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How could we possibly hate that.

You're absolutely fantastic.

I adore you right now. I really do.


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Oh, poor, sick Ollie. Please, if you know what's best for you, stay in bed. If you don't, I don't think it's gonna be the severe pneumonia that's going to kill you. That'll be Casey's job. ;)

This was awesome! More please! :heart:

bye. :wub:

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Awwee, I love this! Sorry I havent commented on the last few updates, I keep missing them, but I love how cute Oliver is and this story is amazing <3 :D continue soon

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Hey everyone! Thank you soooo much for all of the lovely comments, I was having a really bad day and then I came on here and all the wonderful feedback made me feel so much better :) I'm so glad you all are enjoying this and I hope this part is good enough! Sorry, it's a little shorter than the other parts but it just seemed to finish... School starts for the year on Monday so I'm not sure how long it'll be 'till I get the next part up but I have it mostly drafted out so hopefully not too long! Probably 2 more parts to go after this one!


Part 7

“I’b so sorry, all of you. You deserve better -”

Oliver! Stop trying to apologise, there’s nothing wrong with taking care of yourself when you’re sick.” Angelina snapped at him, annoyed at his insistence that he was failing them by falling ill.

“But it’s lettigg the teab dowd. It is idexcusable -” A series of harsh coughs cut him off as the air caught in his throat.

“You can’t play if you can’t even breathe,” Alicia raised an eyebrow as he fought to regain control over his lungs.

“What did you go over at practice?” Realising that apologising again would achieve nothing further Oliver quickly changed the subject to that evenings practice.

Over the next 45 minutes the Gryffindor team discussed what they had worked on at training that evening and their plans for the game the following day. The discussion was focussed, interrupted only occasionally by coughing or sneezes from their captain. By the time they were finished Oliver was exhausted, but still awake unlike the night before, and his voice was all but gone so that the others were struggling to hear him. As the group finished the door to the room opened without warning.

“Do none of you understand the concept of rest?” The annoyed voice of the Head Boy caused the group to look over at him.

“Hey Perce,” the twins greeted their older brother, receiving a curt nod in return.

“Um, we were just finishing up.” Alicia told Percy, standing quickly with the rest of the team following suit.

“Get a good ndight’s rest all of you. I’ll see you at breakfast toborrow.” Oliver dismissed his team, prompting them to leave before Percy got further annoyed with the younger students in the seventh year room. Acknowledging the dismissal the six younger players left the room, casting concerned looks back at their captain who looked as if there would be no way he could play the next morning.

“You’re not actually thinking of playing tomorrow are you?” Percy frowned as the door closed behind the last of the younger students.

“I’b dot just thigkigg of it Percy, I will be playigg toborrow.” Oliver met his roommate’s frown with a stubborn glare.

“You won’t be well enough and as Head Boy I cannot allow you to play when you are in no condition to. Drink.” Percy handed his roommate a glass of water which the younger boy obediently finished.

“Hushoo! Kishhh!” Grabbing a few tissues from the box next to his bed Oliver blew his nose hard, trying to clear as much of the congestion from his sinuses as possible. “Heh… ha’kishoo!” Thankfully the sneezing had done a little to loosen the thickness in his sinuses, allowing him to clear them a little before speaking. “I have to play. I’b the captaid.” Sighing, Percy touched his hand to his friend’s forehead, frowning when he found it still easily as hot as that morning.

“You’re still running a fever.” Percy grabbed the thermometer and held it out to the other boy who took it but didn’t put it in his mouth. “Oliver.” The intimidating ‘Head Boy’ glare that the sick boy received was enough to convince him that it would be a better idea to just do what Percy wanted. A lot better. Percy sat down on the side of Oliver’s bed as the younger boy stuck the thermometer in his mouth reluctantly. The two sat in silence while they waited for the instrument to finish its job.

“Still over 102, you aren’t going to be well enough to play tomorrow unless something really drastic happens overnight.”

