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Sneeze Fetish Forum

~Holiday~ updated (1/16) *complete*


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I FINALLY caught up with this. Somehow I always end up reading significant amounts of your stories between midnight and two in the morning when I should've been asleep hours ago. :lol: Anyway, I'm SO glad I finished this (it's not the end, is it? It doesn't feel like the end...) because it's amazing, as always. :heart:

Seriously, you've never disappointed me with anything you've written, and after a point, I didn't even care that it was a fetishy fic because it was just awesome and I loved every bit of it. I can't really fit my thoughts on three entire parts into this one comment without it being exceedingly long, but WOW. You...you...I don't know if I have enough words? But you made something fantastic here. I love how you accentuated the dynamic parts of each character's relationships with the others and how they can really come together and do something great. I know he wasn't the main focus of the story, but all of my favorite lines came from Havoc. :laugh: You write him really well. I mean, you always write the characters beautifully, but Havoc was really exceptional, I thought. He stood out to me.

I've also noticed something else, not just in this fic, but in your others - you write a lot of them from an outsider point of view. Like in Water Meets Flame, it was kind of from Hawkeye's POV, even though it's third person. I'm not complaining by any means! Honestly, I think it's great, in large part because I have trouble doing it. I tend to write at least a significant portion exclusively describing how the character feels as if I'm writing from his POV exclusively. So I admire that about your writing style.

Speaking of, I'll have to see what style you have in that Havoc one shot (which I'm super excited to read)! I'm hoping to get to very soon because I'm really starting to like him a lot more from what I've seen of him in the show and the way you portray him (which really isn't that much different, if at all).

P.S. Sorry if my attempt at an intelligent comment is marred by the scattered thoughts in my brain. Hopefully they came across well enough so you know how much I love your work. :D

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@Elements -

Aww, well I'm honored that you would like it enough to stay up and read it then! ^^; And thank you sooo much!!! <3 And nope it's not done, Riza's still there. XD (I planned to finish this a while ago, but homework and unmotivation got in the way OTL however, I am finally feeling inspired again, so I may actually finish it tonight :3 And if that is the case, it'll be up within the next couple of days... smile.png )

uwaaah~!!! thank you!! :') Idk if you even know how much that means to me! but wow... thank you blushing.gif I'm SO glad that what I write can bring enjoyment to others.. especially people like you whom I really admire as writers biggrin.png

I have soo much fun with the characters.. really, that's the whole reason I write at all, I think. If I don't feel like getting into characters' heads, imagining what they are feeling and thinking and doing and so on, then I don't feel like writing tonguesmiley.gif And Havoc is really fun to write XD especially in this particular fic! I'm not even really sure why. but I love Havoc, and I like writing him a lot. You can probably expect more of him from me. XD

Ah! Funny that you should mention that, because I've actually been giving that a lot of thought lately!! ahaha... whenever I write, I like to think about the story from multiple perspectives, because I imagine the story differently depending on whose eyes I am seeing it through X) And I almost never can pick a single character to stay with - at least not in my longer pieces - and so I end up cycling between characters instead heh.gif And with Roy and Riza especially, I'll be tempted to just stick to Roy because I want to describe what he's feeling... but then I LOVE writing Hawkeye because she's really interesting and complex and ever since I started FMA:B I wanted to get to the point where I could write her canon-accurately happy.png so that's why I tend to practice (and really enjoy!!) writing from her POV. But sometimes I start wondering if the cycling works well or not - like with the last portion of this fic that's coming up, I do a couple tradeoffs between the two of them perspective-wise, but there were certain things I wanted seen from his and others from hers... so you'll have to tell me what you think. sweatdrop.gif But I'm really glad that you like it! It's encouraging happy.png (I also think it's cool you pointed it out, since I was just thinking about it XD)

biggrin.png okay now for his I think I actually stuck to a more conventional third-person... and then mostly Roy's... so that's something of a change for me lol X) But I really like how that oneshot turned out - I think it might be one of my best, but idk.. so I'd love to hear what you think smile.png haha and thank you!! Havoc is a character who typically (and canonically.. ha..) tends to get lost in the shadows of the more well-known guys... but I think he is amazing, and there is not nearly enough of him IN canon (and what happens to him tends to suck...=_=) so I always relish the opportunity to show him some love. :3

Marred? not at all! smile.png In fact, your comments are always both encouraging and intelligent, and they help me wanna keep writing these happy.png So thank you! hug.gif

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Oh myyyyy...

