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Oh mai. Verrryyy niiiice. <33

Also, I live in Dorset, a part of the 'west country', famous for the accent we hold dear. (You guys did a brilliant job with it, by the way.)

If anyone needs help with Hagrid's accent at all ever, contact me.

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Sorry guys! I've had like no time all day to do anything! Ugh! And I'm about to be kicked off the computer so I can't reply to you individually! I'm so sorry! But, trust me when I say, Emily and I love you guys' comments and you lots! :wub:

Part 12 (VB!)

Draco Malfoy stalks through the dungeons of Hogwarts, his face set in a dark scowl. That old bat McGonagall had kept him after class to scold him, him off all people, about his dropping Transfiguration grades.

She had looked at him with her dark old eyes, her spectacles perched on her nose, and told him that if his grades continued to fall, his parents would be contacted. Draco didn't think that was a good idea. And so now, Draco paces and grumbles about the old woman and all the curses he wishes he could put on her.

After another half an hour the dungeons begin to refill with his fellow Slytherins. It's only then that Draco realizes that he's missed supper and, as his stomach grumbles in disappointment, he curses himself. However, as he hurriedly heads towards the stairs, ready to scare the house elves into giving him something to eat, he catches a name that makes him pause.


He listens harder to the buzz of conversation around him and is able to pick out a few more whispers.

"Did you see?"

"Passed out!"

"What’s his problem?"

Draco hurries up the stairs. He's heard enough.


Draco is pretty sure that he has the worst luck in the world. Ever. Not only is he not able to find a single house elf, but, as he trudges back to the dungeons, grumbling to himself about the stupid things, he stumbles across the one and only Harry Potter.

At first Draco can't decide whether Harry looks just pathetic or a combination of pathetic and pitiful. The raven-haired boy is curled into fetal position against the wall, snoring slightly. For almost as long as he's been at Hogwarts, Harry Potter has been the bane of Draco's existence, but he can't help but be slightly swayed by the pity (and, something else that Draco doesn't want to admit to) growing inside him.

Draco knows that he should wake Harry like a proper Slytherin would. He should kick Harry, or even just leave him there to sleep in the cold hallway. Instead, going against all of his Slytherin and Malfoy instincts, he slowly kneels down and reaches out a tentative hand to shake Harry's shoulder.

He flinches back immediately. The heat coming off Harry surprises him and only then does he realize that Harry is shivering. He reaches out once again and shakes Harry's shoulder. The boy groans and turns to face Draco but he does not wake.

The sight of Harry's face shocks Draco. The boy as white as a sheet, and his nose and cheeks are stained with a dark pink. Draco suddenly has second thoughts about waking the boy. He should leave. He could catch this, and he really, really doesn't want to.

Draco has almost psyched himself up to leave Harry when the raven-haired boy starts to whimper. Then, to Draco's great horror, he begins to cry. Fat tears roll down the cheeks of the sleeping boy. One of the tears strays farther than the others and slides down the bridge of Harry's nose.

"heh... uh... ih-huh.. eh.. hih-uh"

The final straw is when the tear reaches the tip of his nose and he launches into a fit that even Draco (being very allergic to dust himself) is impressed by.

"Ih-TSH! Esh! Ish! Tshch-ah! Eptchiuu! Ishoo! TSH! Ish! Esh!... heh-ISH! Pshiuu! Mpsh! Knsh! Eshiuu! heh.. uh-ihh.. eh.. Eptschiuu-ah!"

If the first sneezes hadn't woken Harry up, then the last one surely had. Draco watches as the boy breathes raggedly. As Harry's breathing finally starts to calm, Draco places a hand on his shoulder. Harry startles slightly and his eyes widen as he catches sight of Draco.

"Balfoy?" he says, surprise evident in his voice.

"Potter." Draco replies with a smug smirk that he hopes covers the bundle of other emotions slipping onto his face. "Looks like you need some help."

Harry shakes his head and sits up. He's dizzy but he thinks he might be able to stand and, hopefully, drag himself up to his bed. The thought depresses him. His bed. So far away. But, he stands anyway, Draco standing with him. Of course, he automatically collapses and Malfoy has to grab him to keep him upright as he gets his feet under himself. He tries not to think about how that’s the second time that’s happened today.

