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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Questions about your sneezing (Please answer)


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1. Are you a woman or a man?


2. Do you sneeze often or not so?

Usually not so much, maybe once or twice every few days or so.

3. Do you sneeze stifle or just let out?

Just let it out, stifling hurts

4. Do you have long or some building up before you make sneezing out?

It varies really but usually a moderate build up

5. Are your sneezing volume loud or normal or quiet?

I'd say it was just normal

6. Do you sneeze normaly single or multiple? If you are an multiple sneezer, how many sneezing in average?

Usually doubles, but it could be anywhere between 1- 4

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I just want to give simple questions to you. Please answer them.

1. Are you a woman or a man?


2. Do you sneeze often or not so?

About three times a day.

3. Do you sneeze stifle or just let out?

I stifle if I think the situation warrants it but it can hurt so I try to let them out.

4. Do you have long or some building up before you make sneezing out?

Sometimes. I will feel them coming for a while if they are really intense.

5. Are your sneezing volume loud or normal or quiet?


6. Do you sneeze normaly single or multiple? If you are an multiple sneezer, how many sneezing in average?

I normally sneeze in doubles. If I have a cold I have been known to have prolonged fits.

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1. Are you a woman or a man?


2. Do you sneeze often or not so?

Very rarely

3. Do you sneeze stifle or just let out?

Never succeded in stifling

4. Do you have long or some building up before you make sneezing out?

Usually very short buildup

5. Are your sneezing volume loud or normal or quiet?


6. Do you sneeze normaly single or multiple? If you are an multiple sneezer, how many sneezing in average?

Always single. I think I sneezed a double very few times in my life.

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1. Are you a woman or a man?


2. Do you sneeze often or not so?

2 - 4 times a day

3. Do you sneeze stifle or just let out?

usually stifle

4. Do you have long or some building up before you make sneezing out?

not really, usually a short buildup

5. Are your sneezing volume loud or normal or quiet?

when i stifle it's obviously quiet, but when i let them out it's usually the "normal" volume

6. Do you sneeze normaly single or multiple? If you are an multiple sneezer, how many sneezing in average?

usually single, sometimes double or triple but rarely

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  • 4 months later...

I just want to give simple questions to you. Please answer them.

1. Are you a woman or a man?


2. Do you sneeze often or not so?

Yeah. I sneeze pretty often.

3. Do you sneeze stifle or just let out?

Let it out

4. Do you have long or some building up before you make sneezing out?

Yes, sometimes

5. Are your sneezing volume loud or normal or quiet?


6. Do you sneeze normaly single or multiple? If you are an multiple sneezer, how many sneezing in average?

Usually in sets of 4-5

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Older thread, but this still seems fun!

1. Are you a woman or a man? Man

2. Do you sneeze often or not so? Not really - probably a few times a week.

3. Do you sneeze stifle or just let out? Let it all out.

4. Do you have long or some building up before you make sneezing out? Rarely -- They usually come quick.

5. Are your sneezing volume loud or normal or quiet? I'd say medium to loud.

6. Do you sneeze normaly single or multiple? If you are an multiple sneezer, how many sneezing in average? Usually singles, although there are the occasional multiples as well.

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1. Are you a woman or a man? I am a woman

2. Do you sneeze often or not so? I sneeze frequently

3. Do you sneeze stifle or just let out? I can sneeze stifle however it makes me sneeze more so I tend to just let them out

4. Do you have long or some building up before you make sneezing out? I have somewhat of a moderate build to my sneeze

5. Are your sneezing volume loud or normal or quiet? they are about medium

6. Do you sneeze normaly single or multiple? If you are an multiple sneezer, how many sneezing in average? Multiple and about anywhere from 5-10

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I do not sneeze as often as i would like to, but some when it is bright outside.

In public I stifle, but in private.. I do not.

There is generally very little build ups.

Quiet to medium

1-2 at most at one time

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  • 3 weeks later...

Why not :P

1. Are you a woman or a man? Man

2. Do you sneeze often or not so? Hardly ever

3. Do you sneeze stifle or just let out? Usually just let it out.

4. Do you have long or some building up before you make sneezing out? Hardly any build-up, just a short breath right before.

5. Are your sneezing volume loud or normal or quiet? I'd say normal? Def. not loud, but not overly quiet.

6. Do you sneeze normaly single or multiple? If you are an multiple sneezer, how many sneezing in average? Usually just one.

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1. Are you a woman or a man?


2. Do you sneeze often or not so?

Not so often (pretty normal, I guess)

3. Do you sneeze stifle or just let out?

I always stifle in public. Especially in classes. (It’s so embarrassing to be a sick teacher. I hate it so much when that happens. upset.gif )

4. Do you have long or some building up before you make sneezing out?

Always a short buildup (so I know when I have to stifle...)

