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Birthday fic for Purpleninja (Justin Bieber obviously :P)


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Seeing as I was too busy to do the not-so-secret santa thingy, I figured I should shape up and do this as a Birthday treat! Selena and Justin I'm afraid and after this I'm seriously done, I don't think I could physically manage another Bieber fic. So Happy Birthday (I'm 10 minutes off I know but ssshhh)! Comments/criticisms always, always, always welcome! Thank you!

Part 1

“Burning throat, stuffy nose and exhausted. #sick”

Instantly Justin’s phone buzzed with over 100 replies and numerous re-tweets from fans sharing their sympathy for the suffering star. He smiled as he scrolled through the duplicated messages (many along the lines of “aaaww”, “let me take care of you” and/or “we love you baby!”) before reaching to his left to grab a tissue. His nose was beginning to run like CRAZY. Suddenly his phone started vibrating in his hand as Selena’s caller ID flashed on the screen. He answered almost instantly as his smile morphed into a boyish grin.

“Hey babe,” he said as he pressed the tissue to his leaky nostrils.

“Hello sweetie. How are you feeling? I heard you were sick?” she questioned with obvious concern along with a hint of sharpness to her tone.

“Yeah I’m not too great. Are you okay? You seem a little-“he stopped himself for fear of saying something he’d regret.

“I gathered from your tweet. I’m good… however I’m a little offended that my boyfriend confides in his twitter followers about his illness instead of his girlfriend,” she replied as lightly as possible. Selena knew that Justin’s fans were very important to him although it was very difficult being in second place. Justin shifted from his semi-horizontal position on his couch so that he was sat upright leaning against the soft pillows. He sighed to buy himself some time to think of a decent reasoning for his earlier impulse. Her point of view was clear but why should she dictate his actions? Justin decided to go for the easiest option and back down.

“Well I didn’t want to pester you being all needy and stuff. Besides, I thought you were coming over later? You would see sick-me then anyways*snfl* ,” he said cautiously before holding his breath. This could go either way. Fumbling with the crumbling tissue in his hand, he waited for her reply. Her heavy breathing filled the silence.

“Ugh fine. How can I be angry when you’re sick? Ok I’ll stop off at the drug store on my way over. Do you need anything?” she caved as Justin exhaled with relief. He pretty much had all he needed from his Mother but didn’t want Selena to feel useless. He glanced at the box of tissues that was half empty.

“Erm yeah some tissues maybe? That would be great babe,” he pressed the crumbling remains of the used tissue to his nose once more before realising that this would not help anything. Reaching over to grab another one from the box, his nose started to tingle at the tip. Ignoring it he proceeded with his action, wiggling his nose slightly before rolling his eyes backwards.

“Sure. Anything else? Cough syrup? Decongestants?” asked Selena. Her kind and caring nature was overwhelming. Suddenly the tickle emerged in Justin’s dainty nose again however it had shifted into a more effective position within his nasal passages. Pressing the tissue to his nostrils, he closed his eyes tightly, desperately trying to suppress the oncoming storm.

“Nope I’m good thanks honey,” Justin replied, his voice muffled by the pressure of the tissue over his nose. It was getting unbearable. The tickle was growing, growing stronger and stronger until he could feel himself reaching the inevitable climax. He pulled the phone away from his face as he erupted into a fit of 3 sneezes.

“Eh’SChuhh! Hah-eshiuhh! HEh-Mmph’chuh!”

Sniffing thickly he squeezed the tissue with his forefinger and thumb which resulted in a squelching sound and pulled it off of his pale face. Selena’s voice was quiet until he put her on speaker.

“Aww did you just sneeze? That was adorable. Bless you!” she giggled merrily. Justin’s embarrassment was suppressed by the beautiful sound of his girlfriend’s laugh. He wiggled his nose again but with the palm of his hand.

“No, that was adorable. You have the best giggle. It’s so cute *sniff*,” he replied and she could tell he was smiling as he spoke.

“Thank you baby. Oh screw it, I’m coming over now. I can’t leave you alone,” spilled Selena as she grabbed her coat and keys.

“Aw honey, I have TV to keep me company *sniff*. I also have like 4 bottles of orange juice to get through,” he teased although he was relieved that she was so eager to take care of him.

“Sorry, you and your TV had better make the most of the alone-time because I’m literally locking my door. See you soon,” and with that she hung up. Justin leaned his head against the back of the couch, satisfied with the way the conversation had completely flipped from chilling to lovey-dovey. His train of thought was interrupted by another intense itch at the bridge of his nose. Within the past half an hour his nasal congestion had transferred from one side to the other at least 3 times. At the moment the right side was feeling particularly full but the tickle was equally distributed. Glancing at the light, he slowed this breathing to a steady rhythm in order to coax the sneeze out. His breathing was shallow at first as he concentrated on preserving this precious feeling, not risking it evaporating or morphing into a burning sensation. After a few seconds, his breathing intensified. Sharp and short, he inhaled and exhaled until he was on the edge but suddenly he was distracted by the vibration of his phone. His breathing dropped to normal speed and the tickle was lost.