Once Harry's finally able to stand, Malfoy lets him go and steps back.

"Still think you'll be able to make it to your dormitory without help?" he says, one blonde eyebrow arched.

Harry glares at Malfoy, but his bright pink cheeks and nose take away from the effect.

"Shud up, Balfoy," he says, turning to cough harshly into his elbow.

"Oh, c'mon, Potter. You need to see Madame Pomfrey." Draco rolls his eyes, grabs Harry's arm, and begins to drag him.

Draco only releases Harry's arm when they reach the doors to the hospital wing.

"Think you can make it from here?" he asks, blonde eyebrows arched and a sarcastic smirk on his face.

Harry glares but nods, and Draco rolls his eyes once again before turning away. At the end of the hallway, he turns around.

"Don't ever think about mentioning this to anyone. Ever." He disappears around the corner.

And Harry is finally alone.

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Ooh :) long fit= extra tasty :3 love Malfoy in here yumm ;) I can still barely wait for hermione and ron to get to him!:D love this<3

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God dammit Harry, this is why we can't have nice things!!! (Lol and Draco is so cute XD)

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@stephab: first, I shall thank you for your previous comment :'D because I saw it before leaving for school and it kept me happy the whole day LOL heart.gif second, VividBubbles! just reels in all that adorableness to home base with Malfoy heh. I almost thought he was a nice guy tonguesmiley.gif

@Sneezelover: Patience, young grasshopper. For the time has come! biggrin.png

@Daisoku: OMG I SWEAR IF I EVER MEET YOU ONE DAY I WILL MAKE YOU SPEAK LIKE...ALL OF DIALOGUE IN HARRY POTTER. (if I was the proud owner of an accent from Britain or Scotland, I wear I'd like never shut up LOL Americans and their love for that lovely, lovely accent :3)

@Akahana: I'm actually almost sorry to say that we're not done torturing Harry yet lol


Part 13 (E)

Harry stands there, uncertain of what to think of what just happened. “Malfoy” and “nice guy” simply don’t go together, and Harry almost wishes he hadn’t been woken up because he is shaking hard from the cold air in the castle. The hospital wing is only just ahead. Maybe he’ll just ask for a dose of Pepper-Up and be done with it all.

As Harry fumbles to open the door, it flies open, knocking his shoulder and nearly slamming him in the face as it swipes his glasses clear off his nose.

“Bloody git, who in his right mind stands right behind the door—Harry!” Ron looks downright shocked to see him slumping by the now open door, then makes an attempt to cover up for it by picking up his friend’s glasses off the floor. He inspects it for damage, grunts, and pulls out his wand to tap it.

Oculus reparo.”

A crack sounds as a puff of smoke that all too often came with the spell rises and surrounds Harry, who promptly chokes and dissolves into a heavy fit of coughs.

“My bad, didn’t mean to do that. You alright, mate?”

Struggling to regain the air that had been so ungraciously knocked out of him, Harry answers, “Just fide.” He hesitates before revising his declaration, then croaks hoarsely, “Actually, I mbay have caught your cold, Rod.”

To his surprise, Ron snorts, “Wouldn’t have guessed it with the way you’ve been calling me ‘Rod’ and telling us how ‘fide’ you are." He makes a face and adds, “Hermione was harping on you too. Nice that she was calling someone else a moron for a change though.”

Harry is beginning to reach the limits of his stamina and breathes harder from the aftermath of inhaling the smoke; he forces himself upright against the cold stone walls as he tries his best not to fall over.

“Anyway Harry, you look like you’ve been mown over by a herd of centaurs—blimey!” He barely manages to grab hold of his friend’s arm before he keels over. “Harry, you’ve got a fever!”

“Tell be aboud it,” Harry mumbles dizzily. His legs aren’t listening to him anymore.

“Wow, Hermione really wasn’t kidding…but of course not, she never jokes.”

“Balfoy—“ Harry stops, embarrassed. That secret will be going with him to the grave.

