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Adventure Time PGxML (early birthday) fic for sneezelova69

Marshmallow Peep

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First of all, sorry if it's a bit long (and it doesn't have a title). I don't usually write longer stories like this, but after watching the newest Adventure Time episode as well as passing by an entire section of this store dedicated just to hypoallergenic pillows (it'll make sense, believe me), I was so inspired to write this, I got a bit carried away and wrote a lot. Oh well. It should still be good enough for me to post it.

Anyway, I really hope you like it. biggrin.png

Here we go...


Marshall Lee looked closely at the soft object wrapped in pink wrapping paper he was holding tightly to himself. It was Prince Gumball's birthday present; originally from Fionna, but after Marshall Lee actually remembered the special day, he figured it wouldn't hurt for him to “deliver it for her” without telling her what he was doing. That meaning he just found his way into her tree and just took the thing, scribbled out her name and replacing it with his, and not even knowing what in the land of Aaa it was. Sure, some hair was pulled and a few kicks to the knee were received, but he made it out safely... At least, that's what he hoped.

As he slowly approached the Candy castle door, he wondered if and when Fionna would come back to try to kick his behind, but he really didn't want to think about that as much as whether Prince Gumball would find the scribbled out name on the wrapping paper suspicious. He had already avoided the main party since he knew she would be there, using the “I couldn't find my umbrella in time” excuse, so he was also kinda nervous about the possibility of her telling Prince Gumball what happened. Of course, he wouldn't tell anyone he was nervous, but he still was.

The door opened a bit, with Prince Gumball poking his head out of it a little. “Hello, Marshall Lee. Come on in. I finished baking a few things just for us to eat, since, well, you couldn't come over earlier. There's a cake for me and a bowl of red frosting for you.” Prince Gumball said with a slight laugh that could be heard in his voice.

Marshall Lee looked around the castle as he entered. The party guests from earlier in the day had left, leaving the castle just for the two of them. To Marshall Lee, it was nice to have the place to themselves, that way it would feel more personal once Prince Gumball opened “Marshall's” gift, even if it wasn't really from him. Right?

Oh. Uh... This is for you.” Marshall Lee gave a slightly awkward smile as he handed the gift over to Prince Gumball. Even though it wasn't technically from him, Marshall Lee still felt good about at least being able to give Prince Gumball something.

Thanks. This means a lot.” Prince Gumball smiled as he accepted the gift and began opening it. As Marshall Lee watched him do so, he was shocked. Not even one question was asked. It was a pleasant surprise if not a confusing one. “This is really nice.” Prince Gumball smiled as he looked at the gift. It was a pillow shaped to look like the one and only Candy castle, not only did it look like a lot of thought was put into it, but it was also incredibly soft.

So that's what it i-” Marshall Lee stopped and corrected himself. “I'm glad you like it...” He smiled when Prince Gumball's breath suddenly hitched.


What was that!?” Marshall Lee laughed a bit.

It's no big deal, really. I mean, I just sn-sneehhh.. H'TCHUuuuhh... T`TCHUUuuuhh...

You okay?”

I'm fine. Maybe I'm j-just... Hh'TCHUUUUuuuuh... coming down with something... You should probably head back h-hohh... TT'TCHUUUuuuhhh... T'TCHUUuuuuh... home just in case. We'll finish this up l-later... Hih'TTCHUUUuuuhhhh... Excuse me...” Prince Gumball sniffled with a small, disappointed frown. He headed up to his room, attempting to stifle several sneezes on the way to make sure he wouldn't be sneezing on his new pillow.


Marshall Lee watched Prince Gumball show in just about every possible way that he was just absolutely miserable. Marshall Lee wondered what could have caused Prince Gumball to go from being perfectly fine to being an absolute mess within minutes. He decided to quietly follow Prince Gumball into the bedroom to see if he could make more sense out of the situation.

The hot pink candy prince, on the other hand, was much too tired from all that sneezing to even think of trying to figure out what was going on. He sat down on the bed, not noticing the slightly worried vampire king despite him not even being invisible, set down his new pillow, and attempted to rest his head on it. This, however, made things a bit more difficult.

Hih~TT'TCHUUUuuuhh... T'TCHUUuuh... T'TSHCHUUuuuuh... Hh'TCHUUUUuhh... ugh...” Prince Gumball groaned. He had hoped it wasn't the pillow causing all this, since it was such a thoughtful gift and all, but there was always the chance of that being the case. Of course, he'd still keep the thing no matter what.

As Marshall Lee watched all this, he started to feel a bit... odd. He felt kinda guilty about taking the gift that should have been from Fionna and she would have been the one feeling bad about it. Unless... Was the pillow supposed to make Prince Gumball go into helpless sneezing fits? Did Fionna, and possibly Cake, somehow know beforehand that Marshall Lee was just going to take the thing eventually and they set the whole thing up? There was only one way to find this out.

