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Love Song Drabble Thread


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1 - Kink :: 2 - Science Fiction :: 3 - Frightened :: 4 - Fake :: 5 – Pencil :: 6 – Squint :: 7 – Misplaced :: 8 – Joy :: 9 - Touched :: 10 – Cough :: 11 – Hot/Cold :: 12 – Sin :: 13 –Care :: 14 – Frail :: 15 – The End :: 16 – Three :: 17 – Never :: 18 – Midnight :: 19 – Promise :: 20 – Fight :: 21 – Pollen :: 22 – Embarrassment :: 23 – Alcohol :: 24 – Mask :: 25 – Mistake :: 26 –Suspicion :: 27 – Disagreement :: 28 – Assignment :: 29 – Purple :: 30 – June :: 31 – Calculating :: 32 – Fall :: 33 – Cry :: 34 – Relief :: 35 – Breath :: 36 – Miserable :: 37 – Chocolate :: 38 – Violent :: 39 – Muffle :: 40 – Swift :: 41 – Run :: 42 – Poison :: 43 – Contagion :: 44 –Tissue :: 45 – Sore :: 46 – Enraptured :: 47 – Wary :: 48 – Pathetic :: 49 – Sweat :: 50 – Gentle :: 51 – Milk :: 52 – Ravenous :: 53 – Blanket :: 54 – Needles :: 55 – Sports :: 55 – Ruin :: 56 – Lovely :: 57 – Hospital :: 58 – Annoying :: 59 – Mother :: 60 – Bike :: 61 – Idiot :: 62 – Puppy :: 63 – Control :: 64 - Unfair :: 65 – Similarities :: 66 – Raincoat :: 67 – Worship :: 68 – Attitude :: 69- Fuck:: 70 – Confession :: 71 – Floor :: 72 – Remedy :: 73 – Don’t :: 74 – Ego :: 75 – Heartless :: 76 – Lullaby :: 77 – Secret :: 78 – Shut Up :: 79 – Music :: 80 – Grudge :: 81 – Solitude :: 82 – Magic :: 83 – Dirty :: 84 - City :: 85 – Teacher :: 86 – Sky :: 87 – Hypocrite :: 88 – Tattoo :: 89 – Money :: 90 – Childhood :: 91 – Goodbye :: 92 – Victory :: 93 – Weather :: 94 – Photo :: 95 – Rage :: 96 – Internet:: 97 – Fashion :: 98 – Favor :: 99 – Lazy :: 100 – Airplane

@destrier - Aw, thank you!! I will try to write some angsty stuff so they don't seem so perfect wink.png Oh, and yes I have read TFiOS. I am obsessed with it and John Green in general. I didn't know how to end the story so I just used that. Ooops. Anyway, here is your request! I hope I did okay!

@gummiflummi - I love Christmas, too! Could you be more specific with your request? When I began writing it, I couldn't think of anything! sadsmiley.gif What would love in the sequel, girly?

* * *


You are so magnificent, Trey, and cute, and adorable and-”

Hih’h’nght’chuh! Hih’h’nght’chuh! Hih’h’nght’chuh! Hih’h’nght’CHUH! Trey sniffled, then giggled. “And sneezy.”

But that's okay. I love you all the same.” Elijah cooed, kissing Trey's neck slowly.

You're going to regret this.” Trey mumbled, rubbing Elijah's back as the man was on top of him.

The two were having “sexy time” as Elijah put it since he was never comfortable with saying anything else in bed that night with Elijah on top while Trey lied in bed which was rare. Trey was always on top. But Trey had a nasty, horrible cold that he had been battling for four days and didn't let up, so that meant a lot of sneezing and Elijah couldn't get enough of that so he was constantly in the mood.

Nu-uh. I doubt it.” Elijah said, he kissed Trey and could taste grapefruit chapstick even when the man was sick, he still put on his chapstick religiously.

Elijah got like this often when Trey became sick which was a lot since Trey became sick a lot, but Elijah didn't care. He loved his boyfriend's sneezes. They were probably the best he's ever heard and were so cute. As Elijah kissed his boyfriend all over, Trey felt the burn in his nose increase ten-fold and knew a sneeze was about to come, so he turned and covered his mouth before,

Hih’h’nght’chuh! Hih’h’nght’chuh! Trey sniffled, wetly, then looked at the sparkle in Elijah's eyes as he looked at him. Elijah was wonderstruck, but as much as he knew that Elijah wanted him, he was tired. His body was physically exhausted and didn't feel up to do “sexy time” so he cleared his throat and spoke.


Hm?” Elijah hummed as he kissed Trey's neck, going up to his right ear.

I'm not feeling up to it tonight. I feel awful. Can we cuddle instead?”

Elijah instantly stopped and slid down to Trey then began to spoon him. “Of course, baby. We can do anything you want.”

You're not mad?” Trey asked, not looking at his boyfriend and only stared at the alarm clock that sat on their nightstand. 8:40 pm, it read.Hih’h’nght’chuh! Hih’h’nght’chuh! Hih’h’nght’chuh! Hih’h’nght’CHUH!”

Elijah's heart sank when Trey asked that. He knew that his last boyfriend tended to always want sex and anything else even mildly sexual from him all of the time and usually pressured Trey until he said yes. He hated that. He hated Trey's ex because of that because he knew that Trey didn't deserve that. He deserved respect, care, and love. Elijah wanted to give nothing but that to Trey and he prayed to God every night that he was.

I'm not mad at all. I am so in love with you that there isn't anything else I'd rather do that make you happy.” Elijah squeezed Trey a little and kissed his temple.

I want to sleep, okay?”

Okay, baby. I'll be in the living room if you need anything. Christmas is only four days away so sleep well. I wouldn't want you to be sick then.” Elijah said, getting up off the bed and heading to the bedroom door.

I know. Will you play with Zeus? He may be lonely.” Trey whispered, pulling the sheets up as his eyelids drooped.

Yes, I will.” Elijah's nose itch at just the thought of playing with the dog, but Trey was sick and asked and was so, so beautiful in every way so he would do it. “Sleep tight. Love you, darling.”

Love you too.”

And with that, Elijah closed the door and hoped that Trey would get well before Christmas.

Edited by greetingsfromboston
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okay we're going to be best friends

like this is going to happen.

you've read TFiOS and you do these stories



love me.

okay now I'm going to actually comment on your story but I couldn't focus on anything else than TFiOS :D

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okay SO

poor Trey, having that awful ex :( and Elijah was so sweet to him :D and this request that you did for me was once again so amazing and cute and perfect that I just couldn't anymore. I couldn't fathom any couldn'ts whatsoever.

and Elijah even promised to play with Zeus :D he's so adorable ~

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Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww... (two years later)... wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!! These are so ADORABLE! I love thems! *cuddles your boys* so cute! Please keep this amazingness up!

