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Sneeze Fetish Forum


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Good Lord. I think my brain just melted from the hotness of this. wubsmiley.gifblowup.gif

And if you decide to write more, I'd totally be in for more Huntbastian! The way you write them is so damn cute I'm having a hard time trying not to drool all over my keyboard. biggrinsmiley.gif

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*Falils around* Guys seriously? Im dying, seriously. Seriously...

gummiflummi: Enjdfwsnfaj I know, its absolutely terrible sometimes. >.< But its thanks to replies like this that I feel enough drive to keep going. And yay! Huntbastian is love, you'll def have to let me read your stuff ;) And sick puppies=love.

stephab13: Aw I love you too!! Thank you so much, im glad you enjoyed it!! Because....Just all the warblers in general. <3

Nicolias312: Naw, I love you for loving this! If that made any sense at all..Smh. But I'll get to work on that, don't worry ;)

sneezelova69: NAW I KNOW! *Huggles 'Lergic!Hunter*

HoneyBunny: *Gasps and puts your brain on ice* Oh gosh, cute? Naw, im glad you think that! *Blushes* Im on it!!

Renny: WOMAN I HAS NO IDEA BUT I SHALL CONTINUE!!! *Calms your tits*

Ralle: Oreally? *Hums* Nah, id have more ideas if I was God :laugh:

Okay, so I just had to thank you guys because, not lying, I actually teared up a bit when I read the replies today. And im working on a lot of stuff right now, so hopefully I'll have something up by either tomorrow or Friday! Lots of love!! <3

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I have got to say that I just LOVE these Huntbastian drabbles! Thank you so much for writing these and I am totally looking forward to more....... Especially more sneezy Hunter. ;)

Edited by Zane
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  • 1 month later...

Zane: Thrilled to know you're enjoying them! Like I've said, it just means so much to know that people enjoy my writing. And, of course, it's sneezy Hunter so, yeah. ;)

Welp, this little hiatus has gone on waaaay longer than I would have liked. But life is life, and now that im on Spring Break I hope to be cranking out some more drabbles. :D So for this one, I've just been exploring some of the 'vulnerability' factors with a lot of my OC's and other fictional characters. Hunter happened to be a recipiant of my torture, I just really wanted to see him... Well, in short, suffer. Gah, not a sadist nope nope nope! Welp, hope you guys enjoy! Along with some Caretaker!Seb. :3

"Uuhhh...Huhh..Huh!...huh'uUXSHUUuu! hh'nGISHUUuu!"

"Bless you, love," Sebastian murmured, running his hands over Hunter's taught back and handing him yet another tissue from the box inbetween them. The boy had been sneezing his head off for the past twenty minutes, each one ringing out sharply in the dark room. The pathetic attempt his boyfriend gave in sniffling into the paper material made his heart wrench, and he pulled him closer to his chest. Hunter had been suffering from the virus at least over a week, and instead of getting better, his symptoms were only worsening. Doctors kept telling him to just give it time, but of course Hunter being Hunter had tried to push through it. And now he was at the point were even turning over in bed was a huge burden.

Sebastian gently placed the back of his hand to Hunter's head then cheeks, frowning at the boiler-like warmth that radiated from his skin. "We should get you some more tylenol, babe." He whispered softly into his ear, pressing a soft kiss to his lobe.

Hunter whined and shook his head, burying his face further into Sebastian's shoulder. "Do bore..Sleebp." He tried sniffling again, wrinkling his nose against fleece fabric as his constantly itchy nostrils flared. Sebastian sighed and rubbed his back, the rythmic rising and falling of Hunter's chest being all too familiar.


"I know, just let it come baby.." Sebastian encouraged, giving the dirty blonde's blazing forhead a comforting kiss. Hunter nodded weakly, lips trembling as he took in more gulps of cold air. "Haahh..HaahGISHUUuu!...Ehtishhuuu!...Hheehh..HeehyISHIuuu!" He sneezed wetly against Sebastian's soft shirt, groaning and rubbing the tip of his cherry nose into his shoulder. Sebastian murmured a blessing and let his head rest atop Hunter's, the pale blonde shivering in his grasp. The chesnut haired boy visibly cringed as Hunter tried to breath, snorting thickly and sounding like his lungs and sinuses were filled to the brim.

