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Sneeze Fetish Forum

It's another drabble thread! HtGAwM, Glee, SPN, White Collar and more :-)


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Emily: Have you managed to get on to Supernatural yet? Gosh, it's been so long... Also, you have to love pie. And, I cannot WAIT for Dean to come to Australia and discover meat pies... but, another story, another time.

graydarkness: Thank you! That really means a lot to me - I'm glad I managed to stick to character :-) I cannot believe that there aren't more fics though! I think - when I get more time (there's that word again) that I'll have to write some more :-)

Alrightio! So... Well, yes, it's been an age. Uni is kicking my arse, work kicked my arse all summer (well... I enjoyed every minute of it, but working 6-7 days a week isn't easy!!!) and then I decided to go and get sick. HOMG. So, my complete apologies for leaving it so long... I hope there's still people around that'll read this! And if you guys want to request anything... I mean, it takes me forEVER but I do rather enjoy writing to prompts!

So, story behind this? Currently loving on Huntbastian. And Grey wrote a brilliant sick!Hunt drabble, and I saw this song prompt and decided to go for that. It's actually the most wrapped up in my usual universe for him - I'm pi-on-a-skateboard on FFnet if you're interested.

Otherwise, it's just the Warblers.

*turns into doting mother*

So, hope it's okay!

Questions, comments, concerns, others?

Prompt: Not Over Yet – Starkid Potter

Fandom: Still technically Glee

Characters: Sebastian, Hunter (flu)

Pre-relationship, if that’s how you choose to read it.


“Whoa, bless you!” Sebastian jumped, words tumbling out his mouth instinctively, as he looked around the crowded hallway for its source…

There. There was a clearing around him… Poor kid. His roommate. Hunter. He was standing… barely… slumped against an empty doorframe, eyes glistened over as he pulled a handkerchief from his breast pocket and brought it to his face. He coughed quietly, grimacing in pain, and quickly swiped at his nose before folding the cloth carefully and dropping it back to his pocket.

Instantly, Sebastian forced his way through. He couldn’t help but feel… protective of him. He’d noticed Hunt a little tireder in the morning, maybe sniffling a bit… but not like this.

“Man, you look like shit. What happened?”

Hunter shook his head, like he was trying to clear water from his ears, and a tiny whimper seemed to escape his mouth. But, he straightened himself up, forcing a smile to his face as he greeted his friend. “Ah, I’mb alright. Just a cold, I thi’k.”

His voice, already naturally quite deep, was gravelly, hoarse, seeming to have dropped a few notes just since the morning, and thick with congestion. Sebastian couldn’t help but cringe. “You look like you’re about to fall over.”

Hunter raised an eyebrow, but with his wince of pain (not to mention the hand shooting straight to his sinuses) it didn’t hold nearly the dignity or power as usual. He gave another sniff, almost squeaky, before giving up, starting to move forward again, mouth dropped open for oxygen.

“No, seriously, Hunter. I can hear you breathing.” For once, he easily matched the pace of his companion. “What class have you got next?”

“Id’s better thad it looks or souds,” he muttered.

“I’d hope so…” He reached out an arm, meaning to rub his roommate’s back, but drew back last minute. “Where are you headed to?”


“Uh…” The word was basically incomprehensible, and Sebastian had to think. “Brynmawr? For music?”

Hunter nodded, handkerchief again wrapped over his nose.

“I’m gonna walk you there… make sure you don’t collapse in the hall.”

“Seb, hondestly, I’b finde. You dod’t… dod’t ndeed to… toooo… Hhhhhhold ond…” Hunter stopped by the next doorway, crouching down a little, one hand gripping the frame tightly to brace himself, the other covering his mouth and nose. “HiiiESHIEW! Heh… nngJTSCH’oo!... Ugh…”

“Bless you…”

Hunter whimpered again, face pale. He brought it forward once again to the doorframe as he tried to blow his nose… but his legs were shaking.

“You alright? … Hunt…?”

“Ah, crabp.” He turned his head slightly, looking directly at Sebastian… All his energy seemed to have flown away with that last sneeze. He tried to take a step forward, but swayed violently – Sebastian rushing forward to catch him.

“Jesus, you’re hot!” He pulled him in closer, trying not to cringe at the heat billowing off his face, and slowly helped him down to a bench nearby. “Hunter…”

… hhhh… hihhh… hiiiISHU! … rrrresh’oo! Heh… heh… GNXTCH’oo!

“How long have you had a fever?”

The boy shrugged, breath still hitching. “Hih’ISH’oo! Heh… nGESH’oo!

“Bless.” Sebastian searched through his satchel, finally emerging with a travel pack of tissues. He pulled a couple out, holding them out with a tiny grimace. “Here.”

