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Something's Wrong (HP Harry-centric)

The Kneezle

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Mrs. Weasley rubbed her temples and looked around the empty sitting room. She had heard a door somewhere and guessed he'd retreated into the scullery. He'd probably locked the door. She had never had to face something like this before. Her children always sought out her embrace eventually. More than one person - and not just Arthur and her mum - had told her that she was a wonderful mother, but Mrs. Weasley was beginning to think it was more that she had very easy children to mother.

It cannot be this difficult, she thought steelingly, and turned to contemplate the doorway through which Harry had vanished. There was a way to draw him out, there had to be. Mrs. Weasley stood up and followed Harry into the kitchen.

She padded softly over to the scullery and tried the door. To her surprise it creaked open easily. To her consternation and slight panic, there was no one inside. Mrs. Weasley spun around and her eyes fell on the back door, which was unlatched.

The rain had stopped, thank Merlin, but a vicious wind still whipped through the darkness. Mrs. Weasley clutched her cloak around her shoulders and raised her wand higher, squinting through the night. What the devil was he thinking going out in this in his state? She didn't let herself imagine yet that he had apparated the moment he'd hit a safe distance. He was not out of reach just yet.

It was on her third sweep of the lawn that Mrs. Weasley noticed the light seeping between the carbaord coverings on the shed's windows. She sighed in exultant relief and headed for Arthur's toolshed.

A single lantern rested amid the clutter on the work table, casting spooky shadows over the walls. For a heart-stopping moment she thought the cramped room was empty, too, but then a stifled sneeze directed her around the table. Harry was huddled on the floor, hands pressed between his knees. His fringe fell in his face when he looked up at her and made him look much younger than he was.

"Heh-ish!" his glasses slipped down his nose as he jerked foreward. "Hih-hih-ishoo! Shoo!" He sniffled miserably, face still scrunched up. Gently, cautiously, Mrs. Weasly lowered herself to the floor before him. He kept his eyes fixed on his knees.

"Sweetheart -"

"Heh-eshoo! Hekitch-ISHchghuh!"

"God bless you," she said, putting a handkercheif in his lap. "Sweetheart, you have to let go of this," she told him softly. No reaction. "Harry, listen to me. You might not have red hair and freckles, and I may not have green eyes, but you're mine, do you hear that? You've been mine since the day you asked how to get on the platform. And there is nothing in the world that can change that. So listen to me. We thought we lost you, too that night, and getting you back was one of the most... wonderful moments of my life. I prayed for a miracle and I got it with you. So you can't leave me like this anymore. You have to come back to us and let go of whatever it is, guilt or grief or whatever it is that keeps pulling you away because I cannot lose you again."

She realized suddenly that tears were running slowly down her cheeks. She mopped her face and put her hands tentatively on his shoulders. "Harry, Fred is gone. Remus and Tonks are gone. Colin Creevey, Lavender Brown, dozens of people are gone, but you can't make up for it by going, too. The only way you can make up for it is by living the life you still have." She leaned foreward and pressed her lips to his forehead. It was burning up.

She brushed his fringe out of the way and pressed her palm to his brow. At least 38 degrees. He was shaking like a leaf, from fever or sobs, she wasn't sure. Likely both. A tear slid down his cheek, and she prayed it meant he'd finally heard her.

"I - I'm sorry," he whispered hoarsely.

"Sh, sh, I know you are," she soothed, enfolding him in the warmth of her cloak, rubbing his back. "It's okay."

They sat like that until he started caughing. He tried to suppress them at first, turning away, his whole body hitching as he tried to hold them in. But eventually they took hold of him, curling him into a ball as he burried his face in his elbow. That sounded quite worrying. Mrs. Weasley helped him to his feet, wondering anxiously if they shouldn't go to St. Mungo's. A month was far too long for an ordinary cold....

"And then there's that to worry over. Let's get you beside the fire again before you have pnumonia," she said, taking his arm.

(A/N: I'm going to add one last little bit in a sec, so hang on)

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Oh my god. Oh my god. When I saw a continuation of this, I just died. Died. Right here. In front of my computer. I'm a ghost now. You've turned me into a ghost. Great job.

Seriously tho, this was really REALLY good. I feel like my heart stopped :o

Edited by Not_Telling
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  • 3 months later...

I don't normally look at Harry Potter fics for some reason, but this is really lovely. I love parental intervention in sickfics so much, you don't even know. Can't wait for more ♥

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  • 2 years later...
  • 6 months later...
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  • 1 month later...
On 12/23/2013 at 0:48 AM, The Kneezle said:

"Harry, listen to me. You might not have red hair and freckles, and I may not have green eyes, but you're mine, do you hear that? You've been mine since the day you asked how to get on the platform. And there is nothing in the world that can change that.

I'm not crying, you're crying! Seriously, though, I love Mrs. Weasley so much! I (and I'm sure many others) would love to read more! 

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  • 8 months later...

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