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A Very Unexpected Valentine (F/F Glee Quinntana)


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Well hello everyone. As many of you know, my number one pairing for quite a long time now has been Quinn & Rachel from Glee. (I know some of you who read my fics don't even watch glee--and I appreciate that vote of confidence!). Now, something wholly and utterly unexpected has happened on Glee this week, which is that Quinn--who has never been anything but hetero on the show--hooked up with Santana, who is the only officially lesbo character. I dunno about y'all, but I was caught completely off guard by this--never saw it coming in a million years. Faberry (Quinn & Rachel) is still my OTP, and always will be; but now Quinntana is CANON, and I just can't ignore that. Will it work? Will it be an actual thing, and not just a one-time random hookup? I have to think it's more than that; the writers (as cruel as they sometimes are) wouldn't tease us with something this amazing if they didn't intend to develop it into a legit storyline. So, though my love for Faberry runs deep and true, one cannot live on fantasy alone when something more is offered as canon. So, I am exploring the Quinntana story!

This fic picks up right where this week's ep of glee left off; Quinn & Santana just had one amazing night of hot moneky sex together, and now, unexpectedly, they find themselves on the same flight back from Ohio to NYC. For those of you who don't actually watch glee, all you really need to know is that Quinn & Santana are basically frenemy BFF's; they've always been really competitive and sometimes ruthless with each other, but they also generally have each other's backs; and also they were both captains of the cheerleading squad in high school (together with Santana's ex-girlfriend Brittany, they were known as "the unholy trinity"). Now they're both graduates; Quinn is a freshman at Yale, and Santana just quit college in Kentucky and moved to NYC (moving in w/ Kurt & Rachel in Brooklyn) to pursue her dreams as a performer. This is all canon. I know, right? Here is a visual aid that summarizes the Quinn & Santana portion of the episode in one delicious photoset. Enjoy! Now, on to the story!


A Very Unexpected Valentine

A Glee story for SFF starring Quinn & Santana

By WannaBlessedBe

Part 1


“Hey, stranger.” Santana was pleasantly surprised to hear Quinn's smoky voice calling to her across the airport lobby, rolling suitcase in tow, with a sly smile and a slightly flushed glow rising in her porcelain cheeks. “I guess we're on the same flight back to JFK, huh?”

“Looks like,” Santana agreed, her blood already pumping a little faster as her senses all stood up on tiptoe, reminding her of how very, very good it had felt to get naked with this flawless blonde bombshell at the Lima hotel the night before. But she played it cool; she smiled and cocked her head playfully, not letting on how much she wanted their “two-time thing” to become a “three-time thing,” perhaps before they even landed back in New York. “Wanna see if we can get two seats together on the plane?” Quinn raised an eyebrow teasingly. Santana rolled her eyes. “I just meant to talk. You know, because we're friends? I'm not gonna stick my hand down your pants at forty-thousand feet.”

“Too bad,” Quinn shrugged, still smirking like the cat that ate the canary. The very, very tasty canary. The Latina girl felt her face flush with a fresh wave of pleasurable memories of the night before, and hoped it didn't show on her dark skin. But some of what she was feeling must've shown in her expression, because Quinn giggled and took her hand. “Relax, Santi, I'm just teasing you. I'm not up for joining the mile high club today, either; I'm actually pretty wiped out from last night.” That made Santana's grin crank up a few notches; and then Quinn was the one who blushed. “But, um, yeah, let's sit together.” With their fingers still entwined, in what they both hoped the other thought was a casual way, they approached the desk agent at the gate to see about switching their seat assignments.


Quinn hadn't been kidding about being tired; the plane had been in the air only a few minutes when she fell asleep with her head on Santana's shoulder. But the dark-haired girl wasn't complaining; it calmed her nervous heartbeat to have her friend's soft skin pressed against her, reminding her that there was something solid and real between them, whatever last night had been. Quinn was her friend, one of her only real friends in this lousy world, and even though Santana already knew she wanted more, it was also incredibly reassuring to know that getting physical hadn't ruined their friendship, either. And, if she was really being honest with herself, the mocha-skinned girl was also feeling more than a little bit of pride that she got to be the one that Quinn Fabray chose to fall asleep on, in a public place no less, for the whole world to see. It was just so unexpected; the thought just kept running through her head on an endless loop. I really slept with Quinn Fabray. And she really liked it! Really liked it.

The two hour flight passed in an eyeblink for the daydreaming Latina, and before she knew it, the flight attendants were walking around doing their final trash collection, and announcing their final descent into John F. Kennedy Airport. She hated to wake Quinn—the girl had barely moved a muscle, obviously she wasn't kidding about being exhausted—but in a few more minutes they'd be on the ground, and on balance it seemed better to give her a few minutes to wake up and get her bearings before they had to exit the plane and deal with the public transit situation. Smiling unselfconsciously, Santana reached over with her free hand and ran her fingers through her friend's silky blonde hair, lightly scratching her scalp to rouse her.

“Time to wake up, querida. We're almost back in New York.”

“Mmm...mm-hmm,” Quinn mumbled, snuggling deeper into Santana's shoulder, her eyes staying firmly closed. Santana chuckled quietly—God, this was adorable. How many people in the world got to see this side of Quinn Fabray?

“C'mon mija, naptime's over,” she tried again, playfully tracing a fingertip from the top of Quinn's pale forehead, down between her eyes and over the bridge of her nose. “Don't make me tickle you, Fabray...”

Finally, Quinn's eyes fluttered open with a soft groan, and she looked up at the sweetly smiling girl staring down at her, a glassy, sleep-dazed expression in her smoky hazel eyes. “Santi...are we home yet?”

“Almost, baby Q. Thought I'd give you a minute to wake up before we land.”

“Uhh, 'kay...” Quinn nodded sleepily, sitting up a little from her limp position against Santana's side, and stretching out her neck. “Ugh, sorry I fell asleep on you like that...”

“I didn't mind,” Santana shrugged, smiling shyly. She was going to say something else flirty about other non-sleep activities they could engage in once they were back on the ground, but something about Quinn's woozy expression stopped her. “Q, are you okay?”

“Uhh, I think so...just, my head kind of hurts...and my ears are all plugged up...” The blonde girl whined and rubbed her temples, and Santana felt an instant stab of sympathy, making her reach out on auto-pilot and replace Quinn's fingers with her own, gently massaging her friend's warm temples with a soft cooing sound she didn't even notice herself making.

