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Jess and Sam (supernatural)


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So this is my latest, not really finished fic. I was going to continue this but just haven't been feeling it lately, so I figured I'll post what I have and consider it a finished piece. Hope you enjoy.


"Bless you."

"Thanks. Ugh, I feel awful." Jess blew her nose roughly into the tissue, before resting her head back in Sam's lap.

"Beep... beep... beep..."


"How's she doing?"

"Not so great... wait, did I call you."

"I heard her coughing over the phone last night?"


"Well, what's she got?"

"Flu I think, fever coughing..."

"Et'sew! Who's that?"

"My brother, bless you." Sam handed over another tissue from the box.

"When do you think you'll be coming down with this?"

"Why would I be getting it?"

"Because you always do? Besides she's probably sneezing and snotting all over you."

Jess shot up and darted away from Sam, "Oh my gosh, he's so right...kfff kfff kfff, you should be staying clear."

"Thanks Dean!" Sam snapped into the phone, giving away the roughness in his voice. "Jess, it's fine. You need me... and midterms just ended anyways, it's no biggie."

"You sure?" A tear flitted down her cheek and Sam reached up to wipe it away.

"I'm sure, now lay back down okay. And take your temp, you look really flushed babe." Sam returned the phone to his ear as he handed Jess the themometer, conveniently by the tissues and meds lined up on the coffee table.

As soon as Dean was sure he had Sam's attention, he continued, "So you already have it, how long, what's your temp, did you..."

"Dean, I'm fine." He did sound fine, but Dean had spent practically every second of everyday watching out for his Sammy; the gruffness he heard earlier was definitely not intentional.

"You arn't going to be. I still gotta grave to finish and a days drive."

"You don't need to come." Jess waved the digital display in front of Sam's eyes.

"That's not good babe."

"What is it?" Although Dean's voice wasn't completely panicked, the words 'not good' from Sammy made his stomach turn.

"It's fine Dean. I got this. Her temps just a little over one hundred. No biggie."

"So what happens when you're both over one hundred?"

"I told you, I'm fine."

"And I told YOU, you arn't going to be. So how long."

Sam begrudgingly gave in, "Probably a day or so. Shouldn't knock me completely out."

"You sick hun?" Jess looked up, eyes slightly glazed over.

"Don't worry about it." Smoothing her hair back, Sam gently guided her back towards sleep.

"Okay, just promise me you'll take it easy... K?"

"It's after midterms, we're sticking to the apartment."

"Shit... I gotta go. See you soon. Click!"

Sam snapped his phone shut, wondering what trouble his brother was getting into.



"My throat hurts."

Sam smiled, her puppy dog eyes were almost as good as his, "I'll go make us some tea."

Easing her head off of his lap, Sam made his way to the kitchen, his throat uncomfortably itchy.


"Bless you!" Damn, that certainly hadn't helped his throat any.

"Thanks," Jess walked in, blanket draped over her shoulders.

"Sweetie, what are you doing."

Sam opened his arms as her warm body comfortably slid in.


He looked down as she nudged up against him more, unsure of if she was crying or if there was something else.

Finally she let out a quiet whimper, "I don't feel good."

"I know. You should be laying down." As he kissed her forehead, he realized her temp was definitely up.

"Okay, bed... now. Do you want me to walk you up?"

Jess nodded into his chest. Sam smoothly lifted his girlfriend's small figure into his arms and carried her up the stairs. Once she was settled, he made his way back downstairs, feeling abnormally winded. After a minute of slow breathing, he managed to finish the tea and carted it with the coffee table supplies up to the bedroom.

"I'm sorry baby." Jess curled in on herself as Sam sat down.

"What for?"

"Ruining your weekend."

"Babe, you know I don't care about that. I just want you to feel better."

Sam twirled fingers through her soft blonde hair before gently sticking the thermometer in her mouth.

