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Hunger games Fic- Katniss


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"Wow, youve never actually missed, Katniss," He was referring to my bad aim. I'd already missed three deer. I was missing because of my terrible allergies. I was allergic to spring, basically. "Sorry. My eyes are all watery and stuff," I sniffled. "You should go home then. I could drop off something for your family-" I cut him off. "No, Gale. I'll be fine. Plus you have a bigger family to feed than I do," I sniffled again. He shot his arrow and hit a squirrel right in its neck."Nice," I complimented him.

"Lets move. The mother deer just went behind that tree," I hadnt seen it, ofcourse. I rubbed my eye as we went to sit behind a large rock near the tree. "Its eating," He said, pulling his arrow back. Then I felt that familiar tickle in the back of my nose. It gradually grew as Gale studied the deer. " Injured foot," He said. By now the tickle was unbearable. I tried to hold it back..I didnt like to sneeze in front of people. But it came out anyways. "H'INGSSH!" I tried to stifle it, but it was still loud. The deer scurried off. Gale looked at me. "Sorry," I said. " Its fine. But we do need to bring home dinner. So lets move," He said. I still felt like I had to sneeze, so I let them out while we were walking.

" aisHOO...ASHOO!!" I sneezed into my elbow. " Bless you," Gale said. " Thank you,"

We arrived in the clearing silently and hid behind a large bush. There were two deer. And three rabbits. That was the good thing about spring. Lots of deer. I loved spring..I just hated my allergies. I pulled back my arrow and shot a rabbit in the eye. " There you go," said Gale. I smiled. After collecting the rabbit I shot a deer in its throat, killing it instantly. Gale shot a bigger rabbit in the temple and it flew backwards. "Wow," I said. A sliht breeze blew and a bunch of cherry blossoms fluttered down over my face. It felt like a million tiny pricks in the back of my nose.


Every animal still there scurried off. Gale looked shocked. "Wow, bless you!" He said. I sniffled. " Sorry, its the pollen," He nodded. " Are you sure you dont want to go home?" he asked. I nodded. " You shouldnt have to hunt for be, Gale. Im cabable of doing it byself," I sniffled again. " Whatever you say, Catnip," He said.

What do you think?? Is it stupid...uneventful? Any ideas?? Constructive critisism?? I'm okay with whatever you have to say, just comment! ;)

If you dont like it..i wont continue.

Sorry for the length!! Its really hard to type on my phone so I have to do a bit at a time. If you DO want more just say the word! :)

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I like this. :3 Continue! Maybe have her entered in the Hunger Games, and have the allergies turn into illness...? ;3 Just an idea

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