You're coming with me.” Marshall Lee went up to Prince Gumball and grabbed him by the hand along with the pillow.

B-Barshall L-Lee... TT'SHCHUUuuuhh... W-What are you-...?” Prince Gumball was truly startled. He not only hadn't noticed Marshall Lee was in the room until that moment, but he honestly hadn't expected being taken by him to who knows where.

No time for questions. We'll be getting answers soon enough.” Marshall Lee began floating, carrying the candy prince and pillow with him. Sure, he could have easily turned into a bat, but there was no need to. Prince Gumball felt lighter than the pillow to him in all honesty, and arriving at the tree-house as a bat carrying Prince Gumball probably wouldn't give off a good message.

B-But... TT'TCHUUUuuhh T'TCHUUUUuuhhh...

Do you really want to keep sneezing like that without even knowing the exact reason why?”


Then save the questions for later!”


It wasn't long before Marshall Lee was finally able to land and set down Prince Gumball in front of the tree-house door, with the pillow still in hand. Surprisingly, he didn't even need to knock. Fionna was right there and opened the door faster than one could say “Algebraic!”

Fionna, did you do this?” Marshall Lee frowned once Fionna opened the door. He tried looking like he was disappointed in her, but he was really disappointed in himself. He really didn't think things would turn out like this, but now he regretted even getting out of his house at all on this particular day.

Did I do what?” Fionna crossed her arms, not having any idea what he was talking about.

This!” Marshall Lee yanked Prince Gumball by the arm to put the candy prince in front of him. He then rubbed the pillow in Prince Gumball's face to demonstrate.

Hh'TCHSHUUUuuuhh... TT'CHUUUUuuh... Hih~TTTCHUUUuuuuhhh... E-Excuse be...” Prince Gumball sniffled.

I never took a pillow and rubbed it in-... Hey! That's the pillow I had worked on for months to be made special for Prince Gumball's birthday! The one you just took without asking!” Fionna whacked Marshall Lee on the side of his head, she was already pretty angry that he had taken the pillow, but accusing her of doing something wrong that she didn't even know about was what really got her patience to start running out.

Come on, you gotta admit it was pretty fun with you chasing me around trying to get it back, though. Besides, if it was made so special just for him, then why's he doing that!

Doing what?”

TT'TCHUUUUuuuhhh... Cahd I please get ihdside, just to see if that helps?” Prince Gumball suggested.

That! He's been sneezing constantly since he got that... that... thing!” Marshall Lee pointed out. Despite the angry tone of his voice, he was more worried than anything.

It's a pillow! Of course I made it special! Do you think I just decide out of nowhere to go out just making pillows!? And I'd never do anything to make him sneeze on purpose! Now come on, Prince Gumball. Cake and I'll make sure you make yourself at home.” Fionna gave a slight glare at Marshall Lee as she led Prince Gumball inside. She hoped that Marshall Lee would someday understand the effects on others of the things he does, but knowing him, that someday might be a long way from now.

It was official: Marshall Lee felt like a jerk. No doubt about it. He was left with nothing to do but sit on the roof of the tree-house and wait until he could figure out what he was supposed to do. He gave a small sigh. He then waited, and waited, and waited for what seemed like hours for someone to come up.

Meanwhile, Fionna and Prince Gumball were having a friendly little chat about Fionna's recent adventures and Prince Gumball's recent... afternoons spent baking. Soon enough, Prince Gumball finally brought up something that might lead to something in Marshall Lee's favor.

Do you think he's alright up there? Maybe I should check up on him...” Prince Gumball looked out the window worriedly. He really hoped Marshall Lee was okay.

I'm sure he's fine. He's probably just using this time to play pranks on random people passing by or something. You can check if you really want to, though. I'll get a ladder.” Fionna smiled and headed out the door to get the ladder, signaling with her right hand for Prince Gumball to come along with her. Once she had gotten the ladder, she set it up so it would lead to the roof.

I'd like to see him alone, if that's okay...” Prince Gumball stated as he began to climb up the ladder. “Marshall Lee? Are you up here?”

I'm here... You probably shouldn't come up here. I'm a big jerk; you don't want to talk to a jerk like me... and the pillow's with me...” Marshall Lee gave a sigh. He looked away, frowning.

You're not a jerk. Where would you get that from?” Prince Gumball approached the distressed vampire king and sat next to him. He took the pillow with a smile, though trying to hold back a sneeze in the process.

Well, Fionna didn't look too happy... and you're the one that's miserable because of what I did!” Marshall Lee looked down, looking like he was ready to cry or something.

It would h-hahhh... hihh... Hh'TCHUUUUuuuuh... T'TSHCHUUuuhh... It would have happened anyway, even if Fionna was the one giving the gift. It's still re-reahhh... T'CHUUUUuuh... really nice. I like it...” Prince Gumball tried gently reaching for Marshall Lee's hand in an attempt to comfort him, but Marshall Lee quickly pulled it away.

But Fionna wouldn't have shoved the thing in your face...”

