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Maybe allergies arn't so bad


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Edited to add: Written for prompt on SO's new meme, prompt at end

"I don't get it. I'm not sensing anything." Cas stated blankly.

Dean was in the corner cracking up watching Sam try to explain his allergies to Cas.

"I hih... eh... hang on... HNG'SHT, 'TSH, Etsh..."

"Okay Tiger, sit down." Dean finally interjected and guided Sam to sitting on the bed. Tears streamed down his cheeks. "Cas, I know you meant well, but can you take those dang things outside."

Well that seemed to have at least gotten through.

Dean was just getting used to Sam and Cas' new relationship. Of course, Cas had no clue what he was doing and his research had brought him to "FLOWERS! YOU CAN'T GO WRONG WITH FLOWERS!". Except with Sam... you can. In some awkward gesture of love and appreciation Cas had entered with a giant bouquet of who knows what. Sam, oh kind and gentle Sam, instead of saying 'Get the fuck out!", like a smart allergic person would have; he tried to accept them.

At first, it was hilarious. Dean stood back and watched as Sam smiled, right eye creasing, allergic tears already forming. He tried to speak, but couldn't figure out how to and only breathe out of his mouth. Then the right nostril twitched... once...twice. Just as he reached out to take the flowers, his head jerked back, nose spraying a fine mist over the colorful array.

"Bless you." Cas stated politely, having finally gotten over the fact that this was said for the sake of kindness, not logic.

"Thanks." Sam pulled his sleeve down over his wrist and held it to his nose, likely an attempt to prevent further pollen granules from making their way inside his now flaming sinuses. "I'm really sorry, I'm allergic to those."

Sam's eyes were now bloodshot, and Cas clearly did not understand the meaning of his previous statement. At least, Dean assumed Cas didn't, because an intelligent person would've left with the irritants.

"I don't get it. I'm not sensing anything."

When Cas returned Sam was no longer there. It wasn't hard to identify his location though, as sneeze after sneeze echoed off the walls of the bathroom.

"He's not sick." Cas cocked his head in confusion.

"No Cas, he's not sick, he has allergies."

"I'm trying to access Jimmy's knowledge on allergies, but I'm not coming up with anything."

"Sam's body reacts strangely to certain things, specifically some kinds of pollen, like the stuff that is covering you."

Cas looked down and could see the yellow staining his shirt.

"Does it hurt him?"

"No, not really, it just makes him uncomfortable and itchy, his eyes, his nose."

"He sneezes like when he's sick, just, they're different, and more of them. Less... squelchy."

Dean chuckled.

"Why is he turning on the shower?"

"The sneezes may be less 'squelchy' but they are very messy, and they won't ease up until the irritation is gone."

"Should I go?" This brought a saddness to Cas' eyes that Dean had never seen before. If he was a girl he would've said his heart was melting, but Dean was most certainly not a girl.

"No, just get showered and change clothes."

"Can I shower with him?"

Dean's eyes unintentionally shot open, he should have expected this.

"Yeah, that's up to you two. I think I'll hit the bar."




"Can I come in?"

"Ye...YEATSHUUU! Snifff! Yeah."

"Bless you."


Sam blew his nose into his hands and rinsed them in the shower.

"Dean said I should shower so you won't be allergic anymore. Can I shower with you?"

"Of course, I," Sam's voice raised with an oncoming sneeze. "ITSHuh hE'KNGXSHT, ugh, I'b preddy gross righd dow."

Cas was already stripped down and fluttered in.

Sam's nose seemingly was the first to get the message as he was pulled forward into Cas with three desperate sneezes.

"I'b so hur'USHHuh sorry." Sam sniffed and hid his face in his hands.

"What are you sorry for?" Again, the cocked head.

"For, oh doh, id'SHhhh, eh'KTCH, ek'TSHHUH!" Sam's hands couldn't contain the forceful sneezes and he could see the spray drift onto Cas' chest.

"For dat." Snffff

"For sneezing on me?"

Sam nodded, pinching his nostrils shut to stifle another set of three, wincing from the pressure.

"That looked like it hurt."

Sam nodded.

"I don't mind you sneezing on me. It feels... interesting. And don't hold it in if it hurts."

"iH," Sam's breath hitched but he managed to hold it back, "Interesting good or interesting bad."

"Interesting good. Especially in the shower. The mix of cool and hot." Cas could see the irritation flooding Sam's features. "It's okay, really, sneeze."

It probably didn't matter that Cas gave his consent, as Sam had little control over his noses' expulsions at this moment.

"iK'TSHHH, et'SHHHuh," Cas stepped forward, letting their bodies glide together, sliding his hands to Sam's hips, steadying, as his body rocked forward with sneeze after sneeze. When his nose finally seemed satisfied he let his body fall limply against Cas.

Cas instinctively leaned forward and whispered a, "Bless you. Maybe allergies arn't so bad."

"Maybe not."

Prompt: Cas totally doesn't understand Sam's allergies. *insert allergen here* is not SUPPOSED to be harmful to humans! He can't get over it. In the meantime obviously Sam is all sneezy and sniffly and miserable...

Edited by ickydog2006
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Oh my God, they're so cute I just want to hug them all, and I'm not even in Supernatural(?) fandom! watsup.gifwubsmiley.gif

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Omg. Omg. Omg.

Just... why? Why would you do this? Like... why?


They are all perfect. Wonderful wonderful wonderful.

*runs and hides*

Thanks for sharing this!!!! :-)

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