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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Love Song Drabble Thread


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tsk, Elijah! going around and sticking his tongue down some other guy's throat! poor trey :( he needs to give Elijah a nice bitch slap, that's what I would do. thank you so much for doing my request though, even though it was sad, it was still so awesome! :)

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1 - Kink :: 2 - Science Fiction :: 3 - Frightened :: 4 - Fake :: 5 – Pencil :: 6 – Squint :: 7 – Misplaced :: 8 – Joy :: 9 - Touched :: 10 – Cough :: 11 – Hot/Cold :: 12 – Sin :: 13 –Care :: 14 – Frail :: 15 – The End :: 16 – Three :: 17 – Never :: 18 – Midnight :: 19 – Promise :: 20 – Fight :: 21 – Pollen :: 22 – Embarrassment :: 23 – Alcohol :: 24 – Mask :: 25 – Mistake :: 26 –Suspicion :: 27 – Disagreement :: 28 – Assignment :: 29 – Purple :: 30 – June :: 31 – Calculating :: 32 – Fall :: 33 – Cry :: 34 – Relief :: 35 – Breath :: 36 – Miserable :: 37 – Chocolate :: 38 – Violent :: 39 – Muffle :: 40 – Swift :: 41 – Run :: 42 – Poison :: 43 – Contagion :: 44 –Tissue :: 45 – Sore :: 46 – Enraptured :: 47 – Wary :: 48 – Pathetic :: 49 – Sweat :: 50 – Gentle :: 51 – Milk :: 52 – Ravenous :: 53 – Blanket :: 54 – Needles :: 55 – Sports :: 55 – Ruin :: 56 – Lovely :: 57 – Hospital :: 58 – Annoying :: 59 – Mother :: 60 – Bike :: 61 – Idiot :: 62 – Puppy :: 63 – Control :: 64 - Unfair :: 65 – Similarities :: 66 – Raincoat :: 67 – Worship :: 68 – Attitude :: 69- Fuck:: 70 – Confession :: 71 – Floor :: 72 – Remedy :: 73 – Don’t :: 74 – Ego :: 75 – Heartless :: 76 – Lullaby :: 77 – Secret :: 78 – Shut Up :: 79 – Music :: 80 – Grudge :: 81 – Solitude :: 82 – Magic :: 83 – Dirty :: 84 - City :: 85 – Teacher :: 86 – Sky :: 87 – Hypocrite :: 88 – Tattoo :: 89 – Money :: 90 – Childhood :: 91 – Goodbye :: 92 – Victory :: 93 – Weather :: 94 – Photo :: 95 – Rage :: 96 – Internet:: 97 – Fashion :: 98 – Favor :: 99 – Lazy :: 100 – Airplane

@DeathNoteOwner - It is sad sadsmiley.gif But thank you for the nice comment!

@des - Yes, Trey will have to bitch slap Elijah. It's only fair! Elijah isn't a sweet angel allll the time wink.png

* * *


Six days after his encounter with Trey, Elijah found himself looking at his biology homework confused as ever. He listened to the professor, he really did and it made sense in class, but now as he sat at the library trying to figure out what the hell he was looking at. Elijah looked at his phone, tempted to text Trey since the guy said to text him whenever he needed help but what if Trey was still sick? He didn't want to bother the guy then or risk getting sick himself, but he sighed and texted Trey instead.

Only a minute later he replied saying he would be at the library to help and Elijah smiled a little at the text, relieved and thankful for it.

“Hey.” Elijah turned around in his chair to see Trey walking up with their biology book in tow. Trey sat across from Elijah and rubbed his red nose with his wrist for a second. “How are you?”

Elijah couldn't help but notice Trey's congested voice and he knew the boy was still sick. He could feel the germs coming out of Trey's mouth and onto his skin, the thought of it made Elijah almost physically recoil in disgust. “Good, you?”

“Better, but still sick. I brought tissues with me this time, though.” Trey slightly smiled as he pulled out a little pack of travel tissues out of his jean pocket. “Anyway, what do you need help with?”

