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Sneeze Fetish Forum

It's another drabble thread! HtGAwM, Glee, SPN, White Collar and more :-)


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Lovely mention of Cas, even if he's not there...

Oh, Cas is everywhere. I mean, this is Dean we're... sort of... talking about... ... Okay, I don't know, it's 0130 in the morning and I should NOT have had coffee before my rehearsal tonight cos, MAN, SLEEP. Thanks for the comments and the prompt!!!

Apologies in advance for freaking out. My super closeted fangirl made her appearance and likes to use caps lock.

Hon, don't apologise! Trust me, I write things, I obsess over things, my fangirl doesn't even pretend to hide in a closet, she just comes out sometimes spewing glitter and rainbows.

You're to blame if I accidentally write a Community sneezefic.

Please do. Please, please, do. We need more. I haven't watched Community in an age but there can never be enough on here. Or, well, any at all. :P

I have a thing for REALLY REALLY HOT GUYS

YES. Yes, yes. I've slowly started to realise I have a type that I tend to go for... and How to Get Away With Murder is making me seriously glad I'm not IN a relationship because guys I go for are usually broken and, well... borderline psycopathic (or so I have my theories) and charming and a little manipulative at times and... ugh. Stupid characters and their attractive actors. Life isn't fair.

Thanks so much for the comment too! I really appreciate them. Not too sure if you're watching HtGAwM, but I hope you like this one anyway. And....... attractive man. Said attractive man from before who I have my theories may have some sort of personality/empathy disorder but dear LORD. Just... YouTube Connor Walsh scenes and become hooked. :P

So, hi, people! If you read me over in my Warbler drabble thread, you'll know that I lived in a 4 month bubble while I worked at a camp in the US and travelled... but I am back, and slowly trying to get back into writing. I also may have started a short story over in the other section... but this isn't really fitting in, so I thought it could sit here and see what you make of it. Anyone watching How to Get Away With Murder? I present to you a little... Olinnor? Conniver? Cover? I don't know. Connor and his ridiculously attractive... something. Not too sure what their relationship is going to become, but here at least it's sort of... let's call it a nonexclusive relationship. Been going on a month or two, not really socially intimate but still cutesy enough at times? Eh. Oliver and Connor. :P

Prompt: A Little Party Never Killed Nobody (All We Got) – Fergie, Q-Tip and Goonrock

Fandom: How to Get Away with Murder

Characters: Connor Walsh, Oliver (… does he have a surname yet?)

Words: 875

“Connor?” He sighed, knuckles clanging on the wooden door. “Connor, I know you’re in there. I get that you’re busy and, God, I wasn’t expecting more than take-out, but the least you could have done was call me.” He could hear movement inside, rustling of papers maybe, before the click of a lock turning. “About time.”

“Sorry.” Connor’s tone was almost apologetic – almost – as he gestured at the books, folders and scrawled lecture notes spraying the room. “Got a test tomborrow and Anndalise still expects us to…”

His breath hitched slightly, eyes gazing out, and Oliver knew. “How long have you been sick?”

“Huh?” Connor ran a hand through his hair, a mischievous glint in his eyes – one that either masked a job behind a kiss or… something else behind that charm. “I’mb finde…”

And there came that look. That gleam. That one that transported you away, made you trust whatever the man said, forget who you were, made you want to drop everything and fall forward into his eyes and those lips and…

No. He was not that desperate. Not after a month of flirty texts and random hook-ups and… okay, maybe a dinner or four that gave him just enough hope for something more.

Well, maybe Connor just didn’t want to admit things were getting to him. “I brought Thai,” he said with a shrug. “Figured after this long that something made you forget and God knows why but I couldn’t leave you to starve.”

Perhaps he was imagining things, but maybe he saw a flicker of guilt in those brown eyes. A passing thought of how many nights before he’d done a similar thing at an empty door, while Connor was out debating with his professors or getting into yet another cock-fight with his co-workers.

“Can I…come in?”

Connor stepped away, looking a little dazed. “Yeah, sure, let mbe… just… ngxkt!-ngxkt!-hhhh-NGXKT!-uhhh.”

Bless you.” He stepped through the doorway to the kitchenette, pulling out a couple of plates. “Cutlery?”