“Does that feel better?” She asked quietly, suddenly aware of how warm the blonde girl's skin felt under her fingertips. She'd noticed it before, too, when Quinn was asleep on her shoulder; but she'd thought it was just because they'd been sitting in the same position for so long, sharing their body heat. Now she wasn't so sure.

“Mm-hmm...feels good,” Quinn sighed, her eyes already closed again. Then a little crinkle appeared between her eyes, and she hastily cupped a hand to her face as her mouth fell open and sucked in a hitching breath of air. “Ah-ahhchiuh!! *Snfl*...ughh, sorry,” the blonde girl sighed unhappily, wiping her nose on her wrist with another soft sniffle.

“Bless you,” Santana frowned, abandoning all pretense and pressing the palm of her hand gently to Quinn's clammy forehead.

“San, don't, I'm fine,” Quinn whined, shooting the other girl an annoyed look, as if that would be enough to get Santana Lopez to back off in any universe.

“Really, genius? Because you've got a pretty good fever going for someone who's fine,” Santana retorted, the slightly sarcastic sting of her words greatly tempered by the gentle way she was stroking Quinn's forehead with her thumb. The blonde girl groaned and closed her eyes again, sitting back in her seat as the plane bumped and jostled its way onto the runway, finally taxying to a stop in front of the appropriate gate.

“Okay, well...we're here,” Quinn sighed, standing up and reaching for the overhead bin to get her suitcase down. “Guess it's time to say goodbye now...” When she reached up to open the overhead compartment, the world suddenly began to spin dizzily; and she might have landed flat on her face if not for Santana's strong arms catching her and holding her steady.

“Easy there, tiger. I don't think you're gonna make it back to New Haven in this condition...c'mon, you're coming with me to Brooklyn. My place is three times closer than yours, and I can keep an eye on you 'till your brain stops cooking. Okay, querida?” Santana smoothed Quinn's hair back as she spoke, feeling the gentle smile spread across her face without any conscious thought as they looked at each other uncertainly.

“I'm okay, San. I can make it home on my own,” Quinn insisted, rubbing her knuckles roughly under her nose again with a barely audible sniffle. “Don't need...anyone's pity...” With a shallow gasp, Quinn's eyes squeezed shut again, and this time she turned away from Santana as her shoulders snapped with a congested Uhht'tchiew!!!” into her sleeve, sending a little shiver up her spine as the stuffy sneeze tumbled out of her. It was that little shiver that broke the dark-haired girl's heart. She was not letting her girl out of her sight like this. Wait, my what? No. I did not just think that.

“Bless you, Q,” Santana said again, more gently than before, stroking a few locks of sleep-mussed blonde hair back from the other girl's face as she sniffled and wiped her nose again. “Now c'mon, no more arguing about this, you're coming back to my place. I know you don't like letting your guard down, but it's just me, okay? I'm your friend and I'm not just gonna send you off to the train when you look like you're about to pass out cold. Remember that time at Britt's 14th birthday party, when you had the flu and didn't tell anyone 'cause you didn't wanna miss the party? And then you fainted and fell off the trampoline?”

“Yeah. And I also remember you teasing me about it for the rest of 8th grade,” Quinn shot back, her defenses rising as she wiped her running nose on her wrist with a grumpy sniffle. Santana sighed, and fished a cocktail napkin out of the seat back in front of her, offering it to the other girl with what she hoped was a non-ironic smile.

“Yeah...well we're not in 8th grade anymore, blondie. And you don't always have to suffer all alone. Okay?” Santana watched Quinn's expression closely as the blonde girl scowled, sick and cranky and disoriented, rubbing her feverish forehead woozily with one hand.

“Oh-kay,” the blonde girl finally sighed in submission, pinching her slightly pink nose in the rough paper napkin as her eyes welled up again; and Santana's hand found its way to Quinn's back as if on autopilot, stroking gentle circles over the warm skin with her thumb as the blonde girl's breath hitched sharply in her chest. “I...huhh...thidk I ndeed sobe...sobe bore t-tissues...hh-hheh...hhihtchoo!! Hh'hhihtcheww!!! *Snfl*...”

“Bless you, pobrecita,” Santana cooed, her hand absently rubbing the blonde girl's back as she sniffled back the congestion her stuffy nose had tried to expel.

Quinn sighed miserably, wiping the crumpled cocktail napkin under her pink nose once more with a soft, wet sniffle. “Sorry.”

“I don't want you to be sorry, mija. I just want you to come home with me.” That put a smile on the cranky blonde girl's face, and they both giggled a little as they gathered their stuff and slowly made their way off the plane, Santana's hand hovering over the small of Quinn's back, just in case she stumbled again. This was not the Valentine's Day that either of them had expected; but as they climbed into a cab, and Quinn curled up sleepily against Santana's shoulder again, the dark-haired girl knew that somehow, this was exactly what was always supposed to happen.

...shall I go on???

Edited by wannablessedbe
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hey guys, thanks for hopping on board the uss quinntana! here's part 2, enjoy smile.png


Quinntana Valentine

Part 2


Though it was only a twenty minute taxi ride from the airport to the apartment Santana shared with Kurt and Rachel in Brooklyn, the blonde girl was fast asleep again on Santana's shoulder by the time they arrived, and the Latina had to shake her awake a little more roughly than she would've liked. Quinn whimpered like a kicked puppy when she opened her eyes, woozy and fever-glazed, breaking Santana's heart all over again as she took in her friend's miserable state.

“Aww, querida, you're really getting sick, aren't you?” the dark-haired girl cooed sympathetically, smoothing a sweat-slicked lock of blonde hair back from Quinn's forehead as she rubbed her eyes dazedly. “Well it's okay now, we're home. C'mon, just lean on me, okay baby girl? You can make it...” For once, Quinn had no smart remark to zing back at Santana, submissively following the taller girl's lead and allowing herself to be guided from the cab out to the icy-cold Brooklyn street. The moment the chilly February air hit her feverish skin, the blonde girl started to shiver, her teeth chattering audibly in her head as Santana leaned in through the window to pay the cabbie.

“Santi, I'm r-really c-c-cold...ahh...ahhtchxeww!! *Snghf*,” Quinn sniffled and whimpered, swaying dangerously on her feet as she wiped her running nose, and wrapped her arms around herself in a feeble attempt to conserve body heat.