Ishoo! I’ll be finde for the gambe.” At Percy’ skeptical look Oliver decided it was time to try the last thing he knew to get the older boy to stop pushing him to miss the game. “Percy. It’s by respodsibility to be there for the teab. As the captaid it’s part of by job to play eved if I’b sick. Professor BcGodagall trusted be add it’s by respodsibility to do by job.” The Head Boy paused. If there was one thing that Percy Weasley understood it was responsibility. Percy would have been horrified if someone had tried to force him to shirk his responsibilities, no matter what the reason, and he could only imagine that forcing Oliver to miss the game would be a similar matter. Noticing that the sick boy had begun to shiver Percy made up his mind.

“We’ll see how you are in the morning. Try to get some sleep now.” His voice was gentle and any of his brothers would have been shocked to see that their workaholic, rule-obsessed brother could be caring as well. The only one of his siblings who would have been unsurprised was Ginny, who he had sometimes cared for when she needed it when they were younger. Oliver nodded, smiling slightly as his tactic seemed to sway the older boy. Lying down and curling his knees up to his chest Oliver was able to drift off to sleep in a matter of minutes. As his soft snores began Percy fetched a damp, cool washcloth which he draped gently over his roommate’s forehead before making a start on his homework. Not long later Casey, Josh and Zach arrived back in their room to find Percy working silently on an essay, that quite frankly looked a lot longer than any essay should ever need to be, and Oliver fast asleep and snoring softly, blankets tucked gently around him obviously done after he had fallen asleep. Casey smiled a little as Josh and Zach sat down on Josh's bed, discussing some book or trick or something that he was uninterested in but must fall into the category of 'things those two could talk about for hours and not grow bored with.' He went over to check on his sleeping friend, noticing that Percy seemed to have cared for him while they were alone but knowing better than to say anything about it. If he did he knew Percy would snap that he was disturbing his work and all that would be accomplished was to annoy the both of them.

Percy seemed to be only comfortable showing a softer side when there were very few witnesses, in fact, it was usually only when Ollie got sick that any of them saw their hard-working roommate's more caring side. Probably it was only Oliver that brought this out mainly because Josh and Zach were pretty much inseparable and generally would convince each other to go to the hospital wing or would take care of the other until their positions were inevitably reversed when the other caught it, and Casey was much more sensible than any of them and just went to get some potion before being sick became a problem that needed taking care of. After adjusting the cloth from where it had slipped a little over Oliver's forehead, Casey followed Percy's lead and got out his books, resolving to finish his Transfiguration essay before going to bed.

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Ooooh, I am so excited for the game! :D

This was so cute, you have no idea. :wub: Ollie's just adorable and Percy caretaking is one of the best caretakings ever! I love this lots! Update soon! :)

BYE! :bleh:

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey I'm so sorry that I haven't updated as soon as I hoped and that this part is so short! School really started with a bang and I've been sooooooo busy but I'm putting this up now rather than making it longer before because I think it does kind of have a break and I felt really bad for leaving this for a while and don't know how long it will be until I can get a longer part up. So sorry if you are disappointed with this, I hope it's okay! Because it's shorter than I planned probably two or three parts after this, depending on how I have time to split it up...

Part 8

“Ha’tshoo! Eshoo! Kishhh!”

Oliver woke up slowly, sneezing harshly before he was even able to open his eyes. He sniffed, trying to force his mind into consciousness much faster than it liked. Merlin he felt bad, worse than yesterday even; the sneezes had scraped at his raw throat making it sting unbearably, his head felt as though it was filled with cotton, making his brain far slower than he would have liked, every inch of his body was sore in some way or other and was it always this cold?! After a few moments of shivering and sniffling he decided that obviously none of that was going to go away and that it must be about time to get up.

Dragging open his eyes, he glanced at his watch. 9:45, an hour and 15 minutes before the game. The dim light coming through the windows told him that it must still be raining, not surprising but still unwelcome information. As he sat up the congestion that seemed to have magically filled his lungs shifted, forcing his chest into painful coughs which left him gasping for breath and even more reluctant to move any further.

Looking around the room he noticed that it was empty, all his roommates must have gone down to breakfast already. Good, it would give him time to get ready without any of them interrupting or getting suspicious. He got up slowly, trying to avoid the movement further affecting his uneasy stomach. Successfully managing to stand without any further unpleasant side effects, he began to rummage through his bag, pushing various items aside until he found a small glass bottle wrapped in a piece of cloth.