And we are getting more..?

This is seriously awesome. And so are you.

...as a writer, at least, since I don't really know you otherwise, lol.




*reads more*

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  • 4 weeks later...

@Sitruuna: Awww, well thank you! happy.png haha, I'm really glad you like it~ biggrin.png

Hey everyone! First of all, allow me to apologize. I fully intended to finish this fic when I said I would, but then more school happened and other projects and winter break and then suddenly it's been two months instead of a few days... sweatdrop.gif HOWEVER! Now I AM done, and prepared to post the rest for your reading, if any of you are still interested in it. heh.gif

Finally, I decided to split this ending scene into two posts, as it ended up being rather long and there was a natural break. smile.png So this is the first half of it, and I shall post the second and final bit within the next couple of days. happy.png

Thanks for your comments! I'm always encouraged to write more when I know you guys actually want it. XD

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Riza had assumed that the boys would understand the subliminal suggestion that she had given them; however, when she finally emerged from the hallway, she was nonetheless surprised to see that, apart from its resident, the front living area was completely devoid of occupants.

This rather pleased her; her teammates took non-verbal direction well. After four years of working together, their cohesiveness as a unit was nothing short of impressive.

Her gladness regarding her comrades, however, was quickly tempered by the nagging dismay that returned as she beheld their leader. As she stepped soundlessly into the room, he was caught in the throes of another tortuous fit, and she felt for a fleeting moment that she was intruding upon his privacy. She hesitated in the doorway, watching as he supported himself on the arm of the couch, some miscellaneous item he was in the process of putting back into place forgotten in one hand as he sneezed and sneezed. She had a vague sinking feeling in the pit of her stomach as she realized that, sick as he had seemed throughout the meal and in the presence of the others, he had somehow still been hiding the full extent of how miserable he truly was. He was flushed, sweating, his breathing ragged, his voice scraped raw from all the sneezing and coughing; and yet, even now, he was stifling his sneezes, choking them off before they could give him any real relief. It looked so painful that it almost made her angry.

After what seemed like forever, he stopped at last, trying to catch his breath.

“Colonel,” she said sharply, startling both him and herself. “You’re off-duty and in your own home. I hardly think that you need to be concerned about showing any sort of propriety.” As soon as the words were out of her mouth, she wondered if she had spoken out of line; and she waited warily for his reaction.

Roy straightened slowly, bringing a handkerchief to his face as he raised his eyes to hers. “True..” he began, voice heavy with fatigue and congestion, “but I’b dot..exactly... alode, dow ab I.”

It was just a statement, not reproval nor joke; and rather than offer her a smile or a scowl, he just sniffled and blew his nose.

Riza kept her tone professional and her expression neutral, but she was relieved that he wasn’t angry all the same. “I’ve seen you worse, sir,” she remarked, quietly.

A look of mild surprise flitted across his face, then vanished as he reached up to rub it. “You sure ‘bout that?” he mumbled through his fingers. “Because I thigk I’b dyi’g, Lieutedadt..”

She opened her mouth to utter some patient comment regarding his tendency to exaggerate, but even as she did so she saw that he would not be able to hear her if she did.

“hehKkGSH-huh! Hh-hh... hhg-tSHH’u!!” Roy, still standing, was nearly bent double by the violence of the pair of sneezes. He wasted no time in attending to his nose with the tired handkerchief; and Riza momentarily shut her eyes, realizing that he sorely needed a fresh one.

He must have seen her expression, for he looked a trifle embarrassed as she opened her eyes. “Sorry,” he mumbled.

She shook her head. “That’s not necessary,” she returned. “After all, it makes no difference to me.”

“Are you...” He paused, as though something was just occurring to him. “Hawkeye..” he began, straightening slowly and looking her in the eye. “....why are you here?”

Riza remained silent for a moment, scanning the cluttered room with a critical eye. “Well, sir,” she said finally, “it would appear that your other subordinates have neglected to clean up after themselves. And, seeing as they have shirked their responsibilities and I am the next below you in rank, the task of returning your quarters to a presentable state falls naturally to me.” She then placed her hands on her hips, trying to determine the best place to start.

Roy’s mouth went slack in undisguised amazement at his adjutant’s straightforwardness. “Th..That’s dot... I bead you.. are’dt.... hnh.” After attempting to voice a rebuttal, he gave up, as he could not come up with a legitimate one. He pinched the skin between his eyes, but even as he did so the infernal itch flared up, rendering him helpless once again. “HehKTCHgh! HhgtCHngmf! huh’ptSHH-huh!!