“Rack ndext to the sindk.” Connor gave a gurgling blow of his nose, which Oliver tried not to grimace at. “hhh-ZSHHH-u!

“Bless you.” He whirled around, plates in hand. “You sure you’re alright? We can reschedule…”

Connor sighed. “You brought dinnder,” he pointed out. “Add I’mb a poor, suffering student – I’mb ndot about to turnd downd a free mbeal.”

“Well, be that as it may…” But, no. A conversation for another day. “After dinner? I, uh…” He blushed, realising the implications. “I brought Catch Me If You Can…”

“Dinnder add a mbovie?”

He didn’t need to look to see the raised eyebrow of disbelief. Of judgement that someone might try overstepping a boundary with him. “You’re sick… you could use a break…”

“You do realise,” he sniffed, “mbe being sick mbeands you should definditely ndot stay after.”

“And you should probably be in bed, but that’s not exactly on the table right now, is it?”

Where was the boldness coming from?

“You just… don’t want to let people in, do you?”

“I don’t kndow what you thindk this is, Oliver.” Connor sighed.

“I know, I know, you don’t do boyfriends.” Oliver stepped back, setting the plates down on the bench and watching Connor swipe idly at his nose. “How about friends? Could you stand the idea for a minute that maybe spending time with you isn’t the worst thing in the world, and that maybe I want to look after you when you need it?”

Connor shook his head, hair flopping out of its gel. “I’ll only hurt you. Are you sure you’d wandt that?”

Oliver shrugged. “So you’re a psychopath. Whatever. I’ve had worse.”

“Ndot a psychopath. Just – “

“Willing to do whatever it takes and emotionally stunted. I’ve met lawyers like you.”


“Bless you.” He took a step forward, bold, lip catching in his teeth. “Besides,” he said, snaffling a handful of tissues and holding them out, “it’s sort of hot, seeing you all out of control like this.”

Connor quirked an eyebrow. “You mbeand – hhh’ISHHhh! – “

“What? Never dated a guy with a fetish before?” Oliver almost tutted, completely absorbed in this act of bravado. “Well, well, Mr Walsh – there’s a first for everything.”

“You’re crazy.” Connor shook his head, eyes remaining locked just out of focus… no doubt trying to hide his desperate need to sneeze.

“Only a little.” He kept inching forward, without conscious thought. Then he reached out, arms grabbing Connor’s biceps and rubbing them in a surprising act of intimacy. Gentle intimacy, not the mindless screwing their relationship had so far been built on… Not that there was anything wrong with that of course.

“You’ll get si- hihh… - sick…”

I don’t care,” he whispered before biting his earlobe. “Let me help you feel better.”

ngxkt-uhhh!” He turned his head, bumping his chin into Oliver’s shoulder with the stifled sneeze. Oliver could feel another building, Connor’s chest pushing into his as he bit and sucked and kissed down his neck. Or maybe he was just relaxing in. “Ngkxt!-hhh… Okayyyy…

“Good. After dinner, it’s my turn to do you.” He spun the law student around, planting a few kisses on his neck as he pushed him towards the table. “A little fun never killed anyone, now, did it?”

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Hey I just read your old-ish community fic and I just have to thank you for writing it! It's the only community sneeze fic out there and you did an excellent job with it! I'm not familiar with any other fandoms on your list, but I believe there needs to be more community stuff on this forum. Jeff has the cutest nose out there and it needs to be tortured! Lol

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  • 2 months later...

Hopping aboard the Arrow hype train!! I just finished s1 and I love it so much! Stephen Amell is just a specimen in Arrow :drool:

Sometimes she’d catch his shoulders pinching together as he stifled a sneeze while hanging… If she were lucky, she’d even get a glimpse from the front, how his face tucked into whatever corner it could find, and his abdomen would tighten and lower body would curl up, just for that instant…

twitchsmile.gif this. this. this is just. i'm not ashamed to admit how hot this sounds

“I was alonde for five years – I’ve forgottend what a cold feels like, let alonde anything else.”

yes. yes yes yes! head canon accepted.

Everything was so well-written; the characterizations were spot on! I would definitely LOVE to see more

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  • 7 months later...

