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God dammit why must being so evil be so fun?!?! >: ) I feel so bad but it's just so right~

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  • Sneezypeezy


  • Emily


  • VividBubbles!


  • stephab13


Sneezelover123: You're adorable. LOL. hug.gif

ElementsofGray: Worried Hermione is definitely jklfknhg! heh.gif And thank you for the cookie! (Though I'm sure Emily already ate it. laughing.gifwink_kiss.gif)

Akahana: Being evil is so fun because it just is! Ha, yeah, I know exactly how you feel. twisted1.gif

Sneezelover123: Here's the update! smile.png Hope it lives up to your dream. biggrin.png

Part 7 (VB!)


Harry Potter sits alone in a damp, dark room. The room is cold, so cold in fact, that he’s shivering uncontrollably. He begins to wrap his arms around himself when he once again hears his name.

Harry… Harry Potter…

The voice is malicious and snake-like, and Harry is no longer shivering just from the cold. “Wh-who’s th-th-th-there?” He can barely get the words out between his chattering teeth.

Harry listens for a moment but no reply comes. He’s not sure if he should be relieved, but what he is sure of is that he needs to get out of here. Harry stands and wobbles briefly, stumbling backwards a few steps before regaining his balance. He takes a step forwards. And another. And another. Until, finally, his hand comes in contact with a flat, cold stone surface. That’s when he hears the voice again.

Harry Potter, “The Boy Who Lived”…

Harry can hear the evil smirk in the voice’s taunt.

Not for much longer…

Harry flinches and covers his head. He doesn’t have is wand, he has no place to take cover. He knows how this ends.


The room fills with a bright green light that blinds Harry. He knows this is the end.



Cedric Diggory sits in the Hogwarts library, surrounded by a group of friends. Ever since he was picked as the Hogwarts champion (the one who wasn’t considered a cheat, anyway) his regular group of friends had tripled in size.

Suddenly, the library doors open, making way for a broom carrying, extremely flushed Harry Potter. Harry lets the doors slam behind him, and it surprises Cedric. Harry never tries to do anything to call attention to himself purposefully. The limelight seeks him, he doesn’t seek it. Cedric knows Harry would never slam a door, especially in a crowded library.

He wonders what might be wrong when he gets his answer. Harry stops, pinches his nose, and then turns his head into his shoulder.

NNgkx! Eh-PSHx! KSHx! NNgx!—ahh.

Cedric can hear the stifled sneezes that come out and winces at their congested sound. He watches as Harry fumbles around in his robes with one hand, the other holding his broom, before pulling out what looks to be a handkerchief but it’s ratty and torn and looks like its useful days were over long before Harry was even born.

Harry gives the thing a mournful look before stuffing it back into his pocket and continuing on his trek through the library. He’s just passing by a table full of Slytherins when he stumbles, knocking over a few books on the shelf. Cedric watches as the lot of them turn around and, as they catch sight of Harry, their already nasty smirks turning into something more spiteful.

“Hey! Potter!” one of them shouts, though Cedric couldn’t tell who it was. The Slytherins always seem like one entity to him, an entity full of evil and hate.

“Potter, hey! Answer me when I speak to you!” the Slytherin shouts again.

But Harry doesn’t answer him, instead he stares directly at the books he had toppled earlier before slowly, ever so slowly, he bends down to pick them up. He lays his broom down on the floor and then gathers the pile into his arms. He stands up quickly and he wobbles slightly before shaking his head twice, as if to clear it. He puts the books back on the shelf and bends back down to pick up his broom before standing once again. Cedric turns his attention back onto the Slytherins who have all seemed to lost interest in Harry besides one—and he looks furious.

If Cedric assumes correctly the boy is most likely the one who had tried to tease Harry, and as the dark-haired boy addresses Harry once again, his assumptions are confirmed.

“HEY! Potter—“

The boy’s shout is interrupted by a petite blond girl by his side.

“Oh, Michael,” she says, placing her hand on his thigh. “Just shut up already. He,” she says, gesturing to Harry, who had finally found an empty table (the farthest away from the warmth of the fire, however), “has clearly lost his marbles. Now, finish that essay or you won’t have a chance at passing Transfiguration!”

