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Twilight fic- Jane tortures Bella


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You could definitely be an author, you have a lot of writing talent. You use the right amount of description, your dialogue is realistic and interesting and you know your grammar haha. Keep at it and I'm sure you'll see your name on the cover of a novel ;P

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You could definitely be an author, you have a lot of writing talent. You use the right amount of description, your dialogue is realistic and interesting and you know your grammar haha. Keep at it and I'm sure you'll see your name on the cover of a novel ;P


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Yes! If there's one thing I love, its massively built up sneezes with plenty of hitching and you have absolutely nailed it :D Can we look forward to more...?

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Yes! If there's one thing I love, its massively built up sneezes with plenty of hitching and you have absolutely nailed it biggrin.png Can we look forward to more...?

Yay! Thank you :) And yes, I will definitely be posting more!

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Would you write one fic like this one but where Alice is being tortured by Jane?!It would be awesome!!

Actually, there might be some of that in THIS story... ;) Although I'll probably be doing other Twilight fics in the future so yes, I can totally write an Alice fic!

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heeeeheeee WE WANT MORE!! WE WANT MORE!! hahahaa

Yes we do want more! Pleasseeeee smile.png

Of course! So glad you guys like it so much biggrin.png


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No sooner has the last sneeze left me than Aro is clapping his hands delightedly and the Volturi erupt in a flurry of activity, storming out the door.

"Oh, I am so glad you finally gave in, dear one!" he says as Jane unstraps me, wearing a smug grin. I blink wearily and sniffle, twitching my nose to rid it of the irritating burn, which hasn't left my nose.

"However, this does mean the execution is still on," Aro continues, feigning sorrow. "I am so sorry."

I glare furiously at him. "You cheated," I spit, quivering in Jane's tight grasp. "The hour was up before I sneezed!"

Aro simply shakes his head and waggles one finger at me. "Now, now, Bella, we mustn't tell lies," he says. Then he smiles at Jane. "Take her away, please, my dear."

Jane drags me into the hallway, ignoring my struggles. I kick and screech but it does no good. Jane, for her size, is surprisingly strong. I figure I have only one chance. So I let myself go limp, pretending to give up.

Jane smirks in satisfaction. "There now, Bella," she says. "I thought you would have learned from all those sneezes that it's never good to fight an unstoppable force."

At that moment, I feel her grip grow soft and I surge upward, pushing Jane away with all my strength. She flies several yards down the hall and skids across the floor as I take off running. Her vicious snarl follows me as I round a corner and barrel through the first open door I see.

I have no idea where I'm going, I just know that right now the only chance I have is to hide. My eyes zero in on an air vent in the ceiling. With a powerful leap, I grabbed hold of the air grate and wrenched it free. Then I pulled myself into the dark, tight space with my other hand and set the grate back in place.

Jane barrels into the room a few moments later, a snarl distorting her pretty face. She paces around the room, muscles tensed in fury, and I pray she's too angry to think to follow my scent.

Anxiety pulses through me. Each precious moment I spend hiding from Jane is a moment I could be spending rescuing Edward. As if in sympathy, the burning in my nose pulses along to my frantic phantom heartbeat. I frown and rub my nose irritably, wishing the burning would stop. If my eyes could still water, I wouldn't be able to see a thing.

Below me, Jane, still fuming, slowly paces around the room, peering in every corner. I watch her every move, pressing my hand to my nose as if that will drive away the ache. It feels as though my nose is on fire, and I'm willing to bet my previous sneezes weren't enough to rid my nose of the cayenne and pepper.

Simply the thought sends a wave of searing heat through my nostrils and I raise my other hand to see if I can abate the frustrating burn.

Well...I haven't noticed until just now how dusty the vent is. And when I shift to press my fingers to the tip of my nose, the movement sends a thick cloud of dust spinning into the air near my face.

I see the dust particles swirl playfully into my nostrils but I don't have time to stop them. They start to work tickling the tender inner linings of my nose immediately and insistantly, giving me no rest and showing me no mercy. My eyes close, brows furrow, and I start taking in helpless little breaths.

"Huh...huh...hehuh...he he...huuhh.."

The only thing I have control over at this early stage is how loud my desperate pants are, but I know that will change all too soon unless I can do something to stop the sneeze.

My nostrils quiver and convulse. I try to breathe only through my clenched teeth but that only seems to make the tickling worse, adding to the frantic burn climbing higher and higher into my passageways.


As the tickling flares to an all-time high, I begin to realize I won't be able to fight much longer. In a last-ditch effort to keep from making any noise, I quickly bring my hand up once more and pinch my nose tightly between two fingers.

Eyes closed, nose pinched shut, I give in and let the sneeze billow to its full strength. It rips through me, jarring my whole body, and I only barely manage to stifle it soundlessly.

Below me, Jane pauses, craning my head in my direction. I grow terribly still, panicking. Had she heard? Had I somehow made some noise, no matter how small?

Amid my panic, I begin to realize that the tickle has remained stubbornly in my nose. By stifling, I haven't rid my nose of the irritants and the sneeze presses at me impatiently, waiting to do its job.

Without thinking, I rub my index finger back and forth under my nose in a feeble attempt to stave off the tickle. But as I breathe in lightly through my burning nose, I feel a new battalion of dust particles invade my nostrils. Looking down through bleary eyes I realize with horror that there was dust on my finger.

The relentless tickling sensation fills my head, and a soft moan nearly breaks through my lips as the desire to sneeze electrifies every pore in my body.

Desperately, I try breathing in through my mouth and out through my nose. I try to be forceful about it but it's hard when I can't make any noise. It does seem to help...a little. But I'm beginning to realize I'm past the point of no return. The sneeze begins to build once more, taking its time to tickle every sensitive nerve ending in my nostrils. I roll my eyes up to the ceiling and pray for a miracle.


At last there is no use for it. Anxiously hoping I can be quiet about it, I allow the sneeze to reach climax.

"Hehh..hep! Hep-etKsh!"

The full force of the sneeze bends me at my waist, flinging my head forward. The sneeze sounds small and wet, but I pray it was quiet enough to keep from Jane's attention.

I sniffle as silently as I can. The allergic tickle is still lingering in my nose but for now it's abated some. Not daring to move anything except my eyes lest I stir up any more dust, I glance down at Jane.

She has turned away and is moving slowly toward the door. A flood of relief relaxes my bundled nerve endings and my body slumps.

But just as she is reaching the door frame, a strand of hair dances delicately across the underside of my nose. It's unbearably ticklish and the sneeze bursts out of me before I can react.


My massive sneeze unleashes a dust bomb, and in such a confined space there is no helping it. Dust floods my nostrils, and I find I can't stop sneezing.


Through the dust, I see Jane turn and grin up in my direction. In my panic, I sneeze three more times. But not before Alice barrels through the door and rams into Jane, sending her to the floor.

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Wow! You sure know how to write a good build-up!

The sneeze begins to build once more, taking its time to tickle every sensitive nerve ending in my nostrils. I roll my eyes up to the ceiling and pray for a miracle.

Love this part - sentences like these are why I read sneezefics :D

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Wow! You sure know how to write a good build-up!

The sneeze begins to build once more, taking its time to tickle every sensitive nerve ending in my nostrils. I roll my eyes up to the ceiling and pray for a miracle.

Love this part - sentences like these are why I read sneezefics biggrin.png

Thank you! I'm glad I could satisfy lol :P

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This story never ceases to amaze me. wubsmiley.gif Very well written I hope there's gonna be more smile.png

Aw, thank you! :D Yes, there will be more...I just can't seem to stop writing this one... :P

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