Ohhhhh wow. I can't believe it's been over a year since I last posted to this... Good thing it's just a collection of random drabbles! :D

Hey I just read your old-ish community fic and I just have to thank you for writing it! It's the only community sneeze fic out there and you did an excellent job with it! I'm not familiar with any other fandoms on your list, but I believe there needs to be more community stuff on this forum. Jeff has the cutest nose out there and it needs to be tortured! Lol

Awww, thank you! I think I need to go back and rewatch Community and see if I get any more ideas... Jeff is aDORable though!!!

'stephab13', on 13 Mar 2014 - 02:29 AM, said:
Sometimes she’d catch his shoulders pinching together as he stifled a sneeze while hanging… If she were lucky, she’d even get a glimpse from the front, how his face tucked into whatever corner it could find, and his abdomen would tighten and lower body would curl up, just for that instant…

this. this. this is just. i'm not ashamed to admit how hot this sounds

Haha me too! And thanks for the response - I really appreciate it, especially coming from you! But, mmmmm, those abs... I mean... that salmon ladder is hot enough, but fighting allergies too? *drool*

Anyhoooooo. If you've been hanging out in the fanfiction thread, I've started a Brooklyn Nine Nine story. Definitely recommend the show, especially if you liked Parks and Rec (same writing team) - it's adorable Brooklyn cops being hilarious and silly. And I'm pretty sure one of the writers is one of us, because we've had 4 major characters sneeze, one person get a cold, one character break, like, everything in his body AND we just had an episode where two of the characters get the mumps. Yep, you read that right. The mumps.

So this is set during s02e11, while Boyle and Peralta are doing that massive 8 day stakeout. I was talking to AnonyMouse about Charles having been sneezed on by Jake before, realised that they spent 7 days together and Jake just seems the type to be a morning sneezer. And that together spawned this. Absolutely plotless ridiculousness with an extended fit from Jake because, well, why not?

Prompt: Too Close (Alex Care)
Fandom: Brooklyn Nine Nine
Characters: Jake Peralta, Charles Boyle

Words: 611

He’d never realised how annoying Jake’s sneezes are until the fourth day of being subjected to them.

In all fairness, it’s not like Jake can help it. Jake puts up with his CPAP mask. And, it’s really only annoying him because Jake is annoying him. But while the last three mornings have been fine – he’s had a fit of four or five and then quit – the dust or mould or something must be getting to him because he just won’t stop.

Hk’TSHHH! Hhh-hhh… hhSDZTCHH!

He glances out the corner of his eye to see Jake rubbing his face. His eyes are bloodshot – even taking into consideration how little sleep they’ve had the last four nights – and he genuinely looks uncomfortable. He’s clearly trying to still do his job – or, at least, he’s got the camera beside him while he rubs and fans his face – but right now he’s not doing anything but sneeze. “You know, in Japan it’s a common belief that when you sneeze, people are thinking about you.”

Jake draws another heap of air before crumpling forward again.

“Actually, I think that’s true for most of Eastern Asia.”

“That’s fascindatigg. Charles, isnd’t ndo history lessonds ond your Ndo Ndo list?”

He bites back the comment of sociology, not history and sighs deeply. “Jake…”

“Dond’t Jake mbe! I… hii’USHHH’huhh!

“Gesundheit.” As Jake’s breath continues to hitch, Boyle pushes over a box of Kleenex. “Salud.”


“Bless you.”

“Ugh! Endough!” Jake slumps forward, burying himself in a mound of tissues. He blows his nose for a good minute or so, but that’s the longest he’s gone without sneezing since 10, a good seventeen minutes ago now. When he finally straightens, his cheeks are burnt red and wet under his eyes, but at least he’s breathing normally. “That’s it. I’mb adding no blessings to your list.”

He is that close to losing it. He scrabbles for the marker, fingers clenching harder than necessary. “Fine. I’m putting no worrying Charles on yours.”

He stands up to get to the wall, but Jake’s hand is on his shoulder, pulling him back. “Well, why don’t I go ahead and put no worrying downd?”

“Guess you better put that next to your no sneezing then.”

