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"thats the second time I've had to kill another dragon." " I'm glad he can"t hurt you again but I cannot rejoice in this he was one of my kind!" then she absorbed the other dragons power. "what will you do now my friends?"

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lol yeah sorry xD


hm? What's that my dear? I'm afraid im busy at the moment. He turned and looked at her, his eyes a fiery red and evil. "Come on Archeaus! I've been locked up far too long! I wanna play..", he laughed sadistically and bone like tendrils ripped out of his forearms and wrapped around Archeaus, piercing him as they grew tighter. "Let's have some fun,shall we?", he threw Archeaus into the air and more tendrils pierced him and he smashed Archeaus around like a rag doll. "HAHAHAHAHAH! Now, we're havin' fun!"

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Ophelia paled horribly as one of the hell-hounds saw her and, growling, it crept toward her, growling hungrily.

Lucian, please, get rid of the hounds! she called to him. She screamed in terror as the hound advanced.

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lmao thats a good question. xD


He turned to the hellhound and kicked it hard,"Now, now you stupid mutt, that's not what you eat. That big dragon over there is what's for din-din." The hound whined and crept back to Archeaus. "After all..she's mine", he grinned sadistically and embraced her," He thinks about you alot....it's almost sickening. But i bet your wondering who i am, well let's just say i'm Lucian's other side..the true devil deep inside him.", he smirked and kissed her neck,"You'd have more fun with me."

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"No..." Ophelia gasped. This had happened once before when Lucian had gotten exceptionally mad at a half lion Animalli man who had tried to make a move on her and had ended up grabbing her...well, erm, grabbing her. He had let this side of him out, and he had very nearly killed the man before she had pacified the demon back into the Lucian she loved.

She never told Lucian that he had come close to killing her AND himself too...but then she had used her "secret weapon," and shocked the $#!* out of the demon.

She squirmed in the demon's grasp. "No I wouldn't," she retorted. "I love my Lucian. And I remember you, and you're not him. So let my love back out or I'll do this." She grinned at the demon and transformed into her cat form, snarling in his face.

If you have to sneeze Lucian back out, so be it, she growled into his mind.

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Maxie distanced herself after .Lucians attack on the other dragon feeling sickened and saddened that another dragon had been slain. even though she was more powerful then she had been before. she felt the price for becoming more powerful was too high.

Edited by Deathshand
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Maxie did'nt know what was going on with Lucian but did'nt like this side of him at all. she decided as long as he did'nt attack her she would let Opelia deal with him as she seemed to know something Maxie did'nt

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He frowned and shake his head,"What? Stop--Hestchoo!--it!" He growled and shook free, taking off away from the meadow, his sneezes echoing as he fled.

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@SneezyHolmes: check out my drawing, if you can get over the absolute crap drawing skills of mine I think you'll like it


Ophelia yelped as she dropped from the air to the grassy ground, and she swore violently with pain as she watched Not-Lucian sneeze and fly away.

She did not bless him, but rather limped after him, still in her cat form and angry about having been made to feel pain not for the real Lucian, her Lucian, but for this frightening demonic counterpart.

Lu, I know you hear me. I'm coming for ya.

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Maxie hurried back to her cave, changed into her human form, got dressed and praying to the Gods/Godesses, hurried after Ophelia. she realized the the current Lucian was'nt the one she cared for and thought Opelia might need help to bring him back.

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@hails :o Oh? A drawing? -runs to look-


Ophelia! I'm sorry! This isn't me...but i can't control him, but i do have an idea.. "Hm! Shut it you!", he shook his head again and flew faster.

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Happy New Year to you too~


So do I. Ophelia smirked, ran straight up to the demon, and shouted, "Hey! Fresh meat, ****!" When the demon growled fiercely and snatched her up, she transformed again and spit a mouthful of hair straight up its nose. "Now you'll let him out, you scum," she snarled, transforming back and dropping down to the ground.

She landed next to the flower Lucian had tickled her nose with, and she lifted it to her face. Caressing her cheek, she whispered, "Come home soon, my - Hi-shew! Sniff-sniff. My Lucian..."

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He stopped flying as the sound of stifling filled the air,"Geh..Histchoo! Ksstchoo! You insolant--hextchoo!--fool!" A purple haze covered the area and a light surrounded him as his wings dissolved and slowly Lucian reappeared and fell to the ground,"Ow! I forgot how much transforming hurt.." He spotted Ophelia and ran to her,"I'm so sorry. Are you alright?", he nuzzled her lovingly and conjured a bouquet of roses for her.

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"I'm fine," Ophelia assured Lucian breathlessly, taking the roses. "HISSHEEW! Silly," she sniffled and gave him a kiss. She waved her hand and the roses disappeared. "Naughty naughty, we are today, playing with each other's allergies. We should do this more often." She smiled the little half-grin he loved so much.

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He smiled wide and raised an eyebrow,"Don't pretend you don't love the naughty Lucian~" He chuckled and kissed her back before sighing and looking around him at two doves nuzzling each other in a nearby tree. "Oh look, hun..it's us! If we were birds.."

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"Yes..." Ophelia eyed the birds. "Turtle doves. Two turtle doves, and a partridge in a pear tree," she sang, giggling. Grabbing his hand, she whirled around in the grass with him, raising a few inches off the ground as they danced among the flowers.

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He smiled and snapped his fingers and gently violin music played,"Can i have this dance?" He took her hand and kissed it sweetly before twirling her around and levitating slighty off the ground. He pulled her close and begun to sing an old Romanian version of "Beauty and the Beast","I don't know how you could ever love such a beast but..i'm so glad you do.."

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"A beast?" she said, kissing his blood-red lips. "Even if you were a beast...you'd still be mine."

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Maxie finally caught up with Ophelia and Lucian in the flower field. he seemed to be back to himself and they seemed to be happy together. Maxie felt awkward as if she was an intruder but she could'nt help needing to sneeze badly. she turned her head away

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Ophelia turned her head away from Lucian for a moment to see Maxie in the distance. "Oh, look, love, it's Maxie," she pointed and waved. "Hello Maxie! Oh, bless you," she added when she saw the dragonata sneeze. She transformed and dashed over to her new friend. Flashing back to human, she asked with a giggle, "What, are you allergic to me?"

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he sneezes scorching the ground and incinerating many of the flowers near her. with a groan she asked Ophelia "is everything alright now?" " I'm heading back home your both welcome to join me!" " you may visit whenever you like!"

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"what does allergic mean anyways?" " I've never heard that before!" "d=-n flowers!" " to cause offense but I think your fur also makes me sneeze"

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"All right!" Ophelia patted Maxie on the shoulder. "It was great to meet you, and thanks so much for your help. And many blessings to come, I'm sure." She tugged on Lucian's hair playfully. "Come on now, love, say thank you to Maxie for her help." She giggled at his expression, like a child who dislikes his parents' direction.

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"Oh..." Ophelia blushed. "I'm such a dunce, I'm sorry! No more transforming round you, then. And if you're allergic to something, it means that whatever it is makes you sneeze."

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