“What about Malfoy?” Ron asks, his eyebrows raised in curiosity.

“Dothing.” Harry clears his throat (he desperately wants to do the same with his nose). “I was just comigg here for some—hh’NGuh! Bebber-ub.”

“Oh, er actually…” Ron’s ears turn a fiery shade of red. “I, er, took the last of the Pepper-Up. It’s a miracle potion, really, I feel great. Can’t imagine how the Muggles do without it—“ Noticing the look of horror on Harry’s face, he hastily continues, “—but Madam Pomfrey’s brewing cauldrons more of the stuff. I could smell it from the door!”

“It’s okay. I cad live without it. I’b just a bit tired—“ Harry suddenly clasps his hand over his scar, which is searing hot. He shivers hard as he gasps for air, begging to be released from the icy pain. A pale face with red slits for eyes flashes before him.

“Wormtail, it is almost time…”

“Ugh!” Icicles spear his chest, sending stabs of pain throughout his freezing hot body. He can’t breathe.

“When the time comes—“

He’s drowning in black, sunless water. He coughs hard, a vain attempt to recapture air into his lungs and chokes in the murky darkness.

“—you shall draw his blood for me.”

“Harry, stop, he’s not here! Hermione, help me get him up—“

“Harry, Harry!”

“Harry Potter…”

As suddenly as it came, the pain ebbs, leaving prickly pulsations of pain pierce his forehead. His breath comes out in short, desperate bursts as he thrashes wildly.

“Shh, deep breaths, Harry. Don’t worry it’s just us,”

Harry becomes aware of a hand against his back and another clamped on his arm, restraining his flailing. The absence of the burning pain leaves him even colder than he was before. He is no longer drowning in the bottomless black lake, but he’s afraid to open his eyes and see the pale, snake-like face staring down at him.

“H-H-Hermione,” he whispers weakly between coughs.

“Yes, yes Harry, it’s me,” she answers anxiously. “How do you feel?” Harry gives a pathetic groan in response. “At least you’re conscious now. You-Know-Who isn’t here.” He feels her warm breath tickle his neck as she releases what seems all the air in her lungs.

“Harry, can you stand? I’ve got both your arms and Hermione’s got your back. In case you fall over in another mad fit.”

Harry wants to tell him that he wants nothing more than to collapse right here and sleep. He is beyond exhausted, as though Voldemort’s single sentence has sapped away all his will to live. He feels himself nod his head. His eyes are still closed; the floor might swallow him if he let them open.

“Alright, I’m pulling you up,” Ron warns. He looks at Harry nervously. His face is completely drained of color, leaving every faint blue vein visible. Heat radiates dangerously from him, the steady tremors wrack his body, and the frequent fits of harsh coughing echo from his lungs.

Harry finally cracks open his eyelids and promptly closes them again in a squint as the light of the evening sun hits him full in the face.

“’m ‘trp ‘mlf.” Ron and Hermione are hoisting his limp arms over their shoulders when they hear his mumblings.

“You say something, mate?”

Breathing heavily, Harry tries to speak more clearly, but he only ends up in a spasmodic fit of barking coughs. His arms hang like weights hinging off his shoulders, and his head droops unsteadily atop his chest.

hh’ish! Hesh!—hihUSHh!”

“Bless you, Harry,” Hermione says worriedly. She and Ron are dragging his rag-doll body, his feet scraping uselessly against the tiled floors of the hospital wing. Hermione desperately hopes Madam Pomfrey can lower his fever, or even just relieve his lungs. Ron keeps glancing down fearfully at the head of sweat-soaked black hair matted above the glowing red lightning bolt.

“Walk a little faster, Ron.”

The door swings closed behind the muddled shadow of the three friends.


The end is near...