“Yeah, go ahead enforcing that one, Charles.” Then Jake’s weight is on his shoulders – he nearly buckles, but holds steady, wriggling, trying to shake him off.

“I’d like to see you think about sneezing, baby. I’ll cut your damn nose off. Right after I update your list.”

And then suddenly he’s pinned to the ground and they’re wrestling over a marker. Only it doesn’t hit either of them how infantile they’re being until, all of a sudden, his chest is wet, spatterings of (pleaseletitonlybe)spit on his arms, and Jake’s hands are clamped over his face, eyes wide in horror. “Charles, I’mb sorry, I didn’t – that didn’t – I didn’t mbeand – “

“I know, Jake. I know.” He fishes out a handkerchief from his breast pocket as Jake lets him up, cleaning up his arms before passing over the cloth. “It’s not your fault.”

Jake’s lower face is still partially hidden behind the checkered square, but he swears he can hear a mumbled stupid dumb allergies stupid room stupid hotel stupid damn dust.

“Look… Let’s make a deal. I’ll stop blessing your sneezes if you don’t sneeze on me again. Does that sound alright?”

Jake folds the handerchief and puts it on the floor, then holds out a hand. “Deal.”

The next day, when Jake starts at it again (this time a much smaller fit of ten), Boyle just swaps the binoculars in Jake’s hand for the box of tissues and stays silent.

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Omg yes stupid boys wrestling over a marker. :heart: And Boyle with his sociology and fancy foreign blessings. I love how irritated Jake gets with his sneezing, and how mortified he gets after he accidentally sneezes on Charles. I think this is the first time I'm seeing allergic Jake vs. sick Jake from you and I love it! Jake challenging Boyle to enforce his "no sneezing" rule... yeah, good luck with that. :lol:

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  • 2 weeks later...
“Yeah, go ahead enforcing that one, Charles.” Then Jake’s weight is on his shoulders – he nearly buckles, but holds steady, wriggling, trying to shake him off.
“I’d like to see you think about sneezing, baby. I’ll cut your damn nose off. Right after I update your list.”

Ha! This was great!

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  • 1 month later...
On 1/21/2016 at 1:10 AM, AnonyMouse said:

Omg yes stupid boys wrestling over a marker. :heart: And Boyle with his sociology and fancy foreign blessings. I love how irritated Jake gets with his sneezing, and how mortified he gets after he accidentally sneezes on Charles. I think this is the first time I'm seeing allergic Jake vs. sick Jake from you and I love it! Jake challenging Boyle to enforce his "no sneezing" rule... yeah, good luck with that. :lol:

Haha I think I like allergic!Jake... or just morning sneeze!Jake. Theres just something about morning sneezes...


On 1/30/2016 at 10:52 PM, Bruyere said:

Ha! This was great!

Thanks! Glad you're still around! :D


So... do you guys ever get that writing itch sometimes but complimented by a huge block? That's kind of where I am now. I really need to be writing, because I feel like it's just going to explode out... but I have nowhere to begin. So I went through my old pieces and came across this, from HTGAWM - early days, before Coliver were actually Coliver - but it's still sweet. No sneezing but lots of sickness and adorableness and I wanted to share it here just in case there are any Murder people out looking for fics :P

Fandom: HTGAWM
Characters: Connor, Oliver

There were two hours left before his engagement with Oliver that night when his phone buzzed. Thinking it was Annalise or one of the idiots he worked with (or for…) he was half tempted to turn the damn thing off and claim something to the effect of plausible deniability… but then he saw the name.

Hey Connor, I’m so sorry, have the worst possible timing but I just got sent home from work, I’m pretty sure I’m contaminating the train by simply breathing and I’m really not going to be good company tonight. Can we do next week instead? – O

He even rambled in his texts. Connor sighed. Feeling sick?

Understatement of the century, came the fast response.

Connor suddenly felt very uncomfortable… Was that sympathy? Was that it?… The poor guy couldn’t seem to catch a break lately – he’d been almost harder to catch than that fucking Snorlax the last few weeks…  Maybe he was just disappointed… but why would he be? It’s not like… okay, sure, the sex was fine, great… amazing, even… but…

No. No, he wasn’t getting attached. Not happening.