He groaned softly, burying his face into the cloth he still held and trying not to lose his balance as his dizziness returned.

She approached him instantly, standing less than a meter shy of him with her arms folded.

“Why don’t you sit down, sir.”

Roy was tempted to snort. There it was... the order carefully phrased as a suggestion. Ever since he was a child, such phrases had infuriated him – for he felt that those who addressed him in that manner were insulting his intelligence and authority in a roundabout way. However, he somehow did not get that impression whenever Lieutenant Hawkeye employed it. Rather, when she spoke to him that way, it was as if she intended just the opposite: she wished to respect his authority by allowing him to make the call himself.

Therefore, after barely any hesitation, he nodded, backing up to the couch. He tried to move as slowly as he could, but even the slight motion caused fresh waves of vertigo to wash over him; and he grimaced as he sat, burying his face in his hands again. Just a few hours ago, he had thought that he couldn’t possibly feel any worse; yet, somehow, now he did. All that afternoon, he had been trying his hardest to conquer his symptoms so as not to appear weak in front of his subordinates, but even his best efforts were in vain. For though he was determined to force his illness into submission, so far said illness was winning out every time.

He was tired, now. So very, very tired. And despite the fact that one of his subordinates had yet to leave, he was not confident that he could continue resisting for even one more moment.

He rested his face in his hands and let out a breath – not quite a groan, but it may as well have been one. The pressure behind his eyes was killing him; he felt like his head was crammed full of wet cotton. The dizzy spells were increasing in frequency, to his chagrin; partly, he guessed, because it was getting harder for him to breathe. His chest gurgled obstinately with every breath he tried to take, and the subsequent coughing did next to nothing to remedy that.

He closed his eyes, then opened them again, staring at the low table through the blur of his fingers. He didn’t deny that he had a tendency to complain whenever he didn’t feel well, but this was different. He didn’t want to complain. He didn’t want to have to be a burden upon anyone, however kind and ridiculously concerned they might be.

But he had not felt this sick in a very long time.

He could feel the beginnings of another chill fluttering within his aching muscles, and he gritted his teeth. An angry heat boiled within his head and chest, yet he could not stop shivering. His arms and legs felt like lead, and his face felt hot against his numbed fingers. He cursed inwardly. His fever should not be this high. He didn’t have time to deal with this. He was wasting time – time he could have been using to solve the Gail case... to prepare for his transfer... to unravel the mysteries behind Hughes’s death.

His rambling, feverish thoughts cut off abruptly.

He inhaled slowly, hoping to clear his head a little; but the air scratched down his throat, and his lungs subjected him to a fresh bout of spasms. He fought to control himself, and after a minute he was able to; but the burning in his sinuses worsened with every cough, and when he was done, he shifted his hands to massage the bridge of his nose in hopes to ward off the irritation.

It was no use, however. Though his nose and throat were no longer ticklish like they had been earlier, a dull, perpetual burning sensation had established itself in its place, as though his mucous membranes had been scraped raw from all the sneezing and coughing he had already been doing. This was why he continued to sneeze despite his fatigue. However, he would have preferred the ticklish fits from before; for now, whenever he sneezed, it hurt.

His body refused to humor him, however, and trying to calm the feeling did no good.

Heh... hhgTSSCHu! HupTSHgh!!” He sneezed into his hands, grimaced, and reached for the last of the clean handkerchiefs that Fuery had placed on the table for him at some point.

By now, blowing his nose had no effect on the pressure behind his eyes; in fact, if anything it only made his head hurt more. But before he had a chance to sit there and feel sorry for himself, he felt a shift in the air around him; and he looked up to see Lieutenant Hawkeye standing above him.

Due to her sudden close proximity, he found his attention unintentionally drawn to her attire. It was rare that either of them were in each other’s presence for anything other than work; thus, it was unusual for him to see her in anything other than her standard military garb. Today, however, as she was off-duty, she had chosen a simple cream turtleneck and mahogany corduroys; and the warm tones were a nice change from the cold Amestrian blues and blacks she always wore. Her hair, normally clipped up and out of the way, fell gently about her shoulders, framing her face.

For a moment, Roy lost himself in his fevered, half-formed thoughts as he gazed at the woman before him. Presently, however, he forced his languid mind to cooperate once again, and he dropped his gaze, cursing his fever and every unneeded emotion it brought with it.