“I know Q, it's freezing out here, let's get you inside. There's my building, see? C'mon mija, we're almost there...” Awkwardly, Santana wrapped one arm around Quinn's waist, pulling both their rolling suitcases with the other, as they made their way from the curb to the lobby of her Bushwick apartment building, up the elevator, and into the apartment. Kurt and Rachel weren't home, thankfully—Santana knew she'd have to explain Quinn's presence to them at some point, but right now she knew she didn't have the patience for any of their whining.

“Here we go, let's get you nice and cozy on the couch, okay querida?” Santana hummed soothingly, dropping their bags in a heap by the door and half guiding, half carrying Quinn to the couch. The blonde girl collapsed onto the soft cushions like a limp sack of flour, and Santana knelt down at her feet to unlace her heavy winter boots.

“I'm sorry,” Quinn whispered miserably; and Santana felt another stab of emotion straight to her heart when she looked up and saw tears spilling down her friend's fever-flushed cheeks. “I'm so pathetic...”

“Q, you are not pathetic,” Santana groaned, climbing up onto the couch beside the shivering blonde girl and wrapping her up in a tight hug. “You're just coming down with a real nasty bug, and you need someone to take care of you for a little while, okay? We've all been there. And I'm right here, honey, I'm not gonna leave you, I promise...I'm staying right here with you 'till you feel better, sweet girl. Shh, please don't cry...”

“'Kay,” Quinn whispered, sniffling and wiping her nose on her sleeve as hot tears streaked down her face. Santana smiled encouragingly and kissed her hot forehead, covering the shivering girl up with the soft, cozy afghan folded over the arm of the couch.

“There, is that a little better?” She asked gently, wiping a few tear tracks from Quinn's pale cheek with her thumb.

“Uhh...uh-huh,” Quinn nodded, blinking woozily as she sniffled and rubbed a finger briskly under her nose, which had started running again. “Hhuh...hhtchhxiew!!” Another shiver ran down her back as she sneezed helplessly into her cupped hands, and Santana reached across the coffee table for the box of tissues sitting by the TV remote.

“Bless you, Q. Here, blow your nose, you'll feel better.” Quinn wordlessly followed the gentle instructions, pulling two tissues from the box and blowing into the bundle until the wet, congested sound in her head eased marginally. “Good girl. Now just sit tight, I'll be right back with more goodies.” Santana smiled encouragingly, and gave Quinn another soft kiss on her hot forehead before rising to collect the appropriate sickness supplies; she'd only been living with Kurt and Rachel a few weeks, so she had to dig through the bathroom a bit to find all the things she was looking for.

“Okay, here we go...open up,” she instructed gently, sitting back down on the couch with the digital thermometer in her hand. Quinn obediently opened her mouth and let Santana slip the thermometer under her tongue, which, ironically, made the dark-haired girl more worried, not less. She almost would've preferred a little bit of backtalk at this point, because that would prove that Quinn still had the energy to fight for her independence, something they both knew they needed to survive. But if the blonde girl really was too sick to fight back, then Santana was glad she was here to take care of things. What if they hadn't been on that flight together? Quinn would be passed out on the MetroNorth back to New Haven right now, if she could even make it that far. She'd probably sleep through her stop and end up in Vermont or something. Santana didn't even like to think about it.

The shrill beep of the thermometer roused the Latina from her wandering thoughts, and she gently pulled the plastic stick from Quinn's mouth with a little smile and a wink for her fever-dazed friend. “A hundred and three?!” she gasped when she read the flashing readout.

“It's okay...it happens,” Quinn murmured, rubbing her nose on the crumpled tissue she still held. “I get pretty high fevers sometimes...but it'll pass...I promise, I'm okay. 'Kay?” She patted the other girl's hand with a sleepy half-smile, and Santana couldn't help but smile back.

“I know, Q. I know you'll be okay. But right now we really need to cool you down, okay Mamí? Can't have that expensive Yale brain getting poached now, can we?” Quinn gave a very weak chuckle, allowing Santana to spoon-feed her a dose of liquid cold & flu medicine, and then accepting a bottle of water to wash it down.

“Do you want anything else, hmm baby Q? Some hot tea? Something to eat?”

“Doe thadks,” Quinn sniffled, pulling a fresh tissue from the box and wiping it sleepily under her wet nose. “Really just...*snghf*...wadt to lie here 'till the roomb stops spiddidg...*snghf!*...” Santana rested her hand gently against Quinn's hot forehead, feeling the weak shiver that preceded another congested sneeze welling up inside the woozy blonde girl.

“It's okay, Q. I got you,” the dark-haired girl murmured quietly, wanting Quinn to understand that it was okay to be a mess right now. It was okay to sneeze and sniffle and shiver, and whine a little about it, if that would make her feel better; it was all okay. She didn't have to be strong and brave and independent right now. Not here. Not when they were together.

“I...*snfl*...I...ihhISH'sheww!!!” Quinn cupped both hands firmly over the crumpled tissues pressed to her wet nose, shuddering with the force of another deeply congested sneeze.

“Bless you,” Santana murmured, passing her several more clean tissues, as the ones she'd just sneezed into were now too soaked to blow her nose on.

“Thahh...*snfl*...thadks,” Quinn sniffled, taking the offered tissues and pressing them firmly to the wet, pink underside of her nose, her breath already hitching again, too much to allow her to blow her nose into the clean tissues. “Hhh, hhuh...ahh...ahhtchOOoo!! Ahh-ahshiiuh!!! *Snfl.*”

“Bless you, bless you,” Santana smiled gently, leaning down and giving the sniffling girl another kiss on her hot forehead as her breath continued to quiver and huff weakly, clearly not done sneezing out the tickle that was teasing her stuffy little nose.

“I'b...*snnnfl!*...sorry, Sadti...this is...huhh...this is gross...” Quinn groaned as she pressed the dampened tissues back to her pink nose, hazel eyes opening to puffy slits as she squeezed and rubbed her snot-slicked nostrils through the tissues, desperately trying to relieve the tickle swirling around inside her head.

“It's not gross,” Santana murmured, leaning down and kissing the blonde girl's feverish cheek, rubbing her nose playfully against Quinn's warm temple. “It's adorable. You're adorable. Go ahead and sneeze, it's okay. It's just making you cuter by the second.” A tiny giggle escaped the blonde girl's throat as she looked up incredulously at the dark eyes smiling down at her; then her eyebrows knit together as her lungs filled sharply with air again, and she pressed both hands firmly back to her face.