The drama with the Slytherins over, Cedric turns his attention back to Harry. The raven-haired boy looks to be asleep, his broom propped up against the table, using a book as a pillow, and shivering so hard Cedric can almost hear his teeth chattering.

His inner Hufflepuff is telling him that he needs to go to Harry. He’s very obviously ill and, by the looks of it, he has a fever as well. But, the more logical side of him knows that if he goes over to Harry, his friends will follow him, and he knows that the last thing Harry could possibly want right then is to be mobbed by fifteen or so Hufflepuffs trying to sneak a peek at him. So, he turns back to his battered old copy of Quidditch Through the Ages and begins to wait.

Edited by VividBubbles!
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YUSS!! <3 amazing! I can't even describe this in words <3 poor Harry!:o I almost feel bad...Almost. His sneezes are so cute (: can't wait for the next update which I hope will be later today.... ;) yumm :)

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If it helps, Emily, it was tomorrow where I live when you posted that :P

Oh, and you bring Cedric into it. Good old R Pattz, before he became, er... sparkly... I have to say, I do enjoy the idea of a Hufflepuff looking after him. I mean, it's in their nature to. But, God, Harry's an idiot.

... And (Emily at least shall understand) that I write for Wes Montgomery and Blaine Anderson. I speak idiots :P

This is wondeful, guys. It really is. :-)

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@Sneezelover: I kinda wanna just give you a HUUUUUUGE hug :heart: sorry it's a little late today! School has restarted for me so T u T back to waking up at 6...getting home at 5...going to bed at twelve...whoop.

@Akahana: better get past me first if you wanna cuddle with my Harry. This boy's mine. :lol:

@stephab: ah time zones are awfully confusing! And I was watching HP clips last week and goodness, Cedric Diggory is ON FIRE HOT :'D The things facial hair does to a man, honestly. Sick Harry makes me happy heheheh :hug: OBSESSIVENESS IS HEALTHY IS SMALL DOSES :heart:


Part 9 (E)

After watching Harry give a particularly violent shiver, Cedric can no longer deny that the younger Hogwarts champion needs to be in bed, not a library. He turns to his flock of fangirls.

“I’ll be right back,” he says, flashing his best Triwizard Champion smile. Every girl swoons, and one hyperventilates into a hastily conjured paper bag.

He closes the distance between him and Harry in several long strides. Upon closer inspection, Harry is very pale, save for the two spots of fever present on either side of his face, and he appears even thinner than usual. His eyes are shut tightly as if he is being shown something he doesn’t want to see.

Cedric hesitates as he reaches his hand out to shake the boy awake. It seems wrong to wake him up just to tell him to sleep elsewhere. And what is he supposed to say to him? “Hey, you’re sick, go get some sleep”? It sounds ridiculous even in his head. Madam Pince’s shoes clack harshly against the wooden floor, and Cedric decides that Harry will probably prefer being woken by him to being woken by Madam Pince’s shrill screeching.

Cedric places his hand firmly on Harry’s shoulder and shakes him several times. Harry wakes with a start, eyes wide open, but not really seeing. His green eyes stand out more than ever, bright with fever.

Harry processes the situation slowly. He squints at the tall boy before him and recognizes him as Cedric Diggory. He wonders vaguely what he’s doing here, but his mouth can’t seem to formulate coherent speech.

Cedric finds himself again thinking about what he is to say, now that he’s woken Harry up.

“Er, Madam Pince is coming this way. Thought I might save you a bit of a headache by giving you a fair warning.” He averts his gaze awkwardly, waiting for a response.

“Yeah, thagks,” says Harry stuffily. He doesn’t move from his slouched-over position on his chair.

“Can you—“ Cedric pauses. “Can you get up?”

“’m fine,” Harry responds automatically. He pushes himself up from his seat, tightly gripping both his chair and the table, as if he is trying to make a point of it. His legs give out beneath him immediately, but rather than sinking in an undignified heap on the floor, he feels himself suspended uncomfortably from his armpits by a pair of steady arms. His head pounds; Harry ponders the idea that this whole thing might be Voldemort’s fault and once his scar stops hurting he’ll be fine. But his scar isn’t prickling and he feels mostly tired.

