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A Halloween Chill

Vongola Undicesimo

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Hey. Yup, this is a sneezefic starring one of the three slasher movie kings. I love horror movies, like, a lot. And I love guys being sick. And BAM! I got myself a story. Though this isn't really much of a fic, it's more one-shot kinda sorta drabble.

So if you're wondering like, Ummm????? In the first Halloween movie, Michael is unmasked towards the end. And it's revealed he's actually kinda pretty. So, yeah. Consider this a Halloween present.

And if I remember correctly, this isn't the first psycho killer on this site, so I HAVE NOTHING TO BE ASHAMED OF!

Hehe. So, this takes place a year or so before the first movie.

Dr. Sam Loomis sat patiently, tapping his pen repeatedly against his clipboard. They had been in there for forty-five minutes. Only fifteen left to go. Though he had long given up on trying to reach Michael, the law required him to keep having “sessions” with him.

Those sessions involved an hour of sitting in total silence. Since Michael would never talk anyway, there was nothing Dr. Loomis could really do. Though he longed to be over with it. Michael sometimes would stare at him for the whole hour. Even as a psychiatrist, it freaked him out.

He heard Michael sniffle and glanced up. He didn’t look to have moved at all since Dr. Loomis last looked at him. He shook his head and went back to looking at his paper before he heard Michael sniffle again, more thickly this time, followed by a small cough.

A thought came to him, but the beeping of his watch interrupted it. Michael’s eyes snapped to the device on his wrist, focusing his whole attention on it. “Finally,” Dr. Loomis muttered under his breath. For his report he jotted down a quick, No change in patient, like he did every time, stood up, and promptly walked out of the room.

Why did he have to be the one assigned to Michael Myers? His other patients, though troubled, could be dealt with. Michael was simply evil, he knew it. Why could no one else see it?

The next session was a mere twenty-four hours after the last one. Dr. Loomis took a seat in the chair and started to look through his clipboard notes to read. Not for any information, just something to distract him.


Not so strange. Though rare, it didn’t seem that odd for Michael to sneeze. The sound was very breathy, not giving away any of his voice. Dr. Loomis admitted he was always curious as to what it sounded like. He remembered when Michael was younger he would tell him not to stifle, but he never listened.


That certainly got his attention. Michael looked, err, not right, exactly. Though his expression remained as apathetic as usual, the tingling buzz of his nose was seen through the pinkish tint. He looked the most exhausted he had ever seen him, like just sitting there was taking up most of his energy.

Dr. Loomis certainly wasn’t going to ask him if he was alright. First of all, he wouldn’t answer. But also, some part of him seemed to sense that Michael didn’t want him to say anything. That was the ritual.

When Michael’s nose began to run considerably, the doctor just had to shake his head. So much for the ritual.

He took out a handkerchief from his pocket. “Michael, blow your nose,” he ordered him, holding the cloth out.

To his great surprise, Michael snatched it up and blew quietly. That was probably the most interaction they’d ever had over the past fifteen years.

As his watch beeped and he left the room, Dr. Loomis couldn’t help but feel somewhat…concerned?

He couldn’t help keep thinking about Michael. He had informed the doctors of the ward he thought him to be ill, but that was that. There was nothing he could really do about it.

The next day he was actually anxious for his session with Michael. When patients got sick, they sometimes had a tendency to get violent. If Michael had killed his sister when he was only six, Dr. Loomis didn’t want to know what he was capable of now.

Opening the door to Michael’s room, Dr. Loomis quietly stepped inside without announcing his presence. Strangely, there were no eyes watching him. It took a few glances around the room to find Michael: asleep in bed.

That set off a red flashing warning if there ever was one. Michael barely slept at night. It was currently two in the afternoon.

A loud cough came from the blankets, followed by a breath hitch and a “KhkSHHH!” Dr. Loomis moved quickly to the side of his bed. He pulled the blankets back to reveal Michael, shivering in his sleep. A dark red flushed his cheeks and nose, which was stuffed to the point of mouth breathing.

Placing a hand on Michael’s forehead, Dr. Loomis called for assistance on his radio. He may be a psychiatrist, but he was no one to diagnose physical ailments. They responded, “Yes, we’ll be down right away,” and hung up.

Michael awoke to look up at his doctor. With fever-glassed eyes, he looked almost pitiful. His eyes closed again in the anticipation of the next sneeze. “HmpSHHH! ESHHEW! NgCHHhh!!” With a swift hand, he wiped his nose and retreated back under the blankets.

The sound of footsteps approached outside the hall, followed by a chorus of muttering voices. The door slammed open and entered the doctor and the two guards. Dr. Loomis and his colleague nodded in recognition of each other. But as there was nothing left for him to do, he left the room.

He had other patients to take care of, which is what he set straight to work on after leaving. Those other sessions were considerably less boring than Michael’s…yet not in an exactly fun way.

While leaving work that night, Dr. Loomis passed by the medical room, where Michael was currently residing in one of the beds. He lay staring up at the ceiling with a blank, empty look. That must’ve meant he was feeling somewhat better. He looked concentrated again, though, when he began to prepare for a sneeze. The walls were soundproof, but he could see him snap his neck forward in the release. Just from his expression, one could tell it was soft and wet.

Dr. Loomis walked away from that room and on out to the night air. It was only while getting in his car did he realize he may not have found Michael to be such a monster after all.

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Love it! I also would like to know if we can expect more from this... Please? :)

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