Edited by Emily
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Omg! He faints again <3 sneezes = perffff. And hermione mmmmmm. How she blessed Harry is amazing <3 I can't believe the end is near :( I'll just have to keep re-reading it and stalking your Drabble thread ;) lol love love love :)

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The faintiiiiing~~~ I was so waiting for that scene, and dude, Malfoy found him! I really quite liked that part, as weird as it always is for me to associate "Draco Malfoy" with "nice" as Harry pointed out. xD I think my favorite line in the whole fic so far is the one where Hagrid tells Krum and Cedric that he can get Harry to the hospital wing faster than they could on their broomsticks. :laugh:

Butbutbut the whole thing! I'm trying to catch up as quickly as I can when you post new parts.

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Sneezelover123: laughing.gif Fainting is definitely adorable. And, yeah, Emily's drabbles are awesome. Very very awesome. heart.gif

ElementsofGray: Yeah, it was kinda hard to write that part and at first I was kind of indecisive on who would find Harry and if Draco could even be considered one of the choices. I'm really happy you didn't think it was too "out there" or something. smile.png And Emily writes Hagrid so well! It's amazing. wub.pngheh.gif

The end... has come. (DUN DUN DUNNN)

Part 14 (VB!)

Usually Madam Pomfrey would have rushed out to meet Harry and his two friends, eyeing Harry disappointedly and clucking her tongue in concern. This time, however, Madam Pomfrey wasn't there with her firm but cautious touch and stern eyes. Now Harry wasn't only miserable but lonely as well.

After Harry had passed out on one of the beds in the hospital wing, Madam Pomfrey had gone to the dungeons to brew the Pepper-Up with help from Snape. Even so, Harry knew the potion wouldn't be ready for at least another day or two. And, to top it all off, his two best friends had classes to attend, leaving him alone with nothing to do but to lay in bed and try to not concentrate on how absolutely horrid he felt.

It wasn't working.

But, Harry guessed that there was one good thing about this whole situation. At least now he didn't have to silence his coughs or sneezes. It was a relief Harry hadn't been able to appreciate in a while.


Harry's in the middle of a fit of coughing when he hears the telltale sound of footsteps coming towards him. He knows that he doesn't need to pretend he's fine anymore and that he's in Hogwarts and no one is going to hit him for coughing, but he muffles them anyway, the habit too strong to break.

The person who comes through the door is not the two he expects.

"Ced-," his voice catches and he has to pause to clear his throat. "Cedric?"

The older boy flushes a bit. "Sorry I didn't bring it to you earlier," he says, looking down at the broomstick clutched in his hand. He looks back at Harry and his hospital bed. "Doubt you'll be doing much flying for a bit, mate."

Harry shakes his head, smiling a bit. "Madam Pomfrey has officially forbidden me from getting on a broom for a week after I'm released, but, then again, what she doesn't know won't hurt her."

Cedric laughs and props Harry's broom against the wall. "Yeah. I remember getting pneumonia when I was a third year from all of the practices in the rain. Pomfrey wouldn't let me anywhere near a broom for a full month. Of course, I was out on the pitch the next week, but don't tell her that."

Harry chuckles before he turns to the side to sneeze into his elbow, stifling only halfway.

"Eh-ISH! Ishiuu! Tsch-ah!"

"Bless you."

Harry looks up at Cedric, then quickly looks back down. "Thanks." He’s not sure, but he thinks that’s the first time anyone’s ever said that to him.

Cedric and Harry talk only for a few more minutes before the bell tower chimes and Cedric has to leave for his next class. To tell the truth, Harry's kind of sad when he leaves, already missing the boy's company.


Five minutes later, Ron and Hermione come in to visit him. Harry cringes, ready for a lecture, but all he gets is a hug. Hermione’s embrace is warm and reassuring.

"We were so worried."

Harry tightens his hold on her, giving her a comforting squeeze. "Sorry."

Hermione finally lets go of Harry, glaring at him sternly, but it's softened by the relief in her eyes. She exhales heavily once, and then places her hand on his forehead, smoothing over his messy, black hair.

“Your temperature’s still terribly high.”

“Funny. I’m freezing.”

“If there’s anything we can get you, mate, just say the word,” Ron pitches in, drawing up two chairs. He and Hermione sit down and simultaneously withdraw several parcels and papers. “My mum sent you food, says you’re malnourished,” he says, presenting his packages of Mrs. Weasley’s cooking. “And Hermione’s got, well, homework, but you won’t be wanting any of that now.”

