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Trade with BlackScatter!


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Hey everyone~ This is my part of the trade with BlackScatter. She asked for a Kyo/Yuki fic, though the M/M is more heavily implied than directly stated.

For those who aren't familiar with Fruits Basket, it's about a girl named Tohru Honda who ends up staying with this family called the Sohmas after discovering their secret - when they are in a very weakened state or are hugged by a member of the opposite sex, they transform into one of the 12 members of the Zodiac, plus the Cat from the story. Yuki is the Rat and Kyo is the Cat. It's pretty cute, I love it, and I highly recommend you watch or read it if you get the chance. :3

Anyway, here you go BlackScatter, I hope you like it!! Let me know what you think~

Interrupted Victory

“Oh, it’s amazing!” Tohru Honda exclaimed as they pulled up to the small cottage that was the Sohma Summer home. It truly was magnificent, a quaint little spot overlooking a glittering lake, and surrounded by all sorts of new life. Little green leaves and buds decorated the trees, signaling the arrival of spring, and wildflowers blanketed the ground in full bloom.

“It looks exactly the same as the last time we were here,” Kyo Sohma grumped, following the girl and his cousin Yuki up the front walkway.

“But everything’s new this time,” Tohru said, her soft optimism shining through her tone. “Mom always used to say that things are different every time you see them. So even if you don’t notice it, they’re not exactly the same. That’s what makes the world so beautiful.”

“Hmph.” Kyo took in a deep breath, rubbing a mildly itchy eye, and wallowing in the oppressive scent of the wilderness. It tickled his nose, and his hand migrated to the suddenly suffering appendage. Without his consent, his chest jumped and he uttered a barely audible “Ht’kshxsst!

He sniffled it away as they set foot inside the nearly pristine home. Someone must have kept it up well since their last visit.

Yuki Sohma glanced around the cottage, the notion of spending so much time close to his cousin more than slightly repellent. Although they’d both made the decision to spend the last couple of weeks of spring break with Tohru, it didn’t make the prospect of living in such close quarters any more appealing.

But still, Yuki couldn’t stand to see the girl unhappy, and he genuinely did like spending time with her, whether the stupid cat happened to tag along or not.

“This is wonderful, Miss Honda,” he said with a polite smile. “It was a great idea to come here to relax before the start of term.”

Tohru beamed. “You really think so? I just thought it would be nice to see a little bit of nature before we go back to school.”

“It is, very nice,” Yuki echoed as he set down his and Tohru’s bags and began unpacking the food they’d carried with them. There was a market nearby, but not having to shop on their first day of vacation would give them time to unwind after the long trip there.

Kyo seemed to have exactly this in mind, as he didn’t even bother beginning to unpack. In fact, he didn’t even bother to set his bag down, instead letting it fall from his hand as he flopped down on the couch. All he had were clothes anyway, and they could wait until he’d had a quick nap.

The sound of his rhythmic breathing soon filled the room, a consistent tune with the sounds of Yuki and Tohru’s milling about.

“That stupid cat,” Yuki muttered once they’d finished. “I can’t believe he’s so lazy that he wouldn’t even offer to help.”

“That’s okay!” Tohru chirped. “There wasn’t much to do anyway, so it’s good that he’s getting a little rest. Oh, but you must be tired, too!”

Yuki chuckled quietly. “Not so much that I couldn’t unpack first. You don’t need to worry about us, Miss Honda,” he added, seeing her concerned expression.

It seemed to appease her. “In that case, you can get some rest now! I’m going out for a while to get some of the wildflowers to brighten the room a little bit.”

“Are you sure you wouldn’t like some company?”

“Oh, no, I’m fine, but thank you for offering. I’d really prefer it if you got some time to relax.”

“Well, if you insist. But be careful.”

“I will!” And with that she nearly skipped out the door, leaving Yuki alone with the one person he didn’t want to be around. Thankfully, the orange-haired teenager was still napping on the couch.

Yuki picked up a book and took a seat in a pastel colored armchair near a window where sunlight streamed in and cast a warm glow over the hardwood floors. Once he started reading, he nearly lost track of time until a stirring wrenched him from his trance.

He glanced up to find Kyo, sitting up and yawning, surveying his surroundings. “Where’s Tohru?” he slurred, still partially in the grip of light slumber.

