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Sneeze Fetish Forum


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Hey there, Hi there! Yes, im back and, for some reason, still writing. xD Well, I've been on a serious glee kick lately, and I didn't want to start a bunch of random threads for stories. So I plan on putting them in this one! Mainly Huntbastian, Jyder, pretty much anyone and yes, I do take requests so don't be afraid to ask and I'll do my best! Hope you guys enjoy! <3


Sebastian glanced over at his boyfriend with an amused smile. He was standing over the kitchen counter, specifically the raw chicken he was preparing for dinner, but he doubted that his mind was anywhere on the poultry.

Mouth agape, nostrils flaring in and out, eyes squinted and lashes fluttering, it was an expression Sebastian knew all to well.

"Use too much pepper again, Hunt?"

Sebastian chuckled softly as Hunter nodded slowly, the small action making his face screw up even more. "Hiih...Hih!...S-Sehehb...C-Can...C'mere-HEH!" His head tipped back, and a soft whimper escaped from his throat.

Sebastian was sure the blonde was going to sneeze, but next he knew his boyfriend's face returned to one of simple confusion. "Huh..Lost it.." He sighed and gave his slightly bold nose a quick rub into his shoulder, then went back to preparing the meal.

"Aw, what a shame.." Sebastian cooed, now standing behind Hunter, arms slowly wrapping around his torso. He couldn't help but smile as Hunter gasped, then sighed and gave his boyfriend a mock-glare.

"Shame? Oh, because you would have gotten a boner right?"

"Mm, maybe. You act like you don't know..."

Hunter grinned and wrinkled his nose, "Well, I know how my 'Achoo's' drive you wild." He sniffled a little then went back to his work.

The small action sent a tremor down Sebastian's spine, and he ground his hips into Hunter's backside, smiling at the desperate sigh he got in return. "God, with a voice and a nose like yours, you drive me absolutely insane..." He whispered, then slowly brought a finger to Hunter's nose and lightly flicked the tip.

Hunter wrinkled the apendage with a sigh, frowning slightly as Sebastian kept up at the action.

"Ngg, Seb, come on! You don't want me to s-sneeze..." He huffed and tilted his head, and nose, away from Sebastian's finger. "..all over your gourmet dinner, now do y-yuh..you?"

"Well, we could always order take out..." He moaned, and began tickling the skin between Hunter's nostrils, which flared dangerously.

"S-Seb..W-Watch ihhh..it....huh?." Hunter wiggled his nose, scrunching it up and down and trying to turn his head, but Sebastian held him firmly. "Guh, S-Seb!" he gasped, eyes fluttering shut. Sebastian always seemed to have such a light touch, and it drove his already peppered sinuses mad.

"Oh, im watching.. Very closely.." Sebastian whispered, then started tracing his fingernail around Hunter's quivering nostrils.

"Hehhh...S-Suuhuuhhhh...Sehhh...Hehh!- Bas!!" Hunter whined as Sebastian pressed his finger underneath his nose, the tickle still fluttering in his sinuses. Sebastian grinned cheekily, loving the feel of Hunter's flaring nostrils against his skin. "Maybe one more.." he whispered, giving the slightly redenned tip one last flick before Hunter lost it.

"hhh.....hheh!...HEH..HAH-HAH-HEH!-HEGISHUUEW!" He sneezed loudly, squishing his nose against Sebastian's finger.

Sebastian moaned softly, then composed himself enough to rub his poor boyfriend's nose. "Gosh, bless you! Didn't know you were so sensitive..."

Hunter sniffled and wrinkled his nose, annoyed at the wet sound and how odd it felt having Sebastian's finger sliding back and forth under his damp nostrils. "That can't be hygenic"

"...Whats that?"

"...Never mind. Shit...HAICHIIEW!"


"*sniff* S-Sorry... With a doseful of pepper, you should have seed this coming!"

"....I love it when your voice gets stuffy,"

"I cad tell.. It's kid of digging into by side, Seb,"

".....We should have sex. Right here, right now,"

"Dext to the chicken?"