“Oh, um, this.” Elijah pushed his homework in front of Trey and turned it around so he could read it.

“The homework? I can definitely help you with this.”

Elijah nodded and listened as Trey explained the homework and basically the entire lecture. He made the concept easily understandable so Elijah was happy with that, but it didn't block out Trey's numerous sniffles and false starts. Every time that it seemed that Trey was about to sneeze, Elijah slightly flinched.

“And since Darw..hih..eh.”

Elijah looked up from his homework to see Trey's hand hovering over his mouth as his face was contorted and eyebrows knitted together. He watched Trey's nostrils flare for a moment and he felt foolish because he was a bit turned on by the spectacle. Elijah kept watching as Trey tried to open his pack of tissues as quickly as possible.


Elijah recoiled as he felt spray on his face. “Oh my god!” He wiped his face with his hands as he looked up at Trey who finally, finally, pulled a tissue out and was too busy sneezing to say anything.

H'nght'chuh! Isht! Etch! Esh!” Trey wiped his nose and looked at Elijah in shock. “I am so sorry, Elijah! I didn't mean to! I-”

“It's fine, Trey, I think I'm just going to go, okay? Thanks for the help, though.” Elijah mustered up the most convincing smile he could as he gathered all his things and walked out of the university's library.

“Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god.” Elijah kept muttering to himself as he walked to his dorm.

That whole night Elijah showered twice, used hand sanitizer excessively, and hoped that he wouldn't get sick. He opened his eyes the following morning feeling awful. His head hurt, his throat was sore, and his nose felt stuffy. Elijah groaned as he rolled over to face his roommate, Kevin.

“What's wrong?”

“Trey got me.. hih.. ESSH! Sick.”

Kevin's eyes instantly became wide. “Stay away from me, then. I have a history exam in a few days that I can't miss!”

Elijah groaned again. “ISSCH!

Edited by greetingsfromboston
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Contagion <3<3 Trey sneezed on Elijah.. Erm I really liked that :D contagion is what I Adore haha.

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cuuute! Elijah is such an adorable character. actually, they're both so adorable. i love these little tales of college and when they first met, they are so amusing and undeniably cute :D i hope you can update soon!

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1 - Kink :: 2 - Science Fiction :: 3 - Frightened :: 4 - Fake :: 5 – Pencil :: 6 – Squint :: 7 – Misplaced :: 8 – Joy :: 9 - Touched :: 10 – Cough :: 11 – Hot/Cold :: 12 – Sin :: 13 –Care :: 14 – Frail :: 15 – The End :: 16 – Three :: 17 – Never :: 18 – Midnight :: 19 – Promise :: 20 – Fight :: 21 – Pollen :: 22 – Embarrassment :: 23 – Alcohol :: 24 – Mask :: 25 – Mistake :: 26 –Suspicion :: 27 – Disagreement :: 28 – Assignment :: 29 – Purple :: 30 – June :: 31 – Calculating :: 32 – Fall :: 33 – Cry :: 34 – Relief :: 35 – Breath :: 36 – Miserable :: 37 – Chocolate :: 38 – Violent :: 39 – Muffle :: 40 – Swift :: 41 – Run :: 42 – Poison :: 43 – Contagion :: 44 –Tissue :: 45 – Sore :: 46 – Enraptured :: 47 – Wary :: 48 – Pathetic :: 49 – Sweat :: 50 – Gentle :: 51 – Milk :: 52 – Ravenous :: 53 – Blanket :: 54 – Needles :: 55 – Sports :: 55 – Ruin :: 56 – Lovely :: 57 – Hospital :: 58 – Annoying :: 59 – Mother :: 60 – Bike :: 61 – Idiot :: 62 – Puppy :: 63 – Control :: 64 - Unfair :: 65 – Similarities :: 66 – Raincoat :: 67 – Worship :: 68 – Attitude :: 69- Fuck:: 70 – Confession :: 71 – Floor :: 72 – Remedy :: 73 – Don’t :: 74 – Ego :: 75 – Heartless :: 76 – Lullaby :: 77 – Secret :: 78 – Shut Up :: 79 – Music :: 80 – Grudge :: 81 – Solitude :: 82 – Magic :: 83 – Dirty :: 84 - City :: 85 – Teacher :: 86 – Sky :: 87 – Hypocrite :: 88 – Tattoo :: 89 – Money :: 90 – Childhood :: 91 – Goodbye :: 92 – Victory :: 93 – Weather :: 94 – Photo :: 95 – Rage :: 96 – Internet:: 97 – Fashion :: 98 – Favor :: 99 – Lazy :: 100 – Airplane