“Fuck!” he cursed as he glanced at the ID of the interrupter.

“I’ll be around 5 minutes. Getting tissues and chicken soup which is supposed to be a good healer. Love Selena xx”

How could he be angry? She was adorable. Taking a sip of orange juice he flicked through the channels to find some baseball.

Part 2

Selena actually took 15 minutes to arrive at Justin’s due to the horrendous queues at the store. She had her own key therefore she entered to see her sick, sniffy boyfriend asleep on the couch, shivering slightly even though he was draped in a woolly blanket. Creeping quietly around the coffee table, she knelt down beside him to feel his temperature. Apparently the most accurate way of determining temperature is to use the lips as they’re the most sensitive part of the body therefore she leaned in closely to do so. Pressing her lips against his forehead, she instantly felt the heat radiating from his waxy-looking skin. Her hair fell from behind her ear and brushed over Justin’s pink-tinged nostrils. Quickly she pulled away but the damage had been done. Fluttering his eyes open, he instinctively rubbed at his nose which had started to run again. He cleared his throat before saying;

“Hey baby,” in the most adorable, husky voice Selena had ever heard. She smiled and stroked his hair trying to ease him back into sleep

“Sshhh, you need sleep. You’re burning up,” whispered Selena as she ran her slender finger don his cheekbones and brushed his slightly swollen lips that were a protruding pink colour. He sighed with reassurance however something was not right. His nose was getting irritated. Blinking rapidly he tried to hold the growing itch. Eyebrows knitted upwards the problem dawned on him. It was Selena’s hand lotion playing havoc with his infected sinuses! The sweet scent danced around his sensitive nostrils and the trail of scent where her fingers had stroked lingered menacingly. His breath started to hitch as he pulled the blanket upwards and turned away from Selena.

“Huh-EtCHooh! H’Ishiew! Apt’shew! *SNIFF*”

Wiping his nose in the blanket he groaned with frustration. This was a battle that was not yet over.

“huh…hh…hah’Itschuh!...A-Ishooh! ET’tisch! ugh,”

“Bless you baby. Come here,” cooed Selena as she pushed the hair back from his sticky forehead. Justin merely concentrated on controlling his breathlessness as she encouraged him to sit up. Selena picked up one of the (used) tissues from the floor and pressed it over his quivering nostrils.

“Blow,” she insisted while keeping eye-contact. She was not backing down. Justin blew lightly for fear of grossing his girlfriend out but she was having none of it. Holding her ground she squeezed the tissue to encourage him to blow properly and he obeyed. Peeling the tissue off of his sickly complexion, she gathered the soggy paper carcasses from the floor and disposed of them in the bin. Justin could barely keep his eyes open. He was fighting a cold-induced sleep, a battle that he would lose eventually.

“Baby go to sleep. You’re not helping anyone, least of all yourself by trying to stay awake. You’ll feel better. Trust me,” said Selena, her smooth voice warming Justin from inside. He glanced at her with his big, brown, bleary eyes and pouted his lower lip. Oh no, not the puppy-dog face.

“Don’t do that to me. What do you want? You’re all dosed up on medication,” questioned Selena helplessly. A trickle of fluid threatened to escape Justin’s nasal passages so he sniffed quickly, keeping eye-contact with Selena who was stood in front of the TV. She walked behind the couch so that he had to tilt his head backwards to look at her. Grasping both sides of his head with her feminine palms, she shook him back and forth jokingly before leaning to kiss his forehead again.

“WHAT. DO. YOU. WANT?” she demanded, her voice muffled by her lips pressed against his clammy skin.

“I wandt a cuddle,” croaked Justin. He still managed to smile even though he was sick. Selena’s heart fluttered as she climbed over the back of the couch to slide next to Justin. His increased body-heat was intensified as she placed his head on her lap and he shifted into a more comfortable position. Stroking his hair, she began to feel a little worried. She’d never seen him like this before. He started to mumble something quietly.

“What babe?”

“I…I ndeed to sndeeze….huh-AtChooh!...*sniffle*….*sniff*…eT’Schuha! *sniffle* ew this is gross. Thandk you for bein’g so kin’d *sniff*

His croaky voice was barely audible as he wiped his nose with the back of his wrist. Selena handed him a fresh tissue.

“Oh honey that’s what I’m here for. I’m your girlfriend, it’s my job to look after you,” explained Selena sweetly as Justin turned to face her. She placed her hand over his nose and started to massage the bridge to try and loosen the congestion. Smiling meekly, Justin realised that this was not a good idea. Hand lotion! Almost instantly he was induced into a fit of sneezes into a cupped hand (but over her lap) along the lines of;

“Etshiew! At’Shiuh! ……Eschuu! …Eh’Atshiooh! Mmph-Shuhh! *sniff* Oh ndo I’mb so sorry!”

Selena merely leaned down and kissed the bridge of his nose.