"He can watch,"

"*sniff* Can I blow by dose first?"


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This is absolutely amazing! Please continue this! I loved it!!!!!!!!

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Oh my gosh... That was absolutely sensational! I absolutely loved it. Sebastian's just so snarky and playful and cheeky and flirty and adoejwmcuwhsh~

Just amazing. You already know that I want you to continue ;)

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I am blushing so hard right now, you guys are too damn sweet! Thanks so much for the comments, and I'll get right on the next couple of stories, since I've got all these random ideas floating in my head. <3

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Alright, got some new material for tonight! I'm hoping that I can update at least once or twice a week, depending on how my schedule goes. Also, those replies just seriously made my day. Literally, my day has been made. *Huggles each and every one of you* So this next one was kind of a prompt one of my RP partners threw out to me when we were brainstorming, and although there it DOES involve Marley, I don't ship RyderxMarley at all, so no worries about Jyder being thrown out the window. ;)

Sneezer: Ryder Lynn

Setting: AU Prompt: Demon!Ryder was badly wounded protecting Human!Marley from a band of rogue devils, and she takes him to her apartment for some much needed rest and recovery. Friendship, set when they're about 20 years old and Marley's in college.

"Do you need some pajama's?"


"How about some more blankets?"


"Um.. Maybe something to eat?"

"...I dodn't thidk soup would be too sufficient,"

"Oh. Um, right," she said, smoothing out some of the bedspread. He was hunched into a ball near the edge, shivering slightly underneath the pile of blankets she'd laid on top of him. The only sound he'd made until now was the ocassional sniffle, and a following sneeze.

She rubbed his thigh soothingly, looking over his sickly pale face with worry. His features were twisted into a mixture of discomfort and pity. The poor thing looked absolutely miserable, and she felt completely useless. Yes, she had given him a place to stay, offered everything she had, but he wouldn't accept any of it. At least the items that were actually useful. Hell, she almost had to force him into the damned bed. As if he had to fight all of this on his own. As if-


"Bless you," she whispered, giving his thigh a squeeze as he shuddered. A thick snuffle came from the covers and he shifted a little so that he was facing the wall. He croaked out a "Thagk you" before covering his face, his sniffles muffled by the wool cloth.

She had to steel back the thoughts of how red his nose must have gotten, how a trail of mucus was running down into the divot just above his lip. It only reminded her of just how little she could do for him, how pathetic she felt. Suddenly, he his leg gave a twitch and he was sitting up, glistening eyes wide and chest heaving underneath his navy blue sweater. "Did you hear that?"

"Hear what?"

Ryder's eyes narrowed a little, the crimson around his irises spreading. "Th..Tha.." His face went blank as another sneeze crept up on him, and he slowly raised a hand up to his face as his head tilted back. "Hah! Hahhkk-tchew!" He sneezed into his wrist, nose squishing as a current of pain ran through his body.

She furrowed her brow for a moment, then her ears picked a faint blaring sound. With a sigh, she got up, walked over to the window and shut it, just as a fire engine rolled by. She couldn't help but smile as she felt his eyes on her the whole time, snuffling behind his hand. "It was a fire truck, dear. They won't hurt you,"

"Id sounded like a badchy.."

"But it wasn't. You don't need to worry about anything or anyone hurting you here Ryder. Understand?"

He stared at her for a moment, blood shot eyes glistening in the dim candlelight, before he nodded and sunk back down underneath the covers. An almost content sigh slipped from his chapped lips, and she smiled. Even if she couldn't make him well, she gave him sense of security. That was enough. It would have to be.


(Merp, well I hope this didn't seem to OOC or just plain weird to anyone. Again, thanks for reading and have a supermegafoxyawesome day! ;3)

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Gurlie....you wrote...beautiful things. *creys*

Huntbastian was gorgeous and pure golden sexiness, and demon Ryder is freaking PERFECT and I'm totally not shipping him with Angel!Jake or anything

*sigh* Look what you did to me... :3 *jumps into pool of fluffy Jyder and Huntbastian*

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sneezelova69: Aww gosh.. *le blush* Thank you so much honey!

