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For the beginning part, it'll be told in third person, but from Max's sort-of point of view. Let me know if you like this, or if you want me to do first person, which I may not be too good at... I really hope you enjoy this! Tell me if you want me to continue, and please critique! :3 This takes place in the beginning of Nevermore, but just when they're at school, though I might include other events in the book as well. Sorry if I seem to be copying the book a bit at parts. It's hard to copy the sequence without mimicking a few parts of the book.

M a x

The house was at its usual level of chaos. A typical day for the five mutant bird kids. Yes, you read that correctly. We're mutants, with wings. Get used to it. I did a head count to make sure everyone was awake and getting ready for their first day of school. If they want to go to this school so badly, they'd better get themselves ready. Gazzy was constructing who-knows-what at the kitchen table, shoveling waffles into his face like a miniature vacuum. Nudge was stressing over choosing her outfit, pestering me with questions that she knew I wouldn't have the answer to. Iggy was staring at the television set, despite not being able to see anything on it, being blind and all. Just one more of the little 'enhancements'we'd gotten at the School. I threw a balled up shirt him, aiming at his head, but hitting his shoulder. "Get dressed," I barked. He scowled, dragging himself to his feet and slinking away to go and get dressed. I stared him down, despite being a few inches shorter than him. Three mutants down, one to go. "Where's Dylan?" I called out, raising my voice to be heard above the roar of noise.

"Still in bed," Nudge informed me. Immediantly after replying, she took that as her opportunity to pester me with questions about what she was wearing, but at that point, I'd stopped listening, and I was hearing over to Dylan's room. I entered without knocking and frowned as I realized that Dylan was still asleep.

"Everyone else is dressed," I informed him, which wasn't entirely true, but it was enough to make him glance up drowsily.

"Wha?" he inquired, his words slurred.

"Come on, get up!" I tore the covers off of his bed and shook him a bit. He moaned softly, but he did as I asked, rubbing his Caribbean blue eyes that made me melt. "You have five minutes, or we're leaving without you," I replied as I turned and left his room so that he could get changed.

( Sooo, yeah, it'll get better later, and I promise, there'll be plenty of sneezing later. )

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@Snowy: Aww, I'm so glad that you like it! smile.png

Unbelievable. Dylan goes through all the trouble of making us go to school, and he doesn't even get up in the morning. That's not like him... I focused on getting ready. The rest of the bird children were either dressed or getting dressed, so I might as well do the same. Unlike Nudge, took me about two seconds to decide what I'm gonna wear. I got dressed and slid back out into the living room to make sure everyone else was getting ready as well. Nudge had given up and slunk into her room to decide for herself what to wear, and in my opinion, she looked great, even with all of her questions unanswered. She was busy chattering to Iggy about how much 'fun' school would be, but he wasn't listening. Gazzy was back to constructing what looked to me like a bomb, but at least he was dressed for school. I drifted over to him, staring at his 'project'. "Whatever that is, you're not taking it to school," I informed him. He gave me a maniacal, angelic grin which told me that no matter what I said, there was no stopping him from making some sort of explosion there. I sighed not even wanting to know what he was scheming to do. Finally, the last bird child slunk onto the scene. Dylan entered with his head tilted downward a bit, his typical super-star smile not blazing across his cheeks this time, which was fine by me. Besides, I liked Fang. ...Right?

Fang. My heart seemed to stop for a minute. Fang, who had abandoned us. Who had always been there for us, but now, was gone. With only a note telling us where he went. He only left a note. Dylan peered at me curiously.

"Max... You okay?" he inquired, placing a hand on my shoulder. I shrugged him off of me.

"Fine," I lied. "Let's go." What I didn't notice at the time was Dylan's nose tinted pink ever so slightly, and the fact that he'd rubbed it twice since he'd entered the living room. But I'd notice it later. Then, we left. Six-, no, five bird children. Going to school. God, what were we getting ourselves into...

Edited by Vetinari
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I have to admit, Dylan is usually on my "Yeah-he's-adorable-but-I-don't-really-want-to-see-him-sneeze" list. But now, well, he's pretty close to being off the list.

Can't wait to see more! :)

BYE! :bleh:

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(( @VividBubbles: He was on that list for me too, but I decided to give this a try. ;3 ))

We walked to school that day. We could have flown. But in an attempt to appear 'normal', we had to walk. Oh, one more thing. It was pouring rain. I cupped a hand over my eyes so that I could see clearly ahead of me. Nudge clutched her umbrella, attempting to stay dry, while Gazzy did the complete opposite as he danced and spun around in the rain. Iggy walked silently beside me with his hands in his pockets. Dylan was lagging a bit behind, his head down like before. His usually vivacious and exuberant eyes were unfocused and half closed. He looked nothing like his usual self. I slunk behind slightly to make sure he wasn't broken.

