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Dean Winchester


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(8:03) wub.png

thanks for the link, i absolutely love him! and OMG WHERE IS YOUR SIGNATURE FROM????surprise.gifuhoh.gifblushsmiley.gif

No problem. smile.png It's from last week's episode. He's actually coughing, but it looks a lot like sneezing!! wub.png

i seriously thought it was a sneeze omgggggg.

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Guys i've been trying to catch uptodate in supernatural doing a watchthrough and i just got to this episode and i'm almost crying that was so perfect oh my GOSH.

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Omg! I just worked myself into a total OCD supernatural frenzy. I am absolutely in LOVE with Dean and Sammy! Then I see this. Holy bejeezus!!!! My brain just exploded as the rest of me melted into a puddle of mush!!! Seriously. Can't think straight. Grinning like a lunatic. Happy dance! I'm going to hide in my room for a while....

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xD you guys are so great. im not a supernatural fan so I wasn't as excited.. but i just love the reactions everyone had xD

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I clicked on the CW link.. at what time does he sneeze?

around 20:00 minutes in, if i do recall correctly. teehee.gif man they really need more sneezing in this show don't they?pokey.gif

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URG twitchsmile.gif

I saw this on tumblr but hadnt seen the epi yet, only the gif and what people have told me.


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  • 1 month later...

Not sure if someone has mentioned this on another thread but Jensen Ackles was sick when filming 'Freaks and Geeks' which is the 18th episode in season 8. He sounds very congested throughout the whole episode! Must have lasted a while as he still sounds unwell in the next episode 'Taxi Driver'. Absolutely adore him! winkiss.gifwinkiss.gifwubsmiley.gif

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Not sure if someone has mentioned this on another thread but Jensen Ackles was sick when filming 'Freaks and Geeks' which is the 18th episode in season 8. He sounds very congested throughout the whole episode! Must have lasted a while as he still sounds unwell in the next episode 'Taxi Driver'. Absolutely adore him! winkiss.gifwinkiss.gifwubsmiley.gif

ok first of all YOUR SIGNATURE. OMG. stretcher.gif

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  • 2 months later...

Did anyone else catch the preview for next week's new episode of Supernatural? They showed dogs and cats, and I'm wondering if they will continue on with that thread of Dean being allergic? I really hope so!! :wub: What do you guys think?

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I was going to post about that in here!! When I first got word of "an episode where Dean can talk to animals" back in, like, July, I got super super stoked and seeing the preview just drove me crazy! Part of me really really feels like they forgot, because it was something that a very vocal part of the fandom (Destiel shippers) didn't like (since they all want Cas to have a cat or something? not totally sure because I don't follow them very closely lol) buuuuut I've still got my fingers crossed! We've been so lucky lately, and I don't want to get my hopes up, but I've got a good feeling about this one...

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I was going to post about that in here!! When I first got word of "an episode where Dean can talk to animals" back in, like, July, I got super super stoked and seeing the preview just drove me crazy! Part of me really really feels like they forgot, because it was something that a very vocal part of the fandom (Destiel shippers) didn't like (since they all want Cas to have a cat or something? not totally sure because I don't follow them very closely lol) buuuuut I've still got my fingers crossed! We've been so lucky lately, and I don't want to get my hopes up, but I've got a good feeling about this one...

I REALLY hope they'll continue with it, you can't keep switching back and forth. Quite frankly, those Destiel shippers are creepy, I don't like that at all! I just want one of them to sneeze again, wish it could be Sam, but I'll take Dean! *fingers crossed*

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The writers have a history of inconsistencies, which is what I'm worried about! But either way I think I'll be happy, just because if it does happen I know I'll be so anxious! It'll be all I can think about for a loooong time! But then again, it would be... really unbelievably amazing... I'll take whatever they give me! They were so good to us in season 8! But I'm thinking like, with the animals everywhere, and with them visiting that like, animal shelter or whatever it is... they've got to give us something... they just have to! Right? Right?

(And! I'm kinda neutral about the Destiel shippers... it's not really what I'm here for so I just stay out of it and enjoy the show in my own way!)

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Did anyone else catch the preview for next week's new episode of Supernatural? They showed dogs and cats, and I'm wondering if they will continue on with that thread of Dean being allergic? I really hope so!! :wub: What do you guys think?

