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Figure It Out (Dark Shadows)


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This story is set a while after the movie. Collinwood isn’t burnt down though and they’re living there. It’s a little bit difficult writing about a vampire, you know, with all the “rules” and stuff, but I’ll do my best. Not sure if vampires can have allergies, but… whatever. Barnabas is special :D


Figure It Out

Part One


There was the sound of groaning from inside of the coffin as some long fingers slid out from the side. Barnabas lifted the lid slowly and drowsily sat up. “David, what on earth is your reason for waking me?” “Didn’t Elizabeth tell you? She wanted you to get up before dark to have dinner with us.” “What would be the use in doing so?” “It’s a family thing,” David told him, shrugging as he left the room. Barnabas stretched his arms out and yawned as he looked up at the clock. Six thirty. He lifted himself up and stepped over the edge of the coffin to walk out to the dinner table.

“Where is Victoria?” Barnabas asked as he noticed that she wasn’t at the table. “She should be out in a minute,” Elizabeth answered, “Carolyn just went to her room to wake her up.” Barnabas sat down on the side of the table next to Victoria’s usual seat. Everything was already on the table; the food, dishes and cutlery, all set out. He glanced up as he saw movement and then rose from his seat, “Victoria.” She walked over to him and they embraced each other in a warm cuddle. David grinned and Carolyn, sitting down at the end of the table, rolled her eyes. Barnabas pulled out Victoria’s seat for her. She thanked him and they both sat down. “What a wonderful one hour rest,” Barnabas said sleepily. Victoria smiled, then did everyone else. “You could’ve gone to sleep earlier,” Victoria told him. “Yes, it was quite silly of me really. But, I was not expecting to be aroused so soon.” “I thought you were all for family congregations anyway, Barnabas,” Elizabeth stated. “Yes, well, sleep is also important.” Barnabas stifled his yawn politely. Victoria sighed.

Elizabeth, David and Carolyn were eating, but the two vampires hadn’t touched a thing. They were holding hands under the table, leaning over to kiss every now and then. Victoria had her flower necklace on, the one she had weaved together with Barnabas. He’d noticed straight away. They were leaning in for a kiss once more, when Barnabas drew back, jaw slightly dropped, breaths snagging and eyebrows raised. “I- I think I’m- g- hah- HehCHOO!” Everyone at the table looked up, stunned. “Excuse me,” he rubbed at his nose, still feeling a small tickle. Victoria smiled shyly at him, which made him smile back.


Okay, very short. My next part should be longer (and have more Barnabas sneezes of course). I hope you like it so far anyway. XD

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