He absently massaged his temples with his fingertips. This entire situation, he decided, was absurd. And now, at the end of it all, his ever-responsible adjutant was collected as usual, while he was a complete mess. He squeezed his eyes shut. It was almost embarrassing.

“Open your mouth.”

Roy raised his head in surprise, thinking that he had to have misheard her. As he blinked dumbly up at her, however, she took the opportunity to slip something cold and hard under his tongue. He flinched instinctively, then relaxed when he looked down.

A thermometer. Of course.

He made a noise in his throat to protest, lifting his hand to his mouth; but she reached out to stop him, shaking her head once.

“Sit still, sir.”

Roy stared at her for a second, then reluctantly complied, wondering dimly if he was hallucinating. He held the thermometer between his teeth so he could breathe easier, but the air he inhaled teased his aching airways, and it was all he could do to keep from coughing long enough for Hawkeye to get a reading. When at last she took it away, he doubled over, coughing harshly into his elbow for a good half minute.

Upon recovery, he found that she was holding the thermometer out for him to see. He squinted, trying to read the tiny digits etched nearest to where the incriminating little red line stopped. 1...0....3.

He gave a short hiss of dismay, recoiling back against the couch. “Hell...” he croaked, pushing his knuckles into his eyes. “How did this eved happed....”

He didn’t expect any answer, but Riza gave him one. “You’ve been working yourself ragged, sir.”

He looked at her, fingers resting against his mouth and nose, and opened his mouth, planning to say something about rhetorical questions; but she shook her head slightly as he did so, seating herself on the low table just as Fuery had done and handing him the glass of water he hadn’t finished.

He took it, narrowing his eyes questioningly; but before he could say anything, she produced a bottle of aspirin from... he didn’t know where... uncapped it, then handed him two tablets – all without saying a word.

He accepted the pills without question, wasting no time in downing them; but as he set the glass back onto the edge of the table beside her, he met her gaze, sighing.

“Lieutedadt... you kdow you’re breaki’g the fr– heh” his nose decided to rudely interrupt him, and he hastily leaned away from his Lieutenant, smothering a fit of sneezing into his pajama sleeve. Again. “HuhDzSH! Hh’TSHHmf! HhgJSHHnh!! Nnh...” He moaned in spite of himself, keeping his face pressed awkwardly into the fabric and giving up any further attempt at behaving like the superior he was supposed to be. “To hell with it...”

Again, Hawkeye extended her hand, offering him a handkerchief this time. He hesitated, then took it as well. As soon as he touched it, he knew it was one of hers; the ones he owned were crisp and neatly starched, for he mostly used them for special occasions, and thus they were never ready for his use when he actually needed them. Hers, on the other hand, were always soft and clean.

The material was far more merciful on his inflamed skin than everything else he’d been using had been; and though blowing his nose still did next to nothing by way of relief, he was grateful nonetheless. “Thag you..” he sighed.

It was then that she spoke up, keeping her voice at a level that she knew did not hurt his head. “I’m not breaking the law,” she said, simply. “I am merely fulfilling my responsibilities to you.” She was seated directly opposite him, gazing calmly in his direction with her hands resting in her lap.

Roy folded the handkerchief carefully, then laid it on his knee. “Sayidg that takidg care of be whed I’b sick is a respodsibility of yours would be pretty presubptuous eved for be... dod’t you thidk..” he returned tiredly, though the irony in his tone was easy enough to hear.

Riza thought for a moment, then spoke again. “Four years ago, you assigned me to be your adjutant. As such, it’s in my job description to help you. Granted, I usually stay out of your personal affairs; however, when they interfere with your ability to work, it is my duty to intervene.”

Roy stared at her, searching for any sign of levity in her eyes; but she was dead serious.

He offered her a weak grin, propping his head against the heel of his hand as he leaned his elbow on the arm of the couch. “That is ad excelledt ratiodalizatiod,” he conceded. “I feel too lousy to eved try to cudted with it.”

Her solemnity eased somewhat at that statement, for she gave him a small smile as she lifted her basket from the floor beside her and began rummaging around inside it. “Hmm..” she uttered noncommittally, producing a glass bottle of... something... and a medicine spoon.

He gave her a look that was half interest and half suspicion. “What... is that?”

Her face remained passive as she measured a syrupy reddish liquid into his empty glass. “Something that should help with your cough, sir,” she answered patiently, holding the cup out to him.