@DeathNoteOwner - I told you I was going to do a sequel! I'm so glad that you liked it!! Thank you for the kind words!

@glue - I'm so happy that you thought it was amazing! Thank you for the nice comment! *hugs*

@des - I'm happy that you think Elijah is so adorable and Trey, too! I may inclue more little tales of college buuut I don't know if people want that so if you do, then just tell me! Thank you for being so sweet!

* * *


"I'm not going. You can't make me."

"Elijah, you have to do this. We've had the appointment for weeks. I'm going to be there with you, and you'll be asleep so it won't hurt," Trey coaxed. Three weeks earlier Elijah had been having a bad toothache, and the dentist decided he needed to get his wisdom teeth taken out. "What are you scared about?"

"I'm not scared," he said quickly, crossing his legs on the couch. "It's just unnecessary. It doesn't hurt anymore."

"Even though it doesn't hurt doesn't mean it's all better." He sat down next to Elijah and looked him in the eye. "It's gonna be okay, there's no reason for you to worry. Once we get home you'll be on pain medicine and you get to eat Jell-o and ice cream. You have to come on, though, or else we'll miss our appointment." Elijah sighed, obviously torn. He finally stood up and grabbed his coat. Trey smiled and drove to the surgeon's office.

He was visibly nervous in the waiting room, but wasn't saying anything. Trey took his hand and tried to relax him.

"You're gonna do just fine," Trey told him.

"Elijah Lancaster," A nurse called out. Trey got up and followed him to the back. Once he was situated in the chair and they took last minute x-rays, the dentist was ready to put him to sleep. He started to panic a little bit.

"Trey, don't leave," He pleaded, grabbing onto his shirt. He peeled his fingers off his shirt and let him hold his hand.

"It's okay," Trey soothed. "You're okay." They were giving Elijah general anesthesia because he had so much anxiety, so he wasn't going to feel a thing. They put the mask over his nose and his eyelids began to droop.

"Trey," He moaned, fighting to stay awake.

"Close your eyes," He said. "I'll be here when it's over." Elijah was asleep, and he kissed his forehead before going back to the waiting room.Trey wasn't too worried about him; he knew Elijah wouldn't feel any pain and that the dentist knew what he was doing, but still.

After thirty minutes of sitting there all alone, the nurse let Trey go back to see him. Elijah was sitting up in the chair with gauze stuffed in the back of his mouth. His eyes were only half open and unfocused.

"He did very good," The dentist informed him as he filled out his paperwork.

"Trey?" Elijah asked, looking at him weirdly.

"Yeah, it's me," He said. "Ready to go home?"

"No," Elijah answered seriously, pulling away from him.

"He'll be out of it for a couple hours," The nurse explained. "We'll get you a copy of care instructions for the next couple of days." Trey nodded and helped Elijah stand up, but he couldn't seem to hold himself up.

"Elijah, you gotta walk. I can't carry you."

"Muh mouf hurts," He mumbled, starting to lisp a little bit.

"We'll get it you some medicine," Trey promised. "Come on." He practically had to drag Elijah out to the front desk, where he signed him out and got a bottle of pain pills for him. Trey walked him out to the car and struggled to buckle him in when he was constantly squirming.

"Are you kidnapping me?" Elijah asked, wide-eyed.

"No, honey," He laughed. "We're going home. Sit back, we'll be there in a little bit."

"But 'm tired," Elijah complained, having a hard time getting the words out due to the gauze.

"You can lie down once we're home." Trey said, focusing on driving carefully.

Elijah babbled endlessly throughout the car ride and while he talked Trey felt a tickle bloom in his nose. He sniffled repeatedly until the itch was too much for him.

"Esht! Hih... Tsh!"

To his surprise Elijah started to giggle after that. “You are sooo cute.” He cooed, giggling.

“Yeah? You're so cute, too.” He smiled back at Elijah.

“No, really. You are so cute. I love your sneezes. They are so cute!” Elijah giggled then pointed to Trey's nose. “And I love your nose, it is so cute.”

“What?” Trey questioned, chuckling some since he was confused.

“You're sneezes turn me on so muf. I love when you sneeze!” Elijah's eyelids started to droop after that and he slowly stopped talking all together until they arrived home.

Trey was relieved when he finally got him inside the apartment and settled on the couch. He let Elijah take pain medicine and got him some ice cream to eat. He was knocked out for three hours, and was acting normal again when he woke up, but it seemed to be hurting a lot. Trey got him an ice pack to put on his swollen cheeks and held his hand as he tried to doze off again.

"I don't remember the dentist's office," Elijah murmured.

Trey bit his bottom lip as he thought about what Elijah said about his sneezes and nose then wondered if he actually meant that or if it was just the medication. He shook it out of his head for a moment.

"You were still on some really strong medicine, that's why. Does it still hurt?"

"Can't feel anything." Elijah mumbled.

"That's fine, that's what the ice is for," He told him. Elijah sighed and eventually closed his eyes. Trey kept holding his hand and watched him as rested peacefully, thinking of the man's confession.

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Well that's a nice story to read before going to bed >~< oh my oh my this is perfection. When Eli was kinda high on pain he almost admitted his fetish oh my that was ADORABLE amazingly cute. I<3 it. Really Trey has cute sneezes I must agree ;D anyways do update soon :D lovely.

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Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww I love them all! I have to say, Trey's my favorite :o Elijah's cute too but Trey is just so awwwwww! I felt so bad for him when Eli cheated!

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OH MY GOD. I saw your drabble title and, obviously, it was confession so I was so excited to see if it was what I thought it was, and oh my gosh, it was! :D this was so... gah! i loved it too much! I don't know why, but the idea of someone telling someone a deep secret while drugged/under anesthesia is so fun to me, and elijah told trey his big secret! I feel like there's something big mounting up here, like a climax or some big dramatic twist or whatever, but it's getting me pumped up :D

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1 - Kink :: 2 - Science Fiction :: 3 - Frightened :: 4 - Fake :: 5 – Pencil :: 6 – Squint :: 7 – Misplaced :: 8 – Joy :: 9 - Touched :: 10 – Cough :: 11 – Hot/Cold :: 12 – Sin :: 13 –Care :: 14 – Frail :: 15 – The End :: 16 – Three :: 17 – Never :: 18 – Midnight :: 19 – Promise :: 20 – Fight :: 21 – Pollen :: 22 – Embarrassment :: 23 – Alcohol :: 24 – Mask :: 25 – Mistake :: 26 –Suspicion :: 27 – Disagreement :: 28 – Assignment :: 29 – Purple :: 30 – June :: 31 – Calculating :: 32 – Fall :: 33 – Cry :: 34 – Relief :: 35 – Breath :: 36 – Miserable :: 37 – Chocolate :: 38 – Violent :: 39 – Muffle :: 40 – Swift :: 41 – Run :: 42 – Poison :: 43 – Contagion :: 44 –Tissue :: 45 – Sore :: 46 – Enraptured :: 47 – Wary :: 48 – Pathetic :: 49 – Sweat :: 50 – Gentle :: 51 – Milk :: 52 – Ravenous :: 53 – Blanket :: 54 – Needles :: 55 – Sports :: 55 – Ruin :: 56 – Lovely :: 57 – Hospital :: 58 – Annoying :: 59 – Mother :: 60 – Bike :: 61 – Idiot :: 62 – Puppy :: 63 – Control :: 64 - Unfair :: 65 – Similarities :: 66 – Raincoat :: 67 – Worship :: 68 – Attitude :: 69- Fuck:: 70 – Confession :: 71 – Floor :: 72 – Remedy :: 73 – Don’t :: 74 – Ego :: 75 – Heartless :: 76 – Lullaby :: 77 – Secret :: 78 – Shut Up :: 79 – Music :: 80 – Grudge :: 81 – Solitude :: 82 – Magic :: 83 – Dirty :: 84 - City :: 85 – Teacher :: 86 – Sky :: 87 – Hypocrite :: 88 – Tattoo :: 89 – Money :: 90 – Childhood :: 91 – Goodbye :: 92 – Victory :: 93 – Weather :: 94 – Photo :: 95 – Rage :: 96 – Internet:: 97 – Fashion :: 98 – Favor :: 99 – Lazy :: 100 – Airplane

@DeathNoteOwner - AW, that is so nice! I'm so happy that you liked it so much. Thank you!

@NightWolf - Thank you! I'm happy that you like Trey! Thank you!

@SneezeLover123 - Trey's sneezes are pretty cute! Thank you!

@des - Haha, I'm so happy that you loved it so much! I hope you like this drabble! You are so nice, des!

* * *


“Elijah, are you awake?”

Elijah grunted and turned over to face Trey. “I am now.” He said sleepily.

“Never mind just go back to sleep.” Trey whispered which Elijah rolled his eyes at.

“I'm already awake, what?”

Elijah was never in a good mood if someone woke him up and Trey was no exception. It was 3:38 am and Trey couldn't sleep. He kept thinking of what Elijah confessed a month ago about his sneezes and he couldn't shake it out of his mind. He had to know if it was true, so there he was lying in bed with Elijah in the early, early morning thinking of something that could be just something he said while on strong drugs.

“When you got your wisdom teeth taken out-”

“Don't remind me.” Elijah interrupted.

Trey slightly smiled, but kept going. “You were on some really strong pain medication and you told me that you like my sneezes.”

Trey watched as Elijah bit his bottom lip and didn't reply.

“Is that true?” Trey said, barely above a whisper after a moment.

He watched as Elijah sighed and slightly smiled. “... yeah.”

Trey was taken back for a moment, not knowing what to think or say. After a moment when he realized that Elijah looked fretful he replied.

“I think that's cute.” He smiled and pulled Elijah into his arms. “I've never heard someone being into sneezing like that, but it's interesting. You know I'm not really.... kinky, but I'll try it for you sometime.”

“Yeah?” Elijah grinned and Trey noticed that he looked genuinely happy and relieved.

“Mhm, how about tomorrow night?”

Elijah beamed and nodded in agreement. “I love you, Trey.” He snuggled further into his boyfriend.

“I love you, too.”

* * *

The next night the two were ready as ever to weave in sneezes into their sexy time. Trey laid on the bed while Elijah was in their bathroom looking for the cologne that his boyfriend was desperately allergic to. He had finally found it in the back of the cabinet under the sink. The cologne was called 'Lovely' and was made by Marc Jacobs. He bought it for Trey as a surprise because he knew that he could never find a good cologne for himself that wouldn't send Elijah into a sneezy, allergic mess. But they quickly learned that Trey was allergic to the substance so he never used it again except for tonight. Elijah grabbed the cologne and walked back into the bedroom smiling and crawled onto the bed.

“Ready?” He asked and Trey only nodded his head. Elijah squirted some cologne into the air.

Hih... Isht! Hh'ngx'uh!

“Bless you,” Elijah kissed Trey's neck as he felt Trey's chest rise up and down faster and faster until,

Esh! Tsh! Hih.. eh... Hh'NGXT'oo!

Elijah's heart began beating faster as Trey started to sneeze more and more until he was finally moaning.

“Are you.. eh.. hih... heh.. Tsh! Etsh! Enjoying thiiii... this?”

Elijah just smiled and pulled Trey closer into his in response. Sexy time lasted until Trey's sneezing began to subside and even though he had suggested spraying more cologne into the air.

“Nu-uh, it's okay.” Elijah breathed out as he laid next to Trey once they were finished. “That was amazing. You are-”

Isht! Tsh! 'Scuse me.”

“Perfect.” Elijah rolled over and kissed Trey slowly. “I love you.”

“I love you, too.” Trey smiled and returned the kiss.

Edited by greetingsfromboston
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That is just Kinky ;D Kinky Elijah. Beeing turned on because of Trey like that,

Fetishy Elijah is cute C:

More pls c:

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*melts* that was so cute! I loved it so much! The boys are perfect! You are perfect for writing them! *squeals* I'm looking foward to the next update! *explodes*

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@greetingsfromboston I just love your boys so much! you're an awesome writer, thank you so much for all these drabbles! thumbsupsmileyanim.gif

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  • 1 month later...

So lady, I promised you a prompt and I'm a woman of my word, so here it goes.

I picked 24 'mask' from the list. I'm thinking Trey has this mean sniffly cold going on, but they're invited to a Halloween party and Elijah really wants to go. So Trey, the awesome boyfriend he is, mans up and goes with him. The whole night he struggles with his mask every time he has to sneeze and he's just really miserable and Elijah eventually notices and somehow makes it all better :-)

Can't wait to read it :-)

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  • 3 weeks later...

1 - Kink :: 2 - Science Fiction :: 3 - Frightened :: 4 - Fake :: 5 – Pencil :: 6 – Squint :: 7 – Misplaced :: 8 – Joy :: 9 - Touched :: 10 – Cough :: 11 – Hot/Cold :: 12 – Sin :: 13 –Care :: 14 – Frail :: 15 – The End :: 16 – Three :: 17 – Never :: 18 – Midnight :: 19 – Promise :: 20 – Fight :: 21 – Pollen :: 22 –Embarrassment :: 23 – Alcohol :: 24 – Mask :: 25 – Mistake :: 26 –Suspicion :: 27 – Disagreement :: 28 – Assignment :: 29 – Purple :: 30 – June :: 31 –Calculating :: 32 – Fall :: 33 – Cry :: 34 – Relief :: 35 – Breath :: 36 – Miserable :: 37 – Chocolate :: 38 – Violent :: 39 – Muffle :: 40 – Swift :: 41 – Run :: 42 – Poison :: 43 – Contagion :: 44 –Tissue :: 45 – Sore :: 46 – Enraptured :: 47 – Wary :: 48 – Pathetic :: 49 – Sweat :: 50 – Gentle :: 51 – Milk :: 52 – Ravenous :: 53 – Blanket :: 54 – Needles :: 55 – Sports :: 55 – Ruin :: 56 – Lovely :: 57 – Hospital :: 58 – Annoying :: 59 – Mother :: 60 – Bike :: 61 – Idiot :: 62 – Puppy :: 63 – Control :: 64 - Unfair :: 65 – Similarities :: 66 – Raincoat :: 67 – Worship :: 68 – Attitude :: 69- Fuck:: 70 – Confession :: 71 – Floor :: 72 – Remedy :: 73 – Don’t :: 74 – Ego :: 75 – Heartless :: 76 – Lullaby :: 77 – Secret :: 78 – Shut Up :: 79 – Music :: 80 – Grudge :: 81 – Solitude :: 82 – Magic :: 83 – Dirty :: 84 - City :: 85 – Teacher :: 86 – Sky :: 87 – Hypocrite :: 88 – Tattoo :: 89 – Money :: 90 – Childhood :: 91 – Goodbye :: 92 – Victory :: 93 – Weather :: 94 – Photo :: 95 – Rage :: 96 – Internet:: 97 – Fashion :: 98 – Favor :: 99 – Lazy :: 100 – Airplane

Hey, look! I'm not dead! I personally thank gummiflummi for reviving this thread and this update is for her, so I hope you like it!



“You don’t have to come.” Elijah leaned against the bathroom door frame, watching Trey fidget with his costume.

Elijah had been invited to a Halloween party by one of his co-workers which he had been looking forward to for weeks and when the week of Halloween finally came, Trey had come down with mean, sniffly cold. Elijah had cooed and cared for his boyfriend right up until the thirty-first, yet Trey kept insisting he would come no matter what.

“No, no, I want to,” Trey sniffled then turned to his boyfriend. “because you want to and it’ll be fun.” He gave Elijah a soft smile before coughing into his wrist, walking out of the bathroom.

Elijah watched his boyfriend grab his mask that would complete his costume which instantly brought a smile to his face. “God, you look great.”

He giggled when Trey turned around and displayed his whole costume. His boyfriend was being Batman for the party while he opted to be Robin. Trey thanked his boyfriend which only made Elijah giggle more.

“And the husky voice you’ve acquired from your cold from hell does add a special touch.”

“No time for compliments, Robin.” Trey interrupted, taking Elijah’s hand and leading them out of the room. “We must go!”

The party was already off to a great start when the couple got there. Lots of food, drinks, decorations and people.

“You didn’t tell me there would be this many people.”

“I didn’t know there was going to this many people,” Elijah took a sip of his drink and moved to the couch with Trey. “How are you feeling?”

“Congested,” Trey gave his boyfriend a soft smile. “Achey and tiiii.. eh.. heh.. Hh'NGXT'oo!” He pulled his mask back down from where it slid up and sniffled. “Tired.”

“Oh, babe. We can leave if you want.” He eyed the party, taking in everything. Elijah didn’t want to go just yet, but he’d do anything for his boyfriend.

“No, I’m fine.” He smiled again. “Let’s have fun!”

Elijah laughed at the huskiness of Trey’s voice then headed to some of their friends were. Everyone loved their costumes even as Trey sneezed for the better part of the party, readjusting his mask every time he did so. An emptiness surround Elijah at one point of the party, so he turned to his boyfriend and saw that he was nowhere to be found.

Concerned, he walked around the party trying to find Trey and he finally found his boyfriend sitting on one of the couches in the middle of stifling a sneeze, his mask in his hand. “How are you holding up, Batman?” He sat next to his Trey on the couch and rubbed his back.

“Fide,” He sniffled and put on his mask. “Fine.”

Elijah rolled his eyes then saw that his boyfriend was shivering. “You certainly aren’t fide,” He mimicked. “You’re shivering and congested and sick,” He huffed, guilt swelling in his stomach. “We should have just stayed home. Fuck, we’re leaving.”

It didn’t take long for Elijah to leave the party and get his sick boyfriend home. “Get out of that costume while I get you some medicine.”

“I’m fi-” Trey began, but closed his mouth when his boyfriend gave him a pointed look. Trey turned into the bedroom then and did was he was told.

Elijah headed to the kitchen to get a glass of water then to the bathroom for some medicine and the thermometer. Relief flooded through him when he saw Trey in bed watching television. “I’m so glad you’re not as stubborn as me.” Elijah sat on the bed next to his boyfriend after putting the supplies on the nightstand.

“Me t..eh.. Isht! Tsh! Too. Cuddle?” Trey pawed at his boyfriend, trying to get him to lay down next to him.

“Hold on, I have to take your temperature.” Elijah took off his mask, set it on the nightstand then grabbed the thermometer. “Open,” He cooed for a moment until Trey did what he was told. As they waited, Elijah felt his boyfriend’s head with the back of his hand. “You’re so warm, hun.”

Trey only grunted in response, taking the thermometer out when it beeped. “100.4.” He groaned and rolled closer to Elijah.

Elijah frowned, wrapped his arms around his boyfriend and cooed. “I’ll have to give you lots of cuddles to make you feel better then.”

Trey cuddled further into his pillow and looked up at his boyfriend with a smile. “Mhm, lots of cuddles.”

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  • 1 month later...

Omfg Hi!!!!! I love ur drabbles. Their so cute. And this!!! You made them go as batman and robin!!! I love u so freaking much!!!!!!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello lovelies! No update this time (I know, I'm the worst) but as the semester comes to an end, there's so many things that I have to get done, so I don't have time to update. Anyway, I'm going to be selfish and ask for some prompts (because I desperately need some help), so please send them my way!

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Hmmm. For weather, one of them gets caught in the rain or snow.

For lullaby, because of a terible headcold one of them cant sleep so the sings so that the other can sleep. OH! For grudge u can continue the story where Elijah made out with another boy while trey was sick... maybe trey gets sick again and he holds a grudge..

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Okay, HOW have I not seen these before?!

Amazing. Absolutely amazing. They're so adorable, the pair of them. I love how caring and soft they are :-) (and stifles. They're fun too! ;-) )

Looking forward to reading more :-)

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  • 1 month later...

1 - Kink :: 2 - Science Fiction :: 3 - Frightened :: 4 - Fake :: 5 – Pencil :: 6 – Squint :: 7 – Misplaced :: 8 – Joy :: 9 - Touched :: 10 – Cough :: 11 – Hot/Cold :: 12 – Sin :: 13 –Care :: 14 – Frail :: 15 – The End :: 16 – Three :: 17 – Never :: 18 – Midnight :: 19 – Promise :: 20 – Fight :: 21 – Pollen :: 22 –Embarrassment :: 23 – Alcohol :: 24 – Mask :: 25 – Mistake :: 26 –Suspicion :: 27 – Disagreement :: 28 – Assignment :: 29 – Purple :: 30 – June :: 31 –Calculating :: 32 – Fall :: 33 – Cry :: 34 – Relief :: 35 – Breath :: 36 – Miserable :: 37 – Chocolate :: 38 – Violent :: 39 – Muffle :: 40 – Swift :: 41 – Run :: 42 – Poison :: 43 – Contagion :: 44 –Tissue :: 45 – Sore :: 46 – Enraptured :: 47 – Wary :: 48 – Pathetic :: 49 – Sweat :: 50 – Gentle :: 51 – Milk :: 52 – Ravenous :: 53 – Blanket :: 54 – Needles :: 55 – Sports :: 55 – Ruin :: 56 – Lovely :: 57 – Hospital :: 58 – Annoying :: 59 – Mother :: 60 – Bike :: 61 – Idiot :: 62 – Puppy :: 63 – Control :: 64 - Unfair :: 65 – Similarities :: 66 – Raincoat :: 67 – Worship :: 68 – Attitude :: 69- Fuck:: 70 – Confession :: 71 – Floor :: 72 – Remedy :: 73 – Don’t :: 74 – Ego :: 75 – Heartless :: 76 – Lullaby :: 77 – Secret :: 78 – Shut Up :: 79 – Music :: 80 – Grudge :: 81 – Solitude :: 82 – Magic :: 83 – Dirty :: 84 - City :: 85 – Teacher :: 86 – Sky :: 87 – Hypocrite :: 88 – Tattoo :: 89 – Money :: 90 – Childhood :: 91 – Goodbye :: 92 – Victory :: 93 – Weather :: 94 – Photo :: 95 – Rage :: 96 – Internet:: 97 – Fashion :: 98 – Favor :: 99 – Lazy :: 100 – Airplane

I'm still alive, you guys!



He should have listened to Elijah.

He slept little during the past few weeks because of classes and a new job,so Trey knew that he should of taken Elijah’s advice and brought his umbrella with him that morning.

“It’s gonna rain today, so you better take your umbrella!”

“The sky looks perfectly clear to me!” Trey rushed, packing all of his classwork as he was already a little behind that morning.

“That’s what the weatherman said. Sixty percent chance, he said. You better take it!”

But he didn’t. He gave Elijah a quick kiss from the couch then slipped out of the apartment. He should’ve listened to Elijah.

Trey should’ve seen it coming. It was inevitable. He walked to his car on campus after his classes in the pouring rain while all his peers were running every which way under their umbrellas. He jiggled his car keys and slipped into his car as quick as could, feeling his teeth chatter already.

He ran a hand through his hand to keep his out of his face and put on the heat quickly, a chill going his body. Trey knew it wasn’t the rain, but the weather hadn’t helped his state. He was already tired and fighting a massive headache, the rain had just added to his misery.

Isht! Tsh!”

“Told you.” Elijah smirked, looking up from the couch in the living room. Trey set down his bookbag on the floor as shuffled out of his shoes once he arrived home.

“Shut up.”

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