“Tha’k you.” Hunt’s eyes were closed still, his weight resting almost completely against Sebastian… so removed from his usual refusal to touch… “Ogkay, I bight be a liddle sicker thad jusd a cold…” He blew into the tissues with another groan, that went straight to the pit of Sebastian’s stomach. Poor guy. “Why are you bei’g so dice to be?”

“I’m your friend, aren’t I? Even after your little coup…” he teased, rubbing the boy’s back. “But, honestly, it’s what any decent person would do… Around this time last year I was hit with a doozy of a cold, and it was Jeff who looked after me. So if you don’t want to accept that sometimes people are nice… just think of it as me paying it forward.” Hunter shuddered, and he frowned, refusing to let himself think about how close they were… how vulnerable his fearless captain appeared… “You should be in bed, Hunt. Not going to music.”

Apparently all the boy could do was snuffle, melting further into Sebastian’s arm. That was worrying.

“Can you stand? Or am I going to have to do this bridal style?”

Another whimper. “Cad I… hehhh… please have adother… dother… ti… tiiiiGISH’oo!... adother tissue?”

Sebastian wrinkled his own nose as he handed over the entire packet this time. He was honestly at a bit of a loss. It wasn’t so much the taking care of someone – he’d had a year of the Warblers, under Jeff’s tutorage. The whole situation was foreign. Hunter was usually so… composed, so removed, ever since recovering from his breakdown that first night. And now, rather than his usual strictly enforced 3-foot-radius personal bubble… he was accepting touch, an arm around him, a hand at his neck…

“Bless you again. Hunt, I’m going to take you up to our room and get the nurse, alright?”

His eyes were faraway, nostrils flaring… apparently his nose still itched terribly.

“But I need to know – do you think you can stand? Or do you want me to carry you?”

“I…” He turned aside, coughing into the tissues. “I cad walk. Dod’t touch by ha’d though – eved if by viral load’s low, dod’t wa’t you gettigg sigk.”

“Viral load?”

But Hunter refused to answer, setting his jaw and leaning on his hand – tissues still balled in there – as he prepared to stand up.

So many questions flooded into Sebastian’s mind, but he pushed them all aside… while seeing this fragile (human) side of Hunter, out of his mind with fever probably wasn’t the best time to demand answers. But all he could think of as he pulled an arm over his shoulders and helped the boy slump back upstairs, was that this was just the beginning.

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jawdrop.gifblowup.gifblowup.gif I......I think I just died.....AGAIN...... dead.gif I mean really? Neal, Castiel, Trent, Dean, and Hunter?! Ughhhhhhh *melts into a little puddle* I think I just went into fangirl mode like a billion times.....and just shock.gif I was so not expecting these and just you being the amazing writer that you are just totally blew me out of the water! I Love you!! heart.gifwub.png Thank you so much for writing these and you know I am so looking forward to more. Hope there's more sneezy Trent, or Hunter biggrin.png or Wes. You just love making me explode don't you? ;) *Goes to read it again and again and again!!!*

On a side note: I absolutely LOVE your stories on fanfiction!!! biggrin.png and you are just an amazing writer! I read and re-read your stories when/if I have time and just....... blowup.gif they are just so good! You should so keep it up. smile.png

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  • 2 months later...
  • 2 months later...

Oh boy, just discovered Supernatural a few months ago, now eagerly waiting for season 9 while plundering the internet for more sneezing cass fic. And just found out that you had a few wonderful fic hiden in the forum :) I love you guys! laughingsmiley.gif

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  • 2 months later...

gummiflummi: Haha, gotta love those boys... They're so amazing. Got any more requests?

DeathNoteOwner: Got a few more over on Warbler drabbles too! Thanks :-)

Zane: Oh Zane... I miss your comments! I'll try getting some more Trent done soon... Will you accept some Captain Jack Harkness in the time being? And I might get another Supernatural one up here... maybe... :P

AngelEyes: Thanks! There really do need to be more up here... Hopefully I'll be able to get round to more soon!

PortlandLove12: Haha I have more Warblers up... I do have more time coming up - and exams, so I'm actually studying and all that... and writing keeps me sane. Anything in particular you want more of?

NorthernLady: Sneezy!Cas is the BEST! Glad you're enjoying them... How are you finding season 9 so far?

So in the update about to come - give me 5 min or so, I think - again I'm branching out. My friend thought it would be a good idea to get me into Torchwood. And, my God, there are some ridiculously attractive people in that. So please please please give me feedback, as always - anything, from style to characterisation, it's all useful! And so, coming up, we'll get into Torchwood territory - please tell me there are a few fans out there! Because, my God. I can't. With all of them. Damn them and their ridiculous aesthetics!

Hope you enjoy!