“She went out to pick wildflowers,” Yuki explained with false patience. It truly seemed that every time Kyo spoke, it irritated him, even when it was only a simple question.

Kyo’s hand hesitated as he scratched the back of his head.

Yuki noted the strange pause, turning another page of his book.

“I’m bored,” Kyo sighed after a mere few minutes, reclining so his head rested on the arm of the couch. In truth, he hadn’t much cared for the idea of spending so much time with Yuki any more than Yuki cared to spend time with him. The rat did nothing but infuriate him, and what was worse was the guy thought he was so much better than everyone else.

“You should’ve thought of that before you came with us,” Yuki replied coolly, turning a page in the book he was reading across the room. “Why didn’t you go with Miss Honda when she left?”

Kyo’s aggravated frown deepened to a scowl, though he didn’t avert his eyes from the ceiling. “I was asleep!” he nearly shouted. “I don’t like flowers anyway. They’re too girly.”

“Then stop complaining,” Yuki said in the clipped tone reserved especially for his cousin, still not bothering to look up from the novel. He let the subject drop there, unwilling to let the moment escalate into a full blown argument.

Unfortunately, Kyo didn’t seem to have the same mentality.

“If I’d known in the beginning that I was gonna be stuck here with you, I wouldn’t have come,” he grumbled, sitting up again.

“Then you would’ve disappointed Miss Honda, and after what she’s done for us, you should at least be willing to go on a short trip with her to make it up. It’s not as if you have something more important to do, you stupid cat.” By this point, Yuki had put the book down, aware that an argument was unavoidable.

“How the hell would you know, you damn rat?” Kyo spat back. “I had plenty of things to do instead of coming here!”

“Really?” Yuki queried sarcastically. “That’s unusual.”

Kyo’s temper set to boiling over. He leapt from the couch, adopting a defensive stance. “Yeah, I could be kicking your ass!”

“You’re forgetting that I would still be here,” Yuki reminded him, unimpressed and keeping his cool far better than his orange-haired housemate.

Kyo stumbled for a moment before regaining his argument. “Th-then I’d be training to kick your ass instead of sitting around in here!”

“Hm,” Yuki mused. “In that case, why not train outside? Maybe then you’ll be able to at least keep your feet in a fight.”

“Why you—“ Kyo was in the process of formulating some sort of insult when Yuki cut him off.

“Oh, I see,” he said with a slight smirk, ready to reveal what he’d figured out almost immediately after their arrival at the cottage. “You’re allergic to the flowers.”

“Of course I’m not!” the redhead bristled. “It’s just too hot out!”

Yuki raised his eyebrows. “Since when are you so concerned with the weather? I thought you would take any opportunity to better your chances, especially in a place where no one would bother you.”

A restrained growl escaped Kyo. “You’re bothering me, you damn rat!”

“But apparently not as much as the flowers.”

Kyo opened his mouth, then closed it, the color of embarrassment rising steadily to his face. It was clear Yuki had hit the nail on the head, but even then Kyo couldn’t bring himself to admit he had such a simple, common weakness. It was veritably humiliating, the things the Rat of the Zodiac might say, not to him, but to anyone else. He imagined what would happen if Shigure found out, or Kagura, or anyone! It would be a disaster, to say the least.

When Kyo’s silence continued, Yuki stood and spoke again. “If you’re in such a hurry to beat me, I have something you might try.”

Kyo gave him a leery glance out of the corner of his eye. There was no way Yuki Sohma was giving him pointers on how to win their battles.

“Yeah?” Kyo asked warily.

The Rat leaned casually against the arm of the chair, casting a mischievous gaze over at the Cat. “It’s not the kind of fight you’re used to. Nothing you need – or can – train for. That way you might at least have a chance of drawing out your loss.”

“Quit avoiding it and tell me already!” His anticipation was almost palpable. He was going to beat his rival today. He would crush him beneath his overwhelming victory from now on, and there was no way he’d let Yuki get the better of him.

“Don’t sneeze.”

“Huh?” The inarticulate response hung in the air for several seconds before the simplicity of the request sank in. When it did, Kyo uttered a cocky laugh. “That’s it? I’ll do it, no problem!”

Yuki scoffed. “In that case, I’ll be right back.”