5. Are your sneezing volume loud or normal or quiet?

Normal, I would say.

6. Do you sneeze normally single or multiple? If you are a multiple sneezer, how many sneezing in average?

Single (unless I'm sick)

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1. Are you a woman or a man?

I'm a woman.

2. Do you sneeze often or not so?

Not so

3. Do you sneeze stifle or just let out?


4. Do you have long or some building up before you make sneezing out?

I have long building up.

5. Are your sneezing volume loud or normal or quiet?

Stifle, so quiet.

6. Do you sneeze normaly single or multiple? If you are an multiple sneezer, how many sneezing in average?

I always sneezing once

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1. Are you a woman or a man? Woman.

2. Do you sneeze often or not so? All the time.

3. Do you stifle or just let it out? I pretty much can't stifle, it's out of my control.

4. Do you have long or some building up before you sneeze? Varies between the two, but usually a little bit of building up.

5. Is your sneezing volume loud or normal or quiet? Quiet.

6. Do you normally sneeze in singles or multiples? If you are a multiple sneezer, how many sneezes on average? Multiples, and usually between 10-20, but it can, and actually quite frequently does, go up pretty far. I think the most one of my friends counted was about 120 in a row (one of those people who have the rapid, nonstop sneezing fits.)

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1. Are you a woman or a man? I am a woman

2. Do you sneeze often or not so? I sneeze a lot when I have a cold, but sometimes from dust allergies.

3. Do you sneeze stifle or just let out? I cannot stifle. It causes pain, so I just let it out at home. If I am in public, I attempt to keep the sneeze from starting.

4. Do you have long or some building up before you make sneezing out? I have a long (10 sec)buildup when inducing, and a shorter (3 sec) buildup from natural.

5. Are your sneezing volume loud or normal or quiet? they are loud if I'm sick and medium if I'm not.

6. Do you sneeze normaly single or multiple? I usually sneeze single but every once in awhile I get a double.

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1. Are you a woman or a man?

I am a woman :)

2. Do you sneeze often or not so?

It depends. I sometimes go full day without sneezing. It's not often though. On a normal day I sneeze probably between 5 and 8 times. I tend to have multiples first thing in a morning. If I have a cold or suffering from allergies, the sky is the limit :lol:

3. Do you sneeze stifle or just let out?

I always let them out, more so if I'm alone, it feels sooo much better.

4. Do you have long or some building up before you make sneezing out?

I normally have a long build up. I don't generally get hitching breaths or anything, but the tickle normally teases me and builds for a good 10ish seconds before release :P

5. Are your sneezing volume loud or normal or quiet?

I would say normal to loud. I don't scream-sneeze or anything, but sometimes they are quite powerful and make noise.

6. Do you sneeze normaly single or multiple? If you are an multiple sneezer, how many sneezing in average?

I'm normally a single sneezer. I do have multiples, but they're not rapid fire or anything. If I have multiple sneezes they're more like singles with a few seconds between each one. When I do have multiples, the number can vary greatly, anything between 2 and going on and on for ages.

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1. Are you a woman or a man?


2. Do you sneeze often or not so?

pretty often

3. Do you sneeze stifle or just let out?

let it out

4. Do you have long or some building up before you make sneezing out?

sometimes long

5. Are your sneezing volume loud or normal or quiet?


6. Do you sneeze normaly single or multiple? If you are an multiple sneezer, how many sneezing in average? multiple 3

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1. I am a woman. (Well a girl at least)

2. Pretty often.

3. Meh both. It depends how I feel.

4. Yeah I have a bit of buildups around 10 seconds maybe?

5. Usually Loudish but sometimes they are a bit quiet.

6. Sometimes I sneeze once and sometimes it's multiples. Usually 2.

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1. Are you a woman or a man?

Woman! :) Okay... girl! Haha...

2. Do you sneeze often or not so?

Not very often. I counted my sneezes over one entire year once and the total was 102. And I was sick a lot that year!!

3. Do you sneeze stifle or just let out?

Let it out when I'm alone. Try to stifle when I'm in public, but usually without success. :(

4. Do you have long or some building up before you make sneezing out?

Usually I have a pretty long build-up with a lot of breathing in and out quickly and sometimes also rubbing my nose. I also experience a lot of false starts. Oh, so annoying... haha...

5. Are your sneezing volume loud or normal or quiet?

I would say, normal. There definitely not loud. But sometimes I wish they could be even more quiet, so I could go unnoticed in public.