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Prompt: Beautiful Day

Fandom: Torchwood

Characters: Jack (allergies) et al


“Bless ye, Jack,” Gwen said, pausing by the door. “You alright?”

“I’m fine, Gwen.” His hands scraped down into the bottom of a Kleenex box, hitting nothing but cardboard. “Just hayfever. You got something for me?”

“Just paperwork, I’m afraid – still no news on the CRI, but Tosh’s working on it.”

“Ah, damn it. Let me know when we’re in.”

“Yeah, of course.” She put the papers on his desk, brushing his bangs back as she swept out. But she turned around again in the doorway, frowning a little. “Can I get you anything, while I’m here?”

Jack could only smile. “A couple of lost Weevils might be nice…” He sniffed, hand still buried in the tissue box. “Though if you see Ianto, can you send him in?”

She nodded, the door closing with a snap behind her.

Ugh. The beginning of spring always got to him – didn’t seem to matter which time, which country – hell, even which planet – it’d always be the same. He’d wake up, his nose absolutely burning, and groan, knowing that it would be one of those days, where every breath he took would stir up the pollen or dust or God even knows what and he’d sneeze it out. Which shouldn’t be too big a deal – especially in the 21st century, rhinitis wasn’t exactly uncommon – but as someone who prided himself on his ability to constantly keep a cool face, it definitely put more of a dent on his ego for the day than he’d like. And while he had met a few species along the way that could appreciate, for want of a better term, the damn explosions from his face… Well, most didn’t, and he was sure that nostrils flaring and eyes fading wasn’t about to get his face on Time again.

It did do wonders for his hair though…

The prickling in his nose flared up again, and he pushed harder against the Kleenex box – not that there was anything there. He knew that. Of all the technology available to them, something to make tissues magically appear was not one of them.

“I… Iandto?” He called out, sniffing wildly. He patted his pockets down too, though he didn’t even have a napkin spare in there. Great.

He’d never been happier to see the Welshman than right at that moment, his face beaming through the doorway, a cup of coffee in each hand – just in the nick of time. “Good morning, sir! It’s a beautiful day outside and – “ He stopped as Jack sniffed, hands fluttering by his face. “Oh dear. You’ll be wanting a box of tissues then?”


“Bless you. Here.” Ianto crossed the room, holding a handkerchief out over the desk for him.

“Thadks, Iandto. You’re a life-saver.” He took the cloth, folding it over his nose and blowing. Thank God they were still pretty dry – more from his throat than anything – though that wouldn’t last long.

“So what can I do for you this fine morning?”

Jack grinned. “All this alien tech and we have nothing to stop hayfever.”

Ianto smiled in response. “We could always try cutting your nose off, sir.”

“I did, once.”

Ianto choked. “Did it work?”

HiiiiISH’IEW!” Jack sniffed. “Well, obviously ndot. It grew back.”

“It… what?!

“Yeah. It grew back.”

“Always full of surprises.” Ianto shook his head. “Do you want me to get you some antihistamines then?”

“I knew there was a reason for keeping you around.” Jack winked, standing up almost in a mirror with Ianto.

“Well, that and my good looks, obviously,” Ianto said, with more bravery than Jack could have believed. “Oh, and before I forget – Owen’s managed to contain another Weevil. He’s bringing it in now.”

“You know what?” Jack moved in close, pushing his body right up against the other man’s. “Today might just be a beautiful day anyway.” Then he pulled him in closer and their lips met in a kiss.

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Mmm! This was awesome. Sneezy Jack, adorable Ianto, and the details! The spellings, and Jack's thoughts about the creatures he's met, and that his sneezes won't be dry for long.... :drool:

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Oh. My. Good. Lord.

Give me a second, for I am hyperventilating.


Literally, you are one of my favourite writers on here and to see you doing sneezy!Jack and making the characters so IC it was like heaven. Absolutely amazing. Had to actually take a second in the middle of it to get my bearings together and squee a little bit.

So, yeah. To summarise all of my ridiculous gushing I really really liked it :wub:

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myownprivatesfc: Haha glad you enjoyed it! Hope this one's alright too :-)

DeathNoteOwner: Oh, Jack.... He's pretty adorable!

Nebula: YES TORCHWOOD HOMG. I've only just started to watch it - I'm halfway in season 2, Gwen's wedding episode (which funnily enough is where a few of the actors start sounding a bit nasally,.. hmm...) but just... Janto... *flails* And THANK YOU for the comment, I'm flattered. So... hope this next one is still okay characterisation-wise and everything else! Hope you enjoy it!

