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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Short Sam and Dean drabble


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hints at M/M (in honor of Dean's new canon allergy)

Dean walked into the room, nose buried in a handful of crumpled napkins.

Sam rubbed at his eyes and sat up, surveying the scene.

"I tode you, you were gedding sick." He barely managed to get out before coughing roughly into a fist and snuffling back the mucous threatening his upper lip.

"M'nod h'tshh ek'tshh hen'GXSHT'uh sicg."

Wait, those weren't cold sneezes.

"Stupid huH En'TSHH lady, h'NGXT," Dean finally gave up, "CADS!"

Sam studdied his brother. Red teary eyes, stifled sneezes in quick succession, helplessly sneezy, yup, cats.

"hu'reSCHUUU!" Sam grabbed a tissue just in time to catch his own forceful sneeze.

"H'NKTSH, Bless 'tshh 'tshh huh huN'KTSHuh you. Dow give be dissues."

Sam looked at the snot filled tissue in his hand and decided Dean probably wanted a clean one.

But holding the box out for Dean left him unable to contain his next sneeze which splattered messily against his bare arm.

"Bess you." Dean said, nose still planted firmly in his fresh batch of tissues, tears leaking down his cheeks.

"Ugh. Shower?" Sam looked up, hopeful, towards his older brother.

Sparkling eyes returned his gaze, accompanied by a very relieved nod.

Maybe this day wouldn't be a total waste.

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Ahh! This is lovely. I've been waiting for people to do more with Dean's allergy~ so awesome that it's canon~

I like how Sam recognized Dean's allergy sneezes vs. cold sneezes hehe and how Dean sneezed so many times while trying to bless Sam! Interrupted speech is awesome. Awesome. Oooooh. This is so awesome.

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Love. I kept checking the form for someone to put a story up about Dean's allergies but it took a while xD I had a thought for a possible story but I'm too shy and it's not completely formed yet...

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Uhhhhhhh yep. Both of them. Sneezing. Dean's allergy. Finally. YEP. I loved Dean sneezing and blessing Sam at the same time. It was so cuuuuute.

Also, MadWonder13:

Love. I kept checking the form for someone to put a story up about Dean's allergies but it took a while xD I had a thought for a possible story but I'm too shy and it's not completely formed yet...

If your story idea ever becomes fully formed... I would love to read it. Don't be shy, people LOVE Supernatural fics. :D

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Also, MadWonder13:
Love. I kept checking the form for someone to put a story up about Dean's allergies but it took a while xD I had a thought for a possible story but I'm too shy and it's not completely formed yet...

If your story idea ever becomes fully formed... I would love to read it. Don't be shy, people LOVE Supernatural fics. biggrin.png


Also, Icky, I find myself wondering what kind of bribery it would take to convince you to write the shower... sweatdrop.gif

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