“Hh'hetCHIIEW!! *Snfl*...Hhih, hhh...hhihchiew!!! Hhih'iihtchhew!! *Snghf.*” Quinn curled up weakly on her side as the stuffy, breathless sneezes overtook her body, and Santana rubbed her back, humming softly and cooing nonsensical words of comfort that seemed to come out of nowhere, without conscious thought or intention.

“Bless you, bless you, bless you,” the dark-haired girl murmured sweetly, stroking the sniffling girl's sweaty forehead and leaning down to drop a few more kisses on her face. “Poor baby, you must be feeling so awful right now.”

“I've...*snghf*...I've had worse,” Quinn croaked softly, pinching a fresh tissue to her dribbling nose and blowing softly, finally able to get a little bit of relief from the tickle deep inside her head.

“I know,” Santana smiled sadly, her mind immediately racing back to the worst time in both their lives, to the horrible car accident last year that had nearly taken the blonde girl away from her for good. “But this time you've got me to entertain you and do your bidding, not some lame-o hospital nurses in ugly green scrubs. How lucky are you, you've got Auntie Snix all to yourself, hmm querida?”

“I...*snghf*...I guess I am pretty lucky,” Quinn yawned, rubbing her tired hazel eyes with a weak half-smile.

“You know it, blondie. So now that you've got me, what can I do for you, hmm Mamí? Do you wanna watch some bad TV, or have a snack, or anything? I'll give you anything you want, Q. Anything.” Santana tucked a stray lock of blonde hair back behind Quinn's ear, a gentle, honest smile on her face that few had ever seen before.

“Will you just...*snfl*...just cuddle be udtil I fall a...ahh...asleep?” Quinn asked woozily, her drowsy hazel eyes full of uncertainty as she looked up into the loving brown ones above her. This was not something they'd ever done before; not even when they were shacked up at the hotel having the world's hottest girl sex the night before. This, they both understood, was something new, and tender, and delicate. And Santana knew how much effort it cost the blonde girl to even ask; knew she'd never have asked at all if not for the strangely serendipitous circumstances that had led them to this moment, and how sick and miserable she must be feeling. This, it went without saying, was an invitation to a whole new level of intimacy, of trust.

“Of course I will, mija,” Santana smiled broadly, kicking off her shoes and crawling under the afghan beside the shivering blonde girl, wrapping both arms snugly around her and holding her feverish body as close as she possibly could. “Is that better, baby girl?”

“Uh-huh,” Quinn murmured sleepily, laying her head down against Santana's collarbone with a soft sigh of contentment. “I just...hhuh...just ndeed a...*snghf*...ahdother t-tissue...hhh'tchxiew!! *Snfl.*” Santana held Quinn's shivering body tight against her when she sneezed, trying to show her that it really was okay, she didn't mind getting sneezed on.

“Bless you, baby,” she murmured without thinking, pulling a fresh tissue from the box and wiping the sleepy girl's pink nose, then mopping up the slick streak of snot that had splattered her own collarbone. Not that it bothered her one bit. She just didn't want to leave it there to gunk up Quinn's face while she was lying there.

“Thadks,” Quinn whispered, without an apology for once, her voice so faint that Santana knew she was on the edge of sleep. They both stopped talking then, as Santana gently traced her fingertips up and down Quinn's back; and in a few more minutes, she could feel the gentle vibration of the blonde girl's soft, stuffy breathing, evening out in sleep against her chest.

“Sweet dreams, baby girl,” she whispered, kissing the top of the blonde girl's head. She knew she should get up now that Quinn was asleep, and make herself useful...start unpacking, make a tally of all the cold and flu meds in the apartment, make dinner...but she couldn't bring herself to move out from under the blonde girl's limp body. Just a few more minutes, she told herself, nuzzling up to Quinn's feverish body with a sigh of contentment. Just a few more minutes.

Edited by wannablessedbe
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patience, woman! and also, thank you :D believe me, it's coming. but I do have a day job and all. wish I could just write about quinntana all day!!!!!

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patience, woman! and also, thank you biggrin.png believe me, it's coming. but I do have a day job and all. wish I could just write about quinntana all day!!!!!

i'm sorry i'm just so excited!!! :D

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hey guys, thanks for your encouragement! here is part 3, enjoy :)


Quinntana Valentines

Part 3


It was dark out when Kurt finally arrived home, with his potential-new-boyfriend Adam in tow; so distracted by the older boy's sexy British accent and wandering hands that he almost didn't notice Quinn and Santana asleep on the couch until he was about to sit down on top of them.

"Oi! Mind the sleeping lesbians, pet," the British boy joked as he put an arm out to steady Kurt before he could land on top of them. "They're just as precious as a basket of newborn puppies, aren't they?"

"Ugh! Santana!" Kurt groaned, shaking her shoulder impatiently as the dark-haired girl woke up with a soft groan. "You've lived here for three weeks and already you're using my sofa as your post-hookup hangover crash pad? We have house rules here, remember? And the first one is that one-night-stands don't spend the night!"

"Keep your screechy chihuahua voice down, Lady Hummel," Santana grumbled, rubbing her eyes and yawning. "We're not hung over, and if you wake Quinn up I will pop your glittery gay ball sack with my bare hands. She's got a temp of a hundred and three, dipshit."

"Wait, that's Quinn?" Kurt gaped at the blonde girl's sleeping form incredulously; her face was still pressed against Santana's shoulder, so all he'd seen of her was the back of her head. "You—you didn't—did you? With Quinn?" His eyes were as wide as saucers now, and he actually sat down on the floor in shock. He'd been so wrapped up in his own sexytimes reunion with Blaine the night before, he hadn't noticed how hot and heavy the two former cheerleaders had gotten on the dance floor, or how they'd disappeared halfway through the reception.

"Sex-crazed much?" Santana grinned sleepily, gently slipping out from under Quinn's limp body so she could get up and stretch without waking the sleeping blonde girl. "Ughh. This couch isn't very comfortable y'know. I think I'm gonna order dinner from that diner around the corner, they have good soup. I haven't been able to get Q to eat anything all day. Do you guys want anything?" Kurt just shook his head, staring uncomprehendingly at the unusually gentle expression on Santana's face as she stroked a few locks of sleep-mussed blonde hair back from Quinn's eyes, and laid the back of her hand against the sleeping girl's fever-flushed forehead.

