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I Wish I Knew How To Quit You


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Hey there,

this had been in my head for some time, and I thought I just go ahead and post it.

It's about Jack Twist and Ennis Del Mare from the wonderful and sad movie Brokeback Mountain.

I hope you enjoy it

x x x

Love, Linda.

"I wish I knew how to quit you."

A 'Brokeback Mountain' fanfiction

Another shiver run down his spine and he had to concentrate very hard to keep his teeth from chattering.

After all he was the tougher one, and he wanted to keep it that way.

Hell, a little cold weather couldn't harm him.

Besides, he had so much alcohol in his system that there was no chance that he'd be feeling cold.

Resigned, he watched the last glimmer of the fire go out, the slightly glowing ash wasn't warming him anymore. Now the remaining warmth his body contained was fading quickly. A soft groan escaped his lips. It was awfully cold.

He wouldn't admit it, though.

Gritting his teeth, he tried to suppress his shivering and get some sleep. It wasn't possible. Even though Jack had given him a blanket he was freezing terribly. Now he couldn't hold it back anymore and let out a whimper.

Suddenly he heard the zipper of the tent open and a sleepy voice commanding him. "Ennis, stop your goddamn yammering and get in here."

Too cold and too drunk to argue he slipped into the body-warm tent and wrapped the blanket around himself. Although it was much warmer now, he still felt chilly and shivered involuntarily. Startled, he realized that Jack had moved closer to him. On the one hand he felt somewhat crowded, on the other hand though it felt real pleasant to have a warm body next to him Finally, he drifted off to sleep.

The next morning came way too early.

Even though he managed to grab a couple hours of sleep, he still felt tired and exhausted. Luckily, Jack wasn't up yet so he decided to stay a little longer in the warm tent. Sleepily, Jack grabbed his hand and kept it in need for Ennis' warmth and comfort. Usually, Ennis would have hit everyone (especially males) if they had done something like that. It was different with Jack.

It was pleasing him very much.

Ennis snuggled closer and buried his face in Jack's unexpected soft heap of brown hair. It smelled nice and he couldn't resist setting a soft kiss on the other man's neck. Jack sighed in pleasure, still not waking up. A smile hushed over Ennis' face. It didn't stay long and gave way for a frown as he felt an annoying itch in his nose.

"Fucking timing," he thought to himself and tried to free his hands with no success.

Careful not to wake him, he rubbed his nose on Jack's shoulder to get some relief. The itch didn't diminish, it rather grew into a tickle. Sniffling, he rubbed his nose again in the same manner - stronger this time.

"Ohhh…f-fuck…Hehhh…" His breathing got shallow and his eyebrows knitted together.


Before he could turn his head or cover his nose, the feeling overtook him and he sneezed forcefully, spraying the other man's neck completely.

"What 'yer doin', Ennis?" Jack mumbled and turned towards him, blinking sleepily. "Nothin', I ju-hhh- just snehhhhhh'GRDshh-uhh."

"Aw, you're not comin' down with somethin'?" Jack stroked his cheek with the back of his hand, noticing its unusual warmth.

"'Course not," Ennis mumbled, sniffling to keep his nose from running.

Jack rubbed his eyes and took a look at his watch.

"Oh man, it's already 9 o'clock, we were supposed to be herding the sheep since a couple of hours."

"I don't give a shit, I guess they'll be alright," Ennis grumbled, "they are always alright. Except for that one time a wolf stole one of them. But what does one sheep matter?"

Jack sighed, "Alright. We'll stay in here. Come here."

Ennis moved closer so that he was spooning the younger man.

"Better?" Jack asked softly.

"You bet," Ennis mumbled and wrapped his arms around Jack, seeking his warmth.

* * *

Maybe to be continued?

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Believe it or not, I haven't actually seen Brokeback Mountain... *runs and hides*

Seems really cute though! And your writing is absolutely gorgeous. It's so smooth, like chocolate mousse - it's so effortless to read!

... So, yes, please, please keep writing :-)

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Ohhhh, the tragic love story that IS Brokeback Mountain. I've cried big, fat, sloppy tears over this movie multiple times. This story is so tender and wonderful. :wub: You wrote their voices/drawls so well. I hope you do decide to continue. It's so sweet already. :heart:

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@ stephab13

My writing is so smooth like chocolate mousse? Awww, that's such a lovely thing to say, I love chocolate, thank you soooo much!!! I really appreciate your comment :)

You should really watch Brokeback Moutain one day, it's such a sweet and tragic story.

@ Spoo

Aww, me too! Even though I've watched it so many times, I'm still crying every time. It's so sad that Heath Ledger is gone, too, I really loved him. Oh, thank you! I don't think I'm especially good at writing drawls because English is not even my mother tongue, so it makes me really glad you like it :)

@ Ciuty80

Hey love, thank you so much :) I'll try to continue it as soon as I can, I'm so glad you like the start! It was a lot of fun to write!

Haha, totally random, but I'm listening to an Irish radio programme and the guys are talking about toasters x) It's hilarious!

@ AltoFairy

Hehe! I'm glad you enjoy it x x x These two are just a lot of fun to play with <3

I have continued a little bit but I'm afraid that I won't be allowed to post it because it's 18+…I gotta rewrite that part and post it here (or upload it in the adult section :D )

@ obsessed

Thanks, sweetie!! :D

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey you lot =)

I actually found myself writing another part even though I thought of this as an "one shot".

There will be even more if you want me to.

I hope you enjoy it <3

Love, Linda x x x

* * *

It was late noon when they awoke again. Jack was the first to put on some clothes and leave the cosy tent. Ennis was still a little dazed and huddled himself deeper into the blanket. Suddenly he heard a loud scream.

"Fuck! Ennis, come here!"