"Hunt, we gotta get some kind of medicine in you. It would stop the sneezing," Sebastian offered soothingly, rubbing circles into the small of his boyfriend's back. Hunter gave a weak groan of protest, shaking his head and rubbing weakly under his damp nostrils. "I'b so sleeby Seb, please.." He whined, looking up at the chesnut haired boy with pitifully watery eyes.

If he hadn't already felt bad enough, that look sent Sebastian to rock bottom. Biting down on his lip, he curled his fingers around Hunter's hair and kissed his forehead once more before scooting out of bed. "Do, dod't leave.." Hunter whimpered and reached out, grabbing Sebastian's shirt and trying with all his quickly draining strength to pull him back.

"Baby, I'll be right back.. Promise." He pulled his boyfriend's hand away gently, then grabbed the bottle of Robutussin off of the nightstand and poured it into the plastic cup. He bit back a smile at the groan Hunter gave. Sure, the stuff was absolutely putrid and thick as molasses, but it would give both of them some relief. "Here babe, just drink it fast." He said softly, tilting the still protesting blonde's head up and bringing the cup of green liquid to his dry, cracked lips. "Just down it, Hunt. Please?"

Hunter gave a weak sound of discomfort, but slowly parted his lips and allowed his boyfriend to pour the rancid slime down his throat. He gagged a little as it slid down his throat, muffling the following coughs into his hoodie sleeve.

" 'S so dasty.." He moaned miserably, giving his scarlett-tinged nostrils a rough swipe against his wrist. They flared out sharply, eyes fluttering shut as his head tipped back with a shaky inhalation. Sebastian cooed softly, crawling behind Hunter and laying him down into his lap, feeling the blonde's body tremble as he geared up for another fit.


It was a wonder Sebastian's ears didn't pop from the volume of his boyfriend's sneezes, but all he could do was sigh and press a gentle kiss to his temple. "Bless," Sebastian drug his fingers up and down Hunter's shivering back as the blonde emptied his nose into the very damp tissue, then calmed down somewhat. The fit left Hunter breathless and wheezy, and definitely more worn out than before. "C'mon, try and get some rest now.." Sebastian whispered softly, rubbing his thumb across the back of Hunter's neck.

After wiping some of the leakage from his upper lip, Hunter wrapped his arms tighter around the lithe Warbler, yawning into his sweater and mumbling a groggy "G'night Bas,"

Settling down against the pillows, Sebastian mustered up a weak smile. This thing would pass, it had to. Hunter was...Hunter. Everything would be fine. Pressing one last kiss into the mussy blonde hair, Sebastian let his eyes slip shut, the sound of the Warbler Captain's considerably less-congested snores lulling him to sleep.


Welp, there we are! Hope you guys enjoy this little thingamajigger, and I hope to have some more drabbles up soon! <3

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Oh sweet merciful Lord.

... As a side note, I have more Hunter going to be uploaded... soon. He's on the verge of it anyway. GAH WORDS.

But... I love you. Please know that. And... yeah, as always, more? :-)

Seriously though. You have vulnerable Hunter, and I LOVE it when they break the stereotype;.. and Sebastian caring and both are just absolutely to die for and...


Yeah, that's me melting in a puddle.

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stephab13: Oh my gosh sweetheart, you have no idea how much your comments keep me going (along with your, unf, lovely drabbles). Seriously, you're one of the reasons I keep this thread going, like inspiration. *Scoops up puddle you and huggles*

gummiflummi: Yey for torture! laughing.gif Welp, here is some more! Thanks so much for commenting sweetie :3

Ermahgerd im actually back with another one. I'm continually suprising myself, but there's just something special about this thread that makes me motivated to write. That and well, I really haven't done any Jyder yet, which I so said I would in the outset, so I thought why not? Also just, I see Ryder as having a very sensitive nose, little scents setting him off and such... Maybe even bath oils, I mean uh, heh, who knows? My little sneeze-freak mind see's so many possiblities... And a little SneezeKink!Jake to add more fun!


"Mmm, man this feels amazing.. Haven't had my.. pores cleansed in a while. Or like, ever."

Ryder chukled a bit at Jake and sank deeper into the water. It did feel really soothing against his skin, and the bath soaps they added to the water smelled amazing. "Guess I should be glad you entered us in that competition, huh?"

