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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Questions about your sneezing (Please answer)


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1. Are you a woman or a man? Woman

2. Do you sneeze often or not so? Pretty often: 4-5 times a day on average

3. Do you sneeze stifle or just let out? If I'm home, I let it out. If I'm at work or in public, I stifle.

4. Do you have long or some building up before you make sneezing out? Most times I have significant buildup.

5. Are your sneezing volume loud or normal or quiet? Unfortunately, if I don't stifle, I'm a very loud, powerful sneezer.

6. Do you sneeze normaly single or multiple? If you are an multiple sneezer, how many sneezing in average? I'm usually a single sneezer, but if I induce, I tend to sneeze 2-3 times. If I have a cold, I often sneeze in doubles.

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1. Are you a woman or a man?


2. Do you sneeze often or not so?

I sneeze a fair amount, always in multiples

3. Do you sneeze stifle or just let out?

I like to let it out. It feels so much better that way. Stifled sneezes are kind of a let down, for me.

4. Do you have long or some building up before you make sneezing out?

I have minimal buildup

5. Are your sneezing volume loud or normal or quiet?


6. Do you sneeze normaly single or multiple? If you are an multiple sneezer, how many sneezing in average?

I always sneeze in multiples. Anywhere from 2-4 times.

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1. Are you a woman or a man?

Woman smile.png

2. Do you sneeze often or not so?

Normal amount, maybe around 5-7 times a day.

3. Do you sneeze stifle or just let out?

Depends. If I'm in public I sneeze perfectly quiet...I can't sneeze front of other people no matter how hard I try!

4. Do you have long or some building up before you make sneezing out?

About 3 seconds worth?

5. Are your sneezing volume loud or normal or quiet?

Normal when I don't stifle!

6. Do you sneeze normaly single or multiple? If you are an multiple sneezer, how many sneezing in average?

Single, usually.

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ooh, i love these!

1. Are you a woman or a man?


2. Do you sneeze often or not so?

-Sadly, not often at all! Its even rare for me to sneeze when Im sick >_<

3. Do you sneeze stifle or just let out?

-I have a weird habit of stifling haha

4. Do you have long or some building up before you make sneezing out?

-I try to build it up to enjoy it but it usually goes away...

5. Are your sneezing volume loud or normal or quiet?

-Bats would have a hard time hearing my sneezes!

6. Do you sneeze normaly single or multiple? If you are an multiple sneezer, how many sneezing in average?

-Doubles always, i havent sneezed a single in a long time!

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1. Are you a woman or a man?

I'm a woman

2. Do you sneeze often or not so?

Oh God, never. I don't have allergies and I never get sick.

3. Do you sneeze stifle or just let out?

It depends. If I'm alone I let it all out, but if I'm around people I pinch my nose.

4. Do you have long or some building up before you make sneezing out?

Well, sometimes. When I say I never sneeze, I actually have to try and push them out by looking into a light.

5. Are your sneezing volume loud or normal or quiet?

Well when I pinch my nose it's hardly noticeable, I think my sneezes when unstifled are of normal sound.

6. Do you sneeze normaly single or multiple? If you are an multiple sneezer, how many sneezing in average?

Nearly always one, it's very unusual for me to have multiples.

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1. Are you a woman or a man?


2. Do you sneeze often or not so?

Hardly ever

3. Do you sneeze stifle or just let out?

I don't really have to try to stifle, my sneeze sounds sort of like a cough but a little louder. Sometimes people have to ask if I sneezed or coughed if they don't know me.

4. Do you have long or some building up before you make sneezing out?

No, usually no buildup at all

5. Are your sneezing volume loud or normal or quiet?

A little less loud than normal

6. Do you sneeze normaly single or multiple? If you are an multiple sneezer, how many sneezing in average?

Always multiple, usually 4 to 5 times

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  • 2 weeks later...

I am a male.

I don't sneeze often.

I just let it out. Stifling it hurts.

I think I have a regular normal buildup. It doesn't take too long for me.

My sneezing is normal.

I almost always sneeze once in a row.

Funny, I felt a sneeze coming when I typed that last comment. But it didn't wanna come out.

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Time to answer this...

1. Are you a woman or a man?

Woman (not yet, actually... :P But becoming one.)

2. Do you sneeze often or not so?

Not really often. Depends.

3. Do you sneeze stifle or just let out?

I always stifle. I have perfected it over the years, now it's almost completely soundless. *proud face*

4. Do you have long or some building up before you make sneezing out?

I usually don't have any build-up at all. It only happens when I induce, really.