Smiling he grabbed it, along with his Quidditch robes, and headed for the bathroom to shower and get ready.


15 minutes later Oliver finished pulling on his robes and lent against the wall, already exhausted just from showering and getting ready for the day, although, the coughing and sneezes that the hot water and steam had brought on may have had something to do with that. Drawing on what little was left of his energy he pulled the bottle out of his pocket and unscrewed it. The liquid looked thick and greenish and thoroughly unpleasant.

'This had better work' he thought desperately.

Silently thanking the fact that he couldn’t smell anything he screwed up his eyes and brought the bottle to his lips, swallowing the contents in one gulp.

“Ah’ktshoo! Kishoo! Eh-shoo! H’tshu!” The effect was instant. The thick potion coated Oliver’s throat as he swallowed it, calming the pain there. It made his nose run, leading to several loud sneezes and the need for a handful of tissues but wonderfully as he blew his nose it stayed clear, the congestion that had refused to budge for the past two days finally disappearing.

“Ishoo! Ka’shuh!” The final sneezes set off a round of thick coughing, heavy but far less painful than previous fits. As the coughs eased, the mucous which seemed to have flooded his chest disappeared. Looking at himself in the mirror Oliver grinned at his reflection. His color had gone back to normal, no hint of the fevered flush or sickly pallor, a combination of which had become his typical coloring over the last few days, and his eyes were clear and alert. His nose was still a little red but that should fade quickly. Taking a deep, unhindered breath through his finally clear nose Oliver left the bathroom, hiding the bottle back in his bag and leaving the room to head down to breakfast.

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Oooh, Ollie's going out to play in the rain? I wonder how fast this idea's gonna go bad.

Mmm, this was great. More soon I hope! :D

BYE! :heart: :heart: :heart:

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey :) Sorry about the slow update, I've been getting sooooo much calculus homework so I just haven't had a lot of time lately so the remainder might be kinda slow as well... Hope you like this part though!

@VividBubbles! - Hehe I just like being mean :) It's so much more fun, hope this is okay! And I'll try not to take too long for the next part!

Part 9

What do you think you’re doing!”

“Case, I’m fine! I feel absolutely fine.”

“Hmm, why don’t I believe you?”

By this point, half of the Gryffindor table seemed to be watching the two boys argue. Casey scowled, reaching over to push his hand to his friend’s forehead, raising an eyebrow when he felt no extra heat. He pulled out his wand and muttered several spells, none of them having any effect on Oliver.

“Now do you believe me? I didn’t do any spells or anything to try to hide it, I’m just better.” Smiling when Casey sat back down at the table, Oliver made to head over to his team.

“Whatever you did, you’re going to regret it later.”

“You worry too much.” Grinning, Oliver took a seat near his stunned team and began to order them all to eat properly, just as he did every other game morning.

“What did you do Oliver?” Angelina was about as convinced as Casey had been that he hadn’t used some spell or other to hide his illness for the game. Honestly it was exactly something he would do.

“Slept it off. You saw Case, what he was doing would have lifted any concealment spells or anything like that that I could cast. Just stop worrying about it, all of you.” Shrugging he helped himself to breakfast, grateful to be able to keep food down again. For the last few days it didn’t seem as though he had kept any form of solid meal in his stomach for more than a few minutes.

“You can’t just sleep something like that off overnight. You were really sick yesterday; it wouldn’t have gone away in just a few hours.” Alicia echoed Angelina’s thoughts, sighing in annoyance when they received no further answer from their captain.


Despite the girls’ suspicions about their captain’s health, 45 later the team were gathered in the changing rooms discussing last minute tactics for the game. Oliver certainly seemed healthy enough, voice clear and fever completely gone. As they talked, Katie was watching the older boy carefully. Although she hadn’t said anything earlier she was as unconvinced as Angelina and Alicia were. Considering how she had felt, and Oliver had been way worse off than she had been even before she went to the hospital wing, there was no way that he should have been up and alright to play. Despite that he seemed fine, no sign of any illness at all, and that just increased her suspicions; there was no way that he would be completely better only the next morning whether he took the potion or not.