"A hundred and three?" He asked, his voice much softer now that the initial shock was past. "Poor thing. I'm so sorry for jumping to conclusions, Santana—I suppose I've been in New York too long if I have to assume every display of physical intimacy must stem from sex. Carry on and take care of her, by all means. You're a good friend."

"I am a good friend," Santana nodded, eyes narrowed in accusation. Then a sultry half-smirk curled the corner of her lips. "But we did the wild thing. And it was fucking glorious, if I do say so myself. And then we were on the flight home and she just started getting so sick and loopy, I brought her home to keep an eye on her. Sorry I didn't run it by committee or whatever, but I'll give you $50 right now to just shut up about it and not give me any grief." Adam chuckled at the dumbfounded expression on Kurt's face as the two roommates stared each other down; then Quinn unknowingly broke the tension by shifting in her sleep with a soft whimper, her arm unconsciously reaching out for the missing warmth of Santana's body.

"Santi, don't go," she mumbled, her sleeping voice a croaky whisper as she shifted restlessly under the afghan. "Don't go without me..." Immediately, the Latina dropped to her knees beside the couch and slipped her hand into Quinn's sleep-mussed hair, pressing her face to the blonde girl's temple with a kiss and a gentle whisper.

"Shh, baby girl, I'm here. Nunca te dejaré, querida, shh..." The boys watched on silently while Santana soothed Quinn's fever dreams; and after a moment, the blonde girl was still again, and Santana sighed and sat back on her heels on the floor, looking exhausted. "Ughh. I...I think..." She turned away from Quinn as a sharp breath welled up in her chest, and clumsily cupped both hands to her face as her dark eyes snapped shut. "HhihtchOOoo!! *Snf!* Ugh, 'scuze me." She pulled a fresh tissue from the box on the coffee table and hastily wiped a trickle of snot from her nose. "Poor thing's out of her head. I really gotta cool her down before her brain gets fried."

"You're not looking so keen yourself, pet," Adam observed mildly from the armchair, taking in the dull pallor under her caramel-colored skin, and the fine sheet of sweat breaking out across her face and throat.

"Keen? Seriously? What decade are you from, Mr. Dorky Gay Boy Band?" Santana sneered at the British boy, who raised an eyebrow and said nothing.

"Ignore her. That's just how she talks when she's feeling vulnerable," Kurt hummed, patting Santana on the shoulder with a small smirk of affection; then he surreptitiously pressed the back of his hand to her cheek.

"Back off, fruit loop, I don't need any ladies in waiting," the dark-haired girl huffed, smacking his hand away. But Kurt wasn't as easily deterred as Adam—who, after all, barely knew either of them—and instead he just cocked his head at her and raised an eyebrow.

"Santana. You know you've got a fever too, right? Maybe you should lie down. I can get Quinn some ice and order dinner if you like."

"I don't need your help, Hummelina. I can take care of myself." Santana pushed past the boys and stalked off to the kitchen corner of the loft, yanking open the freezer door much harder than necessary.

"Oh-kaaay," Kurt hummed knowingly, shrugging as he took Adam's hand and lead him over to his partitioned "bedroom" portion of the shared loft space. "But you know where to find me when Quinn's cooties start making your head spin." Santana looked up with an outraged expression, ready to eviscerate him again; but he just smiled and gave her a little wink. And instead of yelling, Santana found herself smiling back. But only a little.

Quinn stirred and opened her bleary hazel eyes when the ice pack touched her forehead; and although her head was still spinning feverishly, she smiled up at Santana as soon as the dark-haired girl's familiar face swam into view. "I thought it was a dreamb," the blonde girl murmured, reaching up and wrapping her hand around Santana's arm, as if to make sure she was real and not a hallucination.

"What did you think was a dream, hmm mija?" Santana hummed, returning Quinn's sleepy smile with one of her own, and gently smoothing a few wisps of blonde hair back from the other girl's face.

"You...us...at the...*snghf!*...at the wedding," Quinn mumbled woozily, reaching up clumsily to feel the ice pack pressed against her forehead. "Ugh, I'mb sigck. It was just a stupid fever dream...it felt so real, I th-thought..." Tears were streaking down her flushed face in an instant, and Santana immediately climbed back under the covers beside her, wrapping an arm around her waist and kissing away her hot tears.

"Hey, c'mon now Q. Your imagination isn't that good. It was real, remember? Us, hooking up? That was as real as it gets, querida." Quinn sniffled and looked back up at Santana hopefully.

"It was? I didn't think I could feel that good...in real life." They smiled sleepily at each other, and Santana leaned down and pressed a soft, unhurried kiss to Quinn's warm lips.

"Me neither," she whispered, smiling conspiratorially. "But you are sick, honey, and I'm worried you're gonna get dehydrated with that fever. Can you...*snf!*...can you sit up and drink some water?" Quinn nodded sleepily, and held out her arms for Santana to pull her up into a half-sitting position against the couch cushions. "There you go, good girl...here, drink." She pressed a bottle of water into the blonde girl's hands, and Quinn dutifully sipped while Santana slumped back against the cushions with a long, drawn-out yawn.

"You okay?" Quinn asked, rubbing her eyes as she tried to focus on the other girl's face. "You look so tired."

"Yeah, I'm cool. Don't worry about it," Santana smiled sleepily, cuddling up closer to Quinn and playing with her hair. "I ordered some chicken and rice soup for dinner. I know you haven't wanted to eat anything, but you just...*snf!*...you just gotta, ohhh...*snf!*...okay?" The dark-haired girl scowled and rubbed her nose roughly on the back of her knuckles, sniffling sharply in an attempt to dispel the growing itch.

"Okay," Quinn agreed, reaching out and pressing her hand to Santana's forehead while she was too distracted by her itchy nose to pull away.

"Q, stop," the dark-haired girl whined, as cranky and recalcitrant as Quinn had been on the plane about accepting help or admitting weakness. "I'mb fuhhh...*snfl*...fide...hhuh'ishhew!! Ishhiiew!!!" Santana's upper body snapped forward on the couch with the force of a helplessly stuffy-nosed sneeze, and then another. She groaned miserably behind her hands.

"Bless you," Quinn murmured sweetly, cuddling up snugly against the dark-haired girl and pulling the blankets up around them both as Santana pulled a tissue from the box and blew her nose in defeat. "You caught my badness."