He left through the cottage’s front door, and as soon as the latch clicked shut, dread filled the pit of Kyo’s stomach. It took root and spread as he began to realize just what Yuki was about to do. By the time he reentered the cabin, Kyo’s nervousness turned to undiluted anger.

Yuki carried a bouquet of wildflowers picked nearby. They blended together in hues of blue, purple, and yellow, the colors of spring come to life. But Yuki wasn’t looking for beauty. He’d only stepped out to pick a few different flowers, in hopes that once he unleashed the allergens on Kyo’s nose, one would trigger a sneezing fit so powerful the Cat wouldn’t be able to suppress it.

“Hold on, you didn’t say you were gonna use those,” the furious teenager protested.

“Stupid cat, did you think I was going to let you off without any sort of challenge?” Yuki demanded. Before Kyo could argue again, he added, “If you can keep from sneezing while these are under your nose, I’ll consider it a permanent victory.”

Kyo paused. “How long?”

“Until I say we’re finished.”

Cruel. That was what Kyo thought of Yuki’s challenge. What was there for that damn rat to gain from this? All he had to do was tickle his cousin’s nose as long as he liked and watch him suffer.

That was it.

Humiliation. Suffering. Yuki expected Kyo to lose, and miserably so.

“Fine,” Kyo assented, the understanding of Yuki’s plan only spurring him forward.

The dark haired boy stepped forth with the bouquet. Kyo’s heart pounded in his chest. He could do this. Would do this. Had to.

It wasn’t until he collided with the wall that he noticed he’d been backing up. He cursed. They were flowers. Since when did Kyo Sohma turn down any opportunity to beat his opponent, especially when it was that damn Yuki?

The aforementioned wasted no time after Kyo discovered his blocked path of retreat, shoving the bundle of petals and pollen beneath the cat’s nose. Kyo stood, motionless, not so much as breathing – definitely not breathing.

“Inhale them,” Yuki commanded, tickling the other boy’s face with a pale blue bud.

Steeling his resolve, Kyo took a shallow breath through his nose. The effects were almost immediate, particles invading his nasal passages as if they were going to live there. His breath caught in his throat, and he nearly coughed. But he knew if he coughed, that would leave his airways open for sneezing, and there was no question they would take advantage of it.

He held his breath for what seemed to him like several minutes before the urge to sneeze finally faded. There was no way – absolutely no way – Yuki was going to get the better of him like this.

It was criminal, he thought. What kind of lowlife jerk exploited another person’s weakness like this? Then again, he’d probably have done the same thing, if he’d thought of it. If the damn rat’s weak points were so easy to take advantage of, that is.

He was distracted when Yuki spoke again. “If you’re not going to keep to your half of the challenge, we might as well call you the loser right now.”

“What hahh…half?” Kyo shot back, barely keeping the buildup from progressing. “All you have to do is hold these stupid flowers up to my face!”

“Are you giving up?”

“Hell no!” Forgetting his predicament, Kyo breathed the scent of the colorful bouquet before him. He had to admit, despite being so allergic to them, they didn’t smell bad. They were sweet like a light perfume – like something Tohru might wear. Nothing strong, and certainly nothing that would have been overpowering, had his nose not been so averse to them.

Ah-heh!” Yuki stepped back expectantly, but that was all he got. Kyo brought one hand up to swipe his nose, rubbing at the incessant itch that plagued his sinuses. He’d only taken two breaths of the golden dust, and yet already it was affecting him.

No. No, he could do this.

“You know, when you agreed to do this, I assumed you wouldn’t cheat.”

Kyo’s temper boiled. “I’m not! What are you calling cheating?”

“If I let you rub away all your sneezes, they’ll never come,” Yuki explained.

“That’s the p-hh-point!”

“No, the point is for you to win through a fair fight.”

“How the hell is this fair?”

“Well, I didn’t exactly pull a sneak attack on you like you might have if our positions were reversed.”

Kyo reddened with anger at first before realizing that it may have been true. It wouldn’t have been the first time he’d tried to surprise Yuki, and failed nonetheless.

“S-so what am I supposed to do?” Kyo demanded, unconsciously swiping at his prickling nostrils.

“Since you obviously can’t do it by sheer force of will, I’ll keep your hands away from your face,” Yuki offered, a devious smile spreading across his fine features.

The violet eyed boy gripped Kyo’s wrist in one hand, just firmly enough that he could pin it to the wall beside Kyo’s head. Instinctively, Kyo brought his other hand up to keep Yuki’s bouquet-holding one at a safe distance from his face.

