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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Elven Blossoms (Allergic Kili from The Hobbit)


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(Author's Note: This is my first fanfic that I've attempted to write and my first sneezefic so I would love feedback and con-crit to make any future endeavors better and to know what people like. Amyparda was my amazing beta, she made this a trillion times better than it started and any remaining mistakes are completely mine.)

Fili was just returning from the baths and about to open the door to he and his brother’s shared quarters when he heard something from within. He leaned closer to the door listening intently and it took him only a moment to realize he was hearing the muffled sneezing of his sibling. He opened the door and slipped inside.

It was apparent Kili was still unaware of his silent entry into the room as he was caught in a fit of sneezing that he was muffling into a towel, his cheeks red from exertion and possibly embarrassment at being so overcome by the tickling in his nose. His whole body shook with the force of each sneeze that he was attempting to hold back and Fili felt the bed quake where he sat next to his brother waiting for Kili to notice him.


Kili pulled back from his makeshift hankercheif after a his last sneeze had pushed almost his whole face into the towel and Fili could see his eyes were red and overflowing with irritated tears. His eyes opened to slits and his cheeks flushed a darker red as he started to pull back from where Fili sat next to him.

“Fili, Wha-what...huh....wh-Huh-HEH-Choo...Hechshoo-Hetchoo-Hepshchoo...Haaahhh....Heh--HEEHTSHOO.” Kili sniffled after his last intense sneeze finally finished off his sneezing fit for the moment.

“I didn’t think you’d be back so soon...” Kili said after a pause to recover his breath, trailing off with another wet sniffle.

“Thought you could hide whatever’s bothering you from me?” Fili said with the a raised eyebrow in disbelief at the obvious state Kili was in.

“It....it wasn’t quite this bad before you left for the baths,” Kili said with a somewhat rueful grin, “It just tickles so bad an...and...huh...oh god...gonna...gon-huh...huh....Huhchoo...Heh-Choo....Heh...Hah...”

Fili watched as Kili’s nose was once again overtaken by whatever had caused Kili to be in such a state, his nostrils fluttering wildly, his nose flushed red from sneezing and the harsh treatment from the towel.


Fili looked on as Kili, hunched over on the edge of his bed bent near in half from the force of his sneezes uncovered but aimed towards the towel. Fili could see Kili’s hands twitch starting to bring the towel to his face wanting to cover his sneezes, muffle them in the folds, but each time a sneeze would overtake him and his hands would stop their climb, clenching helplessly at the towel instead.

“Heh-ESSSH Heh-UUUSHooo...heh...Heh...heh-Hiiiihhh--HiieeehhCHOOO HESHOO-HEHPSHOOOO....Heh ....Heeeehhh...HHHHIIIIEEEETCHUHOOOO....Hesshh-Heh-HESHUH...heh...Hiihh..HESHSH-Heh-HEH-HEEEHCCHUUUH...”

Fili waited hoping for Kili’s sake that the fit would let up and let him catch his breath but Kili continued to sneeze over and over helplessly caught in the allergic sneezing fit. His nose spasmed and twitched as Kili fought for control but each time his nostrils flared impossibly wide Fili knew he was losing the battle.


Kili’s monstrous sneeze shook his whole body with the force of it even as he tensed to brace against it and it appeared that it wouldn’t be the last. Allergic tears were streaming down Kili’s face and his nostrils glistened along the edges where they quivered building to his next sneeze.

“Heh....Heh..Hah-Hah....HAH...HHHHIIIIIIIEEEEEEEEEEEHCHOOOOO HHEEESHOOO HEKSHOO HUH-HESHOO....Heh...Heshoo...HEH-choo..HEHKTCHOO...Heh....heh-huh-...huh....P-please....Heh...P-please F-f-Fili I-heh...I..I...HEH...”

He hung on the precipise but still strugged to finish his sentence, “I c-can’t s....s-hah....s-stop....HEH-”

And just as he was about to let loose another sneeze Fili pressed his finger hard under Kili’s nose holding back the sneeze.

Kili’s nostrils continued to flare out against Filie’s finger for a moment before he finally let out his build up breath in a sigh of temporary relief, “I just can’t s-stop sneezing,” he wriggled his nose against Fili’s finger, “Thanks F-Fili.”

“What’s set you off like this Kili? I don’t think I’ve ever seen you sneeze this strongly even with your worst allergies,” Fili stated somewhere between worried and impressed as he rubbed his finger a bit to help Kili’s twitching nose stay calmed for just a little longer.

“I-I...urgh...it might be from those blossoms the elves sent with...heh...width their gifts.” Kili nostrils flared wide against Fili’s finger as his breath hitched.

“huh-hoh..oh god-” Kili pulled away whipping his head to the side as the fit overtook his sinuses again.


Fili grabbed a hankercheif from a dresser drawer as Kili continued to sneeze uncontrollably and went to sit next to him on the bed. Fili placed his hand on the back of Kili’s neck as he lifted the hankerchief directing the still sneezing Kili to push his nose into the tissue.

“Try to blow your nose when you can,” He told Kili as he continued to cup the handkerchief around Kili’s nose waiting patiently for Kili to get a chance to pause between sneezes.

HESHOO Heh-Heshoo...Heshoo Heh heh....heeehhhh...”

“Now Kili, blow.”

Kili tried to blow, at first interrupted by two quick sneezes, but then finally he was able to let out a long wet blow into the hankerchief and Fili folded it over to let Kili blow his nose a second time.