What do you thi-thihhh Hih~T'SCHUUUuuuhhh... think she would have done, then?”

Marshall Lee leaned in to get a bit closer to Prince Gumball's face. He puckered his lips a bit like he had seen many people do over the past thousand years or so. Since he had never done this sort of thing, he was a little nervous. With his lips slowly growing to Prince Gumball's, he didn't notice the candy prince's nose beginning to twitch helplessly.

Hhhh... ihh... T'SCHUUUUuuuuhh... O-Oh goodness! I'm so sorry.” Prince Gumball was quick to apologize. He then gave a soft smile as a way to tell Marshall Lee to go on with his “demonstration.” Before Marshall Lee did so, however, he took the pillow and tossed it across the roof, not letting it go so far where it would fall of course. This prompted a small “Hey!” out of Prince Gumball.

Marshall Lee then blushed and started again, this time a bit less nervously than the first. When the moment finally came where his own lips touched those of Prince Gumball's, he felt as if his chest was about to fly off his body. Being the vampire king who usually just spent his days either writing and playing music with his bass or playing tricks on others, it was rare for him to have such a feeling if he had even had it at all, but he somehow knew that it was one that he'd never want to end. It eventually felt to him that he wasn't just “demonstrating” anymore. This was no longer something he had thought Fionna would have done, but something he should have done.

Without either of them realizing it, the vampire king and the candy prince ended up having their lips together for about five minutes or so. Not that they had any problem with it, of course. After they allowed themselves to take a break for some air, Prince Gumball smiled.

So... You thought she'd... kiss me?” Prince Gumball said with a small chuckle.

Well, yeah. You guys kinda look like you've got a 'thing', you know?” Marshall Lee commented.

Actually, at the... uh... party... well... uhh...” Prince Gumball stumbled nervously on his words, but he eventually recovered and continued. “When she told me about what you did with the present-”

She told you!? Then why did you act so oblivious about me doing so... so... jerk-like?” Marshall Lee interrupted.

Please let me finish. That's where I was trying to get to. You see, I told her that it was okay, since I'd know it was actually from her, but... I also said I liked the feeling of having you give me a gift, because I wanted to see your face when you would give it to me. I wanted to see that amazing smile of yours...” Prince Gumball gently stroked Marshall Lee's cheek. “So... if anyone is going to have a 'thing', it should be you and me...”

I... I...” Marshall Lee was speechless. Not only did Prince Gumball just say something that was extremely similar to something he himself had wanted to say since he met the prince of the Candy Kingdom, but he also couldn't help but notice... that they had an audience. He turned around to see Fionna sitting on the top of Cake's head. They were giving each other these looks that gave off a “Aww... So sweet! Things are gonna get all romantic and stuff” feel to it, consisting of smiles and soft giggles.

Marshall Lee looked away since he was a bit embarrassed.

So... Do you wanna hang out at the Candy castle? I could really use some of that red frosting you said was out for me.” He smiled, looking at who he was pretty sure was now not only the Candy Kingdom's prince, but his prince.

As long as I get to bring the pillow.” Prince Gumball laughed a bit.

Fine, but if your sneezing gets out of hand, I'm gonna have to put it away...” Marshall Lee grinned jokingly. He actually had some ideas as for what to do with the pillow since he knew having Prince Gumball rest his head on something that caused him to go into sneezing fits probably wasn't such a great idea. Maybe he could put it next to Prince Gumball when he would be sleeping, he considered to himself.

Just because he had fallen for the candy prince didn't mean he had fallen for the idea of never playing a few tricks on him once or twice... even they would probably often involve Prince Gumball's allergy to whatever the pillow was made of. Of course, these future plans for pranks and such are another story for another time.

But now is not “Marshall Lee's Pranks Involving the Pillow” time...

It's something Marshall Lee and Prince Gumball's good friend Fionna liked to call:

Adventure Time!


I hope you enjoyed reading this story. I mean, I loved writing it and had a great time doing so, so I hope you feel just about the same way reading this.

Edited by randomgirl7
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OH.MY.GUMBALLS. surprise.gifstun.gifpinch.gifsleepy.gifshocking.gif

This was better than what i was imagining!! and such an awesome surprise!! Allergic to a pillow!! NEVER THOUGHT OF THAT ITS JUST GENIUS.

I love you seriously. wubsmiley.gif This was just MIND BLOWING, AWESOME AND ALL THOSE GOOD WORDS!thumbsupsmileyanim.gifworshippy.gif

PG's sneezes are just uuuuuuuuuuugh. shy.gifshy.gifshy.gifshy.gif

One of the best birthday gifts i will ever have in my life. Thank you from the bottom of my heart Thank you!

continue to write amazing stories!! your an incredible author~~~ hihihihihi

now i shall continue spazzing about this story ahihihihihihihi!!!


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I think I'm drowning in a pool of awesome. My favorite shipping prince gb n Marshall lee c:

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