“Okay all of you. We have a good team, we can beat them. Everyone just needs to focus on the game and not get distracted by anything. Remember what we worked on at practice and stick to what you know. The weather’s going to make this one rough but I know we can win this-”

“Oliver, relax. We all know what you’re going to say.” George interrupted their captain, not extremely excited to hear another variation on the seventh year’s pre-game pep talk. This was their third year as a team; they were pretty much able to recite the talk along with him. There was never that much variation. Oliver glared at the twins but remained silent, pacing around the small room with nervous excitement.

The next ten minutes passed in silence, the seven of them gathered in the room, sitting around the benches on the side apart from their captain who was pacing across the small area. Suddenly Angelina stood, stepping in front of Oliver and reaching up to put her hand to his forehead. He raised an eyebrow, pulling away from her hand.

“Happy now? I told you; I’m fine.”

“Still normal.” She turned back towards the others shrugging as Oliver pulled open the door, looking through the rain at the students heading over to get a seat for the game. Only a minute or two more and they would hear the whistle and have to head out to the field. The game would be good; they were more than ready and definitely able to beat Slytherin, even in the rain. He began to run over what he had told his team, making sure that there was nothing he had left out. Before he was done a whistle cut through the wind and the rain, calling both teams to leave their changing rooms and to head out to the pitch for the game to begin.

The two teams met in the middle of the pitch, already soaked to the skin and freezing. As they lined up Oliver noticed that Malfoy looked far from healthy. His normally pale skin was flushed red with obvious fever and he was already visibly shaking. He ducked forward, pinching his nose shut, although any sound he made would have been easily drowned out by the rain. Oliver and Flint gripped each other’s hands hard, each trying to squeeze harder than the other, until Madam Hooch blew her whistle and the players mounted their broomsticks and rose to their positions. The Quaffle was thrown in the air and the Bludgers and Snitch were released and the game began.


Sorry it's kinda unedited but I felt bad about the slow updates for this story so I wanted to get it up while I had a bit of time. Hope you liked it anyway :)

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Awwww, poor sick little Malfoy. :wub: And Ollie, this is such a bad idea you don't even know what torture is in store for you, my gosh. I mean, I really don't either but I have vague ideas and vague ideas are better than total ignorance.

alyssa, this is so great! I'm really excited to see what happens with a sick Malfoy and a sick but somehow hiding it Oliver. Really looking forward to your next update! :heart: I hope it comes soon!

BYE! :bleh:

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  • 2 weeks later...

This is really great, you should totally continue it when you can. (also did you ever find any captain Jack?)

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@VividBubbles! - So sorry it took so long, i'm so glad you're enjoying this though! Hope this part meets your expectations!

@ColdCure08 - Here you go!

@drwhoismylife - Enjoy! Yeah I found some but never enough, so if you have any you'd like to recommend I'd be happy to get some more recommendations!

Hey guys, sorry this took so long, i've been having a pretty crappy time recently and just haven't felt like writing anything but here you go! For those of you who are still lovely enough to be reading this still, here is probably the second to last part! No promises about when the last part will be up (depending on how things go for me) but i'll try not to take too long!

Part 10


Several hours later Oliver wiped the rain away from his face, again trying to get a view of where the rest of the team was.

“Oi, you okay?” He could hear one of the Weaslys yell as they flew past. He didn’t bother to reply, knowing that the words wouldn’t be heard over the wind and rain.

He watched as one of the Slytherin beaters hit the ball at one of the Gryffindors and one of the Weaslys sent it flying back. He couldn’t make out Harry or Malfoy anywhere but that was hardly a surprise. There was no question as to why the game had been going so long; it was hard to see other people on the pitch, let alone something as small as the snitch. He shivered, straining to hear the commentary going on below. Nothing. The rain was just too hard to hear anything. Giving a few short coughs, he returned his attention to trying to make out what was going on in the game.


“Heh’choo! Hehhngshoo!” The two harsh sneezes drew Harry’s attention to the boy flying close to him. As much as he hated Malfoy, it was hard not to feel sorry for him. He had been coughing through most of the game, loud enough to be heard over the rain. Trying to ignore the other player he squinted through the rain, trying in vain to see any sign of the snitch. He slowly flew around the pitch. He could tell Malfoy was following him but neither of them had had any luck finding the snitch yet; the closest they had gotten was about an hour into the game Malfoy had seen it and they had both dived, nearly hitting each other but both just fractionally too late to catch the ball. He glanced to his side where he could hear thick coughing, it really did sound like Malfoy was choking.