Her eyes got a panicked look. At first he thought maybe he had done something wrong, then he saw her telltale nose twitch. Quickly he took his finger and rubbed underneath her nose. It only took a second for her chest to rise and fall with a slow exhale. Sam kept up the rhytmic massage till he heard a beep. Checking the stick gave Jess's nose just the amount of time it needed to release it's spray across her boyfriends arm.

To tired to do much her face flushed with embarassment as she mumbled something that Sam couldn't hear.

"Bless you, and it's okay baby." He planted a gentle kiss to her nose, having fully accepted he would soon succumb to this plague anyways. "Your temp has gone up. Looks like it's a solid case of the flu. Think you can drink some of this?"

Jess, normally quite independent, allowed Sam to help push her up and gently sipped at the warm liquid he held steady.

Satisfied that she had consumed some liquid, Sam let her slip back down and made a move to get up, only to be held back by a well placed arm.

"Don't go."

"I'll be right back, promise."

Sam took this opportunity to go clean up in the bathroom. Splashing some cool water in his face didn't give him his usual energy bump, instead it just ended up in his nose causing him to sneeze forcefully into his arm, pushing painfully at his sinuses. His nose was definitely more full than normal, and after grabbing some paper off the toilet roll he managed to clear out some of the congestion.

Ugh, Dean was definitely right, but despite the clear indication that Jess and him were both sick, he couldn't help his casual check for hex bags before returning to his girlfriend.

The next morning, Sam woke with his heated girlfriend cuddled up against him, but as he pulled away his breath gasped with the shock of hitting the cold air. Not only was he now freezing, he was also forced to sitting to try and calm the cough that erupted from his chest.

Jess moaned and pushed her head up against Sam's back, seeking the warmth she had fallen asleep to. Unable to calm his breath, he reached over Jess and grabbed some of the now cold tea, thankful for once for his insanely long reach.

Pushing through the fog filling her head, Jess finally managed to open her eyes to acknowledge her boyfriend's discomfort.

"Babe?" Her voice cracked.

"I'm...kfff kff...fine...kfff." Sam continued to cough. Jess tried to sit up to comfort him but slipped back down as a wave of dizziness washed over her.

"Babe! kfff kfff kfff." Sam's focus was immediatly back on Jess. Flopping her hand, she tried to calm Sam and rolled into her pillow. Between coughs Sam made out the word dizzy, and tried to calm himself. His throat stung painfully, and he took a few more sips of tea before concluding that he would go downstairs and heat it up.

Halfway down the stairs he realized he needed to sneeze. Bracing himself against the wall, he calmly waited as his breath hitched and his head bent back.


"Fuck!" Dean, with normal Winchester luck had appeared at the base of the stairs just as Sam snapped forward, spray cascading down onto Dean.

"Snff... sorry... wait... I thought you'd be another day... and don't you knock?" Sam rubbed his wrist against the base of his nose, ignoring the thin trail of mucous it left.

"Really," Dean took his sleeve and wiped across his own face, "and I thought you said I'd have another day kiddo. By the way, I did knock bitch, but someone sounded like they were too busy coughing up a lung to answer."

"You heard that?" Sam's shoulders sunk as Dean made his way up the steps to be level with his brother. He tried to reach up to feel his Sammy's forehead but Sam pushed it away, retreating down the stairs.

"I'm not a kid."

"Obviously, you're like seven feet tall now."

Sam's body stiffened and at first Dean thought he was about to pass out or something. It took all of one second for him to be at Sam's side only for Sam's body to convulse forward with another powerful sneeze, catching the side of his arm.

"Seriously, did no one teach you how to cover those things?" Shit, Dean hadn't had a chance to gauge his brothers temp, but it must have been higher than he had anticipated, as his eyes filled with tears over the reprimand.

"It's okay, really." Sam turned away as Dean put a hand on his back.

"K'tshhh eG'NXSHT!" Sam pressed his nose into the back of his wrist and tried his best to hold back the mucous desperately trying to stream out.

"Oh... bless you," Dean scrounged through his pockets and finally produced a napkin with a girls name and number, eh not like he'd see her again anyways. "Here."

