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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Meeting Jessica Moore


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Another fill for SO's meme. Prompt at end

Why oh why had Sam taken "Myths and Legends" as a three hour class. Well, it only lasted a semester, that was one huge plus. However, he didn't think he would actually have to try hard anyways. He knew more than his professor for sure. But THAT was the problem, well, one of them. He had to keep up with what they were taught, even if it was so wrong it wasn't even funny. The other problem was he had a cold. Not just a run of the mill, I'm not feeling great colds. It was one of those head stuffed with cotton, leaky nose, postnasal drip coughs, kind of colds that comes with that nagging low grade fever just to add a little extra misery to the mix. But it's not like he had a broken limb, or a gushing wound, or some other real reason to miss class. He may be in college, but he was still a Winchester.

Sam entered right on time. Normally the early bird, he wafted into class at the back today, hoping to keep eyes off of himself. He patted his pockets one more time, assuring himself that they really were stuffed with kleenex, and took his seat. The girl who normally sat next to him took one look at his streaming nose and tried to politely dart across the room. At least she didn't give him the evil eye, Sam thought, as he grabbed a kleenex and wiped the already pink underside of his nose. A slight bump sounded as a blonde took the open seat instead, and smiled sweetly. No sign of disgust when he raised his head. Interesting.

"Hi, I'm Jessica Moore." She offered her hand.

"I'm Sam," he paused to clear his throat, "and we probably shouldn't." His eyes looked down at her hand.

"That bad."

"Trust me, not something you want."

Jessica smiled and Sam couldn't help but smile back, before ducking to the side and stifling a sneeze against the dampened tissue still in his hand from earlier.

"Bless you."

"Thanks." Sam sniffed and wiped at his nose again. "I'm sorry, you're probably going to be hearing a lot of that today."

"It's okay. My roommate is sick too. I figure I'm bound to get it soon anyways." Sam smiled, she seemed genuine, and at least now he wouldn't feel so guilty if she came down with this.

"Alright Class, today we are going to start our session with Big Foot."

Sam rolled his eyes.

"What, don't believe in big foot." Jess giggled.


As slides were scanned though, Jess scribbled furiously at her notebook. Location sightings, habitat. Sam tried to keep up, but his head felt foggy and he kept pausing to scrub roughly at his nose.

"Why don't you go back to the dorms." Jess whispered.

Sam looked down and realized he had barely manage to scribble anything.

"Really, you can just copy my notes later."

"Thanks, but it's not that bad."


Sam sniffed for the fifth time that minute and felt a wad of paper bounce off his hair and next to his seat.

"Some of us are trying to concentrate"

Sam sunk down a little lower in his chair and pulled his hood up. Jessica looked over and read the note.

"Ignore them. They're just being a jerk."

Sam just stayed down and tried silently squeezing as much snot out of his nose into another tissue as he could.


"hnG'STCH eh'NGXT N'TSCHuh!"

Sam felt like all eyes were on him. Angry, sympathetic, it didn't matter, he just wished they'd look away. A few "bless you's" were whispered and he kind of nodded his thanks.



Sam felt a small hand on his shoulder and he jerked upright. The barely audible gasp started a string of very audible coughs.

"Shhh. Just breathe, it's okay."

Tears lined his eyes and he kept his head down just hoping he wouldn't look up and see the entire class gawking at the tall sick kid.

He felt the hand still on his shoulder and fought not to pull away, knowing they were just trying to help. Sam's fingers wrapped around a bottle of water that was put into him. A quick glance told him the cap was already removed. As he sipped in between coughs, the spasms slowly subsided. Having already embarrassed himself, it didn't seem to matter that he grabbed a tissue and blew heartily into it. With that the coughs subsided completely and he took a final sip of water.

Surprisingly, when he looked up he only saw two pairs of eyes.

"Hey sleepy."

Sam looked from the teacher to Jessica.

"Oh god, did I really sleep through class."

"No, it's okay. Just halftime."

Rubbing at his neck, Sam was finally able to assess his other aches and pains, and the water bottle. Definitely not his.

"It's okay, I wasn't sure which you'd want so I got you a water and a coffee. Looked like you needed the nap."


Cigarette smoke wafted through the doors as more students began to file in.

"Eh... ehxcuse be," Sam pulled out a clump of tissues from his pocket and held them tightly to his nose, "M'PFSHHH 'PFSHHH he'NGSHHuh!"

"Bless you."

"Thags." Sam sniffed and rubbed the tissues against his still itchy nostrils before depositing them in a ziplock bag carefully tucked into his backpack.

"You know it's okay to blow your nose in front of me... right?"

"It's embarrassing." His cheeks reddened, and clearly not just because of the fever.

"And being a drippy sneezy mess isn't? Sorry, maybe that was a little harsh."

"Ya think?" Sam tried to smile and make light of the situation despite his desperate desire to sink through the floor.

When Sam still didn't grab more tissues, Jess decided to be a little more invasive. Bending forward, his eyes couldn't help but get lost in her cleavage, as she snatched some tissues from his pocket. In shock , all he could do was take the tissues as they were thrust into his hands.

"Really, do I need to be your mother and blow it for you?"

Talk about being stuck between a rock and a hard place. Deciding this chick was completely unpredictable, Sam thought it best to just do as he was told.

Closing his eyes, he blew for all he was worth and pretended he couldn't sense the heads turning towards him.

"Now, doesn't that feel better?"

"Honestly, still feel like crap." If she could be blatantly honest than so could he.

"OKAY CLASS, lets get back to it. I would like to be out of here sometime this afternoon."

Jessica took her seat and nudged Sam.

"At least you won't be sniffling every 5 seconds."

Sam sniffed.

Jess rolled her eyes.

Prompt: How about Sam sitting in a class all sick/allergic, trying not to sneeze and focus on the lecture. And failing miserably, of course.

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Oh, Sammy. Whatever will we do with you?!

Can I hug him?

I like how you write Jess, too. She's very... genuine and sweet and, well, likeable :-)

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Oh my gosh, seriously, if you keep making me love these two characters so much I'm going to have to start watching the show...

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Yes. Yes. Yes. Jess+Sam is the best pair. (Except mayyybe Jared and Genevieve in real life, because they have a tiny baby and a dog!!)

I love how Jess was in like two episodes, but she still manages to have some sort of a recognizable personality. Because the way you've written her is like exactly how I imagined.

Poor Sam!! He's so cute.

Thank you!

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