As he turned to the side he saw a flash of something gold. Without even thinking about it he shot forward, determined to catch the ball and win the game for their team. The last time he had heard anything Gryffindor had been 70 points up so if he caught the snitch then they would win the game. He caught a glimpse of the other seeker’s startled expression as Harry raced past him and his fingers closed around the cold, wet metal of the snitch. The ball struggled uselessly against his grip and he grinned as a roar erupted in the crowd. Looking around he could see Malfoy still floating, staring at him with an unreadable expression on his face. He could see his team, responding to the cheering of the crowd and Lee’s excited yelling through the microphone, flying towards him as he sunk towards the ground.

As he touched the ground the Weasly twins were immediately next to him, both grinning from ear to ear.

“Brilliant catch Harry!”

“Dunno how you saw it, we could barely see the bludgers up there, let alone that tiny thing.”

He was saved having to answer them by the three chasers arriving, hugging all three of them, smiling as they looked over at the Slytherin captain who was glaring at them looking positively murderous.

“Well dode, all of you. Great gabe.” Harry turned to look behind him at their captain. So much for sleeping it off, even a complete idiot could have seen that there was something really wrong with him. “’Kishoo! Eshh!”

“Oliver…” Angelina sighed, hurrying over to steady the seventh year before he collapsed.

“’b fide,” he mumbled uselessly as Alicia gently touched his forehead. She shook her head, turning to the others.

“His temperature’s really high.” She looked worriedly over at the Gryffindors who were making their way from the stands to their team, eager to congratulate them and celebrate, and at the rest of the school who were hurrying back to the castle, eager to be out of the rain.

“I’b fide, you worry too buch.” He tried to pull away from the fifth year but staggered slightly until he was forced to lean against her again. She was about to snap at him that he was being stupid but before she got the chance the first of the Gryffindors reached the players, cheering and congratulating them.

Several minutes passed and Katie, Harry, Fred and George were all pulled away by various friends and Angelina and Alicia were talking to a group of other fifth years while still keeping an eye on their fairly-out-of-it captain before Oliver spotted three familiar faces pushing through the crowd.

“Oh you idiot.”

“Nice game though.”

“Yeah, what we could see was brilliant!”

“Can you two hold off for a minute? Give me a hand getting him to the hospital wing or something, you can talk about the game after Madam Pomfrey checks him over. Ollie, you still conscious?”

“Uh-huh,” Oliver nodded slightly as he stood straighter, pulling away from where he had been leaning against Angelina’s.

“Are you going to the hospital wing?” Alicia turned to speak to the seventh years, speaking to Oliver but looking at his friends instead.

“Like I should have made him do days ago.” Casey sighed as he watched his friend stagger slightly, exhausted from the effort of standing straight. He put his arm around the sick boy and pulled him so that most of Oliver’s weight was being supported by his friend. “You all played very well, good game.” He gave them a smile before tugging at his friend’s arm to get him to move towards the castle, making a face when Oliver sneezed wetly into his shoulder.

“We’ll come and see how he’s doing soon, if that’s okay?” Alicia looked uncertainly at the older boy who had lagged behind the others.

“Of course you should, I’m sure Ollie’d be happy to see you guys. Be warned though, last time he got this sick he was pretty out of it for about 3 days, so the chance of getting anything sensible out of him is pretty low. Alright Zach, I’m coming!” Josh smiled kindly at the fifth years before hurrying after his friends through the crowd.


“Useless… disgusting…”

Zach held back laughter as they passed a positively murderous looking Marcus Flint, heading away from the hospital wing, obviously too preoccupied with the loss of the game to notice the four Gryffindors as they passed him. “Wonder what he’s gonna blame this time.” Flint always found something else to blame when the Slytherin team lost a game and generally his annoyance out on both his team and those around him equally.

