barrage of wind, which made his eyes water a little. He felt his fringe dance across his forehead, and the pollen-coated waves of air slip into his nose. "Is that a little better?" Aeris piped up, realising his chest was almost carefully rising up and down. "Hih...!" He squeezed the balled up handkerchief in his hand, anticipating the pending sneeze.

"Hhg'tsschh!" Aeris briefly stopped waving the cap at Felix, watching his chest heaving again. "Hh-kschhktt!" His body convulsed and his hand quickly flew to his face. "HH! ... -'tkshhuu!" Felix sighed after the fit was over. "Oh my land,"

"Sorry, that didn't help much." Aeris quickly give him his hat back. Felix scrubbed at his nose to rid the itch away, before letting his head fall into his hands. "Are you alright?"

Felix didn't really hear her apology, he still has his mind on his sergeant. "I'm sad about being regretted, but..." He scrunched his nose and rubbed his forehead. "I just... I wish I knew what I had done to upset her."

"Maybe it's not something that you have done; maybe it's something you've overlooked." Felix felt her hand squeezing his shoulder gently, "Something you may have missed."

His head lifted a fraction and placed his hands into his lap. "Maybe.."

"So, there is a chance that something could happen, right?"

"I guess it's possible Ma'am."

"There you go, don't lose faith!" His eyes grew with realising what Aeris was saying. His body softened as a breath that he didn't know he had been holding escaped him. Aeris beamed, "There's always a chance. And since there is one, I'll cheer for you. Okay, Felix?"

Blue eyes shone with a little more happiness and a lop-sided grin spread across his face. "Okay."

Edited by AppleBlossom
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K I demand more its amazing<3 I love this and an amazing writer

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My gosh, you write Felix so well! :heart:

Please continue soon! :)

BYE! :bleh:

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Sorry this part is so short, it's a little extra piece from the last part. Thank you for commenting, I feel so happy each time you posted one!


"Normally, I walk the lady home." The faintest of giggles bubbled in the back of Felix's throat at the notion. Aeris continued to walk along with him, smiling down to him. "Well, I'm not going home quite yet, so I'll be alright."

"A-Are you sure, Ma'am?"

"I'm very sure," Her bright eyes comforted him, her dress rippled as she almost skipped a little ahead of him. "I hope you feel a little more happier now." She stopped in front of his game; which Felix found strange, because he had never told Aeris that this was his game - although having a game named after him was quite a big clue, how could she have known where is game was?

Felix pulled off his cap, knowing he was going to say his goodbyes. Aeris suppressed a giggle when the movement of his hat made his ears flick. "I do feel happier... a little. Thank you for tonight."

"It's my pleasure," Aeris bounced on the heel of boots, swinging her flower basket to and fro. She knew she liked the sound of his voice, with his faint but recognisable Southern lilt, and the sight of his honest and gentle blue eyes. He wrung his hat nervously in his hands, eyes fixed on the entrance of his game, not really knowing what to say. Thankfully, he didn't need to say a word, "I'll be going now. Goodnight, Mr Fix-it!"

"Goodnight, Miss... eh--"

"Miss Gainsborough. Aeris Gainsborough."

The short fellow was looking up at her with the eyes of a faithful puppy. Swallowing a nervous lump down his throat, he muttered kindly. "Goodnight," He shuffled his feet, trying his best to kept his honey glows under control. "Miss Gainsborough." She gave a little bow to her new friend, and began to make her way through the game station. Felix nodded to her, placing his cap back on his head, he heard her musical voice call out once more. "Smile Felix!" 

The pint size man let a smile escape him, waving back to the flower girl. Felix walked back into the tunnel, wondering where exactly Aeris was going. As soon as he could no longer see her, his head thumped harshly, the front of his forehead pounding in agony. "My land, I sure hope I'm not coming down with something..." Felix cried at the sudden rush of pain to his head, he didn't understand what had caused the headache, but he certainly didn't want it to happen again.

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Hmmmm, this just gets more interesting by the second. Please continue. :heart:

BYE! :bleh:

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