He leaned back ever so slightly, peering dubiously at the contents. “Where did you get it?” he mumbled, sneaking a glance at her face.

Though she kept her expression almost neutral, he could nonetheless tell that she thought he was being difficult. However, her tone as she answered him was, if anything, even more patient than previously.

“At the apothecary’s of course, Colonel.” Before he could object, the glass somehow wound up in his hand.

Roy eyed the tonic with distaste, contemplating the wisdom of handing the glass back to Hawkeye. It wasn’t that he didn’t trust her; rather, it was those damn apothecaries he didn’t like. Being an alchemist by profession, he knew full well the variety of chemicals known to science, and the dangers they posed if used incorrectly; and yet these so called “experts” brazenly mixed whatever chemicals they deemed effective and sold them for the naïve public to ingest at will.

Judging from the way Riza’s eyes were boring into him, however, he knew that she wasn’t in the mood to take no for an answer; and at this point, he felt so bad that he was pretty much willing to try anything anyway. So, after deliberation, he steeled himself and drank the liquid.

Instantly, he regretted it. The stuff was beyond awful, assaulting his taste buds in defiance of his deadened senses and oozing down his throat in a manner that made him shudder. It took all of his concerted willpower not to spit the medicine out; and even after he had swallowed it all, the horrifyingly bitter taste coated his entire esophageal area, increasing the agony of his sore throat and making him feel ill in yet other ways.

His face must have been quite the study; for Hawkeye gave her characteristic quiet sigh, brown eyes taking on a vaguely chastising glint. “I asked for the kind that’s supposed to mask the taste, sir,” she informed him, taking the glass and standing. “It’s not as bad as the quinine they made us take in Ishval.”

Deep down, Roy knew she had a point, but the unpleasantness in his throat was currently the only relevant one in his mind. “Y’sure ‘bout that? You didedt taste that stuff, did you?” he growled, hand migrating to his throat as he gestured at the empty glass.

She raised an eyebrow. “No, but I was under the assumption that you weren’t able to taste much anyway.”

“Exactly,” Roy parried, shooting her a look. “But I sure as hell could taste THAT.” His voice was wearing down, making the extent of his exhaustion obvious, but he didn’t much care anymore. She could think what she wanted; and if she knew what was sensible (which she always did) she would leave soon anyway. He stared dully at his feet, only half-listening as she began to walk back toward the kitchen area.

“I’m sorry, Colonel.”

This statement recaptured his attention immediately. She was, remarkably, not being sarcastic; in fact, as he lifted his gaze to her again, he saw a distinct gentleness about her that only rarely manifested these days.

“I’ll be right back,” she continued, regarding him with that same mild yet inscrutable expression. “I may have something that can help.”

Roy watched her retreating back, finding himself more bemused than he ought to have been. For as familiar with his Lieutenant as he now was, there were times like this where he wasn’t quite sure what to expect from her – or where she was even coming from. He sighed, pushing his fingers into his tousled bangs. At any rate, he wasn’t about to try to figure it out now.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

I hope you liked that bit! It was fun to write xDD I will post the next and final portion soon! biggrin.png

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Liked it?!?!? I loved it!!!! The interactions between the two are spot on - and there's something about your writing that makes it so you can just tell when the characters are IN character, even if you're not entirely familiar with them. I mean, I haven't seen a whole lot of Hawkeye yet, but I know a little something of Roy, and yet I can tell just by reading this that you know them both very well. I think it's hilarious that Mustang's like "I can't taste anything!" and yet when Riza gives him the medicine he's like "SKLDKFSJF THIS STUFF TASTES LIKE CRAP WHAT ARE YOU DOING TO ME?" Their reactions to everything the other says or does are just PERFECT.

And jeez, Roy is just so...sick. I actually do feel bad for the guy (unlike for certain other characters we both know ;)). I do like how you described his sneezing at one point, how it was a burning instead of tickling - for some reason that just struck me as a...well, is it bad to say "a nice change?" xD;; But I think it makes that whole part more realistic. I like how you kind of adjust his symptoms accordingly, if that makes sense. Like they get worse, but not unrealistically so, and they make SENSE instead of being like "Allow me to toss in something that will make him more miserable even though it doesn't fit!" That's another thing I like about your writing in general - it's all consistent.