Renny: AJKLGJLKJ I hoped you would like Demon!Ryder love! :laugh: Thanks babu, im so glad you enjoyed these!

Alright guys, I've got the next little drabble! But this ones more of a starter, I plan on adding more onto it but here's the first part! Something about seeing Hunter all quiet and soft spoken, it just makes my little fangirl heart flutter, so he's kind of a recluse in this one. Also, im really curious as to what people would like to see in this thread, so if you have any specific requests or pairings you'd like to see, drop me a line! :3

Sneezer: Hunter Clarington

Setting: Slight AU: In which Sebastian picks up a very wet Hunter by the bustop and offers to take him home.

Sebastian strode out to his car, twirling the black umbrella above his head as rain pelted the slick material. It was one of those rare days in Lima, when the snow had abated enough to allow those longed-for showers. The sweet scent of spring filled the air, and it had such a weird affect on eveyone at Dalton. Yes, the rain brought out an overall good mood. Go figure.

"Sunday morning rain is falling, Steal some covers share some skin.." He sung softly, opening up the door to his black BMW and sliding inside with a content sigh. The rain was nice to walk in, but only for a little while. He didn't want to chance getting that awful frizz to his hair from staying out in the elements. Sex hair was not exactly desirable before you even stepped into a gay bar.

After checking out his chesnut locke's in the mirror one last time, he pulled out of the parking space. He was about to peel out onto the street, the blare of car horns ringing in his ears. Grey-Blue eyes glanced to the left, then the right, but he did a double take. At the bustop right outside of Dalton's front doors stood a dark-haired, and decidedly damp freshman. He squinted out of the rain soaked windshield to get a better view, white teeth biting down into the soft flesh of his lower lip.

It wasn't a very normal occurence to pay much attention to the freshmeat (as they were so lovingly coined) and this kid was no exception. Sebastian had only seen him a couple of times in passing through the hall. Head hung low, dark bangs shielding his eyes, clutching his books as if they were his only life line. All in all, no one to really give any thought too. So why now, when he was just standing there, did Sebastian feel an odd twinge of emotion inside of him. Or maybe it was more so curiosity? Either way, he needed to get that kid in his car. Now.

Backing up a little, he rolled down the opposite window and leaned his body towards it before calling out. "Hey!"

The boys formally slumped posture became rigid, and he jerked his head up in the direction of Sebastian's voice. He looked almost frightened, and adorable if Sebastian was being honest with himself. The darker haired boy looked around for a moment before making a gesture to himself.

"Yes you, the only one out in this god-forsaken weather!" Sebastian called out, a hint of playfulness in his tone. He motioned for him to come closer, and with some reluctance he did, and Sebastian opened up the door. He stood there for a moment, looking like a small child debating on wether or not he should enter and Sebastian sighed in exhasperation. "You know, I actually have places to be, people to do- see, so if you'd rather walk home, or wait one more hour for the bus.."

That seemed to be all the convincing he needed, and the next minute they were driving down the streets of Lima, the only sound being wind shield wipers. The brunette hummed softly and tapped his fingers on the rigid leather, stealing small glances at the first year every so often and, to be perfectly honest, checking him out. He wasn't actually all that bad looking: Behind the raven colored hair were a pair of brilliant emarald colored orbs, defined cheek bones, and full, succulent, pink lips. He would've oozed absolute perfection, if it weren't for the purple smudges underneath his eyes, the sallow, almost ghostly white of his skin, and chapped lips along with tints of red to his cheeks and nostrils, which gave a slight twitch. Not to mention the occasional, and very thick sniffle he'd give every 30 seconds. Great, this newly discovered Adonis had a head cold. Just his luck.