Then again, at this point there was no such thing as safe distance.

The pollen had, after the flowers had been jostled and shaken and brushed over Kyo’s nose, spread through the air between the two rivals. Kyo’s eyes had begun to itch, but not nearly as bad as his sinuses. The allergens crowded his nasal passages, tickling as they pinpointed his sensitivity. To make matters worse, Yuki pinning his hand to the wall startled him and he’d gasped, taking in a full breath of the flowery irritants.

He blinked once, twice, before his eyes rested half-lidded. His grip slackened on Yuki’s wrist, nostrils fluttering and flaring while his lips parted to take in quick pants, letting go so his hand hovered expectantly, inches from his face.


His eyelids drew together, brows tenting over the bridge of his nose. His hand migrated, to the lower half of his face, anticipating the impending sneeze.

He was cut off abruptly when Yuki’s hand – the one not already restraining Kyo – tore Kyo’s away from covering his face. Kyo, in the last pre-sneeze stages, coughed in surprise, cutting off the sneeze itself. It was the first time, Kyo thought, that Yuki had actually helped him toward winning. Whether he’d done it on purpose or not, Kyo didn’t care. He just didn’t want Yuki knowing.

“What the hell are y…you doing?” the Cat demanded, all the while determined to keep the prickle at bay.

“I already told you, I won’t let you cheat. If you’re going to use your hands, you might as well just forfeit.” A flicker of a grin passed once again over the Rat’s face. If he had intended to keep Kyo from sneezing, it was only to prolong the torture.

“It’s not chea-hh…cheating if I don’t use them to suh…stop it.” The incessant tingle was coming back. The flowers Yuki held were angled directly toward Kyo’s face, centimeters away. To make matters worse, Kyo had tried in vain to free himself, only succeeding in unsettling more pollen from within the colorful blossoms.

“I’d rather not take the chance.”

“Hmph.” Kyo wouldn’t risk uttering anything more than that. The sensation was becoming unbearable, more and more difficult to control. He couldn’t so much as breathe without risking an impromptu fit.

It went on for minutes on end. Kyo stood, back to the wall, Yuki watching his reaction to the allergens like a hawk. He breathed shallowly through his mouth until he felt his nose starting to run.

At first, he tilted his head back just enough to keep the problem from escalating. His efforts were interrupted when Yuki released one of Kyo’s wrists and tilted his head back down.

“You’re making it too easy on yourself,” the Rat said, now expressionless.

“Damn rah…hahh…” He paused, sniffled, and instantly regretted it when the action intensified the very problem he’d been trying all this time to curtail. “Eh-heh…hehh-hh-heh…

The moment he thought he’d restrained the feeling, Yuki took a single bright yellow blossom by the stem and brushed it beneath the orange haired boy’s nose.

Just once.

Kyo didn’t even need to inhale for it to affect him. The first sneeze caught him off guard. His hand flew to his face so quickly, Yuki wouldn’t have had time to restrain him if he’d wanted to.


He withdrew his fingers from where they’d clamped over his nose, releasing a slow exhale of brief and mild respite. There were more, but going into an instantaneous fit wouldn’t work here. He expected Yuki to tell him he’d just lost, that he was truly a stupid, worthless cat.

Instead, the violet eyed male took one step closer, as if daring Kyo to sneeze on him. Kyo wanted to tell him to quit being such an ass and get the taunting out of the way already, but he didn’t trust himself to speak.

Before he had any more time to think, his nose took over, nostrils twitching and flaring with the need for more relief than he’d initially allowed.


After several fluttering breaths, his face crumpled in defeat. Without his hands to aid in the stifle, his head bobbed forward, nose colliding directly with Yuki’s shoulder, which for all intents and purposes sufficed as an outside force to contain the inner one. He felt the Rat from the Zodiac freeze momentarily, probably disgusted by the whole situation now that he’d had his fun.

Kyo rested his head heavily on Yuki’s shoulder, since it was practically there already, and coughed, small, dry coughs purely from the effort of stifling when it was clear he needed the sweet release of an uninhibited fit.

He lifted his head barely an inch from his cousin’s shoulder, waiting for the next upset in his sinuses. Unconsciously, he grasped Yuki’s upper arm to steady himself while his shoulders jolted forward in a helpless half stifle. “Huh’ktXtch!