"You okay?" I inquired, trying to sound concerned.

Dylan gave me one of his annoying smiles that made me melt a little. "So, you were worrying about me?" he inquired with a cheeky tone. I rolled my eyes.

"No. I don't want you finding an excuse not to come to school tomorrow. If I have to go, then so do you," I replied. Dylan just kept grinning cheekily, though he still looked a bit out of sorts. I frowned at him, seeing his hair drenched and his clothes saturated, as if he'd gotten the sudden urge to jump into a swimming pool. "And use an umbrella before you freeze to death," I added before walking a bit faster, catching up with the others. As soon as we stepped into the school, Dylan became assimilated into a sea of overexcited girls, which he seemed to enjoy. I rolled my eyes, giving him a look before slipping into the hallways.

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:) "Player" Dylan. That was definitely one of my favorite things in Nevermore. He's just too sweet to be a player. :heart: Can't wait for more! :D

BYE! :bleh:

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@VividBubbles: Too sweet to be a player, but very friendly with the hurricane of girls that swarm him, though it's obvious he only likes Max. :3

( Ignore what I said in the first post. I changed it & decided to write the story in 1st person, but I forgot to change the top. Oops. I'm pending, so I can't edit it. )

The day seemed to drag on forever. I glared at the clock, which seemed to be ticking as slowly as possible just to annoy me. I glanced over at Dylan, of whom I shared this class with. I'd wanted to sit in the back, but Dylan gave me Bambi eyes, and I reluctantly slunk into one of the seats in the front row, beside the grinning blonde. Now, his smile had faded, and he looked drained. He was propping his head up with one hand, and his eyes were unfocused again. What was wrong with him? He was always so perky and cheerful, and now, he looked half dead. I watched him for a minute, for observational purposes, to see what the heck was wrong with him.

After a few moments, I saw his head bob up and down slightly, letting out a nearly inaudible, stifled sneeze. "Huh-nghx." I didn't let the sneeze bother me until I saw his head bob a few more times about a minute later, the sneezes all practically silent like the first. "Hah-nssh, nssh, nssh. Huh-pssh, pssh." Great. Just great. He'd walked out in the pouring rain, without an umbrella, and now he was sick. Now that I thought about it for a moment, I realized that he had looked a bit under the weather this morning; and that would definitely explain why he was so sluggish in the morning. I prodded him gently on the shoulder.

"Dylan," I whispered softly, while the teacher was busy drawling on and on about the history of some civilization that existed centuries ago. Dylan immediantly acted as if everything were perfectly fine. He made an effort to sit up and look like he'd just zoned out a bit.

"Yeah, Max?" he replied, his voice hushed, masking the fact that it was a bit hoarse, though I still noticed.

"Are you sure you're fine?" I asked skeptically. Dylan acted as if this question were completely absurd.

"Trust me, I'm fine Max. Though, it flatters me that you care," he replied in an annoyingly giddy tone.

"Don't get a full head. I just don't want to have to here you complaining later," I muttered back. Dylan was still grinning his head off. I rolled my eyes, and we both turned to face the teacher. I glanced back as soon as I knew he was no longer looking, catching him stifle a few more sneezes into his sleeve.

"Huh-pssh, nssh, nssh, ngsh. Huh-ngx." The sneezes were getting a bit stronger and louder.

"Yeah, sure. You're totally fine," I muttered, just loud enough for Dylan to hear. His cheeks flushed slightly, but he didn't respond. I sighed, enduring the remainder of the lecture until the bell finally sounded for us to escape from the walls of the classroom. I snatched my backpack, and headed out the door, waiting for Dylan, who was gathering his things at a snail's pace.

Edited by Vetinari
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Hehehe. Dylan. Shame on you. You know Max always notices everything. Don't try to hide things, you'll just exhaust yourself. :P

More please! :)

BYE! :bleh:

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@VividBubbles: Lol, it's so true. XD

I should have known better than to sit next to Dylan at lunch. It took the makeup-drowned girls about thirty seconds to seize every free seat at our table to gawk at Dylan and to gossip. I tried to tune out what they were saying, but it was difficult. I envied Iggy, Nudge, and Gazzy for being anywhere but here. The only part that made me feel a bit better was that Dylan didn't seem like he was having such a great time either. His eyes were unfocused again, he had to prop his head up to keep from dozing off on the table, and his nose looked like someone had scribbled on it with a salmon crayon. Also, he kept bobbing his head with silent sneezes that no one but me seemed to notice. They were drowned out by the roar of giggles and gossip. I sighed, eager for the day to be over.

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"His nose looked like it'd been colored on with a salmon crayon." Hehe. Cute picture. :heart:

More? :)

BYE! :bleh:

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