"hhhh… heh-heh…"

The small gasps caught Sebastian's attention, and he turned his head to see the lids of those brilliant eyes fluttering closed, defined nostrils flaring softly. Shit, he looked like he was about t-


Hunter managed to stifle the sneeze between his index finger and thumb, an almost pained look flashing across his face before he settled back into a slump against the soft leather.

"Bless you," Sebastian mumured, trying not to think of how insert something witty here.

Hunter, nose still pinched shut, nodded his thanks. His skin had colored slightly, a deeper flush spread across his cheeks, and he went back to being an adorable little object of desire.

"So.. Hunter, right?"


(EEp! Hope you guys enjoyed, even if this one's a bit shorter! Thanks again for the comments, they are just love. <3)

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Eep! I love Huntbastian! And this new story is adorable! Continue soon!

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Gaaaaah. I love the way you write Sebastian - absolutely precious!

Can't wait for you to continue ... looks like Hunter's in for a treat, I'm sure Sebastian won't just abandon him when he's so miserable AND hot :-)

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Gah, thanks again you guys! I always worry about wether or not I've captured a characters personality, so these replies are really fueling me. I hope to have the next part up by tonight or tomorrow morning, and maybe a new drabble. Thanks again! <3

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Okay, I suprised myself with this one! Actually, I just realized that its technically morning, and I really wanted to get it up this morning but eh. *Le shrug* I hope you guys enjoy the next installment! :3

"Where do you live anyway?" He inquired as he turned onto the freeway. In his huff to get some, he hadn't even asked the question, "I mean, I like driving in the rain as much as the next person, but you seem like you need to get home."

Hunter unclenched his nose and gave a tentative sniff before speaking, voice hoarse and stuffy. "Eighd sixdeed, Baple streed. The whide house od the corder."

Sebastian nodded again, and turned onto the exit ramp. "I know a little bistro near there. Pretty nice neighborhood."


Silence yet again. This was getting annoying, he needed to get this kid talking. Even if his nose did sound like it was stuffed with cotton. "So you're new to Dalton. How're you liking it?"

"Id's fide," Hunter replied after a minute of contemplation, "Id's really clead, ad dot as crowded as I ibaged id to b-be.." The darker haired boy groaned and rammed a fist under his nose, shrinking back and turning to face the car window "Hiihh..Hih'KISHHUuh! Ih'TISHuu! Guh, sorry aboud thad.. Id's beed bugging be all day ad-.."

Sebastian looked over at Hunter, curious as to whether or not more sneezes were on the way. But he just clamped up and went back to staring out the window, giving soft snuffles and rubs to his obviously irritated nose. "Yeah, Dalton's never what people expect it to be. And that goes both ways, just saying." He smiled to himself, knowing that the boy probably wouldn't understand him, but he absolutely dreaded silent car rides.

"I'b sorry,"

Sebastian glanced at Hunter with a furrowed brow. Those weren't the exact words, if any, that he'd been expecting.

"For what?"

"I talgk to buch," he replied, voice apologetic and almost ashamed.

Shit, did he manage to pick up one of those emotionally scarred teenagers again? Damn it. "Hey, don't even worry about it. I would've dropped you off at the intersection if I thought you talked too much." He joked, frowning when he noticed the boys expression hadn't changed. That, and he was shivering. "Here, I'll get the heat." His fingers turned the dial into red, and a wave of heat blasted from the vents. He could see Hunter visibly relax, and he sighed. "The cold doesn't really bother me that much, so I wasn't worried about keeping it warm in here. I'm the one who should be apologizing."

Hunter gave him a barely there smile, but at least it was something. Sebastian certainly didn't want a Popsicle getting into his pants, now did he? "So, Hunter, tell me about yourself. And no, I don't sound like one of those therapists with leather couches so stop thinking it."

