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A Very Unexpected Valentine (F/F Glee Quinntana)


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thx renny! I'm using this story to ward off depression over the fact that glee has gone out of its way to make official statements that they have no further plans for quinntana...obviously they've all been hit in the head with blunt instruments recently. sigh! ;p

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  • 2 weeks later...

please continue!! And whaaattt??? They're not doing *anything*??? As much as I ADORE your stories, (and boy, do I), I do sometimes like to see the real thing. Dangit :( It's times like this when I wish I could take over Glee once and for all...though maybe you'd do a better job ;)

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I know dude. I KNOW. it's heartbreaking to see them finally do something so right for once, and then immediately drop the ball. at the end of the day, glee has always been a bit misogynist. which is a word I don't throw around lightly. and to see something so queer friendly be so consistently shitty with their womenfolk, just SUCKS.

sigh...and yet...it's like a thousand million miles from the level of queer representation we had in mass media when I was your age, chica. for really realz. have you ever seen my so-called life?! (if you haven't, you should-- trust me). but it was a lonely old time for poor rickie vasquez, that's for sure. it wasn't that long ago that having just ONE gay character on a network tv show aimed at teens was a death sentence, and now we have this amazing bounty of mainstream gayness, and it's fucking amazing. and I am 100% sure that we'll keep moving forward on the whole. it's just hard to be patient sometimes!!! ;p

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Well, at least we're making progress....

And I feel ya completely on them dropping the ball. You should've seen my total squealing freak-out whenever they just showed Quinn and Santana in the same scene!!! They're one of the main reasons I watch the show! (Quinn especially)

I just.... *sigh* they even dropped Rachel's pregnancy and everything. I would've liked to see more of Santana supporting Rachel through that.

Oh, well, I guess. I'll, uh...pray for it??? Not sure if that'll work, but heck, gotta give it the old college try ;)

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