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The Color of Sneezes


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This is a fic featuring characters from the anime Canaan. For those of you who aren't familiar with the source material, the main thing you need to know is that Canaan is synaesthetic. She perceives people as having auras corresponding to their personalities and emotions.

Title: The Color of Sneezes

Author: Chronosynclastic

Fandom: Canaan

Disclaimer: I do not own these characters. I have made no profit from the creation or distribution of this story.

Summary: Canaan and Maria Osawa (F/F)

Canaan and Maria Osawa cuddled in the bed of a hotel room after a long day. Maria watched with interest as Canaan began to build up to a sneeze. Canaan probably didn't realize it herself yet, but Maria could see the signs.

Canaan's nose twitched; once, twice. Her eyelids drooped a little. She inhaled deeply, exhaled, and rubbed the tip of her nose. Her nostrils flared, and she inhaled again, more deeply. Maria felt Canaan's muscles tense, and smiled; Canaan had reached the peak of her buildup. A moment later...


A mighty sneeze erupted from Canaan's nose. It was mostly a dry sneeze — it had probably been induced by some of the dust in the room, as Maria had never known Canaan to suffer from a cold — but because of the angle, Maria could see the fine spray of mist that was blown from Canaan's nostrils. Maria giggled as Canaan wiped her nose.

"Your sneezes are so cute." Maria said.

"I don't think my sneezes are cute." Canaan said. "They're loud and rough. Not soft and gentle like your sneezes, Maria."

"Nonsense; your sneezes are super-cute!" Maria said. "I love the way you always try to ignore the tickle until it's too late, and the way your whole body tenses up at the last moment, and the way all your muscles flex when you take that last big breath before sneezing."

Canaan turned her head away, but Maria saw that she was blushing furiously.

"Say, I've been wondering." Maria said. "What color do sneezes look to you?"

"They're a bright pink." Canaan said. "They're really pretty, actually. Especially yours. When you sneeze, it has some of your warm golden light in it."

"Aww, how sweet." Maria said. "I wish I could see what you see, Canaan."

"Actually, I really like seeing you sneeze." Canaan said. "Maria, is it okay if I tickle you a little?"

"Of course it's fine." Maria said. "Anything you want to do to me is okay. Because... I trust you completely, Canaan. My body belongs to you."

Canaan drew up close to Maria, then inserted a slender feather into one of Maria's nostrils. As its soft edges brushed against the inside of her nose, Maria felt a tickle begin to build.

"I can see it coming.' Canaan said. "You're shining pink, Maria."

Canaan deftly manipulated the feather, twisting it back and forth in a way that agitated Maria's nose beyond belief. She felt the urge to sneeze growing fast, and knew she wouldn't be able to hold it in much longer.

"Ah... heh... haa..."

"Such a brilliant pink." Canaan said. "You're about to explode, aren't you."

Indeed, Maria could feel it coming. That irresistible itch growing in the depths of her nose, which nothing short of a violent explosion would satisfy. She had already begun reacting involuntarily — her eyes closing tightly shut, her lungs inhaling deeply in preparation of the coming expulsion, her nostrils flaring widely to admit the huge rush of air that would soon be blown through them — and there was nothing at all to do but give in to the overpowering urge and let forth the stupendous sneeze that Canaan had provoked.

"Ahhh... haaah... haaaa... ATCHOO!"

It was like a miniature cataclysm; an uncontrollable spasm that shook her entire body to the core. The power of the sneeze left Maria with disheveled hair, watering eyes, and a red nose. Canaan regarded Maria rapturously. She stroked Maria's hair, then kissed her on the tip of her nose.

"You're incredible, Maria." Canaan said.

"Not as awesome as you, Canaan." Maria replied.

The two women embraced each other passionately. Tomorrow, there would be new dangers to face and new challenges to overcome. But for tonight, they had each other, and that was enough.

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Lovely stuff! Can't beat two gorgeous girls admiring each other's lovely sneezes, especially with such detailed anticipation......

More , please...........

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Excellent descriptions of the building sneeze... and inducing with feathers is one of my particular favourite sneezefic scenarios. More soon? ;)

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  • 4 weeks later...

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