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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Baby It's Bad Out There (Klaine! Prompt fill!)


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This is a fill for a prompt where Blaine is shy and tries to hold his sneezes and illness from Kurt.

It's set in season 2 when Kurt was still at Dalton. Hope you all enjoy!!


Blaine could feel it coming for a few days. At first it was just a headache; nothing unusual because he always got those when he was stressed. But then his nose got runny and his throat got a little sore. Now Blaine was sitting uncomfortably in the Dalton Common Room, listening to Wes and David babble on about winning at Regionals.

His throat was more than just a little sore now, every swallow was painful and made him want to cry. His nose was fully stuffed, no amount of air getting through. Blaine's body ached and his eyes drooped with exhaustion. Trying not to draw attention on himself, Blaine straightened up a bit and coughed as quietly as he could into his hand, trying to pass it off as just a voice clearing.

Sniffling, he looked around and saw his bestfriend, Kurt Hummel starring at him with a smile. Returning the smile, Blaine rolled his eyes, indicating how boring the council was being. Kurt couldn't help but laugh and Wes looked up.

"Kurt, anything you'd like to share?"

"N-No." the counter tenor smiled. Blaine laughed and went back to listening.

A few moments later, Blaine's nose started tickling, and he scrunched it up. He couldn't sneeze here. Not now infront of all the Warblers. Standing up quickly, he muttered something about using the restroom and bolted for the door. As he got to the unoccupied hallway, he put his hands around his nose and mouth, sniffling.

"Hu'gnxxxt! hu'TSCH!! Ugh....snnnfl!"

Feeling slightly woozy, Blaine sniffled and coughed, shivering a little at how suddenly cold it was. He heard the bell ring and soon his classmates were trickling out into the halls. Walking back into the room, Blaine grabbed his bag. He was ready to make a speedy getaway when Kurt walked over to him, all smiles and happiness.

"Hey you! I was wondering if you wanted to get coffee tonight? It is Friday after all and I know you'll probably just study." Kurt said cheekily. Blaine really didn't want to go, but how could he say no to Kurt?

"Sure. I have to do a few things quickly though. How about at four?" The curly haired boy suggested, rubbing at his nose discreetly. Kurt seemed to be okay with the idea and soon Blaine was walking to his private bedroom, sniffling more and more. He hadn't been sick in so long, and now when Kurt asked him on a....date?, he was sick.

Sighing, Blaine walked into his room and let out the few sneezes that had been building as he walked.

"hu'ISCH! g'HNXT! hu'TCH'uuhhh!"

Groaning, Blaine grabbed a tissue and pressed it to his dripping pink nostrils, blowing his nose though barely helping. Changing into more comfortable jeans and a long sleeve henley, the small boy climbed onto his bed and let himself take a small rest, eyes shutting as soon as his head hit the pillow.


Blaine woke up at 3:50, feeling worse than before. His throat was on fire, he was freezing and his nose was tickly and wouldn't stop no matter how much he rubbed at it. Sitting up, the Warbler then realized he had a coffee date with Kurt in 10 minutes. Scrambling out of bed, Blaine found an old bottle of NyQuil and took a dose, hoping it would help him. Throwing on a sweatshirt, Blaine walked out of his room and down to the cafe on campus.

Kurt was already there, waiting eagerly to see his crush and best friend. He had ordered their drinks and was waiting at their usual table. He smiled when he saw Blaine walk in, though he noticed something was off about him. He looked exhausted, more than usual.

"Hey Blaine!" Kurt smiled as Blaine sat down, the older boy grabbing the coffee Kurt had gotten him, taking a drink and wincing.

"Hey Kurt! Thanks for the coffee!" Blaine said, hoping his voice didn't sound weak, scratchy or congested. Kurt didn't seem to act like anything was wrong, so Blaine relaxed.

Their conversation went smoothly until Blaine's nose once again tickled, and Blaine felt the overwhelming urge to sneeze. Kurt was in the middle of talking about a new song for the Warblers and Blaine tried to discreetly scrunch up his irritated nostrils. He sniffled but it only made the itch worse.

"...so what do you think? Yes for Maroon 5?" Kurt asked.

Blaine nodded, fighting back the sneeze. "Yehh...Yeah. Sounds greh..great."

Kurt frowned. "Are you okay?" he asked worriedly, but Blaine nodded. "Never bettehhh....better."

Sniffling thickly, Blaine couldn't hold he tickly sneezes back anymore and he snapped himself around away from Kurt.

"Hu'SHH! geh'NXXT! Ehh....snfff! H'eTCH'uh!!"

Blushing furiously, Blaine wiped his nose on a tissue from his pocket. "E-Egxcuse mbe." he stuttered out.

Kurt cooed a little. "Bless you! Are you feeling okay?" he asked.

Blaine nodded, scrubbing at his nose with his palm.

"Yeah. Jusdt a liddle stuffy." Blaine tried to assure, but his throat spasmed and he coughed, trying to shield Kurt.

Could this day get any worse?


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IM FLIPPING OUT RIGHT NOW LOL Thank god i strictly watch glee alone in my room so i can fangirl as I please lol

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