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Sneeze Fetish Forum

How far back does your obsession with sneezing go?


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Pretty sure I was born with it. I remember being 5 or 6 playing with my friend and I suggested we sniff some pepper to make ourselves sneeze because for some reason I really wanted to hear her sneeze. She had these great explosive yet stifled sneezes. I had no idea at the time that that was "weird". We tried and it didn't really work. I wanted to keep trying but she didn't and it was then that I realized that sneeze related stuff wasn't something that everyone else was into like I was. I don't think I realized this was an actual fetish until I was out of high school and stumbled onto Bondi's Wav Page when searching sneezing on google one day.

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there was an animated version of Jack and the Beanstalk that I used get from the local video shop from being about 4 or 5, my mum used to get annoyed as it was a treat and I always wanted to get the same film everytime... the giant had a big, huge buildup sneeze in it and I loved it. When I was about 6 or 7 I remember my mum 'recording' Sooty and Sweep (VCRs were new!) and an episode where Soo, the girly panda, had a cold and sneezed throughout, I remember baracading the door with cushions so I could watch it alone. I was also obsessed with a girl in my class at school who stifled her sneezes completely silently and I just used to sit and stare at her in a daze when she did it (why can't we still do that as adults?!) and I was in Year 2 then (aged 6) - she made such an impression on me that, even though she left our school and moved away whilst I was in Year 2, I still remember her name and can picture her in my head doing her funny little silent sneezes... I've loved stifles best ever since and I'm convinced it started there xx

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  • 2 weeks later...

I think I was 5 or 6. I remember being so embarrassed whenever someone on tv (when anyone was around) or in real life sneezed or even when I sneezed. When ever I played Barbie with my sister the characters always ended up with colds (I wonder how that happened...). But ya, I'm still to this day super embarrassed about it and I love it in secret...

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For me, it started with an episode of Dragon Tales. Some character had a cold, and for some reason I was so scared I ran out of the room! And everytime that episode would air, Id run away in fear. Funny how a fear turned into a fetish! Or maybe I was scared that I enjoyed it? Who knows :P I must have been 5 years old!

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As far as I can remember, I think I've always liked the feeling of sneezing.

For liking women sneezing, when I was about 10-11, there was a 16 year old girl in my neighborhood who was quite pretty who used to check on me for my parents when they had to work at night or were away for any reason. She would make sure the house was in order and I had done any chores I was supposed to do. If my hair was dry when she stopped in, she would sometimes sniff it as a way of making sure I had showered and washed my hair. Once, after she had sniffed it, she sneezed several times, and said something like, 'wow, your hair really got my nose going crazy this time'. From then on, I seemed to always notice women sneezing, whether in person or on TV, and sometimes when that girl stopped in to check on me I would deliberately shake my hair a little when she sniffed it to try to tickle her nose.

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I must have been 7 or 8 the first time I had a positive reaction to seeing someone sneeze, but before that I always cringed when sneezing or allergies were mentioned as well as had some sort of seemingly bizarre interest/fascination. I was watching magic school bus and one of the characters sneezed...I'm pretty sure I rewound the tape (this was back when VCRs were common! Multiple times just to see the sneeze again, without really even thinking it was anything out of the ordinary. I never even thought "Wow I must be so weird and different *until* I found this forum at aged 12 and realized what I had was a sexual fetish. There was some initial denial, as I hadn't even thought about having sexual thoughts until then, but eventually I came around and realized the feelings were, in fact, of fetish nature. And then I found the stories section here and was utterly ecstatic that I had found the site after all.

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I'd say 10-11... I started watching inducing videos on youtube .. it all started with an online game called "Sneeze" on miniclip were you would infect others by.. well. Sneezing Aha!

But yeh it was close to when H1N1(that shot was the one that hurt the most in my entire life :l) was a big pannick.. so they made that game to warn people how to prevent it.

But I would watch inducing videos & induce alot myself. & I use to play a game were you would make the charecter sneeze.

I was very interested in the youtube channel named "SneezecenterMedia"

& then when I was 12.. people sneezing was attractive.

then.. when I was 13 I discovered this site after reading many random sneezefics from various sites.

And that's how it was c:

I'd like a more naturel sneeze now (: .. Inducing isn't as great anymore.

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it all started with an online game called "Sneeze" on miniclip were you would infect others by.. well. Sneezing Aha!.

I used to be IN LOVE with that game! *opens a new tab to miniclip* XD

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it all started with an online game called "Sneeze" on miniclip were you would infect others by.. well. Sneezing Aha!.

I used to be IN LOVE with that game! *opens a new tab to miniclip* XD

. Aha :3 it's a fun game
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Well, um...forever? The cyber chase episode where Harry sneezes from a cat allergy...the cyber chase episode where someone told Jackie not to sneeze...books....since I was really really little.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I don't remember a specific time when my fetish developed but it was very early in my life. I sometimes wonder if it didn't have something to do with my grandma. When I would spend time at her house she always over-reacted any time I would sneeze. She would get this pained/sympathetic look on her face and be like "Oh my poor dear!!! I hope you aren't catching a cold!" and would often times run over and have me blow into a tissue that she would hold. I had to have been quite young. And I remember sitting on a swing with her under a tree and she went into a huge, long sneezing fit and her sneezes were very forceful and they kept coming one after another. I remember sitting there curled up next to her on the swing and watching and having this feeling that I can't describe. It wasn't in any way a sexual feeling as I was way too young to know about anything sexual at that age, but it ignited some very distinct, yet indescribable, "feeling" inside of me. I'm not sure if that's when it all began for me or not, but that is one of my earliest recollections of "that feeling."

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I just remembered a sneezing doll that I had when I was young....could that have been the beginning of it all? If so, why did my parents have to buy me THAT stupid doll! It was one of my favorite dolls. You would squeeze its stomach and each time you would squeeze, it would build up and build up and build up until it finally let out a sneeze. It took about 3 or 4 squeezes to get it to actually release the actual sneeze. What a stupid doll! Why would they have made such a thing?!?! ....Probably someone with a sneeze fetish!

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One of the first memories for me is The Muppet Movie.The secretary that's allergic to animals. Awesome stuff. I was hooked right there and ever since.

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I think when i was six or seven or something. I had a girlfriend who had a cold very often and i really liked to play with her because of she was sneezing and blowing nose much. And when i was like 9 i had a girlfriend who always had a handkerchief on her desk and blowed her nose often. So i'd became friends with her of that.

Now i think it is very strange because i know about our fetish since 13 or 14 and it became stronger till now (18).

But i wasn't in a sexual way, but i was obsessed without knowing. Very strang, anyone who can identify with my story?

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