6. Do you sneeze normaly single or multiple? If you are an multiple sneezer, how many sneezing in average?

I usually sneeze only once. Sometimes twice, but never more than that. And then it usually takes me a couple of hours before I sneeze again. That is, if I'm sick. When I'm healthy, it'll sometimes take weeks until I sneeze again.

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Older post, but still wanted to answer!

1. Woman

2. Not often, but lately allergies have been getting me. Usually I sneeze not at all of once a day, lately about 5 times a day.

3. Stifle if people are around usually, always let it out if I am alone, especially if I am in my room, uncovered.

4. A little bit of buildup.

5. Normal volume sneezes, sometimes high pitched though.

6. Generally sneeze in singles throughout the day.

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just want to give simple questions to you. Please answer them.

1. Are you a woman or a man? woman

2. Do you sneeze often or not so? VERY often

3. Do you sneeze stifle or just let out? just let it out unless in public stifling makes me have huge uncontrollable fits

4. Do you have long or some building up before you make sneezing out? for the first sneeze i usually have build ups but when the fit takes hold it is just rapid fire "choo" 's

5. Are your sneezing volume loud or normal or quiet? its in the middle i can be quiet when i need to be but in not a scream sneezer anyway lol

6. Do you sneeze normaly single or multiple? If you are an multiple sneezer, how many sneezing in average? im a multiple sneezer! normal sneezing with no obvious cause is usually between 5-7 sneezes, allergies and colds i can have anything between 10 and 100 J (my boyfriend) has counted around 180 in a fit and when that happens im good for nothing and just have to go to bed!

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1. Are you a woman or a man?


2. Do you sneeze often or not so?

Often really often almost everyday.

3. Do you sneeze stifle or just let out?

Stifle but sometimes let them out.

4. Do you have long or some building up before you make sneezing out?


5. Are your sneezing volume loud or normal or quiet

Depends, mostly quiet but loud at times.

6. Do you sneeze normaly single or multiple? If you are an multiple sneezer, how many sneezing in average? Mutiple, 3-7 sneezes.

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1. Are you a woman or a man?


2. Do you sneeze often or not so?

Often in private, darn mental block in public

3. Do you sneeze stifle or just let out?

Depends on my mood. Naturally I just let out

4. Do you have long or some building up before you make sneezing out?

Usually some building up, but sometimes none

5. Are your sneezing volume loud or normal or quiet?


6. Do you sneeze normaly single or multiple? If you are an multiple sneezer, how many sneezing in average?

Single usually, max 2 or 3

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1. Are you a woman or a man?


2. Do you sneeze often or not so?

Hardly ever :'( Even though I feel sneezy often-ish, my breath hitches then it goes away :(

3. Do you sneeze stifle or just let out?

Let it out. I'm terrible at stifling.

4. Do you have long or some building up before you make sneezing out?

Usually I have a long buildup.

5. Are your sneezing volume loud or normal or quiet?

Probably about normal, but it varies.

6. Do you sneeze normaly single or multiple? If you are an multiple sneezer, how many sneezing in average?

Normally single, but if I'm ill, doubles or triples.

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1. Are you a woman or a man?


2. Do you sneeze often or not so?

I'm not usually very sneezy, but I have my days. More than two sneezes in a day is notable for me, but not particularly rare.

3. Do you sneeze stifle or just let out?

I'm incapable of stifling, but I can modify the volume of my sneeze somewhat.

4. Do you have long or some building up before you make sneezing out?

I don't hitch unless I'm sick, but I can have a tickle that builds over a few minutes.

5. Are your sneezing volume loud or normal or quiet?

My volume varies, but I' don't have really quiet sneezes.

6. Do you sneeze normaly single or multiple? If you are an multiple sneezer, how many sneezing in average?

I almost always sneeze singles, but I rarely have a double or triple (if I'm sick or allergic).

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1. Are you a woman or a man?


2. Do you sneeze often or not so?

I don't sneeze too often, maybe like once a day on average.

3. Do you sneeze stifle or just let out?

I let out.

4. Do you have long or some building up before you make sneezing out?

I would say reasonably long.

5. Are your sneezing volume loud or normal or quiet?


6. Do you sneeze normaly single or multiple? If you are an multiple sneezer, how many sneezing in average?

Usually single, very rarely more than three.

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1. Are you a woman or a man?


2. Do you sneeze often or not so?

It depends, but most time, every day....

3. Do you sneeze stifle or just let out?

Never stifle, i love the sensation of let them out

4. Do you have long or some building up before you make sneezing out?

No buid ups in the beginning of the fit

5. Are your sneezing volume loud or normal or quiet?

Normal to loud

6. Do you sneeze normaly single or multiple? If you are an multiple sneezer, how many sneezing in average?

Never single. Most of time, 6 in a row.

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