So, I had my first exam today. Fun times. I'm not happy. I should pass the subject but... yeah, horrible exam. Anyhoo. Always got writing to cheer me up, right? :P

More Janto. Because I say so. Hope you enjoy! As always, please send any comments/concerns/complaints/prompts (it's nearly 2 in the morning - I can't think of a synonym starting with C at this time!)/others my way!

Prompt: You Get What You Give (The New Radicals)

Fandom: Torchwood

Characters: Janto. Mwahahahahaaaa

As always, Jack went home with Ianto that night. However, quite different from always, Ianto woke the next morning to Jack's sneezes.

HiiiiIIIISHU! Hehhh…. iiiIIISH’IUU!

“Bless you…” Ianto rolled to grab the tissue box, eyes still closed, then rolled back to the other side of the bed… but the warm body from last night was no longer there. “… Jack?”

He was answered by a sniffling in the corner. Jack had apparently moved himself to the armchair in the middle of the night, curled up almost, his knees pressed to his chest as he gazed out at the sun rise.

“You alright?”

Jack smiled – he could hear it before he saw it. Not quite a chuckle, but definite wry amusement. “Yeah, I’mb… hhhhiiiiIIISHU!

“Bless you again.” He brought himself to his feet, a little unsteadily, as he walked over to his mate. “Meds wearing off?”

And again came that bemused smirk. “Actually…” He cleared his throat, eyes flicking up to meet Ianto’s. “I think I mbight have a cold.”

“You sound rather surprised by that.” He bit back the ‘sir’, the one that always came up when he was helping or serving. Instead he perched himself down on the arm of the chair, a hand placing itself on Jack’s back.

This time Jack did chuckle, briefly, but it was tainted by a cringe at the end. “It’s beend years sindce I had onde… Cendturies, evend.”

“Well…” He wasn’t too sure how to handle this. Messes he could clear up. Staff he could look after. But… this? “How do you feel? Do you want me to call Owen?”

“Ndah.” Jack sniffed, breath hitching momentarily. “I mbeand… it’s ndot like it’ll kill mbe.”

Ianto groaned.

“I don’t kndow. It’s just a cold,” he tried to explain, forehead crinkling. “I’mb tired and sore, sure. But I don’t rembember the last timbe I got sick, so it’s all just a little… foreignd… iiIIISHOO!

Ianto leant over, pressing a kiss against his forehead. At least he didn’t seem hot… just stuffed up. “Bless you. How long were you awake for?”

“What, thindk I was doing and Edward Cullend and watching you sleep? Ind your dreambs mbaybe.”

Ianto rolled his eyes. “You know what? I’m going to treat you like any other member of Torchwood if they came in sick.”

Jack frowned.

“Back in bed.”

“Last time I checked, sex wasnd’t a rembedy for the commond cold.”

“That wasn’t what I meant.” But Ianto flushed. “If you were anyone else, you’d be on the couch and I’d be bringing you soup. So instead, you’re going to stay in my bed.”

“I’mb finde, Iandto.”

“Are you honestly turning down an opportunity to spend the entire day in my bed, with me bending to your every whim?” Ianto smirked, knowing that his words would instantly be twisted.

… Or not. Jack just forced himself to his feet, sniffing. “You kndow, you’re hot whend you take condtrol.”


Jack held up his hands. “Alright, I’mb going!” He rubbed his nose, sitting down on the sheets and pulling the doona over his legs. “But, just so you kndow, I’mb expecting a lot of bending to occur throughout the day.”

You’d like that, wouldn’t you? “I’ll go make some tea, alright? Try not to overexert yourself while I’m gone.”

He was nearly out the door, but he still could hear the response: “Oh, I’ll save all the exertion for you.”


After a day of nursing Jack – or, more accurately, making him chicken noodle soup and throwing out tissues and, okay, a fair bit of ‘bending’ too – it really wasn’t much a surprise that Monday morning Ianto woke up with a raging headache and sinuses blocked by an avalanche of snot. Apparently “you get what you give” applied to all things contagious too.

He’d managed to hide it pretty well. He was careful not to cough into anyone’s coffee or to sneeze in their general direction. Owen, perhaps, had picked up on the congestion in his voice, but he didn’t comment at all.

It was when Jack called him to his office that it all started to fall apart.

“So, I want to thank you for Saturday,” Jack said. “If Torchwood ever doesn’t work out for you, you’d make an excellent nurse.”

He smiled, willing his nose not to run. “Yeah, it was ndo trouble, hondestly. Heh…!

Jack’s eyes narrowed. “You alright…?”

Heh-ngt’choo! Heh-NGT!

Jack frowned. “Ianto… were those sneezes?”

He nodded, but the tickling in his nose was too persistent to allow him to answer… other than, “Heh-NGT!

“You sound like you’re swallowing them… Why not just let them out? Doesn’t it hurt?”