Fingers. Crossed. Omg I will die you have no idea. But alas, I'll try not to get my hopes up because its true, they do seem to have inconsistency with things like that. :/

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The writers have a history of inconsistencies, which is what I'm worried about! But either way I think I'll be happy, just because if it does happen I know I'll be so anxious! It'll be all I can think about for a loooong time! But then again, it would be... really unbelievably amazing... I'll take whatever they give me! They were so good to us in season 8! But I'm thinking like, with the animals everywhere, and with them visiting that like, animal shelter or whatever it is... they've got to give us something... they just have to! Right? Right?

(And! I'm kinda neutral about the Destiel shippers... it's not really what I'm here for so I just stay out of it and enjoy the show in my own way!)

I know, the writers are very inconsistant, but like you, I'm holding out hope that we will get some more sneezy goodness!! biggrin.png

Edited by iluvsneezes
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Fingers. Crossed. Omg I will die you have no idea. But alas, I'll try not to get my hopes up because its true, they do seem to have inconsistency with things like that. :/

I'll die right along with you!! Keeping everything crossed that we get something good. :)

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I may be more cynical but I think it's one of those details they might just brush under the rug and forget they wrote it in. Most TV writers do stuff like that with details. :/

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I may be more cynical but I think it's one of those details they might just brush under the rug and forget they wrote it in. Most TV writers do stuff like that with details. :/

Maybe they noticed all the buzz it was getting from a certain forum *whistles* we can dream hahaha.

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Shoot! I knew they wouldn't throw us anything, maybe we were asking for too much! I mean, I know that he wasn't even in the room with any cats, but, like, come on, we were so close! At least this means that there's hope that they haven't forgotten about it!

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I haven't watched it yet but the first thing I did was check on here so I could be prepared!

Sad news.

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aw no!!!!! D: that's so depressing I was totally looking forward to it. I really shouldntve gotten my hopes up...Ehhhh oh well... Maybe next time :P

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  • 2 weeks later...

Not sure if someone has mentioned this on another thread but Jensen Ackles was sick when filming 'Freaks and Geeks' which is the 18th episode in season 8. He sounds very congested throughout the whole episode! Must have lasted a while as he still sounds unwell in the next episode 'Taxi Driver'. Absolutely adore him! winkiss.gifwinkiss.gifwubsmiley.gif

I agree! I've watched Freaks and Geeks and Taxi Driver SO many times because of his gorgeous voice! Even at the end of Pac Man Fever when he's talking to Charlie he sounds really sick. I've noticed that in the second half of the season all the outside scenes Jensen sounds really congested. They must have filmed them all around the same time when he was getting over the flu or something. And then there's cute Dean sneezes and congested Jared and sick, feverish Sam. This season had it all!! *dies*

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(And before you freak, I cheated and watched the sneezes months ago.)

I've FINALLY caught up to this episode after I vowed I'd watch every single season in order first and oh wow. Dean's sneezes are so cute and almost girly which is weird because he's so macho but WHY?! Why didn't they keep it going?! Then Sam coughing at the end....Jared sounded all congested which was super fitting for Sam's freaky illness thing. Going back: I just don't understand why the writers don't use his cat allergy more (ok, I'm slightly biased but still, it's canon!). It'd be perfect for comical scenes and there was an episode in one of the earlier seasons where Dean was literally in a house FULL of cats and surely, SURELY his allergies would've acted up?! Please, please please, dear writers of Supernatural, don't forget about this?!

On a more positive note: I haven't reached Freaks and Geeks yet so I still have something to look forward to but I'm trying not to set my expectations too high just in case. As you were :).

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(And before you freak, I cheated and watched the sneezes months ago.)

I've FINALLY caught up to this episode after I vowed I'd watch every single season in order first and oh wow. Dean's sneezes are so cute and almost girly which is weird because he's so macho but WHY?! Why didn't they keep it going?! Then Sam coughing at the end....Jared sounded all congested which was super fitting for Sam's freaky illness thing. Going back: I just don't understand why the writers don't use his cat allergy more (ok, I'm slightly biased but still, it's canon!). It'd be perfect for comical scenes and there was an episode in one of the earlier seasons where Dean was literally in a house FULL of cats and surely, SURELY his allergies would've acted up?! Please, please please, dear writers of Supernatural, don't forget about this?!

On a more positive note: I haven't reached Freaks and Geeks yet so I still have something to look forward to but I'm trying not to set my expectations too high just in case. As you were :).

I SO agree ughhh. i hate how that cat allergy was canon and probably forgotten by now...i feel like at this point we might as well compile one huge letter to the writers from yours truly, the SFF *bats eyelashes* like WHAT IF THEY LISTENED. WOULDN'T THAT BE GREAT?!!

......no? Ok. I'm just gonna go daydream some more. :wub: #imhopeless *sigh*

Edited by Introvertedme
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