5. Are your sneezing volume loud or normal or quiet?

My stifles, as I said, are almost soundless. My natural sneezing volume is... medium, I think.

6. Do you sneeze normaly single or multiple? If you are an multiple sneezer, how many sneezing in average?

Usually it's either a single of a double, but I occasionally get fits of 6 or more.

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1. Are you a woman or a man?


2. Do you sneeze often or not so?

not often

3. Do you sneeze stifle or just let out?

let it all out

4. Do you have long or some building up before you make sneezing out?

3-8 seconds of anticipation

5. Are your sneezing volume loud or normal or quiet?

normal, but since uncovered they may sound louder

6. Do you sneeze normaly single or multiple? If you are an multiple sneezer, how many sneezing in average?

occasional double, but mostly singles

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1. Are you a woman or a man?


2. Do you sneeze often or not so?

not very much unfortunately

3. Do you sneeze stifle or just let out?

in my younger days i stifled; too afraid to sneeze in front of people but now i just let 'em rip.

4. Do you have long or some building up before you make sneezing out?

i have a buildup, sometimes a small buildup, sometimes a lil longer.

5. Are your sneezing volume loud or normal or quiet?

i sneeze pretty loud. i don't think my sneezes sound feminine at all lol. -but i like that-

6. Do you sneeze normaly single or multiple? If you are an multiple sneezer, how many sneezing in average?

normally single. sometimes twice. rarely any more than that around the same time period.

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  • 1 year later...

I wanted to answer this because I love these surveys

1. Are you a woman or a man?


2. Do you sneeze often or not so?

I really don't sneeze that often

3. Do you sneeze stifle or just let out?

I let out my sneeze

4. Do you have long or some building up before you make sneezing out?

It depends. I used to have little to no buildup when I was younger. I'd just sneeze out of nowhere. Now I can usually feel a sneeze coming for a few seconds at least and have some buildup

5. Are your sneezing volume loud or normal or quiet?

I would say I have a pretty average sneeze volume

6. Do you sneeze normaly single or multiple? If you are an multiple sneezer, how many sneezing in average?

I normally sneeze in multiples of 2-3 but can be 4 if I am sick. I have sneezed up to 7 times (like once or twice in my life).

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1. Are you a woman or a man

I am a female. :D

2. Do you sneeze often or not so?

I am a frequent sneezer.

3. Do you sneeze stifle or just let out?

I just let it out, stifling hurts me waaaaay too much.

4. Do you have long or some building up before you make sneezing out?

I have a small amount of build up

5. Are your sneezing volume loud or normal or quiet?


6. Do you sneeze normaly single or multiple? If you are an multiple sneezer, how many sneezing in average?

Multiple. Between 2-8

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1. Are you a woman or a man?


2. Do you sneeze often or not so?

Not often

3. Do you sneeze stifle or just let out?

Mostly let it out or try to muffle the sound.

4. Do you have long or some building up before you make sneezing out?

Usually my buildup is very short

5. Are your sneezing volume loud or normal or quiet?

Medium to loud depending if I'm at work or home or alone

6. Do you sneeze normaly single or multiple? If you are an multiple sneezer, how many sneezing in average?

Usually single, occasional double, very rare multiples.

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1. Are you a woman or a man?


2. Do you sneeze often or not so?

At least 3 times a day.

3. Do you sneeze stifle or just let out?

Stifling hurts so I usually let it out.

4. Do you have long or some building up before you make sneezing out?

It varies. I often have hitching tortured buildups but I sometimes get no warning.

5. Are your sneezing volume loud or normal or quiet?

Loud in public. Even louder at home.

6. Do you sneeze normaly single or multiple? If you are an multiple sneezer, how many sneezing in average?

Usually singles but doubles and triples happen at times. I have a very occasional fit.

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1. Are you a woman or a man?


2. Do you sneeze often or not so?

Not very often.

3. Do you sneeze stifle or just let out?

I let them out, although I used to stifle all the time in public.

4. Do you have long or some building up before you make sneezing out?

I have a little bit of build-up, but it's not noticeable.

5. Are your sneezing volume loud or normal or quiet?

Normal, I would think.

6. Do you sneeze normaly single or multiple? If you are an multiple sneezer, how many sneezing in average?

Single, usually. On a rare occasion I can get a double, but that's usually when I induce.

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1. Are you a woman or a man?


2. Do you sneeze often or not so?

It varies widely, but usually not that often.

3. Do you sneeze stifle or just let out?

Both, depending on how strong the sneeze seems to be and where I am.