The boy actually chuckled, a deep, crackly sound, but he laughed. Together with smiling, he was making progress. "Ub..Well, I'b a feshbad. But, you probably already kndew thad. Uh.." He sucked in his bottom lip and tried to piece his thoughts together. "By bests subjects id school is bath and history, I really edjoy writidg, ad by best spord is lacrosse-"

"No kidding? Hm, we have a lot in common. So how do you like t-"


"Bless, again. Sounds like a nasty bug," He said, tone dripping with both sympathy and hint of distaste. Of course he wasn't going to be rude outright, but he still didn't want to catch whatever disease this handsome fellow had picked up. The dread was only increased when he saw Hunter sniffle, a sickeningly thick sounding process, followed by rubbing a finger under his cherry red nose.

Ugh, so unsanitary.. Thought Sebastian, who quickly reached across and opened up the glove compartment. "Should be a travel pack near the side," He mumbled, eyes never leaving the road.

"Thagks," Hunter croaked out stuffily, pulling one of the sheets out and hastily placing one under his nose before it started leaking. He coughed a little before finally taking a breath and blowing into it, but the congestion seemed to flood his nose again only seconds afterward. With an exhausted sigh, he took another and swiped underneath his nostrils, using his free hand to point out the window. "There,"

Sebastian looked over to the direction and pulled up to the curb, stopping in front of a sweet cream-colored two-story, neat front yard and a white picket fence. "Nice place," He mumbled, light eyes still scanning the molding. Not getting a response, he looked over at Hunter and furrowed his brow before sighing and leaning back in his seat, the expectant gasps tearing out of the dark-haired boys throat being all the reply he needed. "Bless, again."

"Hiih..Hih'ITSh-uh! Ih'TSHUuu!...Hiihh...Heh!..HehHGISHUuu!"

The sneezes jerked Hunter forward, and Sebastian noticed him shivering afterward. Yep, this was one quickie he was definitely going to skip out on. Damn, a selfless deed with no personal gain, what a trip. He noticed those glassy emerald eyes staring longingly out the window, and he unlocked the door. "Get some rest," He offered half-halfheartedly, still a little pissed and not even paying much attention at the mumbled 'Thank you' as the door slammed shut. Well, to the club it was. Fingers turned the key and revved up the engine, and he spared one last glance at Hunter, eyes widening when he saw the boy collapse onto the freezing pavement.

(Oh noes! D: Well, until next time! Again, thank you THANK YOU for the comments!! <3)

Edited by Grey on a Sunday
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Oh my holy sweet Lord.

So tonight I get allergic!Dean (though that's canon but NOT HERE FOR FANGIRLING GAH!) AND Demon!Ryder AND sick!Hunt

... You people are all trying to kill me. Dear God.

Um... More? Pretty pretty please?

... Also, might I add that I'm slightly terrified to touch Huntbastian again after these?

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Mmmmmm, they're all so hott. I really, really love your characterization and your spellings. Plus you come up with lovely plotlines. I just love your writing in general.

Also, Huuunnnntteerrrrrrr :drool: :drool: :drool:

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Oh boy, didn't mean for this thing to be put on hold for so long! Life and such, always seems to hate me being on a roll for some reason. Eh, anyway, im back! With another, more.....shall we say, indulgent drabble? Yes, thats it.wubsmiley.giflaughing.gif Thank you guys again for the..more than wonderful replies. It just, it means a lot that im actually entertaining people with my writing. It's really great. :3

Sneezer: Hunter Clarington

Setting: Short drabble that involves a very irritated, tortured Hunter Clarington. Takes place just after The Warblers win Sectionals, but before the steroids scandal. Zero plot, but lots of fun stuff! (I hope...)

Hunter was shuffling through the Warblers set-list for Regionals, nodding in approval at his choices. Honestly, they didn't even need enhancements to win. With him as captain, there was no way they could lose.

His movements halted for a moment, his fingers just about to turn to the next page. His nose itched. A lot. He wrinkled it up with a sniff then went back to his work, trying his best to ignore it. He could feel his nostrils trembling slightly, and he grit his teeth as his fingers follow suit. "Fuck.." he hissed, bringing a fist to his nose and pushing it up.