“I think you ought to visit the hospital wing,” Cedric says to him uncertainly. He’s not sure if Harry can even hear him. He probably can’t even make it there by himself, seeing as he can’t even stand, much less drag himself and his broomstick to the other side of the castle. Cedric sighs. He can’t just leave him here; he looks half-dead.

Harry inhales sharply and angles his head in his shoulder, coughing harshly in his shoulder, which leaves him breathing hard. His eyes are glassy.

Cedric is certain that the boy is delirious, but he informs Harry anyway that he’s taking him to Madam Pomfrey. He slings the shorter boy’s skinny arm over his neck, immediately feeling the dead weight of someone half-unconscious. Cedric grunts a little as he accustoms himself to Harry’s weight which he soon realizes, after taking several steps, is not very much.

“No wonder you’re such a fast flier,” he muses aloud. Cedric feels Harry’s chest suddenly heave. Harry fumbles blindly in his robes searching for something, presumably his handkerchief.

hh-ETchu! ESHu—hhah’iNGsx-shh!” Unable to find his handkerchief, Harry explodes harshly into the arm that isn’t draped around Cedric’s shoulder. Cedric recalls how ratty and thoroughly used that handkerchief was when Harry had walked in, and he hastily searches his pockets for a clean one. No sooner than he presses a square of white cloth into Harry’s hand does he snap his head into it with rough, throat-scraping sneezes.

uhGXs-shu! Hh’EKXshuh! Ak’nGX-ahHIH’ETCHuu!” Harry’s face flushes crimson, indicating that he is conscious enough to be aware of his unusually loud display.

Cedric feels a sudden rush of sympathy for him. Now he’s guilty that he didn’t believe him when he said that he never put his name in the Goblet of Fire. It’s not like he ever asks for the attention he gets; isn’t he usually trying to get away from it all? Now that he thinks about it, Cedric is sure that he’s probably just in the library to get away from everyone, although his slamming the door shut didn’t do him any favors. Cedric decides he owes this one to him after all.


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I should be the one giving you a hug!! OMG!! This is soooo good. I'm in heaven!:) and I was in school too. Poor Harry........ He had it coming though :) can't hide forever. And omg his sneezes... Mmmmmm. Cedric is just perfect omg. <3 :):D:o

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Sick boys in general make me... sadistically happy, I suppose :P As does caretaking. Especially when done by boys with SCOTTISH FREAKING ACCENTS.


... As for obsessiveness... :P Well, it makes me happy. That shall be my justification!

[insert ALL THE meme here :P ]

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I LOVE YOU GUYS. My deepest apologies for not being able to comment on every chapter, but seriously, I read every one when I can because this is awesome. I never get tired of seeing you guys update. :heart:

And this caretaking? Just yes. Lots and lots of yes. The part where he sort of collapses while he's getting up, I thought that would be the promised fainting, but dude, want. This whole thing has just been great, I can't wait to see what you've got for the rest of it. :D

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Sneezelover123: Omg, Cedric is adorableness! :D And the way Emily spells sneezes is amazing! :heart:

stephab13: Scottish accents are sosososososo hot. Yum.

ElementsofGray: :wub: I can't wait to post the rest of it! My gosh, Emily and I definitely had fun writing this and it just feels amazing to finally post it and have other people reading and enjoying it. :)

Alexys52: Oh, you.mini.jpg

Part 10 (VB!)

Now confident that he can support Harry's weight Cedric begins to slowly and cautiously shuffle his way towards the hospital wing. He tosses a regretful glance back towards Harry's broom, left leaning against the table, sure that if Harry wasn't so out of it he'd be very hesitant to just leave the broom there.


Cedric's resolve is strengthened by the lone, pathetic sneeze. It's a great difference from the display earlier and Cedric can tell that Harry's about to faint or fall asleep once again.

"Harry!" he whispers, jostling the smaller boy softly. Harry whimpers faintly and turns his head slightly before he starts to cough. Cedric decides, as he listens to the boy's chest rattle, that jostling Harry isn't the best course of action and rubs his back gently.

After the harsh coughing finally subsides Cedric carefully makes his way around the bookshelves, hoping to not be seen by the Slytherins or his friends. Harry needs to be in the hospital wing soon and neither of the groups would speed up that process.