“A little,” Ianto rasped, trying desperately not to break off coughing.

“So why…” Jack’s eyes flicked into his, like they could read what was hidden under there… and he was usually right. “You’re embarrassed,” he stated, no guessing even required. “Why?”

Ianto burnt red, pinching off a couple more sneezes.

“Hey, I’m the one who got you sick. You cannot possibly be more disgusting than I was.”

“I’b alright, boss.” But his nose twigged, almost like Pinocchio’s, sensing that all-too-common lie. “Heh… heh’ngt-heh-NGT!

“Alright, easy.” Jack raised a hand to Ianto’s forehead. “Ianto, you shouldn’t be here – I’ll take you home.”

“Ndo, really. I’b finde.”

But Jack just raised a hand. “Ianto! I know how horrible this thing is, and I can’t die. I don’t want to think about how it’s making you feel right now.” He crossed the room to the other side of the desk. “Come on, let’s get you in bed.”

Ianto sighed, allowing Jack to help him to his feet, one arm slung around his waist, the other bent up around his chest… The warmth was nice, and the strength. If nothing else, it was great to have his boss back to his true self.

“And, I’ll have you know,” Jack said as they made their way to the lift, “I am an excellent care-taker.”

… Maybe getting sick wasn’t so bad after all.

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Awww! Such an amazing combination of sexy and sweet and absolutely adorable! Thank you do much for this sequel! :)

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NorthernLady: Sneezy!Cas is the BEST! Glad you're enjoying them... How are you finding season 9 so far?

I like it a lot! Human!Cas is giving me lots of bad/naughty/fetishy ideas :)And I really hope they make him experience sneezing this season, be it from a cold or an allergy. But in the meanwhile, I'll settle for more drabbles from you :)

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  • 4 months later...

myownprivatesfc: Thanks! Glad you enjoyed it - I'll have to try some more Torchwood in the future :-)

DeathNoteOwner: :-) Welcome!

NorthernLady: There is NEVER too much Cas... I really need to write him again. Especially being human, my God. So many possibilities... not enough time!

So, hi! It's been awhile... I've been trapped behind working and studying and arranging music and applying for things... I've actually graduated with my Bachelor since I last wrote... and been to America... and had my choir make state finals for a national a cappella competition (like the ICCAs but not American!)... Those are probably the biggest things. But it's meant that writing gets hard!

... So I started watching Arrow. And there is a serious lack of fics here. As always, it's just trying things out, so I'm really not too sure of characterisation yet... but I suppose this might work as a general introductory thing? It kind of got away from me towards the end... But if it's liked, I can always do more. And if not, I'll go back to my Glee/SPN/everything else :P

Hope it's okay! Please send me comments/requests/anything else! :-)

Prompt: Aha! By Imogen Heap. Or Pentatonix. Pick your poison!

Fandom: Arrow

Characters: Oliver, Felicity, Digg

Words: 1,183

It wasn’t like he wasn’t asking for it, she tried to rationalise to herself. If he were going to traipse into the warehouse and strip off and jump on that damn salmon ladder, she had every right to watch. And if he thought that she wouldn’t be watching even more carefully as he sucked in a huge breath – one so strained and abnormal it had made her turn from her programming – and sneezed, dragging the bar down to the floor as he jumped (though jumped only in the sense that he could land on his feet every time, sort of like a cat never falls)… If he thought she wouldn’t stare then… Well, he just had another thing coming, didn’t he?

Not that he’d ever let something like that stop him. He’d sniffed, stood back up, caught her eyes and winked before placing the metal back in its frame. “How are you going with the codebreaking?”

His voice was a little rough, hints of congestion colouring his words. “I’m pretty sure it’s Malbolge,” she said, filling space more than anything.

“Uh…” His eyes were blank. “Which means what, exactly?”

“It’s a programming language,” she explained, “named after the 8th circle of Hell. It’s arguably the most difficult out there – I’ve never seen anything completed before – and – “ She paused as Oliver rubbed at his nose, breath hitching once more.

Huh’kishhhh’uh! Huh… uh… uhishhh’oouh!

“Are you alright? Bless you.”

He sniffed again, wiping his palms on his shorts, and she cursed herself for not replacing the old Kleenex box. “I’m fine. Tell me about this code.”

She eyed him warily. Oliver Queen, sick? Perhaps it was just a few sneezes… but he’d been pushing himself so hard lately, with the company and Slade coming back (which she still didn’t fully understand, to be honest) and Sarah…


Shit, he was staring at her. She blushed, looking down, anywhere but his rosy cheeks. “It’s the impossible language. I’m writing a programme now just to translate it… Whoever this guy is, he’s either a genius or incredible rich. Or both.”

“What’s he after?”