I'm SO glad you're finishing this now, though. ^_^ I didn't even realize until you told me that it'd been so long since you'd posted the last part!! I'm excited to see what you do with the very end! :D

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@Emily: Dude, your comment made me grin like an idiot XD Thank you SO MUCH!!! I'm so glad you like it!!! <3

@EoG: Waaahh!!! Elements!! I swear, you give me some of the coolest feedback posts ever~!! heart.gif :') seriously, thank you SO SO SO much!!! hug.gif

lolol I... like to think I know the both of them pretty well, yeah heh.gif But i think it's soo cool that you can tell! I really enjoy writing them, they're one of my favorite pairings in the world and so I try my best to get them right happy.png

LOL yes, the medicine. XDD I'm glad you liked that bit, because I was hoping someone besides me would find it amusing laughing.gif

Ahahaaa... yeaaah... actually I'm pretty sure this is the sickest I've made any character I've ever written..... sweatdrop.gif But... I gave him Hawkeye and the others to take care of him.. so that justifies it... right? xD;;; lol... (hahahaa i know right? XDD though I'm feeling rather sorrier for them now.. X3 )

lol thanks!! I definitely always make a conscious effort to make sense with what I write, and yeah, the progression in this one was something I did give a lot of thought to. So i'm glad you think it turned out well! smile.png

Thank you~! <3

@alyssa: Thank you!! I'm so glad you're enjoying it! happy.png

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Hey everyone! Thank you so much for all your wonderful comments on this one smile.png I had a lot of fun writing it, and I'm glad that you guys enjoyed it too! So, as promised, here is the last installment of Holiday, for your reading pleasure. happy.png

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Riza turned away, grateful that he could not see her expression as she headed back toward the kitchen. As confident as she was that she was doing the right thing, she was not sure she understood her own motives as well as she acted like she did. Certainly, her desire to help him stemmed from her inveterate decision to support him until he achieved his ultimate goal; however, he was sick with the flu. Most assistants who found themselves in a similar situation would have taken a hands-off approach, sending a care package at best or avoiding the contagion altogether at worst. At the end of the day, militaristic obligation only went so far.

Riza worked her jaw contemplatively, tucking a fine strand of her long blonde hair behind her ear as she reached the cupboards. She then located mug, honey, and spoon with a practiced hand, her mind elsewhere. Removing the kettle she had prepared earlier from the stove, she placed a tea bag in the mug and poured the piping water over it, allowing the steam to waft against her face as she stared into the cup. It turned her thoughts to other days – days which, though often gloomy and confusing, had yet been simpler and freer than now. A time when a tiny, affection-starved girl had tried to ease the burdens of her father’s work-worn apprentice in any way she could – providing for his physical needs, offering him the small comforts of hot tea and company. The days in Berthold Hawkeye’s house.

The minutes ticked away as Riza lost herself in the darkening liquid. At length, she realized that it was done and set it on the counter, taking the tea bag out with a barely audible sigh. The silence was broken by the Colonel’s harsh, barking cough, the sound of which she strongly hated; and she took up the jar of honey, stirring a generous spoonful of it into the tea. Then, after a moment’s hesitation, she repaired her mask of professionalism as she made ready to carry the drink to her superior officer.

Roy didn’t look up until she was practically standing on his toes, and only the faintest hint of reaction flickered in his coal-black eyes as he reached out to take the mug.

“Careful, it’s hot,” she warned, shaking her head slightly. The look on his face said that he was still quite miffed about the medicine she had given him; and, puerile as that was, she wasn’t sure she could really blame him. For if he felt anywhere near as awful as he looked, she was honestly impressed that he was still upright.

He took a sip of the tea, swallowing heavily as if around a lump in his throat. The creases that pinched his brow eased slightly, however. “It’s just right,” he croaked, looking up at her with an expression that was such a bizarre mixture of sickly and astonished and grateful that it most inappropriately tugged at her heart.

She gave no indication of this, however, dipping her head in passing as she moved to finish cleaning up. “Good,” she returned, stooping to pick up a stack of books that had fallen on the floor. Her face hidden from his view, she repressed the most absurd temptation to laugh. It amazed her, sometimes; how the inured Hero of Ishval could yet exhibit the candor of a child.

She took the opportunity to tidy up the room as the Colonel drank his tea. She arranged books and papers and boxes methodically, almost as if it were her own living room she was cleaning. When she found a stack of dusty dishes, she registered vaguely that most of the clutter and mess had not been caused by her teammates; but she did not discriminate, her only objective to make the room presentable.

