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Interruption (SPN RPF Fic)


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This has seriously been in my head for MONTHS and I figured I might as well write it down. My first RPF thing!

Edit: shoot, just realized that the title basically says "real person fiction fic"... oh well!


The convention hall becomes respectfully quiet while Jensen answers a question about the lighting used on set, beginning to go into technological detail so as to satisfy the young woman’s question.

When Jensen’s a little more than halfway into his answer, Jared drops the arm that’s holding his microphone, then turns away from Jensen and buries his face in the other.

Hh’uNGHchuh! MMPTschh! Hhh-NGHschtt!” Before he’s even lifted his head, the audience is offering an exuberant chorus of blessings and Jared finishes the fit with a much louder and more powerful, “Huhh-r’USCHHHuh!

“Oh my god,” he laughs, tilting his head back briefly. “Geez, I was trying to be quiet so Jensen could finish answering the question, but y’all just went ahead and…”

Jensen interrupts then, shaking his head and rolling his eyes in jest. “He’s always doing this. Stealing my spotlight.”

Hhhh’ITSCHHew!” Another round of blessings comes from the crowd, and Jared sniffles and smiles before lifting his microphone once more. “Thank you,” he addresses the fans, smiling, then sniffles and clears his throat. “Sorry, yeah. Allergies have been bugging me all weekend, so.” There’s a pause, and then turns to his co-star with his palms up to suggest innocence. “It wasn’t on purpose, I swear!”

Chuckling, Jensen addresses the fans. “No, seriously, he does this all the time.”

“Shut up, I do not!”

A convention employee hands Jared a box of tissues from the bottom of the stage, a few of which he then swipes underneath his nose before placing the box on the ground next to his seat.

“All right, next question?”

Edited by Sen Beret
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I mean...he talked about his allergies....and interrupted Jensen...and tried not to sneeze...and everyone blessed him...and gaaaaahhhh

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This was so well written I didn't really notice it was short. *Melts and reads again*


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Ohhhhh my goodness! *Melt* YOU ARE REALLY, REALLY GOOD AT THIS! You should do RPF more often, you just have their personalities and their ways of speaking down to a tea. I'm in absolute awe. And allergicJared is just... wow. Hee! This is the BEST start to my day :D

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Oh my god! I didn't expect to get such a big response!! AAHHHH THANK YOU GUYS SO MUCH <3 You are the beeeeest. Seriously! I love that Jared actually has allergies (aahhhhh! <3) and I think I just watch a whooooole lot of convention videos (I've probably seen 20+ hours worth of them yikes somebody stop me) and I've always wanted something like this to happen! I'M SO GLAD YOU GUYS FEEL THE SAME WAY. YOU'RE AWESOME. Maybe I'll write more RPF in the future!

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Thank you!! I would love to see it happen too. Make my dreams a reality! Something about sneezing in front of hundreds of fans... mmmm.

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Awww! Adorable Jared is adorable. And Jensen was so 0_oasdfghjkl;';lkjhgfds

I didn't know how much I needed this until I read it!

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You're so sweet! Thank you! They are the cutest. I watch a crazy amount of convention videos so I figured it was only a matter of time until I wrote something! I might churn another RPF thing out before Tarotgal's meme on Livejournal next week... we'll see! I'm glad you liked it!

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AHH, stop, it's too much for me to handle! Jared trying to be quiet and laughing at himself and saying "y'all" and talking about having allergies and Jensen joking and pretending to be so offended. WHY HAS THIS NOT HAPPENED? Probably because if it did happen, I would actually die. :D So cute!!

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I know, right?!! I can't even tell you how many times I've fantasized about something like this! (A lot. A lot a lot a lot.) I neeeeeed this always!

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