"Yeah...I doe," Santana sighed, leaning back and giving the blonde girl a weak smile. "But I dod't care. It was so, so worth it."

"Really?" Quinn asked, her fever-glazed eyes bright with woozy happiness.

"Really," Santana nodded, feeling a warm blush rising in her face as the blonde girl took her hand and squeezed. "Now drink your water, and then we..." Her eyelids fluttered in tandem with the soft catch in her breath, and she hastily pressed the crumpled tissue back to her nose with her free hand. "Ahhh...ahtchOOoo!! *Snghf!* Ugh, fuck this."

"Bless you, baby," Quinn smiled sleepily, pulling a fresh tissue from the box and gently swiping it under Santana's runny nose. "It's okay...I'll take care of you."

"Oh, you will?" Santana chuckled, taking the tissue from Quinn's hand and pinching it to her nose for a deep, congested blow. "Ughh. Okay, Q, if you keep letting me take care of you, I'll let you take care of me, too. How does that sound?"

"Good," Quinn beamed, cuddling up to Santana's side and kissing her on the cheek. Santana turned and, figuring it really didn't matter now since they had the same germs anyway, kissed Quinn fully on the lips. Then she shivered and ducked her head against the blonde girl's shoulder.

"Hh'ehtchoo!! Hhuh...ehh'ishOOoo!!! *Snf*...ugh, dambit!" Santana groaned in embarrassment, and pulled away wiping her nose furiously on her sleeve.

"You are so cute, it hurts my heart," Quinn grinned sleepily, kissing the grumbling girl on the cheek while she blew her nose again.

"If anyone else said that, I'd probably knock them out," Santana huffed, rolling her eyes as she blushed scarlet.

"I think I'd rather get another kiss," Quinn teased, rubbing absently at her nose. Santana smiled shyly, and leaned in to obey; but then the blonde girl put a hand on her shoulder and turned away. "Uhh, doe, wait...I j-just...hheh...hhihshiiew!! Ihh'isheww!!! *Snghf.*" Quinn sniffled and sighed forlornly; Santana just giggled weakly and handed her a fresh tissue.

"Bless you, baby girl."

"Thag you." Quinn looked up sheepishly, a thin trickle of glistening discharge still trailing from one pink nostril; but Santana didn't let it stop her from leaning in and kissing her. And Quinn didn't let it stop her from kissing back.

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hey dearies, thanks for the positive reinforcement! here's another little scene...enjoy :)


Quinntana Valentines

Part 4


It was dark outside the loft's tall windows the next time Quinn opened her eyes; but she knew it couldn't be too late, because the TV was on, and Kurt was curled up in the armchair on the other side of the coffee table beside them. Santana's warm skin rose and fell evenly beneath Quinn's cheek as she lay there waking up; and she avoided making any sudden movements so as not to wake the other girl, who, she knew, was probably feeling just as crappy as she was. It gave her a warm, fluttery feeling in her chest, that she was sure had nothing to do with her fever, when she thought about how sweet and protective Santana had been with her over the last two days, since their wild night at the hotel. It might have been nothing but sex, she'd told herself right after; it might have just been two friends helping each other scratch an itch, and nothing more. It didn't have to mean anything. It was supposed to be simple, meaningless sex.

But now, with their legs entangled in sleep and Santana's hand curled protectively over the small of her back, she knew it was more. A lot more. With a soft sniffle, the blonde girl rubbed her eyes and reached carefully across the peacefully sleeping body beneath her, and grabbed a tissue from the half-empty box on the edge of the coffee table, accidentally knocking it to the ground as she did so.

“Ugh, dambit,” she grumbled woozily, wiping her runny nose on the back of her hand with a cranky sniffle.

“Oh, hello sleepyhead,” Kurt sighed, alerted to her wakefulness by the sound of the tissue box hitting the floor. “Did you have a nice nap?” He rose from his seat and retrieved the fallen tissues from the floor, handing one to Quinn before placing them back on the coffee table.

“I gave Sadti by gerbs,” she mumbled miserably, wiping her damp pink nose on the tissue and then pinching it gently to her nostrils for a gurgling blow.

“I know, sweetie. But it isn't your fault,” Kurt assured her, sitting on the arm of the couch and pressing a hand to her forehead to check her temperature. “Blaine and I always caught each other's sniffles when we were dating. You'll get used to it.” Now that you're dating someone you actually want to swap spit with on a regular basis, he thought to himself with a smirk. He'd never really believed Quinn was attracted to boys back in high school; her dating choices had always seemed so perfunctory, and he'd never seen any evidence of real passion between her and any of the boys she'd chosen as arm candy in the past. But clearly, there was no play-acting here; as unlikely as it might be on the surface, passion obviously wasn't in short supply between these two.

“But we're dot...I dod't doe if...*snghf!*...” Quinn shook her head, pinching the damp tissue to her pink nose with a shuddering breath. “Hhih'hetchhiuh!! *Snfl.*” She ducked her head automatically against the sleeping girl's shoulder, as if it was the most natural thing in the world; and Kurt had to agree that it was, even if Quinn didn't consciously realize it. Yet.

“Bless you, hon. And, correct me if I'm wrong, Santana doesn't exactly seem to be complaining.” He raised an eyebrow, and Quinn smiled sleepily, swiping the crumpled tissue under her wet nose as she propped her head up in one hand, so she could get a good look at the sleeping girl's fever-flushed face. She was definitely starting to look like Quinn felt; feverish and congested, snoring very softly, with a stuffy pink nose; but her face was peaceful and relaxed in sleep.

“She's havidg a good dreamb,” Quinn replied absently, and Kurt chuckled, enjoying this sweet, innocent, and slightly punch-drunk version of the blonde girl, still woozy and dazed with her fever.

“I think it's because of you, Quinn. You're the one giving her good dreams,” Kurt observed, taking the open bottle of nighttime cold and flu medicine from the table and pouring out a fresh dose into the little plastic cup. “Here, sweetie, it's time for you to take some more medicine. You're still awfully sick.”

“'Kay,” Quinn yawned, reaching for the little cup and gulping it down without complaint. She was so stuffed up, she could barely taste it anyway. “What about Sadti? She's...*snghf*...she feels hot.”

“I know, hon, I'm keeping an eye on her too. She took some medicine after you fell asleep, it's too soon for her to have any more, okay? Just relax and keep resting, everything's just fine,” Kurt promised, gently ruffling Quinn's sleep-mussed blonde hair.

