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"it's alright I can handle your transforming around me!" "I guess that means from what your saying that I'm allergic to these flowers." "well your still welcome anytime as a matter of fact I have some two hundred and fifty year old bourban in a barrel"

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"your both welcome to join me in a tankard of it when we get back there" "I was glad to help you!" "your my friends but I'm sorry another dragons dead!" "but he brought it on himself!" " I could'nt let him harm you!"

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Ophelia laughed genially and said, "Well, you might want to stay away from those flowers then. I know the feeling; I'm allergic to them as well. And I hate to say it but we can't drink with our physiology; the transformation process would get messed up with the alcohol. Thanks a lot for the offer, though. And with Archaeus back there - that was badass, Maxie. Thanks." She smiled at her new friend.

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"oh your both welcome my father taught me to respect and protect humans animali or otherwise" " he would'nt harm them even when they killed him and my mother!" "how can I do anything else?"

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Ophelia gasped. "Humans killed your parents? Or Animalii?" She felt her fists clench in anger at the thoughtless people who had destroyed this poor dragonata's life.

"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry. If you ever need somebody, Lucian and I are always a call away."

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"thank you my friends!" "Ms Ophelia I'm alright it was around fifty eight hundred years ago." " and we dragons are born able to survive" " when I was born I was able to transform, fly, breath fire and hunt. "not all dragons felt as my father did."

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"many dragons dispised humans as weaklings!" " my father believed that we both could and should live together in harmony!" " I agree with him we dragons should respect what abilities and strengths humans do have and protect them!" "

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"I live here not from fear though I'm careful who I let know I'm dragonata." "it's mostly because here I can live like I'm meant to, hunting and able to fly in relative safety and without worrying about causing trouble or some-one getting hurt."

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"but in the cities it would'nt really be possible to really be who I am." "someday when I'm older I'll travel to some village or city and find some-one and start my own family. " ""but I'm not old enough yet."

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He smirked and looked away, uninterestedly. He strectched and his wings extended out and flapped softly before he took to the sky and land on the top of a nearby tree and watched the valley intently, his thoughts unfocused on the two down below.

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"it looks like Mr Lucian has spotted something interesting out there somewhere." said Maxie with a grin "it's been a long time since I've been around people of any kind so I'm glad to know you!" "thank you for visiting and being friends to a young Dragon

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Ugh, I hate school. It takes me away from fun. Sorry I've been so long, I'll try to post more often. (We all should lolol)


"You're welcome, Maxie." Ophelia smiled and touched Maxie's hand.

Then she turned and looked over at Lucian, sitting atop a nearby tree. "Silly, silly boy," she muttered slyly. "He knows I can't climb in human form." She transformed and dashed up the tree trunk, leaping into his lap and mewling. Whatcha doing? she asked.

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when Ophelia transformed next to Maxie it triggered a big sneeze Maxie turned her head away from her friends and "AAAHCHOOOO!"

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a big fireball flew out of Maxies nose and mouth landing well away from them in the field " sorry!" called Maxie to her friends.

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