She shrugged. “Who knows? But whatever it is, it can’t be good.”


And so it continued. From the salmon ladder he moved to the rings they’d attached by the entrance, attacking them with just as much enthusiasm as normal… You’d think after a month or so of watching him repeat the same motions, over and over again, that she would have trained herself to look away from the rippling of every single damn muscle – not even groups, they were practically individual strands – under his shiny skin. But no. Especially not now that she was starting to worry… Like every cell was on high alert, and whenever he’d sniff she’d turn around. Sometimes she’d catch his shoulders pinching together as he stifled a sneeze while hanging… If she were lucky, she’d even get a glimpse from the front, how his face tucked into whatever corner it could find, and his abdomen would tighten and lower body would curl up, just for that instant…

It didn’t stop him. And, maybe he was okay. It was only a few sneezes after all. Maybe he was allergic to something… Or maybe it was dusty or something. It didn’t have to mean anything at all.

And of course, he didn’t stop. He didn’t even slow down until John came in and they began to spar.

“Mix it up, Digg, you’re being too even in your attack.”

The soldier chuckled. “I just thought,” he grunted out between the clacking of sticks, “seeing how tired you look… that I’d go easy…”

Never go easy – your opponent won’t care if you’re covered in spots if you stand in their… way…” He spun aside suddenly, out of the rink they’d set up. “ISH’ia!

“Bless you.”

But in the temporary distraction, Oliver had jumped back in and got another hit in. “What did I say about going easy?”

“Got it.”

Felicity really couldn’t understand those two. They were both fighting as if they weren’t struggling to breathe or covered in bruises (again, ignoring the fact that neither of them ever seemed to bruise, which was sort of ridiculous because they both were human, but, you know…). Meanwhile she was wearing a scar on her knee like a badge of honour. Men...



It was the whoop that dragged her from her Java, and she looked over to find Oliver hunched over, Diggle with his hand on his back.

Huh’ISHHHH!” Oliver shook his head slowly, standing up, one hand placed over his chest where presumably he’d copped a blow. “Ndice work, Digg… Huh’IESH’U!” He groaned, coughing weakly into his hand.

She couldn’t hold it in any longer. “Aha!”

Oliver just quirked an eyebrow at the outburst.

“You are sick,” Felicity decided. “You’ve been really quiet, I mean, quieter, all day, and you sort of do this thing with your nose when you have to sneeze, like more than normal, and I mean, it’s not like I’ve been watching you really closely all day or know what you’re like when you’re sick or anything and, gosh, this sounds really creepy and I’m gonna stop talking now,” she rushed through, blinking downwards.

But the man just smiled wearily, letting John lead him to the couch. “It’s okay, Felicity. I appreciate that you care.” He sat down, a little more heavily, less rigid, than normal. “And you’re right – I do have a cold.”

“You’re burning up, man.” The soldier passed him a singlet from the pile of clothes they’d kicked to the side earlier. “Sure it’s just a cold?”

He tilted his head – not a physical person as such, but he gave away more than he thought just with a facial expression. “You give mbe mbore of a workout thand I’d like to admbit.”

“Big surprise of the day: Oliver McQueen not answering questions.”

But Olly chuckled. “I was alonde for five years – I’ve forgottend what a cold feels like, let alonde anything else.”

“Yeah, well, I think we’re done with training for the day regardless.” Diggle smiled at her as he stood up – she could see the knowledge behind his eyes – and began to move to the lift. “I’ll leave you in Felicity’s hands.”

“Wait… what?” She strode over to him, trying to match his height. “John, I’m barely 110 pounds of nerd. If he wants to work himself to death – how am I going to stop him?”


The bodyguard just laughed, and they watched Oliver raise a hand to his forehead and slide further down where he sat. “Somehow, I don’t think that’s gonna be an issue tonight.” He clapped a hand on her shoulder, but it was warm, caring. “You’ll be fine. Call me if you need help.”

“Thanks.” She rolled her eyes, turning back to the couch. “So… Should I be making you some tea or something? Do you drink tea? Do you even have a tea kettle upstairs?”

He sighed. “Don’t you have sombe code that ndeeds your attendtiond?”

Oh. She headed back to the computer with a frown. A sick vigilante and a slab of Malbolge? Tonight was going to be a long night.

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NorthernLady: There is NEVER too much Cas... I really need to write him again. Especially being human, my God. So many possibilities... not enough time!

You really do :)

And you know what else there isn't enough of? Crowley fics ;) Next episode's teaser just killed me.. Crowley with tissues and looking a bit under the weather..... I know he's just jonesing for human blood but come one, Crowley with tissues..... Almost as hot as a sneezy Cas :D

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NorthernLady: There is NEVER too much Cas... I really need to write him again. Especially being human, my God. So many possibilities... not enough time!

