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Sneeze Fetish Forum


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Glad you guys enjoy it, these are really fun to write and I'd definitely enjoy reading it if you made some. There was a thread about 5 years ago where some other people did the same thing.

When I re-read what I write I realized that as a reader it does seem kind of hard to follow. I'm not really sure what you mean by page breaks. I'd definitely like suggestions on how to make it clearer so you all could follow it better

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THIS IS PERF idk how many times I read it already, but every time I read it it just gets better

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  • 5 months later...

I'll start writing these again within the next week, glad you all enjoyed it! As for writing with male characters I don't enjoy writing male but maybe someone else can.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Part 2

Kelly was ready next and she grabbed her inducing tool, a feather. She started off by twirling the feather around the nostrils of her long, freckled nose. Kelly seemed to have trouble finding a sensitive spot in her nose as she tickled different spots of her nose to no avail. Finally she started lightly tickling the tip of her nose which started a buildup, "Hehhhhhhhhahgghhhh..." Kelly sniffed a few times and reinserted the feather lightly into her nostrils. By now her nostrils were flaring and seemed to be gearing up for a colossal sneeze. "Ahhhhhh....huhhhhh..." She took the feather out of her nose as she thought she was going to sneeze, but it didn't happen. Once she realized she wasn't going to yet she brushed the underside of her long nose once again, which did the trick. "HEHHHHH-NGGGSCCHHEWWW!" For such a long buildup, it was a rather disappointing sneeze at 61.77 dB. Kelly appeared to have sneezed out the itch in her so she had to restart building up a new tickle by twirling the feather around her nostrils again. This time her nose was more cooperative and her breathing started hitching right away. "Hehhhhhh-AHHHhhhh...." After another false start or two she sneezed. "HehhEHHHH-HEHNGGSCHHHHEWWWW!" This sneeze was recorded at 60.96 dB, slightly quieter than her first sneeze. Kelly was about to re-enter the feather into her nose to start building up a third sneeze, but she didn't need to. A surprise sharp tickle caught her off guard, "HEGGGSCHHHHHEWW!" This sneeze registered at only 52.34 dB which was a product of being caught off guard. Kelly's loudest sneeze was 61.77 dB which put her in second to last and meant she wouldn't receive a medal.

Lauren chose to use a different inducing tool than Kelly by using perfume. Immediately her small nose became filled with a monstrous tickle. She squeezed her nose shut between her thumb and finger trying to build it up a little more, but Lauren realized she wouldn't be able to any longer and just let the sneeze happen. "HEHHH-ETSSSSCCHHOOOO!" It was a strong first sneeze at 70.79 dB, loud enough to currently have her in a medal position. Even though the sneeze was forceful, it did little to alleviate the tickle. She scrunched her nose and wiggled it around. Lauren could help but rub her now pinkish nose as the itch was unbearable. She took one more sniff of the perfume and immediately a sneeze exploded out of her nose. "HEHHHHHTTSSSCHHOOOOOO!" This sneeze was even louder than the first, but Lauren was still in third place as the sneeze recorded at 75.01. Unfortunately for her, she lost the tickle in her nose and had to start up a new sneeze. This time the perfume had little effect on her nose as it only got a few sniffs from her. Finally a small tickle started building up but she was trying to hold onto it as it wouldn't be as forceful as she liked it. "Hehhhhhh....hehhhhhhhh-hhh" Her breathing hitched but she managed to stay in control of her nose for now. However, after another minute or two of trying to contain the tickle, the sneeze finally slipped out. "Heh-TSSCHOOOOO!" This sneeze was much weaker for Lauren at 57.42 dB. Lauren's second sneeze was still good enough for her to be currently in third place.

Like the previous contestant Lauren, Sydney chose a feather to coax her sneezes. She began by spraying a bunch of perfume on her hand and then Sydney pressed her hand on the underside of her large, freckled nose. It only a took her a few seconds before she felt the need to sneeze. She hitched her breath once or twice and tried holding it in longer by pressing a finger under her nose, but to no avail. "HEH-ENNNNCHHHHHHHHHH!" It recorded at 60.17 dB. However, before she had a chance to regather a second sneeze rapidly approached. She knew this sneeze would not be forceful at all as she wouldn't have to time to buildup to the sneeze so Sydney tried to hold it off by pinching the front of her nose. Once again, she failed to contain the sneeze. "HEH-NgggxxtttCHHUHHHH!" This sneeze was registered at 36.89 dB, which was the quietest sneeze of the contest so far. Once more, Sydney brought her perfume sprayed hand up to her nostrils and sniffed in the irritant. It only took one sniff to re-create the tickle in her now very sensitive nose. She rubbed her nose with a finger back and forth to arouse the tickle even further, but not for long as her nose doesn't let her contain her sneezes for very long. "HEHHH-EHHHHCCCHHHHUHHHH!" It was a respectable score at 67.47 dB, but not good enough to get her a medal.

Kate was the last contestant of the competition. She used her inducing tool of choice, a feather, and brought it up to her nose. She tickled the tip of her rather small nose and it quickly made her nose itch and her eyes water. The tickle started to spread around in her nose so she rubbed it up and down with the palm of her hand to make a more forceful sneeze. Finally her breathing hitched and she reared her head back to release the agonizing tickle in her nose, "HEHhhhhhhh-uhhhhhhhhhhh....." Kate had her head tilted back for what seemed like decades, but then she released an unintentional sigh as she lost the tickle that she had built it up. However, as soon as she brought the feather up to her nose again, she unexpectedly sneezed. "HESSSHHHHIEWWWWW!" It was a very wet and had some force behind it even though she didn't have time to gear up for the sneeze. However, the recorded 65.93 dB was not good enough for a medal due to a lack of buildup. As soon as Kate prepared to induce another sneeze with the feather, a sneeze was fast approaching by itself. Kate squeezed her nose trying to hold it in for a little longer but she knew it would do no use, so she let go of her nose, flared her nostrils once, and sneezed. "HAHSSSHHIEWWWW!" This sneeze was slightly quieter at 63.29 dB. Kate still felt a moderate tickle in her nose but she tried to make it even stronger by swiping the feather across her nostrils a few more times. Just by looking in her face, you could tell a big sneeze was coming as her petite nose was turning red and flaring at a rapid pace while her hazel eyes turned blurry and were squinting. Finally, after a few false starts she sneezed. "HEHHH-ISSSSHHHHHEEWWWWWWW!" It was a very loud and forceful sneeze at 74.63 dB. Unfortunately for Kate, even though she was within 1 dB of first place, she wouldn't even get a medal as it was only good enough for fourth place.

Final Results:

Gold - Alexandra (Great Britain)

Silver - Macy (Ireland)

Bronze - Lauren (Brazil)

If you have any ideas or requests for another competition, please feel free to share with me. I do enjoy writing these so I would definitely appreciate it.

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If there's going to be more contests, I think they should have a holdback sneezing while hiding event, maybe even as a final test (but it doesn't matter if it's not at the end).

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Awesome! Thank you for writing. Maybe the next contest could be longest sneezing fit in 60 seconds or something?

Yea that sounds good

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