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BBC Sherlock - John and Sherlock get sick (M/M)


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Eek! Sorry, Someone: I was thinking it was you who didn't have adult board access (though I was thinking that was weird, because I feel like you've been around here forever!), rather than Naraya. I'm guessing I was very tired when I wrote that, and was conflating Naraya being validating with you wanting to post your story in the adult section. My meds, they confuzzle me.

All of that said, though...like I said, I'm always a fan of there being both an explicit and non-explicit version of fics. It lets the reader see how the characters would behave within different sets of parameters (for example, the frequent differences in allowed language between fics and the actual source media), and allows everyone interested to read the story.

And now I'm going to hide under a rock for a while. :shy:

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Just noticed - do you both seriously live in NYC? I flew out there from the UK to get married in August. By far the coolest place on the planet!!!

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Naraya - I'm currently in Madison, WI, but I've been back and forth between the two for a while. Hopefully I'll move back to NY soon as soon as I can afford it without mooching off my friends. It's so expensive! But maybe a meetup could happen when I'm there?

Ickydog - I will continue soon :)

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I love this. So much. So much that being able to express how much I love this is about 60% of the reason I finally got around to making an account. So much that I've started thinking of it as canon and almost referenced it in conversation the other day. Can't wait for the next installment :).

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OMG... I'm not sure which is more amazing, this fic, that I forgot I read this fic, that I didnt find this fic in my research for your secret santa, or .... OMG ... I can't breathe... this.... this.... encompasses all my favorite things. Was it ever continued? I really had no idea I had ever read a Sherlock fic before this month... what the heck is wrong with me. Going to melt into puddle... then return to melt some more.

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