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Sneeze Fetish Forum

How far back does your obsession with sneezing go?


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I think I was around 6 or 7 years old. I was always fascinated if someone was coughing or sneezing in my class (And yes sometimes it did turn me on :$) And I didn't felt comfortable when I watched a movie or a tv serie with someone and a person in it would sneeze xD I was always a bit embarassed then.

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It's sort of strange...I actually HATED sneezing until I was about 10 or so. I was always fascinated by it, but it really freaked me out to watch anyone sneeze.


Thin line between love and hate :P crossed the line about 12ish

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I have absolutely no idea. My first memory about it is from day care. If I recall correctly, it was a day care service inside of a HUGE grocery store (probably a Costco?) that my mom would leave me at while she did her shopping. So I was probably 4 or 5? Maybe even 3? No clue. But the day care one afternoon was showing Peter Pan on the tv and during the part where Hook was sick and sneezed...I knew it was coming up, so I hid under a table or a chair or something and didn't come out until that scene was over.

My reaction then makes me think that I must've been weird about sneezing before that, but I honestly can't remember. I just wish I could point to a episode of my childhood with certainty and say "yes, this is the moment that made me develop the fetish".

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  • 5 months later...

I'm just wondering how old people were when they first remember being obsessed with sneezing - not necessarily in a sexual way. I can remember being 4 years old and being fascinated/obsessed with sneezing.

I remember being maybe 7 or 8 and being at my grandparents' house reading a book about sneezing over and over again ... and wishing it had more than a dozen pages so I could read more about it...

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I must have been like 3 or close to that. I found out I loved sneezes when my mom read me a Rugrats book about the main character (totally forgot his name) being sick. I even told her I liked sneezes.... Yikes.... Oh, and there was a Blue's Clue's book where Blue was sick. That was also one I had my mom read me a lot.

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Almost as far as I can remember. Also, from a very early age, there was always the embarrassment. I simply hated it when somebody sneezed in my vicinity when I wasn't all alone. And people sneezing on tv was even worse - I remember several occasions when some cartoon or other made me literally run out of the room to hide my horribly confused reaction to the sneezing from my sisters. I was forever hunting for sneezes in books and videos, but it was all to be a huge secret, especially when I was a child. On the other hand, I tried to corporate it in pretend playing all the damn time, wanting my friends to pretend they had a cold, dictating how they should act. :lol: It wasn't until my 13th or 14th that I discovered the sexual aspect to my fascination.

Just had to butt in and ask how Maru managed to rewrite my childhood :laugh:

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Pretty much as far as I can remember, which is about 4 and started kindergarten. I don't really remember life before that. xD

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I remember feeling humiliated when I woke up with a cold on my third birthday (because I was HORRIFIED that people would know I had a cold). In terms of actually enjoying sneezes, I remember cutting out a comic about sneezing and hiding it in my sock drawer when I was about four. I absolutely loved that comic and was heart broken when it mysteriously disappeared.

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I remember watching .wavs at 3 and freaking out about not getting caught. I had no idea what they were, but I *loved* watching/listening to sneezes on YouTube. I can't remember anything before that, but I think it's safe to assume I was possible born with it? My earliest memory of fetish-y stuff was sneaking down to the computer early in the morning to go on YouTube and watch video after video after video....

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The farthest back I can remember was when I was 3. It doesn't feel plausible for me to have been at any other age because I distinctly remember doing fake sneezes at my pre-school friend's house and being obsessed with Jan Brett's "The Mitten" in kindergarten, among others.

Anyway, 3. I know I've told this story so many times, but this is really the most appropriate thread for me to be telling it in. I remember my mom and dad were reading me and my sister a more classic version of the fairy tale Cinderella- not out of a Disney book, but some other fairy tale book that we had that contained a collection of stories more faithful to the original folktales. And, in this particular story of Cinderella, it just so happened that she sneezed from ashes.

Well, I liked the word. I asked my parents what it meant. They told me, and demonstrated through fakes, too. And, now I'm hooked.

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As far as I'm concerned, I was born with it. I can't remember a time in my life were this wasn't a keen interest of mine (and I can remember back very far - my first memory is when I was two years old).