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1 - Kink :: 2 - Science Fiction :: 3 - Frightened :: 4 - Fake :: 5 – Pencil :: 6 – Squint :: 7 – Misplaced :: 8 – Joy :: 9 - Touched :: 10 – Cough :: 11 – Hot/Cold :: 12 – Sin :: 13 –Care :: 14 – Frail :: 15 – The End :: 16 – Three :: 17 – Never :: 18 – Midnight :: 19 – Promise :: 20 – Fight :: 21 – Pollen :: 22 – Embarrassment :: 23 – Alcohol :: 24 – Mask :: 25 – Mistake :: 26 –Suspicion :: 27 – Disagreement :: 28 – Assignment :: 29 – Purple :: 30 – June :: 31 – Calculating :: 32 – Fall :: 33 – Cry :: 34 – Relief :: 35 – Breath :: 36 – Miserable :: 37 – Chocolate :: 38 – Violent :: 39 – Muffle :: 40 – Swift :: 41 – Run :: 42 – Poison :: 43 – Contagion :: 44 –Tissue :: 45 – Sore :: 46 – Enraptured :: 47 – Wary :: 48 – Pathetic :: 49 – Sweat :: 50 – Gentle :: 51 – Milk :: 52 – Ravenous :: 53 – Blanket :: 54 – Needles :: 55 – Sports :: 55 – Ruin :: 56 – Lovely :: 57 – Hospital :: 58 – Annoying :: 59 – Mother :: 60 – Bike :: 61 – Idiot :: 62 – Puppy :: 63 – Control :: 64 - Unfair :: 65 – Similarities :: 66 – Raincoat :: 67 – Worship :: 68 – Attitude :: 69- Fuck:: 70 – Confession :: 71 – Floor :: 72 – Remedy :: 73 – Don’t :: 74 – Ego :: 75 – Heartless :: 76 – Lullaby :: 77 – Secret :: 78 – Shut Up :: 79 – Music :: 80 – Grudge :: 81 – Solitude :: 82 – Magic :: 83 – Dirty :: 84 - City :: 85 – Teacher :: 86 – Sky :: 87 – Hypocrite :: 88 – Tattoo :: 89 – Money :: 90 – Childhood :: 91 – Goodbye :: 92 – Victory :: 93 – Weather :: 94 – Photo :: 95 – Rage :: 96 – Internet:: 97 – Fashion :: 98 – Favor :: 99 – Lazy :: 100 – Airplane

@destier - Okay, we can be best friends and fan-girl together, okay? smile.png And yes! I'm so glad that Elijah is sweet to him because Trey needs it and he even played with Zeus! I wondered how much he sneezed during that? Hahaha.

@NightWolf - I love them too and will try to keep the cuteness up! Thank you!!! smile.png



“It's really nice out today, isn't?” Elijah asked as he and his boyfriend strolled Lincoln Park. He turned to Trey, who was holding Zeus' dog leash, and rubbing his left eye. “Allergies acting up?”

“Eh, they're not bad. Just a little itchy.” Trey replied and slipped his hand into Elijah's which made Elijah grin, showing off his dimples in his cheeks.

The men were at Lincoln Park trying to soak up the beautiful summer day in June. They had brought Zeus to tag along and a picnic basket filled with goodies for a small lunch. Elijah's ears pricked up when he heard Trey sniffle and though he knew that his boyfriend would deny it, his hay fever, that started in April, was getting worse as the spring transitioned into the summer. It made Elijah's heart sank especially when he first developed it, Trey thought he was sick and spent days in bed taking cold medicine. But after he spoke to his grandmother, it seemed that he wasn't sick, but had allergies. Elijah couldn't help but laugh at first, Trey would finally realize what Elijah went through on a regular basis, yet after a few days, he babied his boyfriend any time the man even showed a little discomfort. It was sweet, but a tad ridiculous at times.

“Let's go find somewhere in the grass to eat” Elijah said, leading the way. He could just feel Trey's eyes widen at the thought.

They chose a nice spot under a elder tree in the shade and Elijah began taking out the food in the picnic basket which included two sandwiches, fruit, and water and as Elijah was doing so he could hear Trey sniffling frequently. It made his spine shiver.

Hih..hgxt! H'GXT'chuh! Hih..eh..hh'hngt'chuh!”

Elijah looked up from the food to see Trey rubbing his face, fiercely, and sniffling wetly. His heart ached just looking at his poor boyfriend.

“Are you sure you're okay?” Elijah asked, concerned.

Trey sniffled, “Y..hih...Yeeaa..hih..Hih’h’nght’chuh! Hih’h’nght’CHUH! Hih’h’nght’chuh! Hih’h’nght'oo!” He sniffled then wiped the allergic tears from his eyes. “No, not really. My allergies are going haaaa..HIH..Hih’h’nght’chuh! Hih’h’nght’CHUH! H'gxt! H'gxt'oo!” He sniffled once more, this time more harshly, then sighed. “My allergies are going haywire. It's quite annoying.”

Elijah frowned, bottom lip sticking out, then said. “Aw, baby. I'm sorry. Do you want to go home and have lunch there?”

Trey shook his head no, “No, it's beautiful here. I can last a little bit. Hih’h’nght’CHUH!”

And Elijah only rolled his eyes at that and ate his sandwich while Trey was sniffly and sneezing as he tried to do the same.

Look at that one! It looks like an elepha-”

Hih’h’nght’CHUH! H'gxt! H'gxt! H'GXT! … Sorry.”

Elijah and Trey were lying on the grass together looking up at the clouds, seeing what they looked like, but it seemed that Trey had to sneeze every couple minutes. Elijah turned to look at his boyfriend that was rubbing his eyes then looked back at him and his eyes were red, puffy, and watery.

Oh baby.” Elijah cooed and wrapped his arms around his boyfriend, cuddling him. “Can we please go now?”

Zeus walked over to the two and plopped himself right in the middle, panting and wagging his tail.

Zeus!” Trey sat up and pushed the dog off while giggling. He turned to Elijah who was in the middle of sneezing.

eessh'uh! Hh'ktssh'ah! Hh'ESSSH!Once Elijah finished, laughed and looked at his boyfriend who was petting Zeus. “We are quite the pair, aren't we?”

Trey nodded, “Yeah, we are. Let's go home, I really need to wash this.. Hih’h’nght’CHUH! Pollen off of me.” He sniffled, grabbed Elijah's hand and helped him up.

Can I join in this ever-so-important shower?” Elijah pressed himself against Trey, wrapping his arms around his waist. Trey's skin tingled at the thought of Elijah joining him in the shower and a smile spread across his face while his heart began to flutter and shivers went through his body.

Of course. I need someone to help me get all the pollen off.”Trey wrapped his hand around Elijah's and began to get everything together quickly, both excited to get home.

Edited by greetingsfromboston
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do you ship isaac and augustus shock.gif

I feel like Elijah was very sneaky there sly.gif “Let's go find somewhere in the grass to eat” mhm, elijah, playing innocent?

still love them both so much, and they’re still so very adorable tongue.png gahh, their adorableness cannot be contained, and I can’t wait for more!