You really do :)

And you know what else there isn't enough of? Crowley fics ;) Next episode's teaser just killed me.. Crowley with tissues and looking a bit under the weather..... I know he's just jonesing for human blood but come one, Crowley with tissues..... Almost as hot as a sneezy Cas :D

Wait... What?!

I never really see the teasers - I'm in Aus so everything goes online, sure, but dl's don't have them. Hnggggggg. This... could be amazingly fun. OMG.

Omg. Okay. I really want to try this now!!!

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Omg. Okay. I really want to try this now!!!

And I will try my hardest not to cry from joy!!!! :D

I'm sure you can find that teaser on youtube and let it inspire you ;)

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Arrow fic! :D There really needs to be more Arrow fic for precisely the reason you stated in your story:

I was alonde for five years – I’ve forgottend what a cold feels like, let alonde anything else.

I mean he's basically got five years' worth of colds to catch up on!

You have such a lovely feel for all of them:

“You are sick,” Felicity decided. “You’ve been really quiet, I mean, quieter, all day, and you sort of do this thing with your nose when you have to sneeze, like more than normal, and I mean, it’s not like I’ve been watching you really closely all day or know what you’re like when you’re sick or anything and, gosh, this sounds really creepy and I’m gonna stop talking now,” she rushed through, blinking downwards.

But the man just smiled wearily, letting John lead him to the couch. “It’s okay, Felicity. I appreciate that you care.” He sat down, a little more heavily, less rigid, than normal. “And you’re right – I do have a cold.”

“You’re burning up, man.” The soldier passed him a singlet from the pile of clothes they’d kicked to the side earlier. “Sure it’s just a cold?”

He tilted his head – not a physical person as such, but he gave away more than he thought just with a facial expression. “You give mbe mbore of a workout thand I’d like to admbit.”

“Big surprise of the day: Oliver McQueen not answering questions.”

Such perfect team banter! <3

Also reading back through your thread I see that you wrote Community fic! I have wanted to read fic with Jeff for ages and it was such a great story. You have a brilliant Abed voice and did an amazing job of catching the whole vibe of the show which isn't easy.

He looked like Beetlejuice.

I wasted no time in telling him.

“Jeff, you look like Beetlejuice.”

heh.gif I felt like that could have been a line in the show.

“Ugh. Fine.” He bent down, his nose a couple of inches from her arm, and sniffed deeply. Then his nostrils flared and he pushed her arm away. “It smells like… like… heh… smells like… heh… hiiih… hehhhh…

“Like teen spirit?” I asked.

:D Loved the contest you had going between Jeff and Abed throughout the whole thing.

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Omg. Okay. I really want to try this now!!!

And I will try my hardest not to cry from joy!!!! biggrin.png

I'm sure you can find that teaser on youtube and let it inspire you wink.png

Hahaha oh dear. Yes. Inspiration. Um... Hope it's vaguely along what you were after?

I mean he's basically got five years' worth of colds to catch up on!

YES. Yes yes. I think I need to keep writing and get some of the lesser stuff out there to get a good feel for him but... man... Always need more Arrow!

Also, thank you SO MUCH for the amazing comments :-) I'll have to go back at some stage and try to return the favour!

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So, NorthernLady mentioned Crowley with tissues giving her ideas. Which turned into this. Disappointed slightly I didn't get Cas in there - I had an aMAzing line while I was driving but of course the instant I stepped out of the car it was forgotten :-( But, you do have this, so I hope it's alright! :-) Also, using images/ideas from the one teaser I watched for the few upcoming eps, so just beware. Though I don't think it has to mean anything really :P

Prompt: Blood (My Chemical Romance) – it’s a hidden track… and oddly appropriate :P

Fandom: Supernatural – potential spoilers from the teaser for… oh gosh… 9X16

Characters: Crowley (cold… and yes, you read that right), Dean, Sam

Words: 653

Let’s get one thing straight. Dean Winchester knew bizarre. As a child, he’d been taught to put absolutely everything before himself. He’d learnt how to hunt, how to shoot, how to kill. And now as an adult, he was learning the basics like how to form a proper relationship with his brother or, when his brain went “ooooh, ass on legs…” that it was not a good idea to touch the butt. To say his entire life was inverted was almost an understatement.

And this isn’t even mentioning all the crap that goes on in their “normal” lives – ghosts, ghouls, demons, having tea with Biblical figures… You know, the usual. No biggie. All in a day’s work.

That being said, Dean was starting to think that maybe Mean Girls had a point. That maybe the limit – especially if considering a graph of weirdness against a normal lifespan – really didn’t exist after all. Lindsay Lohan or not, relevancy or not… This shit was starting to get really weird. And no one had even brought in Gabriel yet.