“Balfoy… sick.” Josh looked around in alarm as he heard just how bad his roommate sounded. His voice was fading, cracking so that not all of the words were able to be heard and he sounded very much like it was taking every ounce of his concentration to continue to make sense. With a glance at the other two, Josh hurried down the corridor slightly ahead of his friends and knocked on the door of the hospital wing. He could hear Oliver sneezing as the other three reached the door and was struck by how exhausted he sounded. The sooner he could get some rest the better.

“Oh dear, another one?” Madam Pomfrey looked critically at the boys as she opened the door for them to enter. She ushered them in and handed Oliver a set of pyjamas and instructed him to change and get into the bed she pointed out while she fetched some potions. While he was doing as instructed the other three looked around the wing. They all saw that one of the other beds close by was occupied and could see blonde hair sticking out from under the blankets and hear soft snoring coming from that direction.

“Slytherin Seeker?” Casey asked Zach softly, motioning.

“Students put far too much emphasis on a game, not even stopping to consider the effects on their health. And then it doesn’t help when the captains are unable to consider anything besides winning. Or set a good example for that matter.” Madam Pomfrey overheard the question and began to mutter, drifting off into musing about irresponsible captains and dangerous games. They could hear her muttering as she headed into the back room to find something for Oliver. Zach smirked as they listened to her, thinking about how many times Casey had said similar things about Oliver’s obsession with Quidditch.

“Eshoo, k‘shuh!” The exhausted sounding sneezes pulled their attention back to their friend, who seemed to be fighting with the blankets with a frustrated expression on his face. When he noticed them watching he shot Casey a pathetic look. With a slight smile the older boy straightened the blanket, gaining stifled laughter from the other two.

“Here, take this.” Madam Pomfrey handed the sick seventh year a glass of potion and he swallowed it without question, immediately lying down and asleep in seconds. “Don’t worry, it’s just dreamless sleep mixed with something to help his fever. I’ll find something to help with the other symptoms when I can check him over properly although I doubt there’s much that will help that he can take. He will most likely just need to rest and get better the muggle way.” She addressed Casey with a concerned look, placing her hand over the sleeping boy’s forehead and frowning at the fever. “He won’t wake up for several hours.” She informed the boys before turning away to check on other patients.

“You guys should go enjoy the party; I’m going to stick around here for a while.” Casey smiled slightly at Josh and Zach, taking a seat next to the bed.

“If you’re not up there in an hour I’m coming down to get you. Ollie’ll be fine. You need to have some fun.” Zach grinned before dragging Josh towards the door, intent on enjoying the celebration party now that they were sure that their friend was going to be fine.


So yeah, sorry if it doesn't live up to any expectations and I apologise for not spending more time focussing on the game but I just didn't know how to write it! It just wasn't working right at all... If there's anything you'd like to request to be in the last part then feel free to ask, i'll try not to take too long this time. Remember, comments make me happy :) I love hearing what everyone thought, so if you enjoyed this or have any feedback whatsoever (good or bad) then please, I like feedback!

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Awww! Malfoy and Ollie are both so sick and adorable! :heart: I've missed you and you're updates, alyssa! I'm happy that you didn't give up on this story. :) Can't wait for the next update!

bye. :wub:

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  • 2 weeks later...

v a n i l l a - good :) I'm so glad that people are still enjoying the story!

VividBubbles! - Haha they are really rather sweet aren't they :D Thanks so much for the encouragement, you've commented on almost every update the entire way through so just thank you so much for the wonderful feedback!

Hey everyone! Last part is finally done! I apologise for it taking so long and enormous thanks to everyone who has been following this for ages! I hope you like the ending (although it's horribly lame and predictable but it was the best I could think of and just really wanted to get this up before I forgot about it again!) Enjoy! :)

Part 11

“Ollie? Come on, wake up,” a voice drifted through Oliver’s foggy mind. It was familiar but he couldn't place who it belonged to or why they would want him to wake up. Trying to ignore the voice he closed his eyes a little bit tighter and focused on getting back to sleep.

“Hey, I think he’s coming round. Oliver, can you just wake up already and stop Case from worrying?” A second voice joined in and managed to set off a steady thudding in his head. Well obviously sleep wasn’t going to happen now. Blinking one eye open he looked dully at the source of the noise and was immediately assaulted by the bright lights. Groaning painfully he dragged one arm and draped it over his face so that the light was prevented from reaching his eyes. Something cold was placed on his forehead and someone was talking softly, too quiet to make out. Good, maybe they would just let him go back to sleep. All hopes of further rest were cruelly dashed when he felt something poking his arm.