Jake gave Ryder a knowing smirk. "Hell yeah you should. Told you we'd win dude. Like that judge with the saddle bags said.." He yawned, folding his hands behind his head, a saisfied look gracing his features,. "..our voices are like sex on the beach.."

"Oh totally.. Though, not exactly how id put it.." Ryder let out a yawn of his own and slipped further underwater for a moment before coming up and leaning against the side. God, it was all so peaceful... Except for one thing: That damned itch in his nose.He'd felt it ever since he stepped into the locker room, but it had been more of a dull tickle. Now it had flared into a fierce crawling sensation, and it was driving him mad. He sniffled lightly, a couple of times as he tried to stop the irritation. Sighing he reached a wet hand to his nose and scrubbed underneath his nostrils, frowning deeply as the sensation stayed. "Fuck me..."

"Hmm? You say something Lynn?"

Ryder shook his head, the movement seeming to exacerbate the itch. "Nah, im fiih -fine.."

Jake cracked an eye open and let his eyes scan the boy's face. He seemed distant.. Not that he, like, cared or anything. No, not at all. "You sure?"

"Yeah, 'm fine," Ryder replied, smiling tightly. He didn't feel confident enough to allow any more than a short reply. This itch was killing him. Sniffling as discreetly as possible he sunk under the water until it reached his chin. And then it happened. He gasped a bit as he felt the itch explode in his sinuses. "Fuck," he mumbled quickly, avoiding Jake's confused gaze just before pitching forward into the water with a small but intense sneeze.


Jake scoffed as Ryder sniffed and rubbed at his nose. "Bless Lynn. Somebody must be talkin' about you,"

Ryder let out a weak chuckle, his chest puffing out as his breath continued to catch. "D-doubt ihh-it. Heeh..Eheshoo! Heeshoo! EESHHOO!" Ryder sighed shakily and scrubbed at his nose, furrowing his brow in confusion.

Jake let the corners of his mouth twitch upwards. "So, you're okay then? Because last I checked, normal people don't sneeze that much in one sitting,"

Ryder sniffled a couple of times, quick and irritated little inhales. The tickle seemed to vibrate against the already irritated walls of his sinuses, and the sensation just felt...stuck. "I dundo. I'b just.. by dose itdches for sobe reasond..." Cringing at how thick his voice sounded he leaned back against the tiled wall. What the hell was wrong with him? "Baybe id's the steab..." he mumbled unsurely.

Jake shrugged, and sunk himself lower into the water. "Maybe you're getting sick or something."

"I *sniff* dod't feel sick though..."

"You sure sound like it." Yawning loudly, Jake moved over to Ryder, and looked the boys face over. Ryder squirmed a bit under Jake's gaze. "W-what?"

Jake shook his head and took in the cherry hue on Ryder's nose and eyes. "Okay, you're not sick. You look...irritated."

"Irri- HIIShoo! *sniff* Irritated? Like, how?

""Like... allergic, I guess." said Jake, cringing at how thick Ryder's sniffles were starting to sound. "Do you have any allergies?"

Ryder shook his head as he continued to roughly scrub at his nostrils. "Dot thad I kdnow of. Besides cats, I've dever beed allergic to anythig else." His breath caught and his hands shot up to cover his nose, bringing a small pool of water with them as he inhaled. He snorted, sputtering and coughing as some of it went straight up his nose. "Geehshoo! EEeshoo! Eshoo! Eckshoo! Heh..Heh..." Ryder whimpered a little, his eyes squeezed shut and leaking as his breathing shuddered in his chest.

Jake's mouth twitched into a smirk. It would be a complete lie to deny that seeing Ryder so flustered didn't make his stomach flutter. Of course, he certainly shouldn't have been feeling this way about a guy friend. Especially not Ryder, who was his bro for life. But still, he felt that heat pool into his lower abdomen all the same. "Jesus Lynn, c'mere..." He sighed, pushing Ryder's hands down and began stroking the bridge of his nose gently.

Ryder flinched a little under the touch, but let Jake continue the gentle stroking as his nostrils flared violently. "Thats it, just relax... Let it come.." Jake's voice was soft, almost soothing, and he scratched his fingernail softly around the tip of Ryder's nose.