He and Harry have almost made it around the Slytherin's when they're spotted. "Have a nice snog with your boyfriend, Cedric?" The boy who had been making fun of Harry earlier taunts.

Cedric tries to act as if he hasn't heard the boy speak and continues to trudge on.

"Hey! Diggory! Pay attention when I'm speaking to you!" The boy shouts. Cedric stops and turns to face the boy, his face emotionless as he glares at him.

"Leave me alone." Cedric continues to glare at the boy.


The tiny sneeze reminds Cedric of the raven-hair boy he's currently supporting and he turns away from the Slytherin boy to continue his trek through the library, hoping desperately for no more interruptions.

Cedric successfully skirts around his table of friends and makes it to the library doors without any other hold ups. He makes it out with only a shout of "Hope you and your boyfriend have a good shag!" from the Slytherin boy and cruel snickers from the rest of them.


They make it through three of the eleven hallways from the library to the hospital wing when Harry's legs finally give out. Cedric's immediately reminded of the weight difference between an unconscious person and a half-conscious person. Harry, though still fairly light, is now completely dead on his feet and Cedric isn't sure that he'll be able to carry the boy the next eight hallways.


The tiny sneeze melts Cedric's heart a little and he feels a boost of adrenaline. Harry needs to be in the hospital wing and damn it all if he can't get him there.

Cedric tightens his hold on Harry's waist and, though the position is not even close to ideal, he continues to drag Harry through the castle hallways, the boy limp in his arms.


Viktor Krum makes his way towards the Hogwarts library swiftly, in the long strides of a man with a purpose. He has no purpose at the moment of course, just to get to the library, but that's how Viktor Krum has always walked. With confidence; with purpose.

The star seeker is almost halfway to the library when he stumbles upon a strange sight indeed. Cedric Diggory is supporting a small, limp, raven-haired boy by the waist and is shuffling quickly but carefully through the hallway. Viktor makes his way towards Cedric and the boy, his destination changed.

Viktor is only a few, short strides away when Cedric finally hears him. Only after Cedric tears his gaze away from the boy he's supporting does Viktor finally realize who the limp boy is.

Viktor stops directly in front of Cedric who, normally only a small amount shorter than him, is hunched over and has to crane his neck to look at his face. He opens his mouth to speak but is interrupted immediately by Krum.

"Vat is wrong vit ‘im?" he asks, his thick accent pronounced and slightly indignant as he gestures to Harry. Cedric's look of desperation quickly morphs into one of annoyance.

"He's sick," Cedric says, waving his free hand at Harry's flushed face. "And you need to move before I drop him."

Cedric tries to maneuver around the Bulgarian, but is stopped by Viktor's hand on his shoulder. The kindness in his eyes catches Cedric off guard.

"Do... do you need help?"

Cedric is about to refuse, but Harry whimpers in his unconscious state and tries to bury his head into Cedric's shoulder and he realizes that if he wants to get Harry to the hospital wing and Madam Pomfrey any time soon then Viktor's his best chance.

"Yes. Please." Cedric says, then waits as Viktor wraps his own arm around Harry's waist. His eyes widen slightly.

"He is very, umm, light. And, umm, varm?"

Cedric nods, his muscles relaxing slightly now that that they're not under so much strain.

"Yeah," he says, looking over to meet Viktor's gaze. "Yeah, he is. And we really need to get him to the hospital wing."

Viktor nods and he and Cedric head off towards the hospital wing, both of them supporting Harry.

Edited by VividBubbles!
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Loveeee <3 yay Harry is finally getting help <3 :D Everytime I come here and see that there's an update from you and/or Emily I die and feel like I'm a little kid on christmas <3 this was an excellent part :*

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Gorgeous. Absolutely gorgeous.

I wonder if they'll bump into anyone on the way? Because that could get awkward...

Or Fred and George. Who would stare and then ask what they used and where could they get some to improve their range :P

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Just finished reading it all again. I am so in love with this. And the constant updates give me something to look forward to every day.

Sure hope the three get to the hospital wing without any interruptions.