You gonna be alright in that cold apartment of yours by yourself?

… He held his breath as he pressed send, not sure why he was still flirting. If Oliver were sick…

I’m not going to be patient zero and have you and all your workmates hate me. I’ll be fine. – O

Well, yeah. He did say he didn’t want company.

Connor kicked off his work shoes, collapsing back onto his couch and pulling up a lecture recording on his computer. It was probably better than getting all the way there and having to just turn and run back… or fetch tissues or something all night… right?


Contracts was freaking ridiculous. Absolutely ridiculous. And whoever declared that verbal contracts should be a thing – and actually built cases on it – deserved to be shot. No doubt about it.

“…prevented from being put into writing by the fraud of a party thereto, any other party who is by such fraud led to believe that it is in writing…”

“What?! If you live in a council flat beside a river but are not blind… What?” He’d been staring at this too long. This wasn’t even hard legalese. “Why don’t they just say if the contractor is a dick, you’re fine? Makes my life so much easier…” Running his hands through his hair, he was thoroughly grateful for the buzzing of his phone.

… So I’m pretty sure I just lost a lung. Sorry again for cancelling but I’m really glad you aren’t here to witness this. – O

Connor raised an eyebrow. So why are you texting me?

… Uh… Took some flu meds? I can’t be held accountable for my actions right now. – O

I don’t think they’re doing much though. – O

Connor shook his head, torn. Would it be weird if he invited himself over…? Was that… was that a boyfriend only thing? Or a friend thing?

… Yep, there goes my other lung. – O

You still breathing there?

There was a longer pause before the muddled response. Yeah, thinks Yusef. - O

The IT man didn’t seem capable of anything right now… and would be all alone… and could probably use with some cheering up… and, well, it was kind of nice, the thought of being able to look after him and watch him all…

Stop. Alright, enough.

Connor grabbed his laptop and notebook, shrugging into a jacket and heading out the door. Pushed away or not, Oliver needed company. And so on his way he went.


Connor paused outside the door, plastic bags in hand, and knocked gently. He could hear running water and coughing, but it cut off, and footsteps padded slowly over.

“I’mb sorry, I’ve takend everythigg but I cad’t get quieter, I kndow you wandt to mburder mbe.” The door opened, revealing a very pale and red-nosed Oliver… with a mouth that dropped from bashful to surprised faster than a politician retracts a statement. “You’re ndot mby ndeighbour.”

“No.” Connor smirked. “But I brought soup?” He held up the plastic bag. “It’s not exactly chicken noodle or homecooked but I had to bring something.”

Oliver looked oddly touched by the thought. “You… brought soup?”

“Well, if you’re as sick as you sound by text…” Connor reached a hand out for the man’s forehead – it was sweaty but not overly warm – “I couldn’t just leave you here.”

“So you are humband add ndot just a sex mbachinde.”

He sounded so stuffed up… Connor rolled his eyes, trying to keep the sympathy off his face. He couldn’t get over how utterly (adorable) miserable Oliver looked, shrouded in… was that his hoodie?

Goddamn those thoughts.

But then Oliver turned to the side, head ducked into his elbow as he coughed, harsh and hacking, and Connor instantly dropped his mask and pulled a face. “Alright, let’s get you sitting.” Oliver was still going as he wrapped an arm around him, pulling him back into the room and over to the couch. Quick as a flash, he pulled out a bottle of water, handing it over. “You actually do sound like you’re dying.”

“Thandks,” Oliver wheezed, accepting the water with a shaking hand. “Why’d you combe?”

“I had to see the biohazard for myself,” were the words that came from his mouth, but his mind was in a completely different place… Because he cared, because he wanted to look after him, because that’s what boyfriend’s did for each other?

… Boyfriends? Shit. Where’d that come from?

Oliver shook his head, collapsing back and letting Connor take his weight, his back pressed into Connor’s chest. “If you mbake mbe laugh, I swear to God…”

“No laughing.” Connor held his hands up. “Have you eaten? Because, you know, I can do a pretty mean microwaved pumpkin soup…”

Oliver moaned, coughing a little more into his hands. “Ndot hud… hug… Ndo food. Damnb, I cad’t speak.”

