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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Cat Got Your Tongue?


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Hello, everyone. This is just a little short about the movie "House at the End of the Street". I'm new on this forum so I'm sorry if this story isn't awesome. :P Still, I'd love to hear what you think and whether or not I should continue! (The first part isn't very exciting, but the next part should be!)

"Uh, don't mind the mess. I wasn't expecting guests," Ryan said, shyly ducking his head. Elissa felt a pang of sympathy deep in her stomach.

How can someone so sweet and innocent be looked at as a monster? she wondered, trying to keep the pity from showing on her face.

She smiled at him. "It looks nice and tidy to me," she said with a light laugh. Ryan smiled back at her and began to say something.

But Elissa was distracted by the sudden fluttery itch high in her nostrils. It had begun to quake within her as soon as she'd stepped through the front door, a pesky, allergic itch that made her nose run. She sniffed, trying to dispell the irritating quiver, but that only seemed to make it worse. Frustrated, she rubbed her hand under her nose, shutting her eyes against the tears and shaking her head.

And for a moment she believed it had worked. The tickling disappeared and she managed to refocus on what Ryan was saying, nodding and smiling at the appropriate intervals.

Her nose began to twitch just seconds before she saw the fluffy brown-and-white tabby leap nimbly onto the couch. The sight of the cat just seemed to make the rising tickle worse, a teasing prickle that sang deep in her nostrils. Unable to help it, she sucked in a sharp breath and sneezed lightly.


Ryan blinked at her in surprise, almost as though he'd never heard a sneeze before. "Bless you," he said.

"Th-thangk...y-youhhuh..." Elissa tried to smile, but it was distorted by the waxing sneeze, rising in a full and blustery storm from the back of her nose. "Heh...heh...hehe...heeehh...heTCHOO!"

This second sneeze blew through her, bending her at the waist with its force. She sniffed wetly, giving Ryan an apologetic glance. "I-I'm sorry," she said, struggling against the lasting tickle that had cleverly stuck in her nose through the first two sneezes. "I'm all-allergic to c-caah-cats."

She glanced at the cat as she said this through narrowed, baleful eyes. It cocked its head up at Elissa, with what seemed to her a too-innocent expression on its feline face.

"Oh!" Ryan exclaimed, hurrying over to the cat. "I'm sorry. I'll just put him outside."

He rushed the cat to the front door, trying to slip past Elissa without incident, but the motion of his passing sent a wave of dander whirling up Elissa's ticklish nostrils. Her eyes closed, nostrils flaring, and she began to take in helpless little inhales.


"Bless you," Ryan said again, laying a tentative hand on her shoulder.

Elissa turned to him, blinking away the sneezy tears and sniffing as the tickle finally faded from her nose. She smiled, burning with embarrassment but trying to play it off.

"It's okay," she said. "Live and learn, right?"

Ryan smiled, a soft, timid smile. "Right," he agreed.

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Welcome to the forum happycamper123 :)

Great that you've had the confidence to post a fic on your very first post... ...and its great! Love stories when the sneezer is accutely embarassed by their sneezes, especially if its around someone they like. Looking forward to part 2.

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

Hello, all! Here is the second part (finally!) It's more intense than the first part and I hope you like it! :)

"Elissa!" Ryan hollered. Elissa couldn't decide if he sounded angry or hurt, but figured she couldn't afford to stick around and see. The image of the girl held captive in his basement was still frighteningly fresh in her mind.

He's been capturing girls ever since his sister died. To replace her, she thought, her terrified heart beating in a rabbit's flutter.

And it was clear, she knew, that she would be his next victim, his next captive.

But as she ran through the great expanse of his house, it also became clear that she had no idea where she was going. He'd killed the power just a few minutes ago, and with the darkness of night pressing in from outside she could barely see three feet in front of her.

So it shouldn't have come as a surprise when she ran straight into him, uttering a horrified scream.

He grabbed her shoulders, fingers digging deep into her shirt, but she twisted on her heel to turn back the way she'd come. With a loud ripping sound, the shirt tore in his grasp. The buttons down the front popped off and she managed to pull from his grip, now wearing only her jean shorts and black bra.

Breathing heavily, she darted down a flight of steps to the garage. There was a door that lead directly to the forest, she knew, but when she tried it she realized with a clench of her stomach that it was locked.

"Elissa," Ryan called down the stairs. Elissa froze. She was trapped.