"Heehh...heehhh...Eeehehhh...Heehh! Heh'ESHOOO! ESHOO! HEHSHOOO!SHOO!" He sneezed wetly to the side, thoroughly misting his already wet shoulder. Jake moved back a little, but kept one hand on Ryder's back as he jerked forward again, muscles staying tensed.


Jake quirked an eyebrow, patting Ryder's back gently in an attempt at comforting the sniffling brunette, both boys absolutely stunned (and one particularly exhausted) by the intense fit.

"Sneezed it all out?" He asked curiously, letting himself smile once more as Ryder nodded slowly.

"Yeah, thigk I'b good. Damb, just feels good to get thad tigckle...out..Oh, uh.." he trailed off, feeling a thick dampness seep down against his face. Without a word, he stood up abruptly and practically sprinted out of the spa-room, one more desperate sneeze ringing out in the hallway, followed by a muffled, "Fugck!"

Jake simply chuckled gruffly and sunk back down under the water, images of Ryder blushing like mad while emptying his nose flickering through his mind. Shivering, he lit his eyes fall shut and sighed contently. Yep, best first spa day ever.


(Meep! Well, hope you guys enjoyed the first taste of Jyder! Now to debate on wether or not sleep is needed. I mean I've only been up for about 18 hour- *passes out*) <3

Edited by Grey on a Sunday
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Oh, Jyder.

Admittedly I'm not as invested in them as, say, the Warblers, but... man...

That was...


Yeah. Okay. Um. I'm not as good at keyboard smashing as you (which, I must admit, had me giggling a good 5 minutes this morning) but here we go

asof i sdlg spjPAWIOR sr ih poA|R orzdhgkjf soifh sogheiruhweuihso ifsoidfuhisu hiues iussghk

Okay stopping because it brought up some weird HTML thing and Ive no idea what the hell I did because ME NO SPEAKA DA TECHNO

But yes. Adorable, hot, um... yes. Makes me... rather want to be in that spa with them :P

... And, I inspire you? Seriously? THat... makes me grin. Wayyyyy too much than is probably necessary. Also, because I'm currently writing my own sick Hunt thing and I'm using YOUR work for inspiration :D

So yep. I don't have Warbler blazers, but I do have a ring too! And a phone with a Dalton uniform :P I definitely think this should be a thing. And together we can bring down the world with amazingly sexy sick and sniffly boys.


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stephab13: Omigosh yey! I know Jyder isn't as popular as most other pairings but, it's got this little place in my heart and makes me all *Insert giggly happiness here* I'm so ecstatic that you like it though EEEEP! Yeah, I kind of.. Spa.. Yeah. *Le blush* And seriously, you do inspire me. Like a lot. OMFG PHONE CASE YEP WE'RE DOIN' THIS. ;)

Okey so I'm back and I was talking to some of my friends who happen to be hardcore Klainers, and thought to myself: Self, you should totes give Klaine a go. And try not to screw up the characters. So I made it just a weeeeee bit AU so I would have a little more freedom with the characters, but hopefully they're not completely wrecked. It's basically is Blaine had to transfer to Mckinley because of his parents financial issues, and of course the poor thing has to get sick on the first day because I like torture. *Flutters eyelashes* Enjoy!


Blaine shuffled through the school double doors, head hung low while the lower half of his face was pressed into a white embroidered handkerchief. Eyes lowered to the ground, he didn't dare look up at some of the odd looks he was probably getting. Being clad in a sweater, trench coat and scarf during one of the hottest days in Spring wasn't exactly normal, and obviously not his obvious choice for the first day of school, but he was absolutely freezing.

He'd been fending off this cold, flu, or whatever was plaguing him for about a week. Only a scratchy throat, he'd said, and this morning the illness hit him full-on like a semi. His face was sallow, dark circles complimenting the pink flush across his cheeks, and he sported a lovely crimson nose that was constantly dripping despite it's congested state.

Snuffling against the soft material, he managed to make it down to his locker without any trouble, and he brought his free hand up to start turning the lock. "Hih!" His breath caught as a tickle unexpectedly shot through his sinuses, mouth dropping open to suck in more air as his red-rimmed nostrils flared out. No, no you're not going to sneeze. Not here, in front of everyone. Hold it back! His hazel eyes fluttered slightly as he fumbled to grab his books, hugging them tightly to his readily expanding chest.