“Don’t worry about it,” she whispered before he smiled and snuggled his head into her lap once again and fell into a deep sleep. Selena cared for a sick, sniffy, sneezy Justin for 3 or 4 days until he finally started to feel better.

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thankyouthankyouthankyouthankyouthankyou!! This is the best birthday present EVER!! Thank you!!!!

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Lol I suddenly like justin beiber more biggrin.png

Hehe glad to be spreading the Bieber-fever (not that I have much of it myself but still) :P


thankyouthankyouthankyouthankyouthankyou!! This is the best birthday present EVER!! Thank you!!!!

You're welcome!!!!! I'm so happy you enjoyed it!!! :D

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Of that was amazing! Thank you! I LOVE Justin Bieber sick flics unfortunately there are so few that are actually well written! I like Purpleninja's flics of course but I'm always happy to find a new one :) thanks again! How I wish this was longer! Lol

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Of that was amazing! Thank you! I LOVE Justin Bieber sick flics unfortunately there are so few that are actually well written! I like Purpleninja's flics of course but I'm always happy to find a new one smile.png thanks again! How I wish this was longer! Lol

Aaww thank you!! That seriously means a LOT! Hehe I was tempted to make this longer but to be honest I couldn't be bothered. I just wanted to do it for her Birthday seeing as she'd asked me for Christmas and I was too busy! :D

Im not a fan of beiber but this is wonderfully written smile.png good job

Aww thank you so much! Believe it or not I'm not a real fan either :P

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Of that was amazing! Thank you! I LOVE Justin Bieber sick flics unfortunately there are so few that are actually well written! I like Purpleninja's flics of course but I'm always happy to find a new one smile.png thanks again! How I wish this was longer! Lol

Aaww thank you!! That seriously means a LOT! Hehe I was tempted to make this longer but to be honest I couldn't be bothered. I just wanted to do it for her Birthday seeing as she'd asked me for Christmas and I was too busy! biggrin.png

Im not a fan of beiber but this is wonderfully written smile.png good job

Aww thank you so much! Believe it or not I'm not a real fan either tonguesmiley.gif

if you had continued it that would've been even more AMAZING! Your writing is great and adding Justin Bieber makes it even better! Thanks gain for writing this! :)

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NICE!!!! I kind of..... hate.....Justin Bieber, but this story makes me want to kiss him and snuggleeeeee!!! I've got JB fever!!! lol!

Oh, and how does that Secret Santa thing work anyway?

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NICE!!!! I kind of..... hate.....Justin Bieber, but this story makes me want to kiss him and snuggleeeeee!!! I've got JB fever!!! lol!

Oh, and how does that Secret Santa thing work anyway?

Aw, heck no, chica! Spend ten minutes around me and I'll snap you outta that hate. Mmhm I'll turn you into a Belieber in no time ;)

and I think you write something for someone else and they write something for you or someone else. Just like real secret santa, but with fetish works?? I don't know exactly, but that's what I think happens.

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NICE!!!! I kind of..... hate.....Justin Bieber, but this story makes me want to kiss him and snuggleeeeee!!! I've got JB fever!!! lol!

Oh, and how does that Secret Santa thing work anyway?

Aw, heck no, chica! Spend ten minutes around me and I'll snap you outta that hate. Mmhm I'll turn you into a Belieber in no time wink.png

and I think you write something for someone else and they write something for you or someone else. Just like real secret santa, but with fetish works?? I don't know exactly, but that's what I think happens.

GREAT!!! I'm spreading it!Thank you! Haha PurpleNinja actually forced it on me so she'll sort ya out ;)

Yeah I think the official Secret Santa thingy works like that but I'd written a JB fic in the past and PurpleNinja and I have been talking over messenger for a while. She asked me to do a not-so-secret-santa but I was busy, then I felt bad so I did one for her Birthday instead basically :D

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I just kinda...well...asked. I think g123 now understands my NEED for these fics. They keep me alive, I swear. And I know every JB fact that exists, so if you ever have questions....

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@Me4ever I'm so sorry! I sort of forgot about your extra post, I wasn't trying to be rude :) THANK YOU!!! Seriously, I can't even word how awesome it feels to receive comments like that! Hehe you're welcome!

How do you ask somebody to do a secret Santa for you???

I just kinda...well...asked. I think g123 now understands my NEED for these fics. They keep me alive, I swear. And I know every JB fact that exists, so if you ever have questions....

Haha the official one comes around every year I assume (I've only been here a year myself) and you have to fill in like an entry thing and post it to whoever is in charge. Then they match you up with someone. I was too scared to do that so yeah PurpleNinja just asked me haha. I think if you get talking to people or whatever you could ask over PM :)

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Haha well I'm super busy right now because I'm hitting exam period and I have loads of course work to finish but I do have other stories on here which are:

Numero uno:


Numero dos:


And I also have this but it's seriously not my best. I wrote it as a fan-fiction virgin pretty much, that's why I included the word "drabbles" in the title because I didn't know what they were shy.gif


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