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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Dean Winchester


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Ahaha I heard one of them last night when my sister was watching it with my mom because the TV in the other room was way loud. I thought it was a sneeze for a minute and then I was like "nah...couldn't be."

Obviously I was wrong but still xD

I'd be interested in seeing it just to have the novelty of seeing it again. ^_^

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Oh my god. I totally cannot believe that this thread already has 27 replies and it hasn't even been up for 24 hours. YOU GUYS ARE THE BEST. There was soooo much about this episode that was PERFECT and I still totally cannot believe that they put that in there... like really after all these years they throw us a bone! THANK YOU!

You Dean girls are so lucky! Jensen sneezed at that panel a few years ago and now we get Dean with a CAT ALLERGY. (Don't get me wrong I am TOTALLY TOTALLY INTO HIM, he is so hot, oh my god, but I have a special thing for guys with long hair) Although Jared was really sick while filming this episode (and the next one I think!) and he even tweeted about it because it was so obvious! Goddd this episode DOES THINGS TO ME.

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I know. I totally can't believe this actually happened. The beginning, Sam sounding not quite right, that made me suspicious. Then Dean vs the cat, sort of. Then Sam at the end, with the promise of more to come...

I am going to die. I am going to buy this entire season, and I totally wasn't planning to up until now.

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I watched the episode... and died. HOW RIDICULOUSLY CUTE. Better, even, than just watching the clips! He was pretty good at faking those sneezes. Also can we just DISCUSS how adorable his "I'm about to sneeze, better rush through the sentence--" talking was??

And... while we're discussing Sammy... His pink nose and sick-voice were ridiculously cute. And the coughing was adorable, except the blood thing is a little freaky...

YOU GUYS. WHAT IF THERE ARE MORE CATS? WHAT IF CRAZY CAT LADY IS A WITNESS SOMETIME?? I mean, they have been renewed for a 9th season, so... there is a chance...!!!!

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ZWEE YES YES. Yes to all of that! Is it weird that I'm really in love with the idea of Jensen having to fake a sneeze and think about sneezing and wow trying to talk through it, oh my god, is it hot in here...? And the cute sniffling and nose-rubbing and throat-clearing mmm seriously he is so SO good!

Poor Sam, poor Jared, aww! I think it totally fit with the episode that Jared was sick while filming (maybe he didn't even have to fake the cough!!) and he was like, all pale and raspy and his voice was soo thick and congested... and I knew that would be coming (because I knew he was sick at the PCAs and looked up which episode they were filming that week, what's wrong with me??) so I was already excited about the episode but I did not expect it to be this good. It was just REALLY REALLY GOOD.

If there are more cats I will scream! Throughout the whole second half of the episode I was all anxious because what if they had to go see the cat guy again (his name was LeChat... really??? oh my god) and NOW I'm going to keep getting that feeling, like, maybe there will be another cat-scene... I hope the writers can be so kind!

I'm totally rambling but I am still not over this and I cannot stop talking about it!

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*sigh* I worry that it won't be mentioned again, since writers have a habit of forgetting canon allergies...I mean, it's not like Dean's never been around a cat before in the show. BUT, there was so much response about it online (not just from us!) about how adorable it was...gives me some hope :) Also, SUPER looking forward to the Sam h/c possibilities for the rest of the season, because he has always been my bby :P

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I watched the episode... and died. HOW RIDICULOUSLY CUTE. Better, even, than just watching the clips! He was pretty good at faking those sneezes. Also can we just DISCUSS how adorable his "I'm about to sneeze, better rush through the sentence--" talking was??

ZWEE YES YES. Yes to all of that! Is it weird that I'm really in love with the idea of Jensen having to fake a sneeze and think about sneezing and wow trying to talk through it, oh my god, is it hot in here...? And the cute sniffling and nose-rubbing and throat-clearing mmm seriously he is so SO good!

EXACTLY. Seriously, it's like you're looking at my thoughts as they form or something. (Can I just say how much I missed the awesomeness of this place? Where else would I be able to discuss stuff like the hotness Jensen Ackles' sneeze-talk?)

And, of course, Jaaaaaaareeeed. This episode...it's like a gift from the gods of sneezekink or something.

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So I watched it again today because...I had to. And I think I am totally in love with the fact that after the first sneeze he appears to be searching for the cause including a few sidelong glances at the couch he is sitting on...or maybe I am seeing things to enhance my viewing pleasure. Did anyone else see this?

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I just watched the episode and immediately came to SFF because I knew you guys would notice too and just *SCREEEEEAAAAAM* His sneezes were so cute and yes I rewinded and watched them a couple (hundred) times because of REASONS!!!1 XD

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But now that I thought about it I'm actually really scared to watch the episode because, hey, this is the moment I have lived for the last 12 months. (Okay. Maybe that's not all my life was about. But nearly.) What if it's not as good as I hoped it would be?

I'm angsting so much over this it's ridiculous surrender.gif Can someone please tell me I don't need to be scared?

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Please excuse me while I DIIIIIEEEE. *fails arms and grins like an idiot* this.....this was amazing. Asdfghjkl.

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You Dean girls are so lucky! Jensen sneezed at that panel a few years ago and now we get Dean with a CAT ALLERGY. (Don't get me wrong I am TOTALLY TOTALLY INTO HIM, he is so hot, oh my god, but I have a special thing for guys with long hair) Although Jared was really sick while filming this episode (and the next one I think!) and he even tweeted about it because it was so obvious! Goddd this episode DOES THINGS TO ME.

I feel the same way. I was really hoping it would be Jared/Sam that sneezed, as he was already so sick while filming. I really pray that the writers will keep Dean's cat allergy going, and hopefully us Sam girls will get our day as well. wub.pngsnitch.gif

Edited by iluvsneezes
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I'm gonna need a cold shower right now.

But, Allergic!Dean and sick!Sam in one episode? Part of me hopes that one of the writers is a sneeze fetishist w00t.gif

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But now that I thought about it I'm actually really scared to watch the episode because, hey, this is the moment I have lived for the last 12 months. (Okay. Maybe that's not all my life was about. But nearly.) What if it's not as good as I hoped it would be?

I'm angsting so much over this it's ridiculous surrender.gif Can someone please tell me I don't need to be scared?

You don't need to be scared. I mean... It's brief, but there are pre-sneeze face expressions and there are TWO sneezes not even just one. Plus they sound real, and he sniffles afterward and rubs his nose and looks distracted. You'll enjoy it, seriously. And if it doesn't completely live up to your expectations, you can still get excited thinking about it happening, for real, on the show. Like WHAT. No, seriously. It's Dean sneezing. :D

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Wonder if mads3rv3r and 27jj have seen this yet?

I think madserver is taking a break, but she did post about this moment on LJ last week! So she does know! Not sure about JJ though, I haven't seen her around much lately. :/

Edited by Sen Beret
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Wonder if mads3rv3r and 27jj have seen this yet?

I think madserver is taking a break, but she did post about this moment on LJ last week! So she does know! Not sure about JJ though, I haven't seen her around much lately. :/

Aww, this thread feels strange without them!

Edited by BlueRandom
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