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1 - Kink :: 2 - Science Fiction :: 3 - Frightened :: 4 - Fake :: 5 – Pencil :: 6 – Squint :: 7 – Misplaced :: 8 – Joy :: 9 - Touched :: 10 – Cough :: 11 – Hot/Cold :: 12 – Sin :: 13 –Care :: 14 – Frail :: 15 – The End :: 16 – Three :: 17 – Never :: 18 – Midnight :: 19 – Promise :: 20 – Fight :: 21 – Pollen :: 22 – Embarrassment :: 23 – Alcohol :: 24 – Mask :: 25 – Mistake :: 26 –Suspicion :: 27 – Disagreement :: 28 – Assignment :: 29 – Purple :: 30 – June :: 31 – Calculating :: 32 – Fall :: 33 – Cry :: 34 – Relief :: 35 – Breath :: 36 – Miserable :: 37 – Chocolate :: 38 – Violent :: 39 – Muffle :: 40 – Swift :: 41 – Run :: 42 – Poison :: 43 – Contagion :: 44 –Tissue :: 45 – Sore :: 46 – Enraptured :: 47 – Wary :: 48 – Pathetic :: 49 – Sweat :: 50 – Gentle :: 51 – Milk :: 52 – Ravenous :: 53 – Blanket :: 54 – Needles :: 55 – Sports :: 55 – Ruin :: 56 – Lovely :: 57 – Hospital :: 58 – Annoying :: 59 – Mother :: 60 – Bike :: 61 – Idiot :: 62 – Puppy :: 63 – Control :: 64 - Unfair :: 65 – Similarities :: 66 – Raincoat :: 67 – Worship :: 68 – Attitude :: 69- Fuck:: 70 – Confession :: 71 – Floor :: 72 – Remedy :: 73 – Don’t :: 74 – Ego :: 75 – Heartless :: 76 – Lullaby :: 77 – Secret :: 78 – Shut Up :: 79 – Music :: 80 – Grudge :: 81 – Solitude :: 82 – Magic :: 83 – Dirty :: 84 - City :: 85 – Teacher :: 86 – Sky :: 87 – Hypocrite :: 88 – Tattoo :: 89 – Money :: 90 – Childhood :: 91 – Goodbye :: 92 – Victory :: 93 – Weather :: 94 – Photo :: 95 – Rage :: 96 – Internet:: 97 – Fashion :: 98 – Favor :: 99 – Lazy :: 100 – Airplane

@destrier - I don't ship those two! Do you? Haha, Elijah tries to seem very coy, I guess! I'm so happy that you love them and hopefully you will like the new update! smile.png

@gummiflummi - You're in luck! Here's another update and hopefully you will enjoy it!! tonguesmiley.gif

* * *


Trey said he would be out with friends for a few hours, but that was five hours ago and Elijah was getting worried. He sat in the living room and watched a movie, looking at his phone periodically. What if he' sick or hurt or dead?! He thought, then sighed and decided to call Trey. His cell phone rang and rang, but no response so he called again, no response, then called once more and the same thing happened which made him worry more. He sighed, looked at Zeus who was lying on the floor and said, “I wonder where your daddy is.” The dog just cocked his head to side then jumped up on the couch next to Elijah.

Hih..hh'ktssh!” Elijah sniffled and sighed. In the few months that they had Zeus, Elijah became relatively used to him and began to like him a little, but he wouldn't be playing with the furball voluntarily any time soon, though. Elijah decided to call Rachel, one of Trey's best friends, and thank god that she answered.

“Hey, Elijah!” Rachel exclaimed, enthusiastically. She was usually in a good mood, the few times that he had actually talked to her.

“Hey, do you where Trey is?” Elijah asked as he pet Zeus, he seemed to be doing that more frequently these days. He always found it a little soothing and Zeus seemed to enjoy it, too.

“Oh he's here, but he's so drunk. Do you want to get him or do you want him to stay the night here?”

Elijah's heart sank when he heard that because he hated when Trey became drunk or anyone else for that matter. He had a bad relationship with alcohol, not that he used to be an alcoholic, binge drinker, or anything, but his mother used to be an alcoholic and that lasted up until he was 19. He, along with his siblings and father, had to deal with her coming home drunk, hiding alcohol in her closet, and hearing her cry herself to sleep since she suffered from depression as well. Finally, after two stays at a rehabilitation center, she became better and things slowly got back to normal, but Elijah still hadn't fully gotten over it. Trey had to stay up until the early hours of the morning comforting a crying Elijah that would rehash old memories sometimes. Like when his mother had to be removed from a musical show in Florida while their family was on vacation in a wheel chair because she was too intoxicated and threw up on his father and that was hard on the both of them, but it seemed to strengthen their relationship also. Elijah seemed to stay clear of all and any alcohol after that, though he would never try to control Trey's drinking, he usually ended up drunk these days and that worried Elijah terribly.

“Yeah, I'll come and gee... hih..hh'eesh'uh! Hh'ktssh'oo! Get him.” Elijah sniffled and said goodbye to Rachel before hanging up. He rubbed his increasingly itchy nose, grabbed his winter pea coat and headed out to retrieve his boyfriend. As he drove through the snow-laden town he was a little bit nervous especially since Rachel didn't specify how drunk he was and “so drunk” was extremely vague. Once he arrived at Rachel's, he took a deep breath, then knocked on her apartment door and Rachel promptly greeted him with a smile.

“He's in the living room!” Rachel said, closing the door behind him.

Elijah immediately smelled a mixture of popcorn and alcohol as he ventured into the living room then saw Trey sitting on a brown leather couch with Rachel's fluffy orange cat on his lap. He bit lip and moved closer, cautiously as he already felt his nose itch.

“Hey, Trey. I'm here to pick you up.” Elijah didn't dare to sit next to him in fear that the cat would venture in his lap and although he liked cats, and preferred them to dogs, that didn't mean a thing to his terrible cat allergy, so he just stood in front of his boyfriend with his arms crossed. Trey looked up at his boyfriend and smiled then giggled. “Hiii, baaabe.” Trey shooed the cat away and stood up, wobbling.

Elijah grabbed his boyfriend's arm to help him stand up right. “Are you okay?” Trey nodded and Elijah got Trey's coat that was sitting on the leather couch that he was previously sitting at. The winter coat was covered so much in cat fur, it was almost orange. “Hh'ktssh! Hh'ktssh'oo! Hh'ESSH'uh! Hih..eh...h'gnxt!” He gave the coat to Trey and helped him get into it, sniffling all the while especially since Trey even had cat fur on his shirt and jeans. “Hih...eh..uh..” Elijah held his elbow to his face for a few seconds as his chest heaved until the looming and itchy sneeze disappeared which made him sigh in frustration. “Ready?” He didn't give Trey a chance to respond and led him out of the apartment then helped him get in his Prius C even putting the seat belt on him. He was just like a big baby. The car ride was interesting as Trey went on and on about how much he loved Elijah which Elijah would normally love except that Trey was terribly drunk and probably not remember half of what he said come morning. He hated that and could feel his eyes water as Trey went on.

“You are sooo sweet and smart and funny, oh my gosh baaaaby.”

It was pointless, Elijah reminded himself. There was no use to cry and he knew that Trey was just having fun with his friends so he got drunk, but still. For some reason it hurt and for some reason it reminded him of his mom. Times like these always reminded him of his mom.

Hh'ESSH'uh!” Elijah sneezed uncovered into his lap and sniffled then realized that half of his tears could be allergic tears especially since the rest of his body was reacting so strongly. His throat, eyes, and nose itched, his skin even itched and prayed to God that he wasn't going to break out in hives. He sniffled, his nose was unbelievably congested and runny. “Hih..eh..hh'KTSSH'oo! Hh'ESSH! Hh'TASSH'uh! Hh'ESSH'uh!” Once he looked up at the road from his sneezing fit he saw that he was almost off the road then swerved to get back on, jerking himself and Trey in the process. “Sorry.” Elijah mumbled and looked at Trey who seemed exhausted suddenly.

When they arrived back to their apartment, Elijah helped his stumbling boyfriend into their bedroom and change into pajamas. “Hh'essh! Hh'tssh! Hh'ktssh!” He sneezed quickly into his elbow then went back to helping Trey who was sitting at the end of the bed. He looked so fragile and innocent as he watched Elijah sneeze.

“Bless you, sneezy.” Trey whispered then put on his big, comfy t-shirt.

“Thanks.” Elijah didn't dare look him in the eye because he was feeling low again while he thought of the memories of his mother and he didn't want to cry in front of Trey. “Get into bed, Trey. I'm going to take a shower then I'll be back.”

