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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Nuzzles (Klaine, Blaine from Glee)


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Hey guys! This is going to be just a quick little drabble. I've been in a fluffy mood. :) Also, a bit of fetishist!Kurt as well.


Blaine sniffled and wiped a hand under his nose, whimpering a little at how raw it felt. It was mid October and the small boy had caught what had to be the worst head cold to ever exist. Other than being a little tired and the ocasional sore throat, Blaine's cold had mad permanent residence in his sinuses and nose.

His nose was constantly running and stuffed up, but no amount of blowing would help. It felt as if he sneezed every few minutes, sneezing constrained double stifles.

He looked at the clock in the choir room, thankful they only had five minutes left of Glee. He was sitting near the back of the room today, not wanting to infect anyone else. He had insisted Kurt sit up with Mercedes and Rachel, not wanting to spread his sickness to his boyfriend.

The unbearable tickle made itself known again as Mr.Schue talked about Sectionals preparation. Sniffling thickly, the tickle intensified and Blaine's breath hitched.

"ehh....heh'GNXT! uh....huh'STCHH!" Blaine rubbed at his nose with the edge of his sleeve, his quivering pink nostrils only flaring more.

"huh'GTCHH! eh'SHH!...hehh..snff!...n'GXCHT!" Groaning a bit at the pressure in his head from stifling, Blaine rubbed at his face and stood quickly when the bell rang, walking out and waiting for Kurt by his car.

Kurt hurriedly walked out to his car, rubbing Blaine's back as he approached him. "Baby." he cooed, Blaine pressing his warm face into Kurt's neck.

"I...I do't feel good." Blaine mumbled, his voice congested and groggy.

Kurt couldn't help but smile. He thought his boyfriend was especially adorable with a stuffy nose.

"We'll go back to my house and cuddle for a while. My dad and Carole are at work, and Finn's at football practice." Kurt assured, helping Blaine get into the car before going to his side. As they drove, Blaine looked around a bit.

"Where are the tissues thad were id here this bordig?" he asked, his nose scrunched up, eyes fluttering closed.

"I took them in and accidentally left them in my locker sweetie. I'm sorry!" Kurt said, trying not to get too distracted by how hot Blaine looked.

"Oh....okaaa...heh'ITSCH!! Geh'TSCHHH...snfff!" Blaine rubbed his nose again, making a little wet spot on his sweater. He looked woozily at Kurt, his nose still scrunched. "B-By ndose tigkles." he whined childishly, letting out a single 'heh'ISHHH!" afterwards.

As they got into Kurt's house and laid down on Kurt's bed, Blaine pressed his face into Kurt's neck.

"I...I kndow you're ligking this." he chuckled, sniffling a little and rubbing his nose against Kurt's cool skin.

Kurt couldn't help but shiver, nodding a little. "Maybe a little. But I am sorry my poor baby boy has a terrible cold in his nose. Must feel miserable....having your nose constantly tickle, always needing to sneeze." Kurt murmured, running a finger over Blaine's nose.

"Huhh.....Ku-Kuhhrt...." Blaine whimpered, nostrils flaring. "Godda....sdeeze.."

"Mm, you do now? Such a horribly stuffy sneezy cold. Why don't you sneeze it all out love?"

Not needing anymore assurance, Blaine pressed his face into Kurt's shoulder and neck.

"HUTCHH! Heh'ISTCHHH! huh'ishh! guh....snnnf...snfff!, g'NXTT!"

Blaine rubbed his red nose against Kurt's chest. "Thagks for beig by tissue." he muttered, Kurt's heart still racing.

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Aahhhh more Klaine!! I love it! Kurt is a secret fetishist then ;) mwahahaha....I'm pretty sure I was rabid over your stories in the past (you have written stories on here in the past right? I hope I'm not making this up sweatdrop.gif ) so yay!! thumbsupsmileyanim.gif

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You're back! I was wondering if we'd be seeing more of you in the future :-) Are you continuing your drabble thread?

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I have, thank you!!!

You're welcome. I knew it! As soon as I saw your name and picture I was like "hhhrrmm....that rings a bell...."

Glad you're back and updating!

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Can you make some shy blaine trying to hide his illness (and sneezes (; ) from Kurt. I would seriously die :o you are a God. I love your Klaine writing :3

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  • 1 month later...

No updates? Please I live your work more more more it's too adorable klaine

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  • 1 month later...

I'll post one soon! Promise! Been dealing with school and finals and stuff. But I just finished today, so I'll have more time now :3

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  • 2 weeks later...

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