4. Do you have long or some building up before you make sneezing out?

Usually, a fair amount of buildup

5. Are your sneezing volume loud or normal or quiet?

Probably normal

6. Do you sneeze normaly single or multiple? If you are an multiple sneezer, how many sneezing in average?

Single or sometimes a double. Anything beyond a double is very rare for me.

Edited by Indescribable
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1. Are you a woman or a man? Woman

2. Do you sneeze often or not so? Pretty often, at least when I have allergies or a cold

3. Do you sneeze stifle or just let out? Usually I stifle unless I'm by myself, in which case I may just let it out sometimes.

4. Do you have long or some building up before you make sneezing out? Usually no, the sneezes just come right out.

5. Are your sneezing volume loud or normal or quiet? If I stifle it's pretty quiet, but it usually doesn't get much louder than that.

6. Do you sneeze normaly single or multiple? If you are an multiple sneezer, how many sneezing in average? I sneeze singles usually unless I have allergies - then it's about 3 to 4.

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1. Are you a woman or a man? Woman.

2. Do you sneeze often or not so? Not.

3. Do you sneeze stifle or just let out? Let out.

4. Do you have long or some building up before you make sneezing out? Occasionally.

5. Are your sneezing volume loud or normal or quiet? Normal.

6. Do you sneeze normaly single or multiple? If you are an multiple sneezer, how many sneezing in average? Single.

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1. Are you a woman or a man?

Answer: Man.

2. Do you sneeze often or not so?

Answer: Rarely.

3. Do you sneeze stifle or just let out?

Answer: I pinch my nose. Sneeze slilently. So no one will hear my sneeze.

4. Do you have long or some building up before you make sneezing out?

Answer: Long building up and sneeze like a maniac shouting for help. Something like that.

5. Are your sneezing volume loud or normal or quiet?

Answer: Loud. That's why I pinch my nose. But I hate sneezing. Especially when I had a bad day or something like that. When I had a bad day, most of the time I refuse to sneeze because its a wrong timing and its not cool to sneeze when the bad day comes. Stupid(Bad) days cause me to refuse to sneeze.

6. Do you sneeze normaly single or multiple? If you are an multiple sneezer, how many sneezing in average?

Answer: Single. SUPER rarely have multiple. Only when I'm sick. And I rarely sick. One year one time to get sick. For example today I'm sick. Then that's it. Wait for next one year to get sick again.

By the way, I have an issue about my sneeze actually. Whenever I sneeze, something bad happens to me. Its like a jinx. That's why I refuse to sneeze for bad days. Because if I sneeze on my bad days, those days will get bad to worse and makes me totally sick(piss off). Sometime normal days I sneeze get bad days. When normal days and I refuse to sneeze, its totally normal and happy day. I will never a happy sneezer in my life. down.gifcry.gifcrybaby.gif

I know... boring life right.

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1. Are you a woman or a man? I'm a woman

2. Do you sneeze often or not so? Not very often - once or twice a week

3. Do you sneeze stifle or just let out? It depends on the situation - I just learned to stifle and so I like to practice. thumbsupsmileyanim.gif

4. Do you have long or some building up before you make sneezing out? It depends - sometimes I have a breathy inhale before, and sometimes no warning at all.

5. Are your sneezing volume loud or normal or quiet? I try to be quiet in public - I'm still embarrassed to sneeze in front of people. In private, I really don't think about it much.

6. Do you sneeze normaly single or multiple? If you are an multiple sneezer, how many sneezing in average? Always a single - I've had a couple of doubles in my life but never a real fit.

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1. Are you a woman or a man?

I am a gargantuan demon serpent.

2. Do you sneeze often or not so?

More on the "not so" side, I guess.

3. Do you sneeze stifle or just let out?

Depends on the situation, but generally just let them out.

4. Do you have long or some building up before you make sneezing out?

I usually have some amount of build-up, the length varies.

5. Are your sneezing volume loud or normal or quiet?

Normal, I guess?

6. Do you sneeze normaly single or multiple? If you are an multiple sneezer, how many sneezing in average?

It's fairly unpredictable. Anywhere between 1-3.

Edited by Jormungandr
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1. Are you a woman or a man? woman (well a girl)

2. Do you sneeze often or not so? not so much

3. Do you sneeze stifle or just let out? stifle

4. Do you have long or some building up before you make sneezing out? usually a bit long

5. Are your sneezing volume loud or normal or quiet? normal

6. Do you sneeze normaly single or multiple? If you are an multiple sneezer, how many sneezing in average? single lol

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