Elijah took a quick shower to clean off all the cat dander and fur and let out some sadness and frustration because he hated feeling this way about alcohol, still, plus he hated that it got to him so much. He finished, changed into pajamas and headed back into the bedroom to see Trey already sound asleep with his glasses on the tip of his nose and Elijah smiled a little at that. He climbed in bed, took off Trey's glasses and put them on his nightstand after he kissed his boyfriend's forehead gently. Elijah sighed, wiped a few lingering tears then got into bed himself with the covers under his chin. He closed his eyes and waited to fall asleep, ready for this night to end.

Edited by greetingsfromboston
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mmm guilty! ha, love that pairing.

Treyyyyy, getting drunk on elijah uhuh.gif don’t think he’s one of my favorites anymore, which means I’m taking him off of my imaginary handcuffs. how dare he get drunk when Elijah already has all those alcoholic mother problems! shame on him.

are you going to continue this drabble with the drunk trey? I’m interested to see how he acts the next day after being drunk, but you can ignore what I just said because I don’t want to sound like someone begging for things, blah. ahh, don’t stop with these two! :D

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1 - Kink :: 2 - Science Fiction :: 3 - Frightened :: 4 - Fake :: 5 – Pencil :: 6 – Squint :: 7 – Misplaced :: 8 – Joy :: 9 - Touched :: 10 – Cough :: 11 – Hot/Cold :: 12 – Sin :: 13 –Care :: 14 – Frail :: 15 – The End :: 16 – Three :: 17 – Never :: 18 – Midnight :: 19 – Promise :: 20 – Fight :: 21 – Pollen :: 22 – Embarrassment :: 23 – Alcohol :: 24 – Mask :: 25 – Mistake :: 26 –Suspicion :: 27 – Disagreement :: 28 – Assignment :: 29 – Purple :: 30 – June :: 31 – Calculating :: 32 – Fall :: 33 – Cry :: 34 – Relief :: 35 – Breath :: 36 – Miserable :: 37 – Chocolate :: 38 – Violent :: 39 – Muffle :: 40 – Swift :: 41 – Run :: 42 – Poison :: 43 – Contagion :: 44 –Tissue :: 45 – Sore :: 46 – Enraptured :: 47 – Wary :: 48 – Pathetic :: 49 – Sweat :: 50 – Gentle :: 51 – Milk :: 52 – Ravenous :: 53 – Blanket :: 54 – Needles :: 55 – Sports :: 55 – Ruin :: 56 – Lovely :: 57 – Hospital :: 58 – Annoying :: 59 – Mother :: 60 – Bike :: 61 – Idiot :: 62 – Puppy :: 63 – Control :: 64 - Unfair :: 65 – Similarities :: 66 – Raincoat :: 67 – Worship :: 68 – Attitude :: 69- Fuck:: 70 – Confession :: 71 – Floor :: 72 – Remedy :: 73 – Don’t :: 74 – Ego :: 75 – Heartless :: 76 – Lullaby :: 77 – Secret :: 78 – Shut Up :: 79 – Music :: 80 – Grudge :: 81 – Solitude :: 82 – Magic :: 83 – Dirty :: 84 - City :: 85 – Teacher :: 86 – Sky :: 87 – Hypocrite :: 88 – Tattoo :: 89 – Money :: 90 – Childhood :: 91 – Goodbye :: 92 – Victory :: 93 – Weather :: 94 – Photo :: 95 – Rage :: 96 – Internet:: 97 – Fashion :: 98 – Favor :: 99 – Lazy :: 100 – Airplane

@destrier - Well I've never met anyone that ships those two before! I'm sorry you don't like Trey anymore sadsmiley.gif But hey, I tried to do a "next day" thing for drunk Trey and hopefully you like it! smile.png

* * *

Shut Up

Elijah wakes up to the smell of bacon and pancakes, it's a sweet and salty smell which makes his mouth water which means Trey is probably in the kitchen cooking breakfast. He curls into the blankets again and blinks, head still dazed and sleepy. He contemplates going back to sleep but he doesn't especially since it is already ten thirty-six, so he stretches and lays in bed for about ten more minutes then gets up.

He walks into the living area to see Trey turning off the stove top with Zeus under his feet. Trey turns around and instantly smiles.

“Good morning, Elijah.” Elijah loves his warm, easy smile.

“Good morning.”

“Do you want breakfast? I made bacon and pancakes, your favorite.” Trey makes him a plate without Elijah actually saying yes or no, and Elijah doesn't know how he feels about that.

Trey makes himself, pours two milks and puts the plates down on the kitchen table then the drinks. Elijah sits as Trey does and they eat in silence for a few minutes.

“How did you sleep?” Trey inquires.

“Fine. How about you?”

Elijah watches Trey pour syrup onto his pancakes and for some reason he feels sad and thinks about last night and how Trey woke up at 3:30 am throwing up. Elijah remembers rubbing his boyfriend's back and wishing it would all end soon.

“Good.” Trey passes the syrup to Elijah but he declines and munches on bacon instead.

“Even when you woke up vomiting because of your drinking escapade?” This comes out more cold than he wanted it to be, but it was true and he was still a little distraught from it. He only saw Trey drunk a handful of times and every time he hated it. Trey smirks a bit and sighs.

“Yes, even then.” Trey tries to make light of the subject but he sees the sadness in Elijah's eyes still. “Elijah, I just became a bit drunk and I'm sorry for that, but you didn't have to come and get me. I could have stayed at Rachel's. I was only having fun.”

Elijah hates the sound of that as if picking up his boyfriend was a terrible thing to do.

“So it's my fault for wanting to pick you up and let you sleep in a bed than a shitty couch?”

“You didn't have to see me like that is all I'm saying.” Trey wants to change the subject because he doesn't want it to turn into a fight because he hates them so, so much but Elijah's eyes seem to convey madness, disappointment and sadness all at the same time.

“I know, but I didn't want to just leave you there because I didn't want to see you drunk. That's selfish.” Elijah breathes in deeply and prays that he will keep his composer.

Trey feels trapped in the situation and no matter what it seems that his boyfriend is hell bent on blaming it on him.

“What's selfish is you shaming me for getting drunk just because you don't like it. It is perfectly acceptable for someone who is legally able to drink to get drunk once in a blue moon, Elijah. You need to get over what happened with your mother. It happened three years ago.”

Elijah is taken back and Trey immediately regrets saying it. He definitely sees tears forming in Elijah's eyes now and he just wants to take it all back, but he knows he can't.

“I'm sorry!” He blurts but Elijah just bites his bottom lip and lets tears slowly fall down his cheeks. Elijah's wipes them away then says as he voice cracks.

“If you were sorry you wouldn't even of said that, Trey. You don't get it, do you? Yes, it was three years ago, but it was 19 fucking years of my life. Nineteen years of seeing my mom drunk, vomit, and cry herself to sleep. I had to drive my mom home whenever she would pick me up at a friend's place if she showed up drunk and had to listen to her tell me how great I was and how much she loved me just like what you told me last night. Don't tell me I'm overreacting because I'm not. It hurts me to see you like that because I learned and saw what alcohol can do to a person and it was fucking terrible.”

Elijah is nearly sobbing now and puts his face in his hands. Trey gets up and starts to hug Elijah who is still in his seat, but he freezes up.


“What?” Trey questions, a little taken back.

“Don't touch me, Trey. Don't try to hug me and think everything will be okay.” Elijah says wiping his tears away and looks at his boyfriend who is now only standing next to me.