When she was done at last, she straightened and dusted her hands off, noting that the room had grown quite dim, indicating the hour. She frowned, realizing that she had stayed much longer than she had intended to; and she turned to address her superior again.

Mustang was hunched over, gazing listlessly into the mug. He seemed about ready to fall asleep right where he sat. Riza’s expression softened a fraction, though she firmed it again as she approached him.

“Done?” she asked, reaching to take the cup from him.

He gave a start, then nodded, wincing. Straightening as he handed it to her, he glanced beyond her, eyes widening as though he was seeing the room for the very first time. He pushed his hands against the couch cushions, craning his neck to get a better view, then fixed his first lieutenant with a look of undisguised admiration. “You....” he croaked, blinking slowly as though it was difficult for him to find the words he wanted. “...are ode hell of ad assistadt, you kdow that..?”

She turned so he wouldn’t see her smile, crossing back to the kitchen. “You sound tired, sir,” she commented blandly as she walked. “You should think about getting some rest.”

He chuckled a bit, the sound rattling deeply in his chest, but didn’t answer. Hawkeye rinsed out the mug, then washed her hands, taking her time before returning to his side.

He had propped his head against his fist again, resting against the arm of the couch. When he noticed her standing there once more, he looked up, offering her a weary smile.

“Cad you believe those idiots bade be side paperwork to give byself sick leave toborrow?” he murmured, closing his eyes. “It’s just ridiculous.”

Hawkeye raised her eyebrows. Now that she hadn’t expected.. but then again, the boys could be surprisingly artful when they wanted to be. She should have known.

“Well then, it appears I’m not the only member of our unit who wants you to rest,” she said mildly.

He shook his head, as though wanting to speak, but his breath hitched before he could; and his face fell as he raised the crumpled handkerchief to his mouth and nose. “hehh.. hehgJHSHh! Hh-hhhuh'pTSHu!”

Riza frowned as she witnessed her superior caught in the most abject throes of his illness. He was no longer stifling his sneezes, which was something at least; but he was so sick by now that each one seemed to require more energy from him than he currently had to give, and Riza decided to let her professional mask slip just a little, feeling that he deserved at least some degree of expressed sympathy simply for enduring such a grueling ordeal. She withheld her prepared blessing, however, upon seeing his features arrested by another imminent sneeze.

Roy held the handkerchief directly in front of his face in preparation, his breathing shallow and irregular. As his need to sneeze mounted, he inhaled sharply, chafed nostrils flaring and eyebrows quirking upward. However, after a moment, it became evident that this sneeze was going to be about as stubborn as he was, and he continued to wait helplessly, his torment increasing without relief.

This went on for long enough that Riza began to feel almost uncomfortable. She was just about to look away when he wrenched forward at last with a distinctly painful-sounding “huh’kJGHhuh!!” That seemed to be the last of them for the time being, as he blew his nose painfully and then rested his head against his palm, closing his eyes with a soft moan.

“Bless you, sir,” she offered quietly, her tone uncharacteristically gentle.

He remained motionless, his hand still pressed to his face. “Thagks..”

As the silence then stretched on between them, Riza felt a growing urge to lean forward, place her palm on his forehead, smooth away the cruel lines of illness-induced fatigue that were contorting his boyish features. But that, she knew, would be going too far. So, instead, she touched him briefly on the shoulder, extending her hand in his direction when he cracked his eyes open.

“You’ll feel better if you get some sleep, sir,” she said simply.

For a moment, he did not move, his obsidian eyes first studying her proffered hand, then drifting to meet her steady gaze. Neither of them spoke; yet, something passed between them all the same. And then, he reached up, placing his cold hand into her smaller but strong one.

“Yeah, I will,” he agreed, his voice hoarse and subdued. “At least... I hope so.”

Riza helped him up as he spoke, supporting his weight until she was sure he could do so himself. “You will, sir,” she affirmed, pressing her hand to his back. “Come on.”

He accepted her guidance without resisting, moving along with her as she directed him around the low table and towards the back of the room. She could feel the heat seething beneath his thin pajama shirt, and she hoped that the aspirin would start kicking in so that he could get some rest.

They had made it almost to the doorway that lead into the hall when he suddenly stopped, bowing his head slightly. “I’b goidg to break protocol for a bobedt, Lieutedadt,” he announced gruffly, raising his head again as he spoke. “...ad I blabe it od this dab fever, okay?” He turned to her, dark eyes serious; and she found her pulse quickening against her wishes as she wondered what in the world he was planning to do.