“Only three? I thought you might lose more spectacularly,” Yuki mused.

Kyo, who had had his eyes closed, opened them furiously, despite how weary he was already becoming. It truly was pathetic, he thought, that something so simple as allergies would take such a toll on him. He barely noticed that Yuki had long since scattered most of the flowers on the floor between them.

“I’m n-not d…done,” Kyo managed to stutter, in the throes of another onslaught. “Huh…hh-hih…Hih’KSHUh! Hht’TsCHh! Heh’nGtSCHu! Heh’ESCHUH!

After the quartet of sneezes burst from his lungs, he could feel his energy draining. There were more. Of course there were more. But he couldn’t fight them, and by now it was painfully obvious that he needed Yuki’s support. The latter even reached out to steady him when Kyo swayed, leaning against the wall, bent at the waist with his hands on his knees.

Huh’KtSchUH! Hh-heh! Hh…Huh’xtCHUu!

By then, his strength was more or less sapped. He wasn’t used to this. His head hurt, and he lifted a heavy limb to press the heel of his hand to his temple. It did nothing but unsteady him, and he barely registered Yuki’s touch on his shoulder keeping him upright.

“Kyo?” he said, asking his next question firmly, but not unkindly. “Are you done?”

Kyo looked up for a moment, then down again, and shook his head. “Hih’KShht!

They were getting weaker, more and more like a kitten.

“D…damn rat,” he rasped, barely audible. As soon as the words escaped his lips, he felt himself slipping down the wall. A pair of hands reached out to catch him, but they were rendered useless when a fluorescent tangerine colored cloud enveloped the young man.

Yuki knelt by the pile of clothing that once adorned his cousin’s human body. However, curled up before him amidst the flowers and disheveled clothes was a cat, the same orange color as Kyo’s hair. Yuki chuckled, not intending to mock him.

Just as he was pulling the oversize garments from the animal, the latch on the front door clicked, and Tohru entered the cottage, bundle of wildflowers in hand. She slowly took in the scene before her.

Kyo’s clothes. Orange cat. Yuki cleaning up the mess.

“Oh no, what happened?” she asked in a panic. She dropped to her knees as well, nearly dropping the freshly picked flowers.

“Don’t worry, Miss Honda,” Yuki reassured her. “Kyo just wasn’t feeling very well after his nap and transformed.”

“Then we should put him to bed right away!” she returned in her characteristically frantic tone, reaching for her transformed friend.

“That would be a good idea. Here, let me put those in some water for you,” he offered, taking the bouquet while Tohru lifted Kyo into her arms. His head rested on her shoulder, giving him a clear shot to send Yuki a venomous glare as Tohru carried him into one of the bedrooms. It was only ruined when his feline eyes crinkled and he uttered a tiny, “ktsCHht!

“Hmph,” Yuki scoffed with a discreet smile. “Stupid cat.”

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You know, no matter how old I am or how many anime(s)/manga(s) I've seen/read, I will ALWAYS have a place in my heart for Fruits Basket. This was just perfect, EoG! ^_^ You really nailed the bickering between Kyo and Yuki. Additionally, I loved the detail of your descriptions - especially applied to what the Sohma summer home looks like, as well as Kyo's allergic "torment".

Thank you for this wonderful blast from the past~ *Rolls around in Furuba feels* :heart:

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between this and sharing music yesterday, my happiness meter is high enough to ride out Sandy

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My goodness, was this great!! I must say, I thoroughly enjoyed this. The details, the characterization... Awesome job! :D

I think I will always have a special place in my heart for "Fruits Basket" simply because of how much MY MOM loved it. XDDD

Again, great job. Very, very cute!

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THIS IS SO FLACKING HOT <3. Like spoo said, you NAILED THIS!! The bickering is so perfect~! SO PERFECT~!

QwQ.. I can't believe how lucky I am. This is so amazing. I can't take it <3.. I want to hug you- *hugs*

THANK YOU SO MUCH. THANK YOU~! I love it. I'm going to read it whenever I'm sad. It's just too precious not to <3.

Kyoooooo~.. So much amazing, sexy, weak, mewling Kyooooooooo~~~ *evaporates into air from the sheer awesome inflicted by this fic*

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  • 2 weeks later...