“Come on, we know you’re awake and I’m not stopping until you open your eyes.”

“Fu… ‘ff Zach.” Oliver dragged open his eyes, wincing as his words crackled in and out of being audible.

“Well, you sound great. Here.” Josh held out a glass of water which Oliver shoved himself into a more or less sitting position to take.

“What happeded?” He asked, a few sips of water helping to make his voice slightly steadier although he was starting to realise how stuffed up he still was. He could remember parts of the game but after that everything was fairly muddled and unintelligible. He could vaguely remember being dragged to the hospital wing and absolutely nothing after that.

“Well, you were an idiot and thought it would be a good idea to take some potion or other to hide that you were sick, you do know that those things work by suppressing your immune system so you actually just end up worse when they wear off don’t you? Well obviously it worked ‘cause after the game you were running a 104 degree fever and basically passed out for the next few days.” Casey was annoyed. Casey was beyond annoyed. First he had tried to pretend that he wasn’t sick and just when he had thought Oliver was starting to grow up and take care of himself for once he went and did this and ended up either unconscious or delirious for days. Three days.

“Sorry. Ishoo, eshh!” Oliver sniffed. “How logg has it beed?” He was cut off with a yawn, reminding him of how much he just wanted to go back to sleep.

“About three days, you had us worried. We had to practically drag Case out of here so he didn’t get in trouble for ditching classes.”

Glaring at Zach, Casey turned and stalked over to Madam Pomfrey’s office to let her know that her patient was awake. He returned a moment later, followed by the healer who was carrying two vials of potions. She handed the first to him, explaining that it would help to ease some of his symptoms and waiting for him to swallow it. The second was another dose of dreamless sleep to take after she had checked him over.

She asked him various questions about how he was feeling and performed a few spells on him in order to check that there was no infection setting in. Several minutes later she confirmed that he didn’t seem to have any other infection beyond the flu bug, but he would probably have several more days until he started to feel any better as a result of the potion he too to hide his illness.

“So are you going to accept that taking whatever you did was stupid?” Casey asked, raising an eyebrow at his friend after Madam Pomfrey walked off, instructing Oliver to take the potion and rest and his friends to leave.

Ingx’shoo! Ndoh, we wod.”

“Idiot.” Casey handed him the potion, making sure he finished it before taking the vial back and putting it on the table. Almost immediately Oliver curled back up under the covers, fast asleep within seconds of taking the potion.


“Oliver! You’re awake!”

“Hey guys.” The seventh year smiled as his team gathered around the bed.

“How’re you feeling?” Katie smiled, relieved to finally see the older boy awake again. Most of the team had been going to the hospital wing fairly regularly since the game but until now he had always been asleep. True, he still looked terrible, nearly as pale as the ghosts and exhausted, but at least awake was one step in the right direction.

“Gettigg better, what’s beed goigg od for the last couple of days?”

“You haven’t missed much, nothing your roommates won’t have already told you. When do you get out of here?” Fred looked around the wing, considering the last time he and George had ended up there after one of their pranks went… wrong. It had been depressing stuck there for a few hours and Oliver had been there for days so far. Must be boring.

“Ub a couple bore days at least. Badab Pobfrey wod’t let be out ‘till I’b cobpletely better so might be a while yet.” He grimaced, giving a few harsh coughs as he finished speaking. Angelina reached over to touch his forehead, frowning when she found it still far hotter than she was expecting.

“Haven’t you taken ‘flu potion or anything? I thought Madam Pomfrey would have made sure that you took some right after the game.”

“Cad’t,” he mumbled, shrugging. “Just gotta waihh- he’tchh! E’shoo! - wait it out the buggle way.” The younger students frowned at this.

“Why? Potions were made so that wizards didn’t have to wait it out.” Both twins made a face at the thought of having to wait out an illness rather than take a potion and be cured almost immediately. Both had gotten used to being able to be cured of any ailment in a relatively short time so having to wait the whole illness out seemed a horrible feat to have to endure.