He locked eyes with her for a moment, then sighed. “Thadk you for doi’g this.” He spoke without using her title, or even her surname, gaze still riveted upon hers. As she absorbed the significance of his unexpected choice of words, he went on, dropping his gaze at last. “Dud of you had to spe’d your holiday like this... a’d it really does bead a lot to be.” He chuckled slightly, rubbing his neck absently as congestion crackled in his lungs. “Hell, you cad eved tell those clowds I said so whed you see theb toborrow, if you wadt.” He glanced at her again, his expression weary and almost sheepish.

She stared uncertainly at him for a minute before responding; and then, to his surprise and her own, she laughed a little, shaking her head. “A good night’s rest should help bring your fever down, Colonel,” she informed him phlegmatically; but her brown eyes still sparkled as she folded her arms.

He blinked at her, then nodded slowly, his manner almost embarrassed. “Right...”

She sighed. “Don’t forget to take your medicine, all right? We expect you back in the office on Friday.”

He shook his head, resting his hand against his face. “I wod’t forget,” he promised. “A’d I kdow.”

“If you need anything, you can let us know,” she added, half-turning as she made ready to leave.

“All right.”

She began to cross the room; but as she reached the middle of it, she glanced back at him one final time. “And Colonel?”

He was leaning against the door frame, watching her go. “Yeah..?”

She hesitated briefly, then dipped her head in her customary deferential gesture. “You’re welcome.”

An expression that she couldn’t quite read flickered across his face, then disappeared as he offered her a tired smile. “G’dight, Lieutedadt.”

She returned the smile, allowing her countenance to be genuine for a brief moment before she assumed her formal posture once again. “Good night, sir,” she replied evenly. With that, she turned and walked the rest of the way to the door, taking her coat from the hook on her way out.

The neighborhood was quiet as she stepped through the door, pulling it shut behind her. A faint smudge of blueish-pink against the western horizon was all that remained of the sunset, and she exhaled slowly, pulling her coat tighter.

When she had awoken this morning, she had had no plans of spending her entire day off with her coworkers; however, she felt no regrets for having done so. For when all was said and done, she considered her team members to be as close as family.

And after all, she reasoned now, it was with one’s family that holidays were meant to be shared.

~The End~

As always, comments welcome! happy.png

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T - T Why can't they advance further? This is like my stagnation in every otome game I play. See I originally couldn't have cared less about the colonel until you wrote these awesome stories about him and now I root for Riza-Roy too and oiasufioasufoiah thank you for another beautiful FMA story. -dogeza bow-

Also, your new sig. pic is pretty 8D

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I wanted to reply earlier but my phone was being a brick and not letting me sign in... but I just wanted to say I'm sooooo happy you finished this fic, I literally checked this forum every day for the past months and hunted around to see if there happened to be an update. I really did squeal when I saw the tread bumped up! Then of course I had to reread it daily for a week!

Oooh man Riza, she is just so awesome. And I somehow knew she wouldn't take advantage of the situation and do some hankyspanky-cough-naughtiness to poor Roy though I do agree with Emily my mind does not control itself like Riza can!!

Yes, sooo beautiful. So happy! Thank youuuu ;+;

Edited by snuffles
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  • 1 month later...

Okay, I have no idea why it always takes me forever to read things on here, but I ALWAYS wish I read them sooner because this is AWESOME. I mean, I didn't expect it not to be, but still. xD

The description here is great, and I love how it shows the relationship between the two of them so well! And the part where Roy says he's going to break protocol and says nice things - that was one of my favorite parts. And seriously, you just make everything so cohesive, it's amazing!! I don't even think I've read other fics that are so thorough. Every time you write something, I can actually see it happening in canon, and I love that. Oh, but the other thing - Hawkeye's caretaking. Just yes. X3 That's probably my favorite thing about this, is just how she cares and he's there just like super tired and sick and she's....I don't even know, brain function dramatically decreased at this hour. xDD

And y'know, that part where everyone's perfectly in character? That's my other favorite part. Dude, you're AMAZING at that. If more fic writers wrote like you, I'd seek out a lot more fics. :heart:

But really, I'm sorry it took me...two months to read it. ^^;;; It's TOTALLY fantastic, so it's a mystery to me why it took that long. xD;; Anyway, I'm glad I finally read it, and I'm so glad you finished this one! :D

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  • 8 months later...

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