Sorry for bumping my own thread but I keep forgetting about it, I just wanted to acknowledge and thank all of you guys for commenting. :)

@Spoo: ME TOO. Fruits Basket will always be one of the anime that remains closest to my heart no matter how old I get. I could watch it a thousand times and never get tired of it. :D Thank you! I hoped the description was enough, so I'm glad to know you liked it. :3


@Natsuko: Your mom liked it too?! I've been trying for years to actually get my parents into an anime (or at least one they don't protest watching every time I put it on). The characterization was something I had to keep revisiting in my head to see if I'd done it right. xD I hoped I didn't make Yuki sound like an all around horrible person - because somehow I often manage to - so it's good to hear you liked it. ^_^

@BlackScatter: I know I already thanked you in our PM before but THANKYOUSOMUCHAGAIN!!! Every single time I read your comment, I feel like an awesome writer. xDD Like I don't even know what else to say. :laugh:

@Ciuty80: Hahaha, thank you, drool is a wonderful compliment, yes? xD

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So I read this right after you posted it, but unfortunately my brain was turned to incoherent mush and I was unable to reply right away.

LOL!!! For REAL, this is AMAZING!!!!!! drool.gifblowup.gifstretcher.gifhypnonew.gif I love everything about this - the whole scenario is just so epic and cute and asdkfljdfa<--[incoherence showing up again] heh.gif This is SO cute. I don't have more than a rudimentary knowledge of the fandom, but with your incredible talent I don't even need to!! biggrin.png Seriously, you are so so good at writing to begin with, and then when you do stuff like this? OMG. :'D <--[tears of joy]

Kyo is sooo adorable!!! And Yuki is so EVIL! XD Your characterization is, I'm sure, spot on, because I feel like I have a good sense for who they are despite my not knowing the fandom smile.png

I'm not sure that anything else I say will be particularly edifying or witty, so I shall simply reiterate that I LOVE THIS and you are awesome!! hug.gifhappy.png

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@ElementsofGray: Yeah, my mom is really cool when it comes to anime and manga and video games. She's 4th generation Japanese and lived in Japan for 9 years while growing up, so... she understands. :D

It's been a while since the huge "Furuba" craze, but my mom was keeping up with the manga while it was being published here. And actually, the later volumes must have still been in the process of being translated or something, because I remember her being so impatient to read them that she just bought them in Japanese. XDDD And of course, we watched the anime together.

My mom was also really into the "Bleach" manga for a while (I think she's given up after months of Chad not being around lol), and one summer, she, my older sister and I all read the entire "Death Note" series.

Sorry for the long post on your thread, but I just HAVE to express how lucky I feel to have such a hip mom. XDDD

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@smileyfacegirl^^: Thank you a thousand times! I read your comment this morning right before I left for school and I was grinning a lot and just thinking how much of a compliment this is. Seriously, I love your writing so much, so I can't completely express how much you've boosted my ego by saying you like this. That part of characterization is something I've always wanted to do, giving someone a sense of what the characters are like through a fanfic. :3 Fruits Basket is something I'd highly recommend you try. It's awesome on so many levels. :D

@Natsuko: That's so cool, and makes more sense, knowing she's so familiar with the culture. xD Parents who are into anime are seriously amazing, though, they seem like such a novelty. :lol: Haha, the convenience of knowing Japanese and being able to read untranslated manga. The closest thing to anime my mum's ever gotten into - even though it's not actually anime - is Avatar: TLA.

Death Note is fantastic. Just...your mom sounds awesome, I don't mind the expression of luckiness on my thread (partly because it also gives me a reason to post on it again without being that sort of jerk who just keeps bumping their own thread xD). The closest I've gotten my mum to a manga is giving her one of my volumes of Naruto a few years ago since she already knew it from my brother and I watching it all the time. She got a few pages in and just quit, I think mostly because of the layout.

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Awww Kyo!!! Lol this was so funny to read, Yuki is so sexy being all devious, and KYO is sooooo cute being all helpless~ :D So much happy!! XD

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  • 1 month later...

Sorry, I'm late to the party but I LOVE you right now!!!

I can't imagine a better fic than this!!!!!!!!

it has everything that is good in this world *melts to a puddle of content* this makes me so happy ^.^

Thank you!!!

You're now one of my favourite people ever!


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  • 1 year later...

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