Kili stayed slightly hunched over catching his breath now that the fit had passed. He wiped the tears and moisture from his eyes and cheeks where they had spilled over during the intensity of the fit. Then gestured for Fili to pass him another hanky so he could blow his nose again afraid sniffling might set off another tickle in his nose.

“God.” Kili said after he had cleared his nose looking flushed and worn out from his allergic fit.

“No kidding. I’ll get them to get rid of all the blossoms. I can’t believe how allergic you are to them. That was an impressive fit even for you,” He shot Kili a teasing grin, “I think the whole mountain must have heard you.”

Kili cheeks and ears flushed, “Ass, they did not. Urgh I think I’m going to lie down for a minute” he said moving to lie flat on the bed, the towel he’d previously used to muffle his sneezing set onto the floor.

“I’ll go get them started on those blossoms.” Fili rose and turned towards the door.

“Do-,” Kili cut himself off the remaining flush to his ears and cheeks flaring red again.

Fili, now curious, sat back down on the edge of the bed as Kili turned his face away, “It’s nothing nevermind.”


Kili paused but then spoke quietly, “Do you think you could stay. Just for a little-I just-I mean...” Kili trailed off uncertain how to explain and embarassed to even be asking for company, feeling gross and exhausted from his allergies but just wanting comfort from his sibling even so.

But Fili knew that Kili was embarassed by his allergies and more than that they often made him feel exhausted and weak and Fili was only too happy to play the part of protective sibling and stay to watch over his younger brother.

“I could use a nap. So scooch over.”

Kili scooted over still tense with embarassment but when Fili threw his arm over Kili and settled in to rest. Kili relaxed with relief feeling safe and taken care of and also grateful Fili hadn’t laughed or teased him about his allergic state.

And they both drifted off Kili exhuasted from his allergies and Fili relaxed in his brother’s presence, protecting him from the rest of world, even if just for this little while.

Edited by Elle (chancy)
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Naww this is so cute! :) Loved it, Kili is so adorable. I haven't read the book (still on my ever growing 'to do' list) but saw the movie more than once and from what I gathered from the film this was perfect :D Hope you do some more Fili and Kili stuff! I also loved that you kept it just sibling closeness, so perfect for them!

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Dawwwww my gosh this is so precious and amazing!!!! Just wanna go and give them both :hug: and :P lolol!

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I absolutely loved this. Perfect! There really needs to be more with Kili as the sick little brother and Fili as his protector. This melted my heart to a big puddle of mushy happiness!

Edited by Alice
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Saww! [is that right? I've grasped that you have to begin with a word with lois of WWS] Very nice sneezing. I came for the Tolkiennesse, stayed for the allergicness, and was enchanted by the opening nominative attraction, possibly the best I've seen written down. Outstanding....

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@alyssa: I haven't read the book since I was a kid so I basically running wild with movie canon and fanon. I'm so glad you liked it! I actually do ship them as a pairing (damn you tumblr for corrupting me *embarrassed headdesk*) but I love their brotherly relationship as well and that's what I went with for this fic.

@hails: I have wanted to cuddle them both to death since I saw the movie so I decided that I needed to have some cuddles thrown in at the end. I'm happy you liked it!!

@Ralee: I'm glad you enjoyed! Thanks so much for commenting!

@Lalaith: Awwww...I'm blushing because I made your day. I do hope to write some more drabbles with these two in the future because they just won't leave me alone, but I have no idea when.

@Alice: Oh my gosh I'm so glad that you liked it so much! I love protectiveness in basically anything and everything I read so Protective!Fili is totally my headcanon.

@count de tisza: Lol apparently that's what's in style these days. :) But oh my gosh I'm so flattered that you liked it so much. Thanks so much for the lovely comment!

I'm really blown away that everyone so far has liked what I've written. sleepy.gif Thanks so much for all your comments.wubsmiley.gif If anyone has any prompts or ideas for future drabbles for these two I'm happy to hear them even if I don't end up writing them.

Edited by Elle (chancy)
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  • 2 weeks later...

Love this! I..... I just......ughhhhhhh this story is absolutely amazing. thank you soooooooooooooo much for writing this!

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@Nicolias312: Woah, I'm glad you liked it so much! I know I'll definitely be writing more of these guys in the future but my intent to write drabbles thus far have ended up as openings to slightly longer scenes than I have time to write.

@MissyLovesSneezes: Thanks so much! <3

@Zane: You are super welcome! Thanks for giving me the inspiration to write this with your request. This wouldn't have been written without ya! <3

@Kshu: Thank you! I'm glad you thought so.

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  • 1 month later...

Aww! This is so cute. I love the way you showed the relationship between the two sibling. Poor Kili!

Really fab story! :D

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LOVELY. :D:drool: I assume this is after they reclaim Erebor (since the elves are bringing them flowers), and it's in an AU where nobody dies at the BotFA?

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Oh so so good can't believe I didn't find this before x3

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  • 2 weeks later...

@Da kitty ninja: Thanks so much! Poor Kili indeed, I do so love to torture him.

@ralala: Thank you! I'm so glad you enjoyed it.

@Masking: Thanks so much! And yes in my mind is this is after Botfa where no one dies and they live happily ever after as princes in Erebor. *completelyindenialovercanonevents* And your story of Fili with a cold definitely sparked my muse for fetishy hobbit writing so thanks for sharing.

@DeathNoteOwner: Thank you! Glad you found it and liked it!

@sneezysammy345: Don't I know it, I'm so mean to him. Fili is gonna beat me up any day now over it.

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