“Just cad’t take this ode. It’s fide. A couple bore days without havigg to do hobework is always a plus.” He tried to smile but was cut off by a wide yawn. “Adyway, how’d Flidt take the loss?” He smirked at the memory of previous games that the Slytherins had lost and wished he had seen the opposing captain afterward. It was usually a good show, watching him try to find a reason for them losing and taking it out on the rest of his team.

“Lost it at a couple of first years the next day. Dunno why but one of them was crying by the end of it.” The whole team laughed at the memory of the seventh year Slytherin yelling at a group of tiny first years.

“Oliver, why don’t you get some rest. We’ll come back later.” Alicia had noticed their captain’s increasingly frequent yawns and that his eyes kept sliding closed as they spoke.

“Yeah, you look exhausted. Besides, looks like we’re about to get kicked out.” Angelina glanced over towards the small office where Madam Pomfry was coming towards them.

Sure enough, she instructed the six of them to leave the hospital wing so that Oliver could rest because apparently they were making him “too excited” and ‘interfering with his recovery’. With promises to come back later they all left and their captain curled back into bed, drifting to sleep quickly even without the aid of a potion.

Leaving the wing they almost ran into three familiar seventh years.

“Hey, you guys manage to catch Ollie?” Zach asked the younger students, knowing that they hadn’t managed to be at the hospital wing at the same time as their captain was awake since he had gone there.

“Yeah, he still looks pretty bad though. Madam Pomfrey made us leave just now so he could rest.”

“That’s Ollie for you, doesn’t do anything halfway. He’s probably gonna be down for at least another couple of days, maybe a week or so.” Casey sighed at the thought of his friend being stuck in the hospital wing for another week until Madam Pomfrey deemed him well enough to leave. He didn’t like it there when he was asleep almost all the time, it would be even worse when he started getting better and could actually think about how boring it was. Well, that’s what you get when you decide to refuse to look after yourself.

“Why doesn’t he just take some potion and get better faster?”

“Didn’t Ollie tell you guys? He’s allergic to it, doesn’t do a thing apart from making him lose anything he ate that day.” Josh frowned at the memory of their third year, the last time Oliver had tried to take a flu potion. He had just ended up worse than before between his body rejecting the potion and still trying to fight the illness. It would be a lot better if this time he just let it be and didn’t try the potion.

Alicia rolled her eyes as Oliver’s embarrassment when he’d mentioned not being able to take the potion suddenly made sense. Trust him to be too embarrassed to tell them that he was allergic to the potion but be absolutely happy to get himself stuck in the hospital wing for who-knows-how-long to win a practise game. Some of the others must have looked worried at the news because Casey spoke again.

“Hey, don’t worry. He’ll be fine,” he smiled gently at them. “A couple of days and he’ll be out of there and just as obsessive as ever. Probably has some new things he wants to make you all learn for the next game so appreciate the break while you have it.” With an encouraging smile and a wave he left in the direction of the library and Josh and Zach headed back towards the common room. With goodbyes the remaining students left as well and each headed back to where they would be able to find their own friends.


There you go! Thanks to all the wonderful people who have read this and I hope you enjoyed reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it! As always I love feedback so please let me know what you thought! And because I now am completely up to date with stories, if anyone has any requests or anything and doesnt mind possibly waiting a little while for it then feel free to message me or something and i would be happy to give it a shot (if I know the fandom and stuff) so yeah, hope you guys enjoyed this!

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This was amazing. :wub: I can't wait to see another story from you. :)

bye. :heart:

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Hey, this was fantastic!!! One of my favorite things I've read :D You're a great writer!

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  • 3 years later...
  • 4 weeks later...
On January 9, 2013 at 1:50 PM, alyssa said:

“Fide, but I’b dot –” he was cut off by another wide yawn. “I’b dot skippigg traidigg toborrow.

Haha, you'll see Olliver! Sick, sleepy and stubborn Ollie is soooo cute! Please put up the next part soon :D

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10 hours ago, Irelephant said:

Haha, you'll see Olliver! Sick, sleepy and stubborn Ollie is soooo cute! Please put up the next part soon :D

I'm an idiot lol. I didn't notice the second page and didn't pay attention to when it was posted 

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