“I want to make it-”

“Shut up.”


“Shut up.”


“No, shut up!” Elijah yells and begins to cry again. He gets up and heads to the kitchen to try to get away from Trey.

Trey walks closer and begins to plea to his boyfriend to calm down because he's shaking and crying so hard. He only wants this episode to stop, hug Elijah, apologize and help him somehow. Elijah walks backwards through the kitchen then begins to throw things at Trey to keep him away like the spatula Trey used for the pancakes, the fork that he used to flip the bacon with, then the pepper shaker which splatters right in front of the man. Elijah finally hits the counter next to the refrigerator and stops walking away, but only slides down until he sits then puts his face in his knees, crying.

Trey steps closer to Elijah but quickly gets a whiff of the pepper that came out of the shaker. It's strong and burns his nose. His breath hitches for a few seconds as his eyes close before,

Hih’h’nght’CHUH! H'gxt! H'gxt! H'GXT! Eh..huh.. ETCH'uh!” He sniffs and tries to hold him back as he kneels down to Elijah's side and hugs him and rubs his back. “Ssh it's okay. Everything is going be oka … h'gxt'ah! Hih’h’nght'chuh!He sniffs once more. “Everything is going to be okay. I promise.” Trey kisses Elijah temple and keeps hugging him while stifling sneezing periodically while making a mental note to keep the pepper shaker in the cabinet. He doesn't want pepper to be thrown at him any time soon especially because it seems like the sneezes aren't going to stop any time soon, but it doesn't seem like Elijah is going to either. Trey knows this isn't right or normal and realizes that Elijah needs help.

Edited by greetingsfromboston
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I loved this! but ugh, trey! do you see what you do to Elijah, Trey? tsk.

this drabble was sad and sort of scary near the end, but still so awesome. will Elijah be okay? :( Trey says that everything will be okay, but I don't know if I can trust Trey anymore

gahh, sorry to be demanding but, alas, more! :D

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omg just found these and they;re fab! aww this last one was so so sad (the pepper was cute haha sorry) but omgosh more!

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nnnnnnooo! D: i feel so bad for both of them. Trey must feel terrible and Elijah doesn't deserve to be told to just suck it up. can i give them both a hug, now? (btw...more! :lol: )

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1 - Kink :: 2 - Science Fiction :: 3 - Frightened :: 4 - Fake :: 5 – Pencil :: 6 – Squint :: 7 – Misplaced :: 8 – Joy :: 9 - Touched :: 10 – Cough :: 11 – Hot/Cold :: 12 – Sin :: 13 –Care :: 14 – Frail :: 15 – The End :: 16 – Three :: 17 – Never :: 18 – Midnight :: 19 – Promise :: 20 – Fight :: 21 – Pollen :: 22 – Embarrassment :: 23 – Alcohol :: 24 – Mask :: 25 – Mistake :: 26 –Suspicion :: 27 – Disagreement :: 28 – Assignment :: 29 – Purple :: 30 – June :: 31 – Calculating :: 32 – Fall :: 33 – Cry :: 34 – Relief :: 35 – Breath :: 36 – Miserable :: 37 – Chocolate :: 38 – Violent :: 39 – Muffle :: 40 – Swift :: 41 – Run :: 42 – Poison :: 43 – Contagion :: 44 –Tissue :: 45 – Sore :: 46 – Enraptured :: 47 – Wary :: 48 – Pathetic :: 49 – Sweat :: 50 – Gentle :: 51 – Milk :: 52 – Ravenous :: 53 – Blanket :: 54 – Needles :: 55 – Sports :: 55 – Ruin :: 56 – Lovely :: 57 – Hospital :: 58 – Annoying :: 59 – Mother :: 60 – Bike :: 61 – Idiot :: 62 – Puppy :: 63 – Control :: 64 - Unfair :: 65 – Similarities :: 66 – Raincoat :: 67 – Worship :: 68 – Attitude :: 69- Fuck:: 70 – Confession :: 71 – Floor :: 72 – Remedy :: 73 – Don’t :: 74 – Ego :: 75 – Heartless :: 76 – Lullaby :: 77 – Secret :: 78 – Shut Up :: 79 – Music :: 80 – Grudge :: 81 – Solitude :: 82 – Magic :: 83 – Dirty :: 84 - City :: 85 – Teacher :: 86 – Sky :: 87 – Hypocrite :: 88 – Tattoo :: 89 – Money :: 90 – Childhood :: 91 – Goodbye :: 92 – Victory :: 93 – Weather :: 94 – Photo :: 95 – Rage :: 96 – Internet:: 97 – Fashion :: 98 – Favor :: 99 – Lazy :: 100 – Airplane

@destrier - I hope you will be able to trust Trey again soon, girly, and I'm so happy that you love it even if it was a little scary! whoo.gif

@sadie22233 - I'm so glad that you found these and love them! I hope you continue reading! tonguesmiley.gif

@glue - Aw, I feel bad for them, too! I was so mean to them! But yes, you can hug them now and forever! smile.png

If any you have any request or scenarios that you want to see the boys in then just tell me and I will be happy to write it!!

* * *


It has been four months since Trey has been drunk and four months since Elijah has had an “episode” Trey likes to call them. Since then, Trey has been planning a vacation for the two to San Francisco and he was unbelievably excited. They board the plane at 12:45 pm and were up in the air in no time.

How do you feel?” Trey asks Elijah. He has the window seat, per request, and turns from the window to respond.

A little anxious. I've never been on a plane, you know.”

And he hasn't. The farthest he's ever been is to Arizona and he endured a 48 hour car ride with his family to get there when he was seventeen, but he was mostly stayed in Illinois his whole life. Trey squeezes his hand.

I know, but it will be fine and we will be there in no time.”

Elijah swallows and remembers distinctively that their flight is four hours and fifteen minutes long. He is nervous as he thinks of all the possibilities that could go wrong with the plane, but stops once he feels a faint itch in the back of his nose. He rubs at it then rests his head on his boyfriend's shoulder. This lasts about 45 minutes as Elijah drifts off to a light sleep while Trey watches a movie on the small TV screen in front of him until he sits up and rubs his nose again. The itch is increasing and his breath begins to hitch and falter. His eyelids close slowly as he raises his elbow to his face.

Hah-ISSCHuh!” He sniffles then starts to put his head until the itch blooms again so he raises his elbow back to his face. “IISSHuh! UuhISSSCHuh!Hh'ESSH'uh!”

Bless you!” Trey states and kisses Elijah's temple.

Elijah begins to answer until,UuhISSSCHuh!Hh'TASSH'uh!”


Hh'ESSH'uh!” He sneezes heavily and sniffles a few times.

Are you okay?” Trey asks as his boyfriend keeps sniffling. He worries and hopes Elijah isn't sick.

Yeah, my nose is just super itchy for some reason. Could you ask an attendant for some tissues?” He asks and feels his eyes begin feel irritated.

He also sees people staring at him and he feels so, so awkward. Elijah wants to tell them that he isn't contagious or even sick, but the flight attendant shows up before he has time to say anything. Trey thanks the attendant then passes them to Elijah. He opens the package of travel pack tissues and plucks one out to start dabbing his runny nose, not daring to blow it because he doesn't want to disgust the other passengers. The itch blooms again and he raises the tissue to his face.

Hih..eh..uh.. hh'ESSH'uh! Hh'TASSH'uh!” Elijah sighs and put his head on Trey's shoulder. “Ugh, this is horrible.”

Trey coos and rubs Elijah's right hand that is on his leg. “I don't know, baby. Is your throat sore or anything?”