Sam took the napkin, eyes too teary to notice what he was destroying, and emptied his nose, allowing it to shred the thin paper. After realizing this just left the mass of goo stuck to his hands, he finished his quest to the kitchen and got cleaned up.

"So where's Jess."

"Id bed... snifff."

"Isn't that where you should be?"

"Was going to heat tea."

Sam put both hands on the counter to brace himself for what Dean could tell was going to be a big one.

Aiming towards the floor in front of himself, Sam let his lungs fully expand.


"Jesus, bless you, trying to lose some brain cells!" Dean grabbed a kitchen towel and handed it over.

After a few gurgly blows into the cloth, Sam folded it up and did his best to stuff it into his pocket.

"You are seriously a mess." Sam's hair was starting to mat with sweat against his forehead. "Now will you please let me check your temp."

"Fine." Sam grumbled but let Dean reach up and swipe his bangs to the side.

Dean's eyes shone with worry as he brought his hand down, but he tried to keep things lighthearted.

"Got quite the temp there. How about I make the tea, and you go join Jess?"

Sam had to admit, his body felt like it was going to collapse any second, his head still reeled from the last sneeze, and he really wanted to get his hands on those tissues upstairs.

"Fide," he pulled the towel from his pocket again to clear his nose, "but no pepper."

Sam's glare meant business.

"Just lemon and honey, promise."

"K," as Sam left he couldn't help but pause, "Dean?"

"Yeah?" Dean was too busy fighting with the teapot to turn around.


Dean smiled to himself and listened to his brother's feet pad away.

Dean knocked gently on the bedroom door before entering.

"Hey Jess."

Jessica nodded an acknowledgement.

"I brought tea up for you too if you want some."

Jess nodded again and Sam sat up to help support Jess.

With Sam helping her stay seated, Dean was able to lift the mug to her lips. She sipped slowly but eagerly.

"Thanks." A quiet whisper escaped her lips, before Sam lowered her.

"And I thought you were doing bad."

"At least her fevers gone down." Sam said as a shiver wracked his body.

"You take some meds?"

"While you made tea, and yes, I can still drink it on my own."

"Good, cause I don't want to feed it to you anyways." Dean said playfully, handing Sam the cup.

Sam just smirked, but took the proffered mug.

A few hours later Sam woke to Jessica sneezing several times against him, and Dean seated in a chair he must have brought up from the kitchen. Sam grabbed a tissue from the box and wiped her nose as she mumbled something and rolled back over, deep in sleep.

When soft snoring resumed Sam looked over to Dean.

"You dod't have to sday you dow."

"English please."

Sam blew his nose even though he knew full well that Dean had understood him.

"You don't have to stay, kfff kfff."

"Like I'm going to leave your sorry ass alone like this. Clearly you haven't seen a mirror lately."

Under his breath Dean could hear the words, "Dad would've," as a tear dripped down his brother's cheek.

"And I'm not Dad." Dean knelt beside Sam. "Look at me."

Sam barely brought his eyes up.

"I am not Dad and I never will be. I'm here for you. Okay. And I'm not going to leave you like this."

Sam nodded but couldn't stop the tears leaking down his cheeks.

"Now come on. Scoot over."

Sam obliged and curled up as small as he could, head in his brother's lap.

"And blow your nose." Dean put a tissue in Sam's hand. "I don't need you leaking snot all over me."

Contentedly, Dean ran hands through his Sammy's hair, grateful for the small smile that it elicited.

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I don't even know this fandom and I felt the bro feels <3 So cute! Your reactions are quite delightful, and the characters are written well together.

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  • 2 weeks later...

ADORABLE. Crying Sammy?? Your sick Sam/Jess makes me wanna write sick Sam/Jess!! Did I say ADORABLE already? Because it was... Heehee, and Dea was great, too. Being all funny and still worried, but teasing with Sam. It was so characteristic of the early days!

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  • 5 months later...

AWWWWWW. That was ADORABLE!!!! I love it. Sammy and Dean are sooo cute when they take care of each other!

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