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; u ; You guys make me cry tears of joy you do. It makes the three months VB and I spent on this even more worthwhile. :heart: (PS this is too early to be posting my part but I probably won't have time for it tomorrow so here you go yaaay HP fluff)

@Sneezelover: And as alwayshug.gif ^ __ ^ I'm just as insane with looking at new comments heheh. Ron comes soon! :)

@ ZXY12: Haha, yes we are! :) Everyday! (well until it finishes...but then you'll find even better fics to read!)

@stephab: Oh, you don't know how right you are (but the twins would have been a fantastic idea. Why didn't I think of that? D8)

@Akahana: ALL VB'S IDEA! SHE'S A GENIUS I SWEAR. I didn't even know how to write Cedric without plunging into OOC-dom.

@stargazer: Aww :blushsmiley: you have no idea how happy it makes me to know that people reread this! And about that no interruptions thing haha...my fetish got in the way. Sorry :lol:


PART 11 (E)

Three Triwizard champions walking together (or two carrying a third, rather) in a single hallway is proving to be about as inconspicuous as Hagrid walking down Privet Drive. It’s true that Cedric was becoming accustomed to people pointing and staring at him, but all this whispering is new for him. Viktor Krum, on the other hand, plows on as if there aren’t dozens of students gawking at him. He appears, in fact, to not notice because he turns to Cedric and asks him in his thick, Bulgarian accent, “Vy are you moving so slow? Is he too heavy for you?”

“Fine, thanks,” Cedric replies curtly. Even if this is an unusually kind gesture, the Durmstrang boy is still rather too direct and overly self-confident.



Hagrid does not fail to notice this strange procession as he walks down from the opposite end of the corridor. However, he doesn’t realize that the unconscious lump between Viktor Krum and Cedric Diggory is Harry until he is in front of them, asking them to make room for him to pass.

“Sorry there, if you’ll le’ me through for jus’ a mo’—WHAT THE RUDDY HELL ARE YA DOIN’ WITH HARRY?”

Viktor furrows his bushy eyebrows in distaste, and replies, “Ve vere bringing him to the infirmavry.” Hagrid glares at him in equal disgust.

“He doesn’t seem to be feeling so well,” Cedric added hastily. “And I think he’s unconscious.” Hagrid’s thick eyebrows disappear into his wild mane in surprise; then he holds out his arms expectantly.

“Give ‘im here. I’ll take ‘im. Daresay I’ll get there faster’n you two would on yer broomsticks. Off now, yeh two.”

“Very vell then.” Krum releases his grip on Harry, who slumps forward and sways dangerously as Cedric struggles to regain his balance from this sudden upset. He scowls at the duck-footed seeker.

“Ruddy Bulgarian git,” Hagrid growls.

“Er—what?” Cedric is startle. “O-oh yeah.” He glances backward at Krum’s disappearing square shoulders. He hadn’t thought that walking like he had two left feet could get him so far so quickly. “Well, er, thanks for taking Harry. I’ll go back and grab his broom for him. Left it back in the library earlier,” he finishes awkwardly.

Hagrid looks startled, then pleased. “Yer not such a bad kid after all,” he grunts approvingly. “Hufflepuff ‘n all. Yeh best be off now.” Cedric nods his goodbye and takes swift, purposeful strides after Krum and soon disappears.

“Hagrid?” Harry rears his head tiredly from Hagrid’s arm. “I—what’re you doigg?” He stares at his legs dumbfounded, trying to make out exactly what has happened for him to end up being carried bridal style by the Hogwarts Gamekeeper. A vein in his head throbs. The last place he remembers being is the Quidditch pitch. What happened afterward?

“Harry, yeh’ve come to! How’re yeh feeling?” Cedric Diggory and Krum was just haulin’ yeh down the hall…thought they was tryin’ ter sabotage yeh before the next trial—“

“Cedric and Krumb?” Harry asks distractedly. Now that Hagrid mentions it, he does somewhat recall meeting Cedric in the library. And before that he met Hermione and had a row with her… because he had come back sopping wet from playing Quidditch. Something seems wrong with this picture. Harry feels his head boiling from the strain of trying to remember. He almost has it…

“Where’s by broombstigg?”

“Diggory says yeh left it in the library—“

“Great. Let be dowd, Hagrid.”

“Are yeh sure yeh can walk?”