Poor thing. Half-aware of his actions, Connor pressed a kiss to his temple. “You need something, Ol. Come on, let me up… and then we’ll work on getting you feeling better, hmm?”

“You’re ndot hondestly codsidering sex right ndow, are you?”

“No! No.” He had come over with that in the back of his mind, but to be honest, he was surprised that Oliver had made it to the door in the first place. “I just… you’re miserable and I want to help?”

Weak, Connor. So weak. Why can’t you just admit that you care about the guy?

“Soup’s ndot a good idea though, ndot ndow…” Oliver nuzzled his head back, wriggling into the niche between neck and shoulder. “I, uh… I don’t kndow if it’s the bug or the mbeds or the coughing but I, uh… mbay have thrown up a little before?”

“Jesus, you are sick. Good thing I drove…” Well, there went the soup idea. Not that he was looking forward to spoon-feeding the guy or anything (wait WHAT). He cast his eye around, looking at all the crumpled Kleenexes littering the coffee table… and shifted sideways, pulling a blue tub from the grocery bag. “Have you ever used this? It might help clear you out a bit.”

And, yeah, this is dangerously into more-than-screwing territory here…

Oliver shook his head, snuffling.

“Here, it’s wonderful.” Connor opened the tub, waving it in front of Oliver’s nose. “I don’t know if you can smell it or not but it’s – “

“… Eucalyptus?”

“Yeah, menthol.” Finally he managed to push himself back. “Lie on your stomach, take your sweater off and I’ll help you.”

And like a small child, Oliver agreed. With Connor’s help he tugged the hoodie and singlet underneath up and over his head (and Connor was not staring at his traps as he did so, no, he was not) and lay on the couch. Picking up the tub, Connor straddled his back, kneeling over him (oh sweet JESUS) and running his fingers over the tan skin… Without any ointment at all, the skin was already so soft and smooth, and if he weren’t in such a precarious situation he could easily have just stayed there, just like that, feeling the electricity crackle from his fingertips as he worked into the knots near his shoulders, traced down the bumps of his spine… (Connor, what the hell are you thinking?!)

Oliver actually moaned the instant their skin met, the scent filling the air. He seemed to visibly relax, the top of his arms dropping down that bit further… They jerked when he coughed moments afterwards, but even that seemed easier somehow, less taxing on the man. So he continued, tracing circles and lines, writing his name and wishes to the stars with the Vicks, covering his ribs and back before stretching up to kiss the nape of his neck, right where his hair disappeared.

“Do you want me to do your chest too?”

His head turned to the side, resting on his hand, he could see Oliver smile, eyes at half-mast. “You’re gonnda put mbe to sleep…”

“Then let me. You need it.”

This is weird. This is weird. This is not mindless screwing, Connor, and you know it.

Shoving thoughts to the side, he smiled down at the man underneath him, doing the exact same thing to his front. Doing this, sharing this, the gentleness, the… the caring, the whatever else this could be labelled… It was sort of nice. It was nice to have to look after someone, rather than save them. It was nice that someone trusted him that much again… He didn’t know if he could after James, but… maybe… maybe this is something to explore?

Maybe not-so-mindlessly-screwing was something to try again…

He helped Oliver back up and into the clothing again, fetching a fresh box of Kleenex before dropping back on the couch, the heavily-scented man once again in his arms, forehead touching his chin.

“So… you should probably be in bed right now…”

“Too combfortable,” Oliver protested weakly. “Add I did probise you I wouldn’t be good compadny.”

“That you did.” Connor gave him a squeeze. “You want to sleep here? I can’t sing but I canrecite contract laws at you…”

Oliver didn’t laugh… or react. He was already drifting away on some faraway cloud.

“Well… Goodnight then.”

And as he hummed lullabies from a forgotten past, Connor suddenly made up his mind. Maybe… just maybe… he was ready to give this boyfriend thing a try.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I love your HTGAWM drabbles! Actually I only got into the show like a week ago, but I'm already on season 2. It's so addicting! Anyway, Connor and Oliver are my favourite characters and you capture their personalities so well! Like, I can hear them say the lines in my head. If you were to write more Coliver cold fluff, I'd definitely be up for it! ^_^

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