No, I'm so itchy, though. My nose, eyes, throat, and ears.” Elijah replies, sits back up, then rubs his left ear.

Trey knows those symptoms all too well and he knew it had to be allergies. He looks around the plane and wonders what Elijah could be allergic to on an airplane. He sniffs the air and doesn't smell any strong perfume or cologne that could set Elijah off. He's stumped until he sees another flight attendant walking through the aisle with a small bowl of water and little brown treats. Trey clears his throat and gets the attention of the attendant.

Miss, are there pets on this flight?”

Oh yes, sir. We have four small dogs on this flight.”

Wha-hh'ESSH'uh! Hh'TASSH'uh” He sniffles. “What? Four dogs?!”

Is there a problem, sir?” The attendant asks as she looks at the two with her eyes filled with genuine concern. Before Elijah could answer he plucks two tissues out of the small package and starts a sneezing fit.

Yes, he's very allergic to dogs, so is there any way that we could move or anything?”

We could definitely help you two.” The flight attendant says and excuses herself to take the water and treats to another passenger before going back to the men. “I am so sorry for your troubles, sir.” The flight attendant glances at Elijah who is sneezing every few seconds. “There are no seats available in the select seats, but we have a few in first class. Is that okay for you? No pets are allowed and it will be free of charge.”

Trey's face lights up in delight and he is sure that Elijah's does too, but the man is too busy rubbing his eyes and wiping away the allergic tears.

That would be perfect.” Trey brightens and squeezes his boyfriend's hand then begins to get up with Elijah.

The men get to their new seats and Trey thanks the flight attendant graciously then turns to Elijah.

Do you feel better?” Trey asks as Elijah turns to him, his eyes are bloodshot and puffy, but he still smiles when Trey asks the question.

Somewhat. It's so wonderful that we're able to sit in first class, though.” Elijah smiles, very happily until he feels a huge itch take over him or at least his nose. He raises one of the last tissues in the pack he has to his face. “ Hah-ISSCHuh! IISSHuh! UuhISSSCHuh!He sniffles and dabs his nose then mumbles. “Damn dogs.”

Trey laughs out loud and replies. “Oh my gosh, you are so dramatic!” But even though Elijah may be, Trey loves him nonetheless.

Edited by greetingsfromboston
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Woah, 'Shut Up' sure was intense! Great job!

I just love these two and I hope everything works out and Elijah can work through his issues and Trey becomes a bit more sensitive for the whole situation.

Can't wait for more :-)

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Loved the airplane. Trapped with no where to go? Yum.

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1 - Kink :: 2 - Science Fiction :: 3 - Frightened :: 4 - Fake :: 5 – Pencil :: 6 – Squint :: 7 – Misplaced :: 8 – Joy :: 9 - Touched :: 10 – Cough :: 11 – Hot/Cold :: 12 – Sin :: 13 –Care :: 14 – Frail :: 15 – The End :: 16 – Three :: 17 – Never :: 18 – Midnight :: 19 – Promise :: 20 – Fight :: 21 – Pollen :: 22 – Embarrassment :: 23 – Alcohol :: 24 – Mask :: 25 – Mistake :: 26 –Suspicion :: 27 – Disagreement :: 28 – Assignment :: 29 – Purple :: 30 – June :: 31 – Calculating :: 32 – Fall :: 33 – Cry :: 34 – Relief :: 35 – Breath :: 36 – Miserable :: 37 – Chocolate :: 38 – Violent :: 39 – Muffle :: 40 – Swift :: 41 – Run :: 42 – Poison :: 43 – Contagion :: 44 –Tissue :: 45 – Sore :: 46 – Enraptured :: 47 – Wary :: 48 – Pathetic :: 49 – Sweat :: 50 – Gentle :: 51 – Milk :: 52 – Ravenous :: 53 – Blanket :: 54 – Needles :: 55 – Sports :: 55 – Ruin :: 56 – Lovely :: 57 – Hospital :: 58 – Annoying :: 59 – Mother :: 60 – Bike :: 61 – Idiot :: 62 – Puppy :: 63 – Control :: 64 - Unfair :: 65 – Similarities :: 66 – Raincoat :: 67 – Worship :: 68 – Attitude :: 69- Fuck:: 70 – Confession :: 71 – Floor :: 72 – Remedy :: 73 – Don’t :: 74 – Ego :: 75 – Heartless :: 76 – Lullaby :: 77 – Secret :: 78 – Shut Up :: 79 – Music :: 80 – Grudge :: 81 – Solitude :: 82 – Magic :: 83 – Dirty :: 84 - City :: 85 – Teacher :: 86 – Sky :: 87 – Hypocrite :: 88 – Tattoo :: 89 – Money :: 90 – Childhood :: 91 – Goodbye :: 92 – Victory :: 93 – Weather :: 94 – Photo :: 95 – Rage :: 96 – Internet:: 97 – Fashion :: 98 – Favor :: 99 – Lazy :: 100 – Airplane

@gummiflummi - Thank you! I just hope it wasn't too intense since I do love my fluff! I'm sure the two will work it out. Promise! (:

@AngelEyes - Aw, thank you!! I loved the scenario, too! Thank you for commenting! tonguesmiley.gif

* * *


“Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear Elijah, happy birthday to you.”

Elijah woke up to the sound of Trey singing softly. He opened his eyes slowly and when he did, a jolting pain shot through his head.

“Ohhh.” Elijah moaned and grabbed the side of his head.

A frown instantly came upon Trey's face. “Are you okay, birthday boy?” He asked as he set the tray of Elijah's favorite breakfast food his nightstand.

“I feel horrible, Trey.” Elijah muttered and curled further in the covers, sniffling.

“Aw, what doesn't feel well?” Trey asked once he sat on the side of their bed next to Elijah's blanket covered legs.

“My head and body just hurt and I'm so tired, babe.”

Trey frowned and felt his boyfriend's head which was noticeably warm. “You seem to have a fever, beautiful. I think you're sick.” He rubbed Elijah's leg and cooed. “And on your birthday, too. We can lay in bed all day and watch movies instead, okay? Do you still want your breakfast?”

“N-hih..ESSH.” Elijah caught the sneeze right in time in his blanket. “Excuse me. And no, I don't. I'm sleepy.”

Trey told his boyfriend that he could go back to sleep, said he loved him, and walked quietly out of their bedroom with the tray. He put the food in a plastic container, put it in the refrigerator, and looked at Zeus who was lying on the floor playing with one of his toys. Trey sighed, a little disappointed that Elijah was sick on his birthday since he planned such a fun day for the two, but more than anything, he felt bad for his boyfriend. When Elijah became sick, which was rare, it always lasted longer than the usual and he was always so needy. Trey loved taking care of his boyfriend when he was vulnerable because it was one of the few times that the man opened up and let his guard down. Trey grabbed his keys, put on his shoes, and headed out the door to buy sick supplies for his boyfriend.

Trey came back only thirty minutes later with two bags of supplies. One bag had cold and flu medicine and the like in it while the other had movies that he knew Elijah loved. He took out the NyQuil, filled the small cup with the recommended dose then went into the bedroom to see a dazed looking Elijah.

“Eliiiijaaah.” Trey hummed as he walked near the bed. Elijah let out a string of chesty, wet coughs then grunted in response that made Trey giggle a little. “I have medicine for yoooou.”

“Nooo.” Elijah moaned. “IISSHuh! Hah-ISSCHuh!” Elijah sat up slowly and blinked. His head was in a fog and the NyQuil looked gut-wrenching. “I feel so bad.”