"Igghhuhh..Huuhh!...Hheeh-EHH!-HEH!-Hehgiisshh! IH'TIISHUU-Mph!"

Blaine sneezed semi-loudly into the fabric, managing to stifle the last one slightly as his dark curls flopped onto his forehead. Honestly he'd been far too exhausted to even attempt styling, as if it would help with his already horrid appeareance. He groaned and rubbed roughly against his still tickling nostrils, face flushing as he closed his locker shut. Giving one more liquid snuffle into his handkerchief, he trudged down the hallway to his next class.


Blaine managed to squelch two considerably messy expulsions between his index finger and thumb, flushing bright red as he felt the digits grow damp. Great, now his nose was going to start running. In the middle of Ap Lit.

There didn't seem to be a reachable end to the absolutely ridiculous onslaught of sneezes that were tickling their way out of Blaine's violated system. He was either sneezing, on the brink of sneezing, or always feeling like he had to. Like someone was brushing a feather duster against the most sensitive part of his sinuses. His foggy brain couldn't recall a time that he'd actually sneezed so much, but he sure as hell prayed that there would be a break soon.

Trembling fingers finally grasped the delipitated hanky taking up residence among some crumpled up napkins, and he swiftly brought the cloth up to his crimson nostrils, giving small, tentative wipes. The skin was already raw and chaffed, but he didn't want to sport a full-on Rudolph look just yet. He'd wait until he got home, when he could sneeze and empty his nose to his sickly hearts content.

But as the suddenly deafening 'tick tock' of the clock echoed through his eardrums, it seemed so very far away.


"Bless you,"

He jerked his head to the sound of the voice. It was quiet, but held so much volume in the sweetness and...Was that sincerety? The young man himself matched perfectly with it: Fair, ivory skin, perfectly coifed chesnut locke's that framed his heart-shaped face, and those eyes. They were the first feature his own watery ones noticed. Such a stunning, far past crystal pale-blue. Alarmingly close to the brilliance of diamonds.

A white handkerchief was laying on his outstretched palm, his expression one of quiet sympathy, as if he could sense just how much Blaine needed the small square. Though one look at his blotchy, tear-streaked face could speak volumes already.

Hesitantly, Blaine reached out to his saviors hand, and wrapped his fingers around the smooth material. Sun-kissed fingers grazed pale, alarmingly gentle ones, and Blaine didn't have the energy to supress the shiver that ran down his spine. As he dabbed underneath his sore nose, he let his eyes flicker up to catch the brunette's gaze once more and spoke quietly.

"Thank you,"

"Any time,"

Any time. The words echoed in Blaine's fogged up mind, even once the boy had turned around and was fully concentrated on The Great Gatsby. Despite the sensation that he was going to keel over any second, a tired smile crept onto his face. Maybe he could weather through this cold, just for today.


(Oh dear lord, I reeeeeaaaaaally hope that I didn't botch this as bad as I feel I did. PLEASE feedback guys, requests, all that good stuff. It's a huge help to me. Love ya'll! <3)

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OH MY GOD. You did Klaine. I will love you until the end of time...

This was absolutely amazing!

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Klaine omg xD ur such an amazing writer continue update c: please

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This is absolutely brilliant! Don't stress so much! :-)

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These are really good! I admit, I'm not as much of a Klaine lover story wise anymore but that one was cute. :D Thanks again for writing these and looking forward to more.

Edited by Zane
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Jyder....Huntbastian...dgsdkfl Klaine....*hyperventilates* MY BABIESSSSS

Yeah- love the ships, love the prompts, and love your writing. :3

Edited by Renny
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and then chord proceeds to tell LT that his hands are filthy and covered in poop while jacob fights him off and makes adorable face and I'm just staring at my screen like:


so yeah. that happened. just wanted to let y'all know that.

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  • 2 years later...

I know I'm SO late, but this topic is WONDERFUL. The sneezes are just PERFECT. The first one with Huntbastian and the Blaine one...and the Jyder one... :drool: Perfect, I tell you, perfect!

Sorry this is a very late reply. But just wanted to comment on how great this is. :D

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