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In the Midst of the Cornfield - A Lord of the Rings story


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This is my first ever sneeze fic, so PLEASE don't kill me if it is horrible!

I do not own any of the characters, if I did I would be a millionare!

Setting: Farmer Maggot's cornfield

Plot: Merry Brandybuck has an allergic reaction to the pollen and the crops in Farmer Maggot's cornfield. This takes place when Merry and Pippin bump into Frodo and Sam, so there might be a few quotes from the movie.


(By the way the spelling I used for Pippin is so it could sound like his accent)


The two trouble makers of the Shire, Merry and Pippin, lurked into the entrance of Farmer Maggot's crops. The plants that surrounded the hobbits were pollinating; there were spurses of allergens drifting through the air.

"Promise meh, Merry, tha' we'll get th' carrots before he notices us?" Pippin questioned his dear friend as they crept quietly into the cornfield.

"Promise, Pip. He didn't catch us the last couple of times, so my guess is we'll be perfectly fine right now!" Merry responded.

"Now how do we know tha' ye'll woon't get an allergy attack like th' last time? We were almost caught!" Pippin asked him, worried.

Merry's eyes grew larger at the moment Pippin mentioned his allergies. He didn't neccessarily enjoy talking about his allergies with anybody, mainly because he felt embarressed that there would be attention drawn to him. Merry just shook his head and procceded onward.

"Never mind that, Pippin. I'm sure I'll be just fine." Merry looked down at the ground while they continued to make their way through the corn.

He felt his eyes begin to water a bit; Merry's allergies kick in fairly quickly when he is around the allergen. His nose twitched, but he couldn't let Pippin see him struggling to keep his allergies to himself. He gently rubbed his nose with the tip of his index finger, swipping it back and forth. He turned his head to catch a glimpse at his fellow hobbit cousin.

Merry saw Pippin gazing around curiously trying to search for the carrots that he wished for. Suddenly, he felt an instant irritation build up in the back of his nose. He couldn't bare to let Pippin hear him sneeze, so he tried to hold the sneeze in. 'Don't do it, Merry. Don't upset the poor lad.' He continued to anxiously rub his nose, only trapping more pollen inside his nostrils. The irritation enlargened to a greater tickle, making Merry have the urge to get the pollen out.

"Merry do ye think the carrots are... Merry?" Pippin carried a confused look on his face.

Merry turned away and shot his head into his hand. "Hett- ishheww."

Pippin snapped his head towards Merry and gave him a worried look. "We're not even in th' field for five minutes and yer already exploding!"

Merry wiped his hand on his pants and rubbed his nose against his jacket. "I'm so sorry, Pippin, it's all this dang pollen in the air." The irritation in his nose was stuck in the back of Merry's nose. He lifted his pointer finger to Pippin and jerked foward.

"Het- ishhhhew! Hett-ishhh!" Merry sneezed and sniffed wildly. "Come od, we're gettidg those carrots do matter what." He spoke with a stuffy nose. He rubbed his nose back and forth on his sleeve.

"Ah'm not mad at ye, ye can't control yer sneezes!" Pippin shrugged his shoulders and grabbed Merry's hand. He felt his face go red as they ran through the field.

As they sprinted through the field he let out a sneeze. "Hett-ishhhew! Sorry." Merry appologized after every sneeze. He had felt bad for Pippin since he knew that there was always an obstacle that would stop them from their schemes.

"There they are!" Pippin shouted as he pointed to the carrots.

One by one they both picked the vegetables right out of the ground and plopped them into their arms. All of a sudden, they heard a voice come from the distance. "Grab those cabbages too!" Pippin suggested.

"I'LL GET YOU RASCAL HOBBITS!" It was Farmer Maggot calling from the other side of the field.

"RUN!'" The two screamed at the same time.

Merry and Pippin made a run for it, but they couldn't seem to find where they were going. They were lost inside of the cornfield and had forgotten which way they came from. They began to view a reaper swinging from above the field; the hobbits knew that Farmer Maggot was on his way.

"Hett-ishhhheww!" Merry sneezed into his hand and his eyes widened.