They’d just walked in on Crowley, sprawled over his hotel bed, blowing his nose like the pied piper, as if summoning every pathogen known to mankind to come infect the Winchesters so they could share in his misery.

He stopped in the door. “The hell, Crowley?”

Crowley raised an eyebrow, though it didn’t carry nearly as much authority as normal. “Ah, my two favourite people – just who I was looking to see,” he drawled. “We’ll get to the proper greetings, you shoving your knife in my face, your pet flapping his trenchcoat and flying to the rescue, all the usual joys, in just a minute. But first things first – where do you keep your tissues?”

Sam shook his head, heading for the bathroom, and Dean leant back against the doorframe frowning. “Why do you need tissues?”

“Not much one for powers of deduction, are you, Maxwell?” But any power or charm or whatever the hell he was trying to achieve with the sentence was lost as his face slackened and he drew in a huge breath. “HrrrRRSHuEH!

“… Seriously?” Sam walked back in, placing a Kleenex box by the bed before marching over to his brother. “Aren’t you still the king of hell?”

“How the hell do you get sick?”

“Well, when your strapping moose here,” he indicated with his head, “decided to inject me with all that blood, he must have passed on his crappy immune system along with it.” He brought a hand to his forehead, grimacing. “I’d forgotten what human viruses can do… hhhRRRSH’u’EH! Heh’RRSHH!

“Uh… Bless you?” Dean almost chuckled. Unbelievable.

Sam, on the other hand, had less patience. “What do you want, Crowley?”

He had the decency to feign hurt. “What, the fact I love you two idiots isn’t enough?”

“Jeez, Earth has made you soft.”

The demon jolted in a false sneeze before managing a weak smile, pleading, pitiful. “I need your help, boys.”

Of course. One mission at a time was never enough. Dean nearly growled. “You got a bone for me first?”

“I… hhhRISH’U!... I thought that was what you kept your angel for.”

Dean wouldn’t give him the satisfaction of blushing. “No blade, no favours.”

“I’m working on it.” The agitation seemed to thicken his voice, his entire demeanour changing. He’d gone from this weak creature lying on their bed and transformed back into that whiny, manipulative child, face turning red and fingers clenching around the bedspread. “I’d like to see you dive to the bottom of every ocean searching for something that doesn’t want to be found. Especially if we remove one of your greatest senses too. RRRSHH!

Dean grunted. “You better have a damn good reason for why we should help you then.”

And then Crowley blushed – Dean pinching himself to check he was awake – and slowly pulled from his pocket a bag of O negative.

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Weeeee :D Thank you! I loved it! :) Tis bit made me LOL hard

Of course. One mission at a time was never enough. Dean nearly growled. “You got a bone for me first?”

“I… hhhRISH’U!... I thought that was what you kept your angel for.”

Being sick doesn't stop Crowley from being snarky :D Lovely mention of Cas, even if he's not there...

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  • 4 months later...

Okay, I know it's been a while since you've written on this, but I just wanted to drop by and say something. Apologies in advance for freaking out. My super closeted fangirl made her appearance and likes to use caps lock.

SWEET LORD YOU WROTE JEFF WINGER. OH MY GOD. And you wrote it so well!! GAH. Seriously, you could write for the show. And the completing song lyric thing was ADORABLE! And so realistic for them! Oh my god. Abed is perfect for the role of noticing Jeff's ailment and bringing attention to it without actually saying it outright!! Also now I'm picturing Jeff with all kinds of allergies and that is just damn sexy. You're to blame if I accidentally write a Community sneezefic. YOU ARE SUCH A GOOD WRITER. Holy crap.

I have been waiting so so so long for the moment of finding a sneezefic about him. I've only recently gotten into Community (I know I'm a little late...) but I have been SO attracted to him. Practically since Day 1. Well, no, it took a while for me to realize that he is GORGEOUS, but... he is. And you wrote a sneezefic about him. I could cry. Really. He's such a good candidate for one, too! His ADORABLE nose!! (Um, also the fact that he looks just a TINY bit like Dean and has Dean's sort of tough guy, vain and sarcastic attitude probably has something to do with it...)

On that note, I REALLY enjoyed the SPN ones as well... ugh, why is everyone from that show SO attractive!? I'm not even a Destiel fan, but you could change a woman.

Also, WHITE COLLAR. What can I say? I have a thing for REALLY REALLY HOT GUYS. I can't help it. Matt Bomer is gorgeous. And so are you. And so is that ADORABLE White Collar drabble you wrote like two years ago.

Uh oh. I think I'm in love with you. HELP.

Anyway. Sorry this is so late and so long and so full of caps lock. I just wanted to show my appreciation. <3.

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