“Ohhh...*snfl*...okay,” Quinn nodded, pressing the crumpled tissue back to her twitchy pink nose as a fresh trickle of congestion made her breath catch and her eyes well up. “Hhhuh...uhh'tchiiew!! *Snghf*...Ahh-ahtchiuuh!!!” She ducked her head against Santana's shoulder as the stuffy sneezes shivered through her, one hand cupping the damp tissue to her spasming nostrils.

“Bless you, sweetie,” Kurt said gently, handing her a few more tissues while she sniffled and wiped ineffectually at her runny nose.

“Thahhh...*snghf*...thadks,” Quinn sighed, taking the offered tissues and wiping them roughly back and forth across the glistening pink underside of her running nose. “I....hhuh...” She pressed the crumpled tissues firmly to her wet nostrils as they quivered in helpless irritation. “I dod't wadt to...*snfl*...to wake her...uhHHh...up...” Quinn tilted her head back against the couch cushions, so her dribbling pink nostrils pointed straight ahead into the air as they quivered and huffed, desperate for release from the snotty tickle; twin trails of glistening discharge leaking slowly from their congested depths before she pinched the crumpled tissue firmly back around her quivering pink nose, squeezing and tugging firmly on the snot-slicked nostrils.

“Ahh—ahhh—ahhh'txchew!!!” Another helpless shiver coursed through Quinn's weak body as she snapped forward with a hitching, sickly sneeze, her forehead pressing up against Santana's warm collarbone with the force of it. “Ah-ashhiew!! Ehh...ehHHih...ehh'ISHsheww!! *Snfl*...” Quinn sighed weakly as she lay limp and exhausted against Santana's sleeping body, snot trickling wetly from her stuffy nose into the fabric of the dark-haired girl's t-shirt, even through the soaked tissue.

“My goodness, God bless you,” Kurt tutted, handing over a few more tissues.

“Ughhhh,” Quinn whimpered softly, sniffling and massaging her poor pink nose through the damp tissues.

“S'okay, baby,” Santana mumbled in her sleep, shifting slightly under the blankets and rubbing her thumb sleepily over Quinn's lower back. “Got you...” Then the Latina's sleepy voice trailed off into a soft, congested snore, and Quinn smiled weakly as Kurt handed her another tissue.

“Like I said. She's not complaining,” Kurt shrugged, making the blonde girl blush a little as she blew her nose.

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Oh my god this is so adorable!!!!! i am currently melting into a happy puddle of goo!!! this is so freakin cute with santana all protective oh my god its so wonderful please continue!!! :D

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To this day, I still cannot figure out how you have the power to turn even my worst of days into some of my best just with your writing. You, my friend, have magical powers. Adorable :)

Another part? please??? I don't even have the words to explain how cute this was :)

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hey everyone! it's been a while, but here's another part :)




Quinntana Valentines

Part 5


Santana woke up sweaty and cranky with a pounding head, confused for a moment as to why she was on the couch instead of in her bed. "Ughhh," she muttered woozily, pulling a hand out of the blankets to rub her clammy forehead. Then the touch of gentle fingers sifting through her hair brought her back to herself, and she stretched out with a yawn, feeling Quinn's warm weight half on top of her and their legs tangled together under the blankets.

"Does your head hurt, babe?" The blonde girl asked softly, her voice raspy and congested, so she sounded a bit like a twelve-year-old. "I'b sorry, it's...*snghf*...it's by fault...ehhtxchiuhh!!! *Snnnfl.*” Quinn sneezed into a damp, crumpled tissue, curling up against Santana's shoulder to avoid spraying her germs in the other girl's face.

"Shut up, Q, it's not your fault," Santana grumbled, wrapping an arm around the sniffling girl and kissing the top of her head. She just wanted to make Quinn feel better; but damn, her skin was so hot, Santana was starting to feel dizzy, and she struggled to sit up and extricate herself from the blankets. "I just need some air...it's too hot in here."

"It's ndot too hot. You have a fever," Quinn sighed, shakily trying to raise herself into a sitting position, too; but she swayed dizzily, and leaned back against the side of the sofa, reaching out a pale hand to feel the other girl's face.

"Q, stop. You're the one with the fever, remember? Look at you, pobrecita, you can barely sit up. I'm okay, I just caught a little bit of a cold. We're here so I can take care of you." Santana yawned as she spoke, and stroked the blonde girl's hot forehead, kissing the pink tip of her nose with a sleepy smile.

"Yeah, I doe, but...just 'cause I'b sigck doesd't bead you cad't be sigck, too," Quinn grumbled, rubbing her nose on her wrist with a congested sniffle. Santana leaned over and plucked a tissue from the coffee table, pressing it into the blonde girl's warm hand with a little smirk, waiting patiently while she blew her stuffy nose.

"I don't want you to worry about me, okay mija? You're burning up and you sound terrible. I can take care of both of us, okay? Promise." Santana smiled, but Quinn scowled behind her wadded tissue.

"Fide. If you wadt to take care of be, thed go get sobe...*snfl!*...sobe Advil."

"Okay, crankypuss," Santana smirked sleepily, stumbling up from the couch with an unexpected wave of vertigo, which she did her best to hide. By the time she got to the bathroom, she was shivering; and her head really was pounding, making her squint at the harsh fluorescent light when she flipped it on. "Ughhh, fuck me," she grumbled as she hunted through the cabinets, sniffling sharply as her nose began to run. She found the Advil, then pulled a tissue from the box on the counter, blowing her nose as a wet itch flared up in the back of her head. "Hhhuh...hhhetchiiew!! *Snghf.*" The dark-haired girl shivered weakly as she cupped the tissue to her face, groaning as her headache stabbed insistently against the back of her eyes. "This blows," she grumbled, swiping the damp tissue once more under her running nose as she shuffled back to the living room, clamping her teeth together to stop them from chattering with fever chills.

"Here you go, querida," she sighed, flopping back down on the couch and popping two little round pills from their foil packets, holding them out to the blonde girl.

"Uh-uh. You first," Quinn shook her head woozily, a sleepy smirk coming across her face at Santana's indignant expression.

"Ay, Dios mio," the dark-haired girl groaned; but she couldn't keep scowling at the sweet smile the blonde girl was giving her. "You know I'm...*snf*...I'm only doing this to make you happy, right?"