"Right now isn't th' time to be sneezin' Merry!" Pippin shouted as they continued to dash through the maze. "What do you s'pose we do now?" He questioned their path to take.

"This way!" Merry pointed east.


"Sam... we're still in the Shire... what could possibly happen?" Frodo Baggins questioned Samwise Gamgee as they stood in the cornfield.

All of a sudden, a vegetable knocked innocent Frodo onto the ground. As he lifted himself back up he was pushed down again by Pippin Took. Pippin looked down on top of him to see who he sent flying down.

"Frodo! Merry, it's Frodo Baggins!" Pippin shouted in suprise.

Merry grinned and greeted him. "Hello, Frodo!" He secretly rubbed his nose with his index finger behind everybody's backs. The tickle tingled inside his nose once again. He didn't realize that all of the vegetables were scattered around the ground aimlessly.

"What's the meaning of this?" Sam asked in anger.

"Sam hold this..." Merry picked up a cabbage and shoved it into Sam's arms.

Sam stood as the other three hobbits ran amongst themselves to get out of the cornfield. He dropped the vegetables and sprinted to catch up to them. "You've been into Farmer Maggot's crop!" He sneered towards Merry and Pippin.

Merry scratched his nose against his jacket once again. "I don't know why he's so upset, it's only a couple of carrots." He spoke in confusion.

"An' some cabbages...an' those three bags of potatoes tha' we lifted last week. An' then the mushrooms th' week befar!" Pippin added in.

"Yes, Pippin. My point is, he's clearly overreacting!" Merry shouted to all of the hobbits. He had the urge to let out a sneeze, but he didn't want Sam and Frodo to know. "Het-pnxgtz." He stifled so nobody could notice him.

Famer Maggot was getting quite close; Sam pulled everyone into one of the corn hedges.

"We'll stay here until he passes. As for you two, are you trying to get us into trouble on purpose?" Sam scolded the mischeif makers.

"Sam I don't think this is a good idea..." Merry murmed softly so nobody could hear him.

"Sorry Sam! We were just hungry an' we wanted some good ol' veges for ourselves!" Pippin responded to Sam.

"Everybody quiet; he's coming!" Frodo hushed everybody.

Merry's eyes started to water again and the tickle built up inside his nose. It felt as if a feather was purposly streaming the walls of his nostrils. He plugged his nose with his thumb and index finger. 'Don't do it, Merry, don't sneeze. Right now is not the time to sneeze.' He put those thoughts in his head. He tried to take his mind off of the irritation but it was nearly impossible. He felt as if he was going to explode inside. He started to squint his eyes and slowly hitch his breath.

Pippin looked over to Merry noticing his breath patterns and facial expressions. He pulled Merry to his chest and whispered into his ear. "Merry, whatever you do, don't sneeze."

The other two hobbits turned their heads to Merry and Pippin drawing attention to themselves. "What's wrong?" Frodo whispered.

"I..ha...have...to...sn..sneeze..." Merry tried to contain himself in speaking.

Sam slapped his hand to his own face and shook his head. Farmer Maggot was just about to pass by as Merry couldn't contain himself. "Stifle if you have to! Just don't sneeze loudly!" Sam suggested.

"I...can't...eh...ehhh...heptt-ishhhhhh!" He wetly exploded with a giant sneeze.

"RUN!" Frodo screamed as all four of them ran for their lives as Farmer Maggot caught up with them.

All of the hobbits finally made it to the exit of the cornfield and two stopped short. The other two pushed them over as they all tumbled down the hill; one by one them formed a pile.

"Good job, Meriadoc!" Sam rolled his eyes.

"I'm sorry everyone...ouch! I think I've broken something!" Merry pulled a broken carrot out of his behind.

"The mushrooms!" Pippin shouted as they all pushed him over to get to the fungi.


Sorry that was so bad, but I hope you all enjoyed!

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  • 4 weeks later...

So I was thinking on writing another Merry and Pippin sneeze fic, and now I know how to make it flow a little smoother than this one. I have an idea floating around so I was wondering if anyone is interested if I write another?

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YES IM INTERESTED I LOVE MERRY AND PIPPIN! :D They are my favorite characters from the lord of the rings :D

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  • 4 months later...

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