Hermione shot him a fierce look, but it melts away quickly as all three of them laugh.

The rest of the afternoon passes easily and when Harry starts yawning, Ron and Hermione urge him beneath the covers with little protest. Before he drifts off, Harry thinks sleepily that maybe the next time he won’t have to try as hard to keep his façade.



Hope you guys liked it! biggrin.png

Edited by VividBubbles!
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Whaaaa, when you said the end was coming soon, I didn't know you meant the very next part! But I really liked this whole thing, you guys work nicely together. smile.png All I could imagine when you wrote that Madam Pomfrey was brewing the potion with help from Snape was how much of a jerk Snape would be if he were there and how much more miserable Harry would be (btw, his sneezes are so cute x3). I am a terrible person.

But really, I enjoyed this. biggrin.png I would like to bake you a metaphorical plate of cookies for your wonderful story. Actually, since I couldn't find the cookie icon, have cheesecake instead (let's face it, it's better anyway). cheesecake.gif

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Aghhhh what?! I go to work for one sleepover, and you finish?!

Adorable. This was really sweet. And your ending is absolutely gorgeous.

Thank you for writing it!

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AAAAAWWWWWWWW!!!!!! ALL YOU GUYS ARE AMAZING! I LOVE YOU SO MUCH! :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:

Awweeee smile.png loved it smile.png amazing ending! <3 hopefully you both will write another story together <3 Harry is soo cute smile.png

We actually are planning on writing another collab together. I'm gonna keep the fandom a secret but I hope we start soon. :)

Whaaaa, when you said the end was coming soon, I didn't know you meant the very next part! But I really liked this whole thing, you guys work nicely together. smile.png All I could imagine when you wrote that Madam Pomfrey was brewing the potion with help from Snape was how much of a jerk Snape would be if he were there and how much more miserable Harry would be (btw, his sneezes are so cute x3). I am a terrible person.

But really, I enjoyed this. biggrin.png I would like to bake you a metaphorical plate of cookies for your wonderful story. Actually, since I couldn't find the cookie icon, have cheesecake instead (let's face it, it's better anyway). cheesecake.gif

OMG CHEESECAKE! You know my weakness. ^o^

Aghhhh what?! I go to work for one sleepover, and you finish?!

Adorable. This was really sweet. And your ending is absolutely gorgeous.

Thank you for writing it!

Thank you for reading it! And can I tell you a secret? Emily wrote, like, most of the very last part. You know, after the last ***** <- thing. I just can't do endings! The one I wrote was horrible. LOL.

Aaah, that was an amazing and heartwarming end. Oh Harry.

OH CEDRIC. Coming to visit. Gave me feels.



You are totally welcome! This was so much fun to write and I can't wait to collab with Emily again!

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I love Harry Potter; and Harry is my absolute favorite character! Now I know why! :in love:

:D That helplessness! That unwillingness to admit weakness! That adorable idiocy! (I could go on, but then you'll find out how much of a fangirl I am) Thanks for reading! :D Also welcome to the forum heheh

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I love Harry Potter; and Harry is my absolute favorite character! Now I know why! :in love:

biggrin.png That helplessness! That unwillingness to admit weakness! That adorable idiocy! (I could go on, but then you'll find out how much of a fangirl I am) Thanks for reading! biggrin.png Also welcome to the forum heheh

I have a soft spot for Harry, always did.

Thank you!

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This was so good! :) I usually don't like Harry that much but you guys just wrote this so well, and I loved how you worked Cedric and Malfoy into it as well! :D

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  • 9 months later...

OMIGAWSH. This is so freaking cute! I've been searching for this particular thread for so long! :o I'm so glad I found it! Please please please make another like this. Like, ASDFGHJKL I freaking loved this! :3 Helpless, vulnerable, half-conscious Harry. Nothing is cuter. Nothing.

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You guys are awesome biggrin.png Thanks!

No problem! :3 This story was amazing. <3 Pretty pretty please make another one like this, if you can. (:

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  • 3 years later...

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