“I know, baby. But this medicine will help.” Trey was about to hand over the small cup but Elijah pushed it away instead. “For me?”

That did it, Elijah took the cup and medicine then coughed once he was finished. “Disgust-hih..KTSSH!Hh'TASSH'uh! UuhISSSCHuh!”

Trey jumped a little, surprised at the loudness of the sneezes. He could never get used to Elijah's loud sneezes.

“Bless you!” Trey hummed as he noticed Elijah's sweaty forehead. “Are you warm, baby? You can take off some clothes if you want. It is July, you know. You must be burning.”

“You'd like that wouldn't you?” Elijah smirked a little and giggled. “Help?”

Trey obeyed and helped his boyfriend take off his shirt, exposing his light tan and fit body. He couldn't help but stare at Elijah's boyfriend, he'd never get used to it. He was just so attractive to Trey even when sick. He felt ridiculous.

“Do you like what you se-hih..hih..” Elijah's chest began to rise and fall, faster and faster until,ESSH! UuhISSSCHuh!”

“Maaaybe.” Trey giggled as Elijah sniffled. “Wait, I bought you some tissues!” He got off the bed and was back in a matter of seconds. “Here.” He gave the box of tissues to Elijah.

“These aren't the scented ones, are they?” Elijah read the box.

“No, just plain tissues!”

Trey remembered the time that that he bought Elijah scented tissues and what a mistake that was. He thought he was doing a sweet gesture since Elijah was suffering from allergies, but it seemed that he was allergic to the tissues as well. What a sneezy evening that was.

Elijah blew his nose softly then pulled Trey into him then down on the bed. “Lay with meee. IISSCH! I'm dyiiing.”

“Oh no, dying?! We should start writing your will, then!” Trey joked, giggling. Thankfully it made Elijah giggle, too.

Elijah rubbed his red nose with the tissue.ESSH!” He kept the tissue to his face for a moment, eyebrows still knitted together and face a little scrunched, then took it away. “Movies?”

Trey nodded and smiled. “We have so many movies!”

The two watched Disney movies until the sun went down or at least Trey did, Elijah fell asleep halfway through in Trey's arms. As Trey watched the ending of UP Elijah slowly awoke.

“Hi, Elijahbear.” Trey whispered as he looked down at his boyfriend who was lying on his chest.

“Trey?” Elijah mumbled, congestion filled his voice.


“I had the best birthday ever with you. Hih..hah-TSSH! KTSSH! ISSCH!” He coughed into his wrist then sniffled.

“Good. I had the best day with you, also.” Trey smiled, kissing his forehead and cuddling closer to him.

Edited by greetingsfromboston
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you know, you wrote this perfectly elijah was cute and needy but not so much that he was annoying and trey was so good to him and i just blowup.gif

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1 - Kink :: 2 - Science Fiction :: 3 - Frightened :: 4 - Fake :: 5 – Pencil :: 6 – Squint :: 7 – Misplaced :: 8 – Joy :: 9 - Touched :: 10 – Cough :: 11 – Hot/Cold :: 12 – Sin :: 13 –Care :: 14 – Frail :: 15 – The End :: 16 – Three :: 17 – Never :: 18 – Midnight :: 19 – Promise :: 20 – Fight :: 21 – Pollen :: 22 – Embarrassment :: 23 – Alcohol :: 24 – Mask :: 25 – Mistake :: 26 –Suspicion :: 27 – Disagreement :: 28 – Assignment :: 29 – Purple :: 30 – June :: 31 – Calculating :: 32 – Fall :: 33 – Cry :: 34 – Relief :: 35 – Breath :: 36 – Miserable :: 37 – Chocolate :: 38 – Violent :: 39 – Muffle :: 40 – Swift :: 41 – Run :: 42 – Poison :: 43 – Contagion :: 44 –Tissue :: 45 – Sore :: 46 – Enraptured :: 47 – Wary :: 48 – Pathetic :: 49 – Sweat :: 50 – Gentle :: 51 – Milk :: 52 – Ravenous :: 53 – Blanket :: 54 – Needles :: 55 – Sports :: 55 – Ruin :: 56 – Lovely :: 57 – Hospital :: 58 – Annoying :: 59 – Mother :: 60 – Bike :: 61 – Idiot :: 62 – Puppy :: 63 – Control :: 64 - Unfair :: 65 – Similarities :: 66 – Raincoat :: 67 – Worship :: 68 – Attitude :: 69- Fuck:: 70 – Confession :: 71 – Floor :: 72 – Remedy :: 73 – Don’t :: 74 – Ego :: 75 – Heartless :: 76 – Lullaby :: 77 – Secret :: 78 – Shut Up :: 79 – Music :: 80 – Grudge :: 81 – Solitude :: 82 – Magic :: 83 – Dirty :: 84 - City :: 85 – Teacher :: 86 – Sky :: 87 – Hypocrite :: 88 – Tattoo :: 89 – Money :: 90 – Childhood :: 91 – Goodbye :: 92 – Victory :: 93 – Weather :: 94 – Photo :: 95 – Rage :: 96 – Internet:: 97 – Fashion :: 98 – Favor :: 99 – Lazy :: 100 – Airplane

@glue - Aw, really?! I actually didn't really think it was that great because I don't have a grasp to write sick fics, but thank you!! That makes my day. hug.gif

* * *


“You okay?”

“Y..hiiihh...yeah. Snff!

Elijah and Trey were horseback riding together, thanks to Elijah's suggestion. He was an avid horse lover since he grew up riding and had wonderful memories of horseback riding with his friends and family yet he had never taken Trey riding until today.

Trey swallowed and looked down at the horse. It was so big and he was up so high, not to mention his nose was itching like crazy. His breath hitches again for a few seconds, but this time he can't hold it back.

H'gxt! H'gxt'chuh!

“Bless you! Are you having fun? It's so beautiful out here, isn't it?”

Trey could only think of all the plants that surrounded him, the sun hitting down fiercely on his body and the intense itch in his nose.

“Yeah, it is Snff snff.”

In all honesty, it was a beautiful day. There were few clouds in the sky and a warm 74 degrees and yes, he was having fun except for the burning itch that was living in his nose. It had to be from all the trees and flowers and nature in general.

Hih..Hih’h’nght’chuh! H'gxt! Snff snff! Hih..eh..uh..etch! Etch'uh! H'nght'chuh!” Trey snapped forward and sneezed weakly then blinked, his eyes filling with allergic tears.

“Bless you! You're hayfever is so bad today, babe.” Elijah commented shocked, as he looked across to his boyfriend who's breath was hitching again while allergic tears fell down his face.

Etch! Etch'uh! H'gxt! H'nght'chuh! Huh..eh..h'nght'chuh!” Trey swiped at his watering eyes and realized that the allergic reaction could, and probably was, coming from the horse and not any plants that were on the trail. It made sense, too. His nose and eyes began to itch the moment he got onto the great Quarter Horse.

“Bless you times, I think, five? Are you sure you're okay? You look awful.” Elijah asked, watching his boyfriend's breath falter and stammer until he thrown in another fit.

“I think I'm allergic to th..hiih..the horse.” He spat out. Etch! H'GXT'oo! H'nght'chuh! Ngxt'uh!”

“Okay, can you stop the horse for me?” Elijah asked, stopping his horse and waited until Trey did the same, which he did quickly then Elijah took hold of the other horse's reins. “Can you scoot back for me, baby?” He asked, gently.

