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He smirked, "Obviously you've never been around demons,huh? This is the least worst thing that could be happening when i sneeze.." With that, his face contorted," Heh...heh..Hetchoo! Hexstchoo!..geh..heh..tshchoo!" He sniffled and blow his nose, producing a gurgling noise before setting the hanky on fire. "Opps..oh well..", he snuggled into Ophelia and shivered as the tendrils spread.

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Maxie was surprised "a demon?" "you mean?"--... all this time I thought you where a human!" "your the first demon I've met that I know of!" "but it's nice to meet you!" "are you a demon also ms Ophelia?"

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Ophelia breathed an enormous sigh of relief. "Damn incorrect books," she remarked. "Nearly sent me flying off the han- Oops! Bless you darling," she giggled as Lucian set the hanky ablaze. "Here." She conjured him a new one.

"And to answer your question, Maxie, I am not a demon, I am an Animalii. Half human, half cat." She transformed into her feline form to show Maxie, but quickly flashed back when her tail accidentally brushed dangerously close to Lucian's battered nose. "I'll demonstrate more later; he's allergic to cats." She cradled Lucian and snuggled him closer to her heart and said, "Thank the powers he's not allergic to all of me."

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"what does that mean I've never heard it beforeb" "but I have'nt spent hardly any time around people of any kind." "when I was around three hundred years two dragons got into a fight." "they caused a lot of damage and people where killed."

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"out of fear the humans began to hunt down and kill any of us they could find." "including my father who was friendly towards humans." "the last person I knew was around a hundred and fifty years ago and she never knew I'm

Edited by Deathshand
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..."dragonata" "it was too dangerous for both of us" } could'nt predict how the humans would react to finding out." " they'd probably attack me but who's to say they would'nt have attacked her because she was a dragons friend!"

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"Thanks love..and well it's a pleasure to meet you Ms. Maxie.", he nodded and smiled softly before placing the back of his hand to his nose,"Mmph..heh...." He stifled and managed to avoid another sneeze,"This cold is really getting to me." He sighed but, grunted softly as his fingers turned into razor-sharp black claws,"Oh my.."

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Maxie suddenly realized to her horror she was gonna sneeze. she did'nt want to risk her new friends but would never make it outside so she sneezed at the wall away from them. " gehyaaa" "YASHOO" "GEYASHOO" "I'm really sorry } don't know what caused that!"

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she looked at the scorched wall and asked "are you both alright?" Maxie felt embarassed and worried about her new friends.

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Ophelia shrieked transformed at light speed and leapt in front of Lucian's face so he wouldn't be hurt by the blaze, but it hit the wall and not them. "Yikes, Maxie, bless you!" Ophelia laughed as she morphed back. "And you too, love," she added, kissing Lucian on the tip of his nose. Suddenly she saw his hands, newly changed into claws. "What the...?"

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He chuckled softly,"It's quite alright, no one's on fire." He glanced at the wall before Ophelia caught his attention,"Oh, it's nothing love..just ignore it." He flashed that award-winning smile that more than likely had won Ophelia over in the first place and kissed her cheek before turning away and sneezing into cupped hands, smoke escaping out. With his hands still his face, he stifled three more wet-sounding sneezes before blowing his nose. "Thad's disgusting..i feel so gross..", he sniffled and, using the cave wall as leverage, rose to his feet,"I need some fresh air..."

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"It's no problem at all, Maxie," Ophelia assured her absentmindedly, still gawking at Lucian's hands. "What is this, my love?"

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"Nothing? Who calls claws nothing, silly?" Ophelia chided him, leaning into his kiss. When he tried to stand, she said, "Oh no you don't" and shot to her feet, guiding him back down to lie in her lap. "No exertion yet, my love." She used that rare power again to call in some fresh wind. It swirled around the three friends, refreshing them.

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"Ahh! Ophelia..you worry to much",he smirked,"but maybe that's why im so addicted to you..and the claws? They're nothing, i promise." He smiled weakly before going into a coughing fit and sinking into her lap, his feverish head warming her legs. "Ophelia...has there always been two of you..?",his eyes glazed over and he slipped into unconsciousness again.

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"oh not again!" said Maxie walking to the cave opening she sneezed four more time " yachoo!", "achoo", "ahatcho"' "choo" scorching the ground in front of the cave. "ugh! made it this time!"

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Ophelia started to bless Maxie but suddenly Lucian passed out cold. "Lucian! No!" She kissed his forehead urgently. "Wake up wake up wake up!" she hissed. She decided on desperate measures, instructed Maxie to move back, and transformed into her cat form. I'm sorry my love, but I can't stand to see you sick, let alone you unconscious. Get ready for the fit of the century, she sent him a mental message and shoved her tail into his face, tracing his septum. Maybe this wasn't such a great idea, she thought to herself, but continued to twist her tail around Lucian's nasal area.

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"oh no!" said Maxie and stuck her head back into the entry way of the cave and sneezed several more times. her black and yellow eyes actually watering. as her sneezes flew out the cave doorway.

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Are you sure that's a good idea my love? I would die if i set you on fire. He grunted and shook his head gently in disapproval,"ehh...heh--haxstchoo! Geh-tschoo! Hitschioo!" Small puff of smoke erupted out as he sneezed, filling the cave with a nauseating, violet smoke. His eyes fluttered open and he sniffled wetly, looking at Ophelia to verify that there was only one of her. "Geh..that was dangerous..you could've been burnt to a crisp!", he scolded her but quickly smiled and embraced her into his arms,"but i love you for that.." He kissed the top of her head before glancing at Maxie,"Oh, and bless you Maxie." He sniffled again and turned away just in time to go into another sneezing fit,"Heztxhchoo! Ahh..achoo! hiztchoo!"

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"Bless you darling," Ophelia murmured into Lucian's neck, transforming to hug him back. "I never thought for a second that you'd hurt me." She kissed him and was going to turn to speak to Maxie when she felt a sharp pain on her right arm. She lifted her sleeve to reveal a shiny burn, bleeding slightly. She said the "S-word" softly and ripped her skirt, wincing horribly as she wrapped the torn part of skirt around her arm and trying not to look Lucian in the face.


Sorry about that seriously lame attempt at concealing Ophelia's swearing, i don't want to get in any trouble lol

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It's all good lol :P Lucian's fever is kinda funny in this post so please forgive him..he always was a lady's man xD


"Told you.",He took her arm and kissed it gently, her burn becoming less painful,"I hate that i hurt my queen, but any excuse to kiss you is fine by me~" He smiled,his fangs flashing, and he kissed the burn again. His eyes glowed faintly, his pupils cat-like and glassy as he sung a quiet Romanian lullaby,"I'll make you better my queen~" He kissed her cheek before sneezing gently.

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Ophelia giggled at Lucian's fever-induced sappiness. "Sleep, my love," she whispered, lying his head in her lap and stroking his hair as she had done so many times before. She sang him the same lullaby, a tear sliding down her face as she thought about all the years they'd lost when they were apart.

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He submitted reluctantly and panted quietly, his face dotted by beads of sweat. He moaned softly and curled up,"Everything hhuuurrtts.." He sniffled and closed his eyes as she stroked his hair but looked at her and put his hand to her cheek when he felt a tear fall,"Don't cry...we're together now...and forever." He smiled and wrapped his arms around her waist tightly to reassure of his love.

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Ophelia grasped Lucian's head directly over her heart, crying softly and continuing to sing, her voice shaky but clear. Finally, he was hers, and she wasn't letting go no matter what.

Even when she felt Lucian's fire-hot skin burn her again, she still held him close, not caring about the pain.

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