Harry sniffs lightly. “I’m fine.”

“But you was jus’ knocked out—“

“I’m fine. Just put me down,” Harry insists impatiently. His nose is itching again and he really hopes he’ll make it to somewhere private before he starts sneezing out his lungs. Hagrid sets him down uncertainly and casts a doubtful glance at him. He’s pale and shivering so hard that Hagrid is afraid the boy’s glasses will dive straight off his nose.

As soon as his feet touch the ground, Harry feels all the weight of his body dragging him downward, the pounding in his head suddenly intensifying. His nose has also started to run.

Turning sharply and nearly losing his balance, Harry starts tottering in some direction where he prays there is no one around.

“I’ll see you later, Hagrid.”


Cedric makes his way back to the library much more quickly than he does carrying Harry halfway to the hospital wing. As he approaches the table where he had left Harry’s broom, he is surprised to see Hermione Granger muttering moodily over the Firebolt.

“That idiot, flying in torrential rain in that condition. Stupid, useless git! Can’t even admit it to his so-called best friends that he’s sick. I’m never worrying over that bloody idiot again!—Oh er, hello Cedric…you didn’t hear any of that, did you?” Hermione’s cheeks turn bright pink.

“Hear any of what?” he asks, flashing a smile. Some things were better left unnoticed.

“O-oh, never mind then. It was nothing,” Hermione replies, giving him a nervous smile in return. “What brings you here?”

“I was just coming back to get Harry’s Firebolt for him,” Cedric explains. “Hagrid’s taking him to the hospital wing.”

“It’s about time he went,” Hermione mutters darkly. She eyes the broom and sighs. “Just leave it. I’ll give it back to him later. When he learns to take care of himself,” she adds under her breath. She waves a hand at Cedric. “I think your friends are waiting for you,” she says, indicating the table of giggly girls.

Cedric nods and waves goodbye, turning around.

“Oh, wait—“

He stops on the balls of his feet and swivels back around to face her.

“How was he—er, Harry, I mean—when he came in the library?” Hermione’s face flushes again.

“Terrible, actually,” Cedric admits. “I don’t think he can walk straight on his own two feet.”

Worry flashes in Hermione’s eyes. “I’ll see you again another time,” she says abruptly, gathering her belongings. Cedric hears her cursing furiously under her breath as she whips past him. He notices that the Firebolt has been neglected in her rush; he’ll have to return it himself after all.


Heh’NGk—uh! Hh’ISHnn! Hehp’Nnxxt!—huH! Hh-hhih—huH’mMNtsh!”

Harry only manages to get around the next corner until his legs give way and he falls back into his previous state of being half awake. He wonders vaguely if someone has placed a Jellylegs jinx on him.

The hall is empty except for Harry and the still air is filled with his labored breathing. His presence rapidly diminishes as he curls himself tightly against the wall and sinks into unconsciousness.



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You know you've made it when you have rumours of your own plot :P

YOUR HAGRID IS PERFECT. Actually, all the characters are, but, I mean, when you can nail a character down to the accent... I can hear them all speaking to me. It's insane.

Now, can I apparate Wes into Hogwarts? YES I KNOW YOU CANNOT APPARATE INTO OR OUT OF HOGWARTS. God, Hermione! Why'd you have to be such a buzz kill? *waits for ANYONE to spot reference...* But, bloody hell, I'm stuffing Wes into the freaking vanishing cabinet if I have to.

You see what you're making me do? You're making me fangirl so hard that EVERY FANDOM IM PART OF is colliding.

Speaking of which, Harry totally needs to surround himself in a ring of salt as his fever-crazed delirium forces him to believe that Supernatural is real (because he had a Time Turner and he TOTALLY would have stolen it to go watch Supernatural in the future) and then fights with Nick and is like HOLY CRAP YOU GOT OVER THE SALT EXITAMUS TE

... Right... Clearly someone has had WAY too much sugar for the moment. Doesn't help that my head is full of broad ligaments and retroperitoneal and visceral surfaces. UGH.

... I'll just be going now...

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LOVEE <3 omg whts hermione gonna do now.:) and FAINTING OMG! Yess! The fact that he's still trying to stifle is so so so cute!:) update please soon <3

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