Trey did and once Elijah was on the other horse, Trey wrapped his arms around his boyfriend's waist. He sniffled then slumped on Elijah, putting his chin on Elijah's left shoulder. H'gxt..eh..uh..h'gxt!”

“Don't hold them back. Just sneeze and let them out.” Elijah instructed, kindly.

It took twenty minutes to get back to the stable with Elijah riding one horse and holding the reins of the other that walked besides them. Along the way Trey sneezed twenty-two small, itchy sneezes, but they finally made it back. Once they were in Elijah's Prius, Trey sneezing settled.

Snff! Snfffff!” Trey rubbed his face with the palms of his hands as Elijah fiddled with the air conditioning.

“I am so, so, so sorry! I had no idea that you were allergic. I just wanted to show you how I spent most of my childhood.”

“Don't be!” Trey stopped rubbing his face and looked at Elijah, smiling. “It was really fu...hih..h'nght'chuh..hh'nght'chuh! Fun. Just don't expect me to ride again anytime soon.” He chuckled.

Trey had sporadic sneezing fits for the rest of the night which led to sexy time that Trey didn't even question because, well, he was sneezing too much to ask.

Edited by greetingsfromboston
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I love these two wubsmiley.gif And you update so quickly, I wish I was that good!

Cough is my favorite, Trey tries so hard. These are adorable! More pleeease yes.gif

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oh, hooray! two updates since I've been gone! and both boys are still as cute as ever :P poor Elijah, though, being sick on his birthday!

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Awkward moment when my name is Elijah o.o :-: er kool Drabbles doe.~~

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1 - Kink :: 2 - Science Fiction :: 3 - Frightened :: 4 - Fake :: 5 – Pencil :: 6 – Squint :: 7 – Misplaced :: 8 – Joy :: 9 - Touched :: 10 – Cough :: 11 – Hot/Cold :: 12 – Sin :: 13 –Care :: 14 – Frail :: 15 – The End :: 16 – Three :: 17 – Never :: 18 – Midnight :: 19 – Promise :: 20 – Fight :: 21 – Pollen :: 22 – Embarrassment :: 23 – Alcohol :: 24 – Mask :: 25 – Mistake :: 26 –Suspicion :: 27 – Disagreement :: 28 – Assignment :: 29 – Purple :: 30 – June :: 31 – Calculating :: 32 – Fall :: 33 – Cry :: 34 – Relief :: 35 – Breath :: 36 – Miserable :: 37 – Chocolate :: 38 – Violent :: 39 – Muffle :: 40 – Swift :: 41 – Run :: 42 – Poison :: 43 – Contagion :: 44 –Tissue :: 45 – Sore :: 46 – Enraptured :: 47 – Wary :: 48 – Pathetic :: 49 – Sweat :: 50 – Gentle :: 51 – Milk :: 52 – Ravenous :: 53 – Blanket :: 54 – Needles :: 55 – Sports :: 55 – Ruin :: 56 – Lovely :: 57 – Hospital :: 58 – Annoying :: 59 – Mother :: 60 – Bike :: 61 – Idiot :: 62 – Puppy :: 63 – Control :: 64 - Unfair :: 65 – Similarities :: 66 – Raincoat :: 67 – Worship :: 68 – Attitude :: 69- Fuck:: 70 – Confession :: 71 – Floor :: 72 – Remedy :: 73 – Don’t :: 74 – Ego :: 75 – Heartless :: 76 – Lullaby :: 77 – Secret :: 78 – Shut Up :: 79 – Music :: 80 – Grudge :: 81 – Solitude :: 82 – Magic :: 83 – Dirty :: 84 - City :: 85 – Teacher :: 86 – Sky :: 87 – Hypocrite :: 88 – Tattoo :: 89 – Money :: 90 – Childhood :: 91 – Goodbye :: 92 – Victory :: 93 – Weather :: 94 – Photo :: 95 – Rage :: 96 – Internet:: 97 – Fashion :: 98 – Favor :: 99 – Lazy :: 100 – Airplane

@kendaahhll - I love writing so I tend to update quickly, but your drabbles are so cute! I'm so happy that Cough is your favorite. I think Trey gets a bad wrap sometimes. He is a sweetie, I swear!

@destrier - I wondered where you were! I missed ya, girly! Maybe Trey will surprise Elijah with a make up birthday? (;

@DeathNoteOwner - I had no idea that your name is Elijah! That is such a coincidence. But I'm glad you like them!

If you had any requests, I'm always glad to write them!

* * *


It began with a few little ants by the windowsill.

“Don't hurt them!”

But Trey killed the ants, anyway. “They'll keep growing in numbers if I don't.”

And Trey's right, in two weeks, the ant population grows in their apartment. First, they occupy their bathroom then their kitchen and finally gnats.

“This is disgusting.” Elijah comments as he swats a gnat away from his face. “I clean every day and yet they're still here.”

Which was true. Their apartment is spotless and cleaned to a tee, but they’re still everywhere. Elijah and Trey were not slobs or messy by any means, so it didn't make sense to either of them.

“I'm calling a fumigator tomorrow, okay? I'm not letting my meatloaf live like this.” Trey kisses Elijah's lips slowly then turns off the lamp on his nightstand then cuddles to his side for the night.

Two weeks later, and after they prepared their apartment, they stayed the night at a friend's with Zeus in tow until the fumigation was completed. The day after the fumigation, the three went back to their apartment and everything seemed back to normal.

“No ants in sight!” Elijah exclaimed as he sat down on their living room couch to watch television.

“Yeah, it's perfe...hihhh...Hih’h’nght'chuh! Hih’h’nght'chuh!” Trey sniffles. “Perfect.”

“Bless you, babe. Do you want to do anything today?”

“No, not really. I just want to rel..Etch'uh! H'nght'chuh! Relax.”

Elijah blessed Trey once more before sitting next to him on the couch and Trey sneezed twice again.

“Bless you, sneezy. Hope you're not getting sick.” Elijah cooed as he wrapped his arm around Trey's then cuddled into the man.

“I think it's the..heh..h'gxt! Left over fumes or something.” Trey sniffled wetly and rubbed his nose on his wrist.

“Aw, they're poisoning my baby.” Elijah cooed again and kissed Trey's temple. Trey grimaced before he snapped forward to sneeze again. “I told you not to hurt them! Karma's a bitch, isn't it?”

“Shut up.” Trey giggled.Heh..etch! H'gxt! H'nght'chuh!He sniffled and turned to Elijah on the couch, crossed his legs together then wrapped his arms around his boyfriend's neck.”I just wanted to protect you.”

“And I wanted to protect the animals!”

“Okay, next time I'll throw you under the bus to protect any animal. My nose is on fire.” Trey unwrapped his arms around his boyfriend and goes to get a tissue in their bedroom.

Elijah listened as Trey sneezed for a few minutes, maybe about five, until he came back with watery eyes and pink nostrils. Once he comes back, Elijah has goosebumps all over legs and he feels extra tingly from hearing Trey's sneezes, 32 sneezes to be exact, and seeing him all irritated. It seemed that getting a fumigator had more benefits than killing bugs and Elijah loved that.

Edited by greetingsfromboston
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Woah ;-; god damn this is good. N yah my name heh;-;. Continue these drabbles <3

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ooh, when you say surprise make up birthday, does that include birthday suits? bleh.gif haha, Elijah's so sweet, with his desire to protect the ants. "It seemed that getting a fumigator had more benefits than killing bugs and Elijah loved that." ohh, Elijah, you sly dog sly.gif

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