With a start, Ennis bolted upright and whispered hoarsely, "What?"

Sluggishly, he threw on some clothes and poked his head out of the tent.

"What's the matter, Jack?" He mumbled, hoping for the best but expecting the worst.

"I…Well, the sheep…they are…gone."

"---What?" Ennis crawled out of the tent and went up to his buddy, looking at the ample, vast and empty meadow in front of them.

"Jack, they are…gone," Ennis seemed to understand slowly, a look of horror and disbelief spreading over his face.

"We need to find them before it's night! They could be anywhere!"

Jack commented, trying to keep his voice from shaking.

He was beyond worried. This had never happened to them before.

Of course they had lost the one or other sheep over the years, but losing all of them was kinda new. New in a bad way.


Jack had directed the rather wet sneeze towards the ground and sniffed to keep his nose from running.

"Blesses," Jack didn't hesitate for a second and added,

"Wait here, I just go and check if I see them anywhere nearby. They can't be far from here."

With these words, Jack had swung himself onto the back of their horse and rode to the edge of the mountain, peering down and scanning the area for sheep.

Meanwhile, Ennis felt goose bumps rising over his bare arms and realised that he was freezing. Still sniffling, he snatched a jacket out of the tent and put it on, trying to warm himself up. It didn't help much so he decided to light a fire.

After about half an hour later, Jack returned, finding Ennis curled up before the fire, sleeping. As he approached, he startled awake, muffling some coughing in his sleeve.

"Did you find anything, Rodeo?"

Ennis asked him, his red-rimmed eyes focussing him, looking incredibly tired even though he had slept almost all day.

With a sad look, Jack shook his head and bound the horse to a tree.

"That means there's only one thing left to do."

Jack seemed serious. Ennis nodded,

"Yeah. Go and look for them. Everywhere."

* * *

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hehe ;)

i like the update and of course i´m open for even more! :yes:

(shame over me still have to watch that movie :tongue_smilie:)

please more sweety! :wub:

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There's more?! Eeeeee! :wub: Goodness, I might just have to watch the movie again. I blame my future tears on you, LL! :P But really, this update is great. Gah, and Jack having to worry about the sheep and his poor sick baby? *Melts* :heart:

Edited by Spoo
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  • 4 weeks later...


Hehe, guess what you get for x-mas =)

It's a fantastic movie <3

I've finally found some motivation to write on, I hope you enjoy my update xxx

By the way, I'm soooo looking forward to meeting you, now that both of our companions know about our kink,

I'm sure we're gonna have a lot of fun x)


Yayyyy, there IS more! I'm sorry it's taking me ages to continue, it's just that I'm trying to get my a-levels at the same time,

so it's rather busy time for me =( I'm so glad you enjoy this story =) You are just so lovely, it should be youuu with that additon!

VeryLovelySpoo, sounds good to me!! =D

@ sneezelover123

*hugs* Thank you, sweetie! I hope you enjoy my update <3

* * *

In a hurry they had packed their stuff and loaded it on the back of their only horse, they couldn't risk losing it, so they had to take it with them. Besides, it could spare them a lot of work.

"I guess they rather went down to the river than up a mountain, don't you think?"

Jack asked, and pointed at a rocky, rambling path downwards.

"Ain't too sure 'bout that…" Ennis grumbled, giving his runny nose a rough swipe with his sleeve. "Look, there's tramped down grass, we should rather take the path up the mountain. Trust me."

The other man examined the grass and answered after a while,

"Yeah, you're right. They definitely went up here."

It was a tough walk.

The path was coarse and unfixed, it took them about two hours until they reached the first plateau of the mountain. The horse suffered from the weight on its back and looked around for water, but there was none.

Jack went up to the horse, took the canister of water from its back and poured it generously into his hand. The horse thankfully drank from it. Smiling, he smoothed back its light brown mane and gave it a kiss. There was a reason people called him 'Rodeo'.

When Ennis walked up to him, he noticed that he looked way less confident than he did an hour before. Of course he didn't mention this to him.

"So, you're in for a short break? I'm getting hungry."

Sniffling, Ennis looked up and answered, "Yeah, 'course. Food sounds good."

They split work, Jack, who was quite good at cooking, collected some of the items he needed from the saddle bags of the horse while Ennis went up to gather some firewood. A couple of minutes later he returned, both of his arms holding piles of wood. Unsteadily, he staggered forwards, the wood shaking dangerously.

"D'ya think this is enough?" He asked, grinning.

Jack laughed because it was more than enough to lit 10 fires.

"Haha, yeah, Ennis, that'll do."

"Where should I puhhahh….put ihhh-ihhhhHehh'DGrZSHSH-yew!"

Before he could even finish his question, an enormous sneeze ripped out of him and made him drop some wood. "Hhh'Gzshh, Hehh…Hihhh….Hihh'YeSHH-uhh." Piece for piece of wood made its way down to the ground and there was nothing that Ennis could do.


As the last sneeze had passed him, he had only one piece of wood left in his hand, looking rather mortified by the whole act.

"Jesus, Ennis, you're alright?" Jack had dropped his knife and went up to him.

Ennis, who tossed the last piece of wood on the ground, answered angrily,

"Yeah, Jack, I'b fide."


(Yeah, I'm mean to stop it here. I love this scenario, it's been on my mind for quite some time...)

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hey there sweety! i´m also looking forward to our next meeting in december!! :heart:

and i´m confident that this will be again a wonderful day! ;)


well oh yeah i like the update so much!!!

those sneezes and so much of them...GUHHHHHH :drool: :drool:

i like fits or helpless sneezing in general ^_^

please much more! :wub:

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Never seen this movie (but its on my To-Do list now... Is it on Netflix?) I can imagine the whole scenario perfectly.

Your writing is good!

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