"Fide by be," Quinn yawned, rubbing her eyes. Then she pressed the crumpled tissue in her hand back to her stuffy pink nose, eyes fluttering in time with the soft catch in her breath. "Ehhh...ihht'tchiiuh!! Hhuheshiew!!! *Snfl*..."

"Bless you, baby girl," Santana sighed, rubbing the blonde girl's back while she coughed.

"Ughhh. Thadk you," Quinn sighed, pinching her runny nose roughly in the damp tissue as the wet tickle immediately welled up again, making her eyes narrow to slits as her chest rose and fell rapidly. "Dow take the...*snghf!*...take the damb pills...ahh'ishhOOoo!!! *Snfl.*"

"Okay, okay, I'm taking them," Santana sighed, swallowing the Advil with a gulp of cold water. "Now you," she instructed, handing two more pills to the blonde girl, who took them without any more argument. "Good girl," the Latina smiled sleepily, stroking Quinn's hair back absently as she settled back against the couch. "D'you feel like watching a movie or something? I know it's late, but we...*snfl*...we slept all afternoon, and now I...*snf!*...I d-dod't feel..." Santana's eyes narrowed ominously as she grabbed a fresh tissue from the box, cupping it hastily to her twitching nose as it began to run sluggishly. "Ahhh...hhhtxchOOoo!!”

“Bless”— Quinn started to say, but she could already see that the other girl was going to sneeze again before she could finish. Santana didn't even open her eyes; she just kept the tissue cupped firmly to her face, as her breath hitched involuntarily in her chest.

“Hhh, hhhh...hhih'ishheww!!! *Snghf.*”

"Bless you, sweetie," Quinn murmured, curling up against Santana's side and kissing her temple while she blew her nose.

"Ughh, thadks," the dark-haired girl grumbled, tossing the soggy tissue into the little trash bin Kurt had left them beside the coffee table, and hastily grabbing another as her nostrils quivered, not pacified by just two sneezes. "Fuhhhhck, this is...*snghf!*...this is..." With a soft, hitching gasp, she pressed the fresh tissue firmly to the damp, pink underside of her nose, dropping her head back against the couch cushions and squeezing her eyes shut tight. After a few silent seconds, she sighed and opened her eyes, which looked a little puffy still, and gave the blonde girl a dazed but triumphant smile. "Uhhh, okay, that's over. Geez." Her expression was still vaguely unfocused, and her pink nostrils glistened around the rims; Quinn thought it was adorable, but didn't say so, worried she'd just make Santana more cranky when she was trying to be strong and in charge and keep control.

"So, yes, I'd love to watch a mbovie," the blonde girl smiled sleepily, cuddling up against her friend's shoulder with a soft yawn. "Sobethidg silly? I dod't...*snghf*...dod't wadt to be sad right ndow...hhuh...uhh'hishhew!! Ishhiiew!!! *Snnfl.*” Quinn shivered and clamped a wadded tissue to her wet nose, trying her best not to snot all over Santana's shirt.

"Silly sounds good," Santana agreed, pulling the blankets more securely around Quinn's shoulders and kissing the top of her head. "How about Madagascar?"

"Yeah," Quinn nodded, and Santana climbed gingerly out from under the blankets to sort through the DVDs on the bookshelf, shivering with the loss of Quinn's fever-warmed body heat the second she was out in the air.

"Uhh, okay, here we go...uhhhh..." The dark-haired girl dropped the DVD on the coffee table as her breath caught, forcing her to cup both hands firmly to her face with no time to grab a tissue. "AhhtCHIOOoo!!! Ah'ahhishhew!! *Snnnghf.*"

"Bless you, poor baby," Quinn cooed, rubbing her eyes sleepily. Santana just whined miserably, keeping one hand cupped over her face as she snatched fresh tissues from the box on the coffee table, and blew her runny nose until the gurgling sound subsided and the itch deep inside her nose calmed slightly.

"Ughh, I freakid' hate beihg sigck," she sighed crankily, one hand still rubbing the bottom of her nose on the crumpled tissue as she picked up the DVD and went to put it in the player.

"I doe. I'b...*snghf!*...I'b sorry," Quinn sighed, looking even more miserable.

"Q, I told you, stop apologizing," Santana groaned, dropping back down on the couch and leveling the blonde girl with an exasperated expression. "I hate being sick...but I hate you being sick more. If I could take all your germs, I would. I'd be sick for both of us if that was a possibility. But it's not, so...*snfl*...so let's just chillax and keep taking care of each other 'till we both feel better. 'Kay?"

"Okay," Quinn nodded shyly, with a soft smile. Santana smiled back, and kissed the blonde girl lightly on the lips.

"Good. Now, how 'bout a movie snack? We haven't had anything but chicken soup all day. I'm gonna make some Pop Tarts, I need solid food. You want one?"

"Doe thadks," the blonde girl sighed, rubbing her eyes. "I'b dot...*snfl*...dot hudgry." She swiped at the snot-slicked underside of her nose with the crumpled tissue she still held, too tired to bother blowing anymore. Santana propped her head in her hand, and frowned seriously for a moment.

"I bet I know what you'd eat," she said finally, with a little smile tugging at the corner of her mouth. Quinn raised an eyebrow in mild curiosity. "Chocolate sorbet with a scoop of microwaved peanut butter?"

"Oh, yeah. That would be awesobe," Quinn nodded, with a surprised smile. "I forgot about that."

"Well that's why you have me," Santana winked, leaning in and giving the blonde girl another soft kiss, unperturbed by the trickle of snot that smeared across her upper lip. "I'll never forget what makes you feel better."

"Doe, that's...*snfl*...that's because you are what mbakes be feel better," Quinn beamed shyly, blushing bright red through her fever. Santana grinned back, and leaned in for one more kiss; but then at the last minute her breath caught sharply in her chest, and she ducked her head against Quinn's shoulder with a soft, involuntary gasp.

"Hhih'hetCHHiew!!! *Snfl*...ughh, God dambit," the dark-haired girl groaned, wiping her runny nose on the back of her wrist as she raised her head. "Sorry, Q. That was gross."

"It wased't gross. It was adorable," Quinn smiled sweetly, echoing Santana's own words back to her, then leaning over and stealing the kiss she'd been denied a moment ago.

“If you say so,” Santana grinned stupidly, a bright pink blush (that she would later blame on the fever) rising in her cheeks. “I'mb, uh, just gonna go get the snacks.”

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