"Elissa, come back," he continued. "I just want to talk to you."

Shaking with fear, Elissa dove behind a cluster of rain barrels, wishing she could get her hands on a good weapon.

Upstairs, Ryan paused at the top of the stairwell, eyes narrowed and lips pulled into a thin line. He glared thoughtfully down into the garage for a few moments, and then blinked when he heard a soft mew. Glancing off to his left, he just barely made out the shape of his fluffy tabby rubbing back and forth against the wall. Ryan didn't smile, but his heart beat fast with triumph. Picking up the tabby, he started to descend the stairs.

"Elissa," he called softly, stroking the cat's fluffy head. He knew if he started traisping through the inky black garage looking for her, she'd have a chance to escape again. He would have to flush her out. So when he reached the bottom of the stairs he set the cat on the floor and nudged it with his foot till it wandered off into the dark.

It didn't take long for the cat to find Elissa. She looked down sharply when she felt a soft tickling on her belly and her eyes grew wide with panic when she realized it was the cat's tail. It had found her, and, purring, it set to work rubbing back and forth against her.

"No," she hissed under her breath, trying to shove the cat away. "Go away!"

But it would not leave. It traisped back and forth in front of her, purring and demanding to be petted.

The allergic tickling was immediate and sharp and took Elissa by surprise mid-sentence.

"No, go awa-aah!"

She snapped her mouth shut and held her breath, heart pounding so loud she thought surely Ryan could hear it. Dander and dust rose slowly into her nostrils, winding ticklishly through her passageways. Her eyes began to water and she began to sweat, wishing that Ryan would leave so she could sneeze and get it over with.

But the heartbeats ticked on, growing longer and more torturous. Elissa tried to breathe softly through her teeth, but the flood of allergens was too much for her. Her breathing hitched, her chest expanding with the sudden influx of air.

No! she thought. I can't sneeze!

Frantically she tried to even out her breathing, but everytime she breathed in the tickling would overwhelm her, and the sneeze would turn her attempt at steady breathing into uneven gasping.

Ryan, standing at the foot of the stairs to guard her only escape, could hear her perfectly well. A small, grim smile sat on his face as he listened to her tortured hitches and gasps. He'd wait till she sneezed. She could fight it all she wanted, but he knew she would sneeze eventually. But she needed to be punished for running away, and the torture and suspense of fighting off a sneezing fit would be good enough for now.

By this time, Elissa was nearly trembling with the powerful, irresistable urge to sneeze. Her exposed and skinny stomach rippled and convulsed, gleaming with sweat, while her breasts heaved and jiggled with each breathless pant. The cat had taken to stalking back and forth under her chin, sending waves of allergens up her flaring nostrils. Her narrowed eyes fluttered, glazed over and watering.


The sneeze rose to a burning peak, and for a moment Elissa thought it would just burn at the back of her nose and then fade away. She'd had that happen to her plenty of time and, though annoying, she'd much prefer that right now to a sneeze. For the first time, she allowed herself a small spark of hope.

The cat's tail was her undoing.

As it was passing under her chin for the upteenth time, it's tail flicked up and the end of it brushed under her nose. A few strands of fur were whisked into her nostrils, riding an intake of breath. They pricked the soft, moist inner walls of her nose, tickling like feathers.

The burning did fade then, to be replaced by an overwhelming, ticklish, orgasmic climax. Elissa's chin trembled and her eyes began to close. Her mouth curled open of its own accord and she sucked in one huge, preparatory breath before surrendering to the explosive climax.

"Hehh...heHehh...he-he-heehhh...ehh-haaa...haa...HAA....HA-ETSCHOO!! ETSCHOO!!"

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Yet another in the sudden, unexpected, and most delightful flurry of hiding/holdback stories. They've all blown me away, and this is no exception. Thank you!

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Speaking of holding your breath..! :D Thank you for an excellent part two! I'll be sure to tune in for anything else you write, that's for sure!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Yet another in the sudden, unexpected, and most delightful flurry of hiding/holdback stories. They've all blown me away, and this is no exception. Thank you!

Wow, thank you so much! blush.png I'm so flattered you think so much of my stories. The hiding/holdback type has always been my favorite and I'm really glad someone else shares this haha. So thank you! :)

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Speaking of holding your breath..! biggrin.png Thank you for an excellent part two! I'll be sure to tune in for anything else you write, that's for sure!

Thank you so much! I'm really glad you liked the story :)

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