"Don't.." he warned, slowly letting his hand back down with another sniff, then went back to his work. "Heh!" He furrowed his brow, clamping a hand over his mouth before twisting to the side with a strong, "HAKTSCHUU!"

He grimaced at the wetness that hit his hand, and he quickly set down the papers to fish around his blazer pocket. His fingers finally wrapped around a soft cloth, and he quickly brought it up to his nose with a sigh. His relief was short lived though, as his chest heaved with another hitching breath.

"Hah! HahtSCHUU! SHCUU!" He sniffled back the oncoming congestion, raising an eyebrow. He'd never sneezed so much, not without a good reason. Maybe it was dusty? He sighed, then plopped down into his desk chair, stuffing the setlist into a drawer. The papers had just slipped from his hand when he felt his nose give a sharp twitch. "AHHKTCHUU! HATCHUU!.. Un, what the hell?"

He straightened up and swiped a finger under his increasingly runny nose, grimacing and quickly swapping with the handkerchief from earlier, giving his nose a firm rub. More sanitary that way. He sighed soflty and leaned back, praying that he wasn't trying to catch something. Another tickle hit his nose, and he fumbled to bury his nose into the soft cloth.


Hunter groaned, chest heaving as he wheezed softly. These weren't ordinary, random sneezes. He jerked his head up in the direction of the window across the room, which was sure enough open. A low growl emitted from his throat, and he stood up abruptly and marched over to the source of his irritation.

Almost as soon as he caught sight of the blooming flowers and birch tree's, his nose seized up again.


He swallowed thickly, trying to ignore the prickling sensation welling up in his sinuses, then slammed the window shut. He could have sworn a cloud of pollen had resulted from it, and he staggered backwards, blinking his eyes rapidly as his nostrils flared out.


A very un-Clarington like whimper worked its way up and out of Hunter's throat, and he stumbled back into one of the arm chairs, breath hitching wildly. The pollen grains had lodged themselves deep within his nose, and they needed to be expelled. Now. He groaned and weakly scrubbed a finger under his itching nose, hoping to stave off the inevitable. It did little good however, and his head tilted back as his body took in one final breath.



After fit of around 20 more sneezes, he slumped back in the chair, exhausted. Flushed face, eyes and nose streaming into the horrendously damp handkerchief, he was a vision of pure allergic torture. He snuffled thickly, scrunching up his nose and giving the slick, crimson nostrils a firm upward swipe.

Hunter stiffened suddenly, a small cough coming from the other side of the room. No, no it wasn't.. Why would anybody be...Practice wasn't until...

"Nick, shush!."

He jumped up to his feet, whipping around to see the entire Warblers group staring at him, most biting their lips and looking like they were about to burst out laughing. They'd seen the whole damned display. Trying his best to keep a measure of composure, if there was really any left to have, he cleared his still tingling throat, keeping his eyes downcast as he strode into the bathroom and closed the door behind himself.

The boys promptly fell into hysterics, the only semi calm one being Sebastian, who stood behind them with an oddly satisfied looking smirk.


(Well, hope ya'll enjoyed this update! I'll try to be more frequent if you like, and PLEASE don't hesitate to pitch me some ideas! M, F, whatever! Im kinda running on empty, and poor Hunter is.. Well, he's my little Hunter. *Huggles him forever* Bye! biggrin.png)

Edited by Grey on a Sunday
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Yes! Yes! Yes! Please go on. I know time's a bitch and inspiration doesn't always strike ... but you make it work! Hell yeah!

You even inspired me to try myself on a little Huntbastian after all. Keep up the great work!

Also, I'm totally in for some sick!moments ... I love me some sick poor puppies ;-)

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Oh, God. So much to love. There's... well, Hunt. And the Warblers. And Sebastian just being a conniving little... Sebastian. Just... oh dear Lord.

I love you. Seriously. Thank you for this.

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I love you for this. please more!!! maybe can you write one about allergies, and Sebastian torturing him???? Hmmm? please?.... keep up the good work!

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