I didn't realize what specifically I liked about it until I was fourteen, but the interest was always, always there.

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I think I always 'liked' it, but it sort of confused and scared me. I used to write stories when i was maybe 12 or 13 and the characters would ALWAYS get sick, and it was my absolute favorite thing to write. I didn't really classify it as a 'fetish' until I was maybe 18, though; that was really when I realized it wasn't just a fascination with people being sick, it was a sexual thing blushsmiley.gif

I do remember being like 5 and always wanting characters in TV shows to be sick, though. There was a Lizzie Maguire episode where Lizzie was sick, and I hoped it would come on every time I watched the show.

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Mine goes back to when I was about 6 or 7 and I love the Tom and Jerry episode where Jerry sneezed. At that moment I thought something was wrong with me because I felt like that warm fuzzy feeling.

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Anyway, 3. I know I've told this story so many times, but this is really the most appropriate thread for me to be telling it in. I remember my mom and dad were reading me and my sister a more classic version of the fairy tale Cinderella- not out of a Disney book, but some other fairy tale book that we had that contained a collection of stories more faithful to the original folktales. And, in this particular story of Cinderella, it just so happened that she sneezed from ashes.

Aaah!! I've read that version too! My cousin had it, and every time I visited her, I kept bugging her about borrowing that book (and a bunch of others, that also had sneezing in it). She ended up giving me the whole bunch because I always asked for the same ones. :lol:

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Aaah!! I've read that version too! My cousin had it, and every time I visited her, I kept bugging her about borrowing that book (and a bunch of others, that also had sneezing in it). She ended up giving me the whole bunch because I always asked for the same ones. heh.gif

That's awesome! And here I thought I was the only one who had it :lol: It may still be buried in my basement, unless my mom threw it out. Kinda want to go digging for it now, for nostalgia's sake!

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  • 1 month later...

I follow the same pattern as a lot of prior posters - early fascination with sneezing in media but also intense discomfort. I know by the time I was six or seven the interest was pronounced: I remember making my brother sneeze with pepper (he was totally on board with this, I don't remember why), and making my older cousin pretend she was having an allergy attack when we played together. I didn't really sort out the true nature of my interest until I was about 19, though.

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My first real memory of the sneeze fetish was when I was seven (I didn't know it was a sneeze fetish back then though) when my best friend was allergic to dust mites and a cute boy in my class sneezed a lot.

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I'd say pretty young... Perhaps around 6 or 7. Maybe earlier, but I can't really remember. I used to be into cartoon sneezes a lot. Those episodes of Scooby Doo when he sneezed were my favorite. I grew out of that though.

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I am new here, and I must say - truly amazed that so many people's early experiences with a sneeze fetish would so closely mirror mine. Isn't it wild, how similar we all are in some ways?

As long as I can remember, I have been interested in sneezing. I was simultaneously intrigued and ashamed, knowing that this fascination was unique to me and might be judged by others. I can't remember any specific TV shows are movies that did it for me except Snow White. Sneezy smelling the flowers and sneezing during the big dance-party scene... Even know, I still like to watch those clips! My earliest memory of anything sneeze-related is probably being age 5, and telling another little girl that sneezing made me uncomfortable/excited. She was totally confused and I never told anybody again, still to this day. This is the first time I've ever told anybody about it since.

Real life sneezes interested me far less, because they tend to be more immediate and "realistic" whereas sneezes on TV are exaggerated, with lots of build up and attempted stifling. Real life sneezes always made me uncomfortable, because to me they felt so private and naughty. People talking about sneezing or actually sneezing would make me blush and want to leave the room. I felt very uncomfortable when family members would sneeze, and still do.

I didn't identify this as a sexual fetish until I was in my late teens, and didn't really focus on it much at all until I found forums like these and videos on YouTube.

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Oh, wow, I guess it must have been when I had just started school; maybe pre-school or kindergarten? I remember a picture book where there were a few bridesmaids with flowers who were in various stages of sneezing. And I loved the sneezing scene(scenes? I can't remember if she sneezes in the scene with the caterpillar or not :sweatdrop: